新德里:印度应该因为购买俄罗斯石油而得到感谢 part2
2023-11-24 碧波荡漾恒河水 7188


I’m waiting for the thank you,” Jaishankar said. You Got your ' TANK YOU '
By the Discounts given you by Russia and by the Premiums paid when you resold the oil to the EU.
You Want A Kiss on Top of That ?


RichardD, Gosh, everyone is misunderstanding his comment. He was making a tongue-in-cheek jab at the west asking THEM to thank India for breaking the sanctions which ultimately saved their asses.
He wasn’t asking Russia to thank India… Indians respect Russia far too much!

RichardD, 天哪,每个人都误解了他的评论。他是在半开玩笑地嘲讽西方,要求他们感谢印度打破制裁,最终救了他们的命。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

eddiek, If everyone is missing his point, he should get a better translator. I agree the US and EU are fortunate that India was smart enough to brake the sanction, made a lot of money saving their ass.

eddiek, 如果每个人都没听懂他的意思,他应该找一个更好的翻译。我同意美国和欧盟很走运,因为印度足够聪明,打破了制裁,赚了很多钱,还救了他们的命。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You bought oil you needed at the best price you could or you wouldn't have bought it. It would seem all the world politicians are constantly trying get their names in print for the stupidest reasons. We have a few Congressmen and women and any number of idiots that aspire to be your leaders that would be better off if someone stitched their lips shut. Well at least better for the country and my ears.


eddiek, Not following Western sanction is a rare sign of intelligence in any government. So is looking out what is best for your country. But let's be honest if they could of bought the oil a dollar a barrel cheaper somewhere else they would have. He deserves to be thanked by his countrymen for having a functioning brain unlike most politicians but not by Russia who his forced to sell below market.

eddiek, 无论任何政府,不遵守西方制裁都是一种罕见的聪明的迹象。为自己的国家着想也是如此。但说实话,如果他们能在其他地方买到每桶便宜一美元的石油,他们早就买了。他应该得到他的同胞的感谢,因为他有一个与大多数政客不同的运作良好的大脑,但不应该得到俄罗斯的感谢,因为俄罗斯被迫以低于市场的价格出售。

Russia is also waiting for a THANK YOU note from India for selling it oil at very discounted prices and using the worthless Rupees. Russians are also due another THANK YOU for giving Indians the opportunity to resell their oil to its enemies and make good profits on top of it. If anyone is due many THANKS, it is Russia, and especially from India.


L O L . . .the endia's FM midget's face must be taken for pot shots . not thanks. They opted to be mediators for evil e.u/west who because of their ego and fake virtue signalling in Ukraine conflict got their hands tied up but needed the necessary energy supplies.


This shows how fake and hollow evil eu/west is and this also shows the nazi aspirations of indian mentality. " "waiting for thank you" . . . L O L (idiot event managers in endia)

这显示了欧盟/西方是多么虚伪和邪恶,也显示了印度心态中的纳粹野心。“等着谢谢”……哈哈 (印度的白痴活动经理)。

InGodsServitude, Well your origins are very clear. Inculcated hate from birth.

InGodsServitude, 你的出身很清楚。从出生就被灌输仇恨。

smg, my origins are not what you think , even my close ones don't know. Its mystical, think of one carrying The Divine touch. Its not hate and you failed in realising, its the return of the karma to haunt , from the sins of the past of your nation and most of its people who caused suffering to others.
No water can wash away your sins. Remember this !

smg, 我的出身不是你想的那样,连我的亲人都不知道。它很神秘,想想一个带着神之触的人。这不是仇恨,你没有意识到,这是报应,你们国家和大多数人过去的罪恶给别人带来了痛苦。

Frank Hunt
Think the dude meant the world economy owes India a debt of gratitude for containing inflation. Not Russia specifically. Sensationalist RT..


I think he's saying don't attack us for not falling to line with your sanctions regime, rather thanks us for preventing you make lives even harder for yourselves with your foolishness.


He wants to show the world how great they are after sending the flying car to the moon, now unverified. No nation is great until they have super weapons like Russia, n Endia is playing both sides to stock up their arsenals, n also he's hinting n reminding russia that they "owe" them.


Byron Raum
Voodoo economics once again. You don't soften a market by buying in it, you soften it by selling stuff in it.


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fidel, Agreed. Black is white if you believe him.

fidel, 同意。如果你相信他的话,黑的就是白的。

Zeroing in on or underscoring what I spotlighted few months back. It's rephrased or recorded differently. The world would have been mired or muddled into economic cataclysms if India do not fill the gaping chasms -----buying underpriced Russian oil. It also unfolds the height of imbecility or inanity of European big cheese buying Russian oil tagged or branded with Indian signature or logo. Erudite or lettered muckrakers , newshounds ....may find it hard to search for oxymoron ...to blazon on lunacy of the hoity-toity self-publicists, gasconaders .....


The US has been preaching for eternity, that free markets cannot be directed by governments. When their own attempt to hand-control the real economy of the world failed, they blame other governments for not playing God and not rewriting the laws of Supply and Demand.


Hey Jaishankar , You should thank Russia for cheap oil !


Hahaha! What a joke. India benefited greatly from buying Russian oil at discounted prices. They didn’t do it for the benefit of the world

哈哈哈! 真是个笑话。印度从以折扣价购买俄罗斯石油中大发横财。他们这样做不是为了世界的利益。

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David Collishaw
Jack, and it was the west who went there purely to exploit them as cheap labour to increase profits and put western workers out of work.
can't blame then

Jack, 西方去那里纯粹是为了将他们作为廉价劳动力剥削,从而增加利润,并让西方工人失业。

Remington Jill
These Indians man I'm telling you. Hinduism produces nothing but thieving people.


Remington Jill, Thanks for publishing your pity thoughts. I think RT has became a good platform for you guys. Just the half news, and you guys starts blabbering.

Remington Jill, 谢谢你发表你的可怜想法。我认为RT对你们来说是一个很好的平台。只是个半真半假的消息,你们就开始喋喋不休了。

India should be thanking the world for being allowed to exist. The whole country is one giant toilet and a giant scam call center. The corruption is so ingrained in their society that you can see it on the video and no one gets so much as a slap on a rest, let alone prosecuted.


SergeyAgapov, Haha! You get to know about India through just the videos? What a shame! Who never used his mind even single a time in his life.

SergeyAgapov, 哈哈!你只是通过视频了解印度吗? 真可惜! 一辈子都没动过脑子。

Isia, Yes, videos. Videos documenting Indians using the streets as a toilet. Videos of the Indian officials talking about attempting to stop Indians from using the streets as toilets. videos of Indian call centers and receiving daily scam calls and receiving scam emails originating in India. Videos documenting corruption in India, where bribes are openly taken. Videos of police being called on scam call centers and those call centers immediately knowing that the police are on the way to arrest them. Indian officials often address all these issues. And do nothing about them.

Isia, 是的,视频。记录了印度人将街道当作厕所的视频。印度官员谈论试图阻止印度人将街道当作厕所的视频。印度呼叫中心的视频,以及每天都会收到的来自印度的诈骗电话和诈骗电子邮件。记录印度腐败的视频,那里的贿赂是公开的。警方接到(举报)诈骗电话中心的电话的视频,警察还在过来逮捕他们的路上,这些电话中心立即知道了。印度官员经常强调这些问题。但什么都不做。

David Collishaw
true but buying russian oil helped their economy far more.
india should be thanked for saving the Russian tank industry in the 90s though.


Buddha On English Hill
Thank you Russia. Friends stand by each other


Certain countries still maintain their perceived relevance at the world stage !!!


India is buying our oil well below market price, they should thank us. These stories never talk about the price they are buying our oil for which is way below the 80$-85$ current market price which is because we don't want to admit that Western sanctions are hurting us anywhere. India has shaved 3 billion dollars off imports this year. India isn't buying our oil to help us it's because they get to rip us off and we don't have a choice and now they want us to thank them? We are close to 70$ right now but we were 45$ last March, no India thank us.

印度以远低于市场的价格购买我们的石油,他们应该感谢我们。这些报道从来没有谈到他们购买我们石油的价格,远远低于当前市场价格80-85美元,这是因为我们不想承认西方的制裁对我们有任何伤害。印度今年在进口石油方面少花了30亿美元。印度购买我们的石油不是为了帮助我们,而是因为他们剥削了我们,而我们别无选择,现在他们想让我们感谢他们? 我们现在的油价接近70美元,但去年3月我们是45美元,不,印度该感谢我们。

bob jack
Make sure Modi pays the money he is a scammer he doesn't want to pay the bills.


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They 'll have another choice too, that is to buy the same oil but very much more expensive elsewhere, therefore, they should be happy and say thank you to Russia in turn.


I am an Indian so not an India hater. India should NOT be thanked. They’re reselling Russian oil. Excess oil should’ve been circulated within the Indian market. Higher supply = lower prices at the pump. Instead, the Europeans were able to mitigate damage to their funds and economy by buying Russian oil remarketed as a third party oil from India. The Europeans should have been made to suffer the consequences of their arrogance and spineless kowtowing to American Nordstream sabotage and LNG suppliers.

我是印度人,所以我不讨厌印度。不应该感谢印度。他们倒卖俄罗斯石油。多余的油应该在印度市场流通。供应增加 = 加油站价格下降。相反,欧洲人从印度购买标记为“第三方石油”的俄罗斯石油,从而减轻了制裁对其资金和经济的损害。欧洲人本该为他们的傲慢和懦弱,向破坏北溪管道的美国和液化天然气供应商卑躬屈膝而付出代价(,结果没有)。

Mzansi boy
NoMoreWarsForBankers, Well said

NoMoreWarsForBankers, 说的好。

NoMoreWarsForBankers, Agree wholeheartedly

NoMoreWarsForBankers, 衷心赞同。

cartx obd
NoMoreWarsForBankers, The EU bureaucrats are not footing the bill, it is the end customers that are being opened up and robbed. Just as BP has a contract to exploit Palestine, hence the reason for the GENOCIDE of Palestinians.

NoMoreWarsForBankers, 买单的不是欧盟官僚,而是终端客户,他们的大门被打开,被洗劫一空。正如英国石油公司签订了剥削巴勒斯坦的合同,因此才有了对巴勒斯坦人进行种族灭绝的理由。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India did the right thing by purchasing Russian oil. They did the wrong thing by not storing it for strategic purpose reserves or flooding the Indian market with cheap oil giving a steroid shot of cheap energy to the Indian economy.


What an egoistic and undiplomatic statement from the Indian Foreign Minister.


Maybe he is correct. But the western leaders are too closed minded to accept any other pov


Russia called asking India to bring their crude payments up to date and with yuan not thr worthless Indian rupee!


ExCanadian, It seems you are just primary passed out. Learn business first then talk. Alzajeera retards!

ExCanadian, 看起来你完全是昏了头。先学生意,再说话。阿拉伯的智障!

He is delusioned ..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Compared to the religious fanaticism, supremacist mentality, deceitfulness, selfishness, and greed of most Hindus (particularly those from Gujrat and the northern parts of India), most stereotypical Jews could be called saints any day.


DavidStar1, What the F are you talking about? There are a billion of us! Way to generalise your racism, mate! Well done!

DavidStar1, 你他妈在说什么? 我们有十亿人! 这是你的种族主义的概括,伙计! 做得好!

Mzansi boy
And India should thank Russia for discounted oil


cartx obd
"India should be thanked for buying Russian Gas/Oil", nope India should be thanking Russia for the cheap discounted oil of which India is offloading to the EU for a marked up price.


cartx obd, Try to read the article and then make a comment.. Once Marcus Aurelius said this for people like you “The opinion of 10,000 people is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.”

cartx obd, 好好阅读这篇文章,然后再发表评论。马可·奥勒留曾经对像你这样的人说过这样的话:“如果有人对某件事一无所知,那么即使这种人有一万个,他们的看法也毫无价值。”

cartx obd
cartx obd, People like me, you fail to understand suppliers will sell their products to anyone who has cash, India is nothing more than a middle entity that is reselling the product at a marked up price, it certainly does nothing for those Indian civilians. As they are also being screwed over by the genocidal cartels. So do me a favour and stick your head in a pot of honey or any other highly viscous fluid.


As usual, Indian garbage country, took Russian oil and sold it to Europe for profit..


jeeky_jeek, If this is the case then Russia should think twice as India is not begging and it's in their mutual interest. However, india should thank for discount as always.

jeeky_jeek, 如果是这样的话,那么俄罗斯应该三思而后行,因为印度没有乞讨,这符合他们的共同利益。然而,印度一如既往地应该感谢这种折扣。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nope, As an Indian, we always thank Russia for Oil with such a discounted price. We always thankful to Russia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would think they deserve a song to be composed for them as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India should be thanked but not China.. makes sense now


We cannot thank you yet because we cannot see your true color as yet. Go kill the US Dollar and remove it from its Pegging status, then you will be thanked by the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And still govt sells us Oil with 45% margin.


Just buy stocks of oil and gas companies.
Attach meme “Modern problems require modern solutions.


Europeans especially. They literally bought the discounted oil after it was refined!


Maybe our government should pass on some discounts to us also


很赞 4