2023-11-26 xky 7131
What are your thoughts on Javier Milei being Argentina’s new president? Would you have preferred someone else? If so, who?


José Manuel Muñiz Herrera
It is pretty simple, actually.
Argentina is fucked. Sorry for everyone who might clutch at pearls at the statement, but it is true. Everyone here in South America knows it. Specially Argentinians. They have been run by criminals for years. People who have destroyed the country’s economy, and left the place in shambles.
Ask yourself for a moment: How does THIS guy, get to be elected president by an overwhelming twelve percentile point majority?


You drive your country to the ground.
And that is what the previous administration has done. That is what the Argentinian parties have done. That is what their political elite has done. They took the country and broke it. Utterly, and without remorse. They destroyed Argentina. Left it a place of rampant unemployment, impossible inflation rates, and as the kind of country where people need to export their labor to other countries and ask for payments of wages in off-shore accounts.
I would know. I’ve seen endless number of companies come through the doors of my firm asking for help in “solving” the hiring of Argentinians, so that their wages are not lost in the bureaucracy of their own leviathan of a state apparatus.


So, eventually, the Argentinians get fed up.
There is not a single candidate for office that can get them out of the mess they are in. Or who is even WILLING to do so. Again, the same people running for office are the ones that profit OFF OF the mess that they have created. They will NOT save Argentina. That is directly against their own interests.
And the Argentinians then do what anyone in such a desperate position would do. They vote for the ONE guy around who offers something else. Not something good. Not even something they can really understand. But something. Something else. Something that is NOT the rotten mess that they are already in.
Argentina is fucked.
And once you get to that point, the choice between electing the same people who fucked it all up, or someone new, is a choice that makes itself.


As an Argentinian, I couldn’t have summarized it better.
We are ‘fucked’, we’ve hit rock bottom, and we’ve been thia way for many years. We are responsible for it, we’ve elected politicians that have lead us here through manipulation, demagoguery, and we are -to be brutally honest- knee deep in shit.
Our institutions are shattered, our morale has been corrupted, and I probably will not see a change in my lifetime.
Anyone offering something slightly different from what has lead us here would get elected -no matter how crazy or extravagant that someone is.
As much as I hate to say it, we’ve got what we deserved.


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Paulo R. Reinehr
One thing I learned over the years is that for a country situation there is no rock bottom, it can always get worse.
Good luck.


Richard Leong
Bismarck said people get the government they deserve


Norman Tan
If the people had voted harder, they would not have this guy as the president.
It's the people's fault for not voting as hard as they could.
Maybe they can ask US Embassy for help?


Both candidates were horrible.
One of them was the current minister of finance, Sergio Massa, which is leaving our country with more 130% yearly inflation, 40% poverty and 10% are indigent. His party -populist movement- has been in government for around 20 years
As the OP stated, Milei offered and promised something different. That’s all it took, magical promises.
We will have to wait 4 years for the next election, unless the crisis really escalates for the worse.
That, unfortunately, is our reality.

其中之一是现任财政部长 Sergio Massa ,他让我们国家的年通货膨胀率超过130%,贫困率达到40%,极度贫困率为10%。他的政党——人民运动党——已经执政了大约20年。

Raj Siva
I think dollarization and spending cuts, will help people, get an accurate and predicable idea of how poor they are.


Esila Rali
Ecuador is an example of how dollarization doesn’t solve the issue and can make some things worse.


Raj Siva
As per this Reuters article —
Yet it is perhaps Ecuador's experience of taming inflation that could serve as the best model for Argentina.
During the five years before dollarization in 2000, the monthly measure of annualized inflation averaged 33% in Ecuador. After dollarization, it fell quickly. Monthly annualized inflation over the last 10 years averaged 1.54%.
Argentina itself imposed a 1-to-1 peso-dollar peg through most of the 1990s, with a currency board and convertibility. That rapidly brought down high inflation, but the experiment ultimately failed as economic imbalances made the peg untenable.
However, that bygone decade of low inflation is starting to look more attractive again as prices accelerate - a factor that helped drive Milei's win.

20世纪90年代的大部分时间里,阿根廷的货币对美元的兑换比为1:1 。并设立了货币发行局。这迅速降低了高通胀,但最终实验失败了,因为经济失衡使钉住汇率的制度无法维持。

Hermann Romanov
Argentina will become the new Zimbabwe in no time.

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Aris Stamatelatos
Exactly the same happened in Greece.
The thing is everyone is tired from the corruption of the politicians ruling so by electing the outsider will force the establishment to change.
It is going to be painful for their middle and lower class, but without pain there no chance of change.


Philip Tymon
There is a movie called Idiocracy.
It is a fairly poorly done movie.
But it’s main point is that humanity is devolving into utter idiots.
In the movie, in the far, far future, humanity elects a nutcase talk show host to be their leader. He parades around with scantily clad starlets in fancy cars doing crazy things and everyone loves it.
In the meantime, there is not enough food to eat.
See any speech by the unhinged orange.


Felix Su
The poor Argentines had no good choices. Just like the next US election.


Felix Su
Yes. Trump is worse and he may be back. But Biden isn’t much better.
It’s like trying to decide which way is the best way to die. Fire or drowning.


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Just One of Those Days...
Biden is miles better then Trump (though that’s more a condemnation of Trump then it is praise of Biden)

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George Baggs
Blame the Democrat Party and the Biden-Harris Administration for paving the way for Trump's return by means of their sheer incompetence.


Henrique Koscheck
Argentinians know it fully well. they know who Carlos Mene was and what he did to the economy. 1998 is a well known year for Argentina. Democracy is like that, you give vote to people and the choice is garbage so that they keep electing only those who can get the money to run a campaign. the people have been given choices in the past, but they got stuck up with the same garbage. this time they still voting for someone who has the recipe for a disaster that has already happened 30 years ago. people dont learn.

阿根廷人对此非常了解。他们知道 Carlos Mene 是谁,他对经济做了什么。1998年对阿根廷来说是众所周知的一年。民主就是这样,你把选票交给人们,而他们可以做出的选择都是垃圾,所以他们只选举那些有钱竞选的人。人们有选择权,但他们被同样的垃圾所困扰。这一次,他们仍然投票给一个30年前就已经引发过灾难的人。人们不学习。

Yoan Joseph Leleu
Even if I get your point:
They could have also left their ballot paper blank. Instead of electing a lunatic.


You don’t really know how a blank ballot works, right? Blank ballots will go to the candidate with the majority of votes, so technically, they are voting for someone they didn’t want in first place.


An Rafferty
He’s in favor of legalizing the sale of human organs and threatened to cut off relations with Brazil and China, his country’s biggest trade partners. He’s worse than bad.


Sean Kernan
Well, we are probably going to re-elect Trump and be in the same shit sandwich next year. See you there.


Zoran Rapaic
This is literally Zelenski 2.0
I'm sorry for Argentina

这就是泽连斯基2.0 。

Marcelo Besser
Totally fucked.
Also, thank goodness The Deranged won’t be in BRICS, I was worried about the ‘consensual voting’ clause, an inside saboteur could really be a drag, during summits.


John Burris
That’s how the USA got Donald Duck Trump.


Konstantin Popov
This is exactly how and why Zelensky was elected in Ukraine - people got fed up with the mainstream political establishment. It didn’t help, as we see.


Argentina needs a shock therapy to break apart from populism and socialism that destroyed the country in the last decades.
You have no idea how insidious are the populist ideas and the corrupt politicians gravitating around those ideas. It’s really tough to turn a country away from populism.
Therefore it is necessary to have really brave and crazy politicians like Milei to make that change.
So, normally Milei would not be my first choice as president if I was Argentinian. However I recognize that he is necessary for the change ( the necessary evil ) that Argentina needs.
Is he going to be successful ? I do not know. There are many uncertainties, Argentina is already in critical situation, and Milei is not a superhero.
Even worse, Milei is going to find serious opposition to any measure to cut public expenses. The “gang of the beneficiaries” of the Argentinian government will try everything to stop changes.
I hope Milie will be successful because Argentina really needs to move forward; at least he is going to find serious support in Brazil (not necessary from Lula, but from other Brazilians) because we Brazilians do not want a bankrupted Argentina.
Argentina is our second biggest trading partner and our economies are more or less integrated. We have a lot to gain if Argentina recovers and we have a big problem if Argentina collapses.


Argentina became a testing ground for a modern economy and society, even civilization,
Argentines have voted to be the subjects of a social experiment, and we should respect their choice.
People in other countries have a chance to watch and learn from this experience.


Amy Chai
I am thrilled!
A hardcore Libertarian anarcho-capitalist is just what the doctor ordered to put the brakes on Argentina’s insanely corrupt socialist disaster of s country.
I just kinda love Javier. He makes me want to go buy a chainsaw, I love him that much.
So one man cannot make much change in a large corruptocracy unless he is absolutely certifiable, which Javier actually is. He needs to be extreme to even begin to correct the “shipwreck of state.” There will be massive pushback. MASSIVE. That is why his brash, outrageous persona and his take-no-prisoners attitude eill be necessary.
My hope for Javier is that he eliminates corrupt and useless bureaucracy, stops the fiat currency bullshit, and unleashes freedom in the economic and social worlds. And if he engages in performance art while he is at it, I would be more than satisfied.
COULD he fail dramatically? Sure. But even if that happens, he will have put the brakes on Argentina’s decline for a few years. Every Libertarian in the world is on edge, nervous, watching to see whether Javier succeeds or fails.
My prediction? He will have some success, and neither his supporters nor his detractors will be completely proven correct. Tilt towards liberty, Argentina!


Daniel Eyre
I think he is atrocious.
But I doubt he will be able to do much of what he claims he will. And even if he does; Argentina is already so screwed that how much more damage could he do?


Andrew in Minnesota
I see the chainsaw and the maniacal expression on that guy’s face and my first inclination is to wonder who screwed up and put the photo of a Trump rally on a story about Argentina.


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