视频在线探讨:大英帝国的延续与美国掠夺全球 - 全球经济重构(一)
2023-11-27 翻译熊 7396

GLENN DIESEN: Welcome to today’s program. My name is Glenn Diesen. I’m a professor at the University of Southeastern Norway. With me is my colleague Alexander Mercouris from the very informative and popular Duran.
The guest today is none other than the excellent Michael Hudson, a very renowned economist. He’s written brilliant books, which I can’t recommend enough, on on the industrial economy, the financial economy, the process of debt, empire, collapse. So he’s really one of the great economists of our time.
So the reason we really wanted to talk to him today is because we’re living in an age where the world is undergoing tremendous transformation. I would argue that many of the conflicts and wars we currently have have at least some origin in economics. And what has gone wrong, and what will be the new alternatives coming next, is really something we want to explore today, as we see that the main trend of these days appear to be the relative decline of the West, both the United States and Europe. And we also see the rise of the East, especially then with China at the forefront.


Often the analysis we’re presented with in the media is often limited to GDP, which doesn’t really help us to understand why the US, for example, have lost its competitiveness, its industrial strength, its ability to compete, especially with the Chinese. And while we tend to refer to the Chinese as, you know, a communist country, it has to be pointed out that to a large extent, they appear to resemble the industrial economy of the United States in the 19th century, that of the, especially the American system, I would say. And we don’t have to limit it to China, it appears that Russia is building a similar economic, well, following a similar economic formula, if you will.
So I wanted to hand it over to Michael Hudson first. And I thought we can start off by explaining, I guess, what signifies this US transition from an industrial economy to a financial economy? And why is this so important to understand in terms of what’s happened with debt and the extension or overextension of empire?


MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, you said that the United States has lost its competitiveness. And actually, it’s worse, the United States decided it didn’t want to compete. And this goes back to the Clinton administration in the 1990s. The Clinton administration’s obxtive, and that of the Democratic Party, was basically a class war against labor. How do we lower the wages of labor so that we can increase the profitability? Well, the way America had of lowering the wages of labor was, let’s hire Asian labor, especially Chinese labor. Let’s let Chinese into a trade relationship with us into the WTO. And then instead of having to bid up the price of labor in our industrial centers, Detroit and the South and the Midwest, we’ll hire products made by Chinese labor that will keep down wages here. And America can be in a post-industrial economy.
During the 1980s and 90s, all of the economic discussion was, how do you have a post-industrial economy? They didn’t want to industrialize. They thought that industrial labor was blue-collar labor. And in America, you’re not going to have college graduates or even high school graduates wanting to have a blue-collar job. They want a service industry job. They want to make jobs, something that’s not industrial, a managerial job. So a new phrase came into being, the professional managerial class. Technology.


The idea of American economic growth from the 1990s on was, instead of producing manufactured goods, we will develop intellectual property monopolies, especially in information technology, in pharmaceuticals. And America will make its economic growth in GDP, not by making profits to employ labor to produce more and more goods and services, but to have monopoly rents for our pharmaceuticals. So we can make pills that cost 10 cents each and sell them for $500 each. We can make computer programs for automatic artificial intelligence and for computer chips and for all of the information technology we have at enormous markups. And we can live on our economic rents, live off the fat of the land, as they used to say. We don’t have to have blue-collar jobs. Everybody can work in an office and make money that way.


So in a way, what’s happened today is exactly what America wanted. And all of a sudden, they’ve woken up to the fact and said, how can America run the world and be number one if it doesn’t have a manufacturing power, if it’s dependent on other countries for its manufacturing and now for its technology, and if all of this is financed by running into debt that the economy runs up for the military spending abroad to prevent other countries from competing with the United States, when actually it’s the United States that has decided we want you to compete because your production and competition with us is what’s winning the class war against labor. Your competition is what’s holding down the price of labor. So they haven’t really thought, what does a post-industrial economy mean? Well, it turns out to be a financialized economy.


You have today, as the election for 2024 is being prepared, the bewilderment of the Democratic Party here. If you look at the GDP, President Biden says, you’re doing so well, look at GDP. And the vast majority of Americans, according to every poll in every part of the country says, we’re not doing well at all. We’re doing awful. And it turns out that when you look at what is the American GDP, well, almost all of it is the growth in prosperity, the growth in financial benefits for the 1%, maybe for the 10% of the population. And the 1% and the 10% has increased its wealth so much since 2008 led the Federal Reserve to slash interest rates that the 1% and the 10% gain is larger than the loss for the 90%. So all that the President Biden can say is, who are you going to believe? Are you going to look at the statistics or are you going to look at your own life and what you have to spend at the grocery store and what you have to spend on rent and housing as America turns away from a homeowner’s economy into a rental economy?

所以拜登总统能说的就是,你会相信谁? 当美国从房主经济转向租赁经济时,你是要看统计数据,还是看你自己的生活、看你在杂货店花了多少钱、在房租和住房上花了多少钱?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There’s a huge concentration of land and housing in the hands of absentee landlords instead of private homebuyers who now cannot afford to buy a home when the interest rates are soaring to over 7.5%, in which case, if you buy a home with a 10-year mortgage, in only 10 years, the bank makes more money for the mortgage than the seller of the house makes.
So indeed, America has found that, yes, what is the post-industrial economy? It’s a financial economy. And a financial economy has savings on the asset side of the balance sheet and debt on the liability side. But the savings on the asset side are held mainly by the 1%. And the debt on the liability side is owed by the 99%. So when President Biden said, and the economists profession, Paul Krugman and the Nobel Prize winners all say, well, you don’t have to look at debt because we owe it to ourselves. Well, the we who owe it are the 99%. And the ourselves are the 1%. And that’s what is leading the United States to be not a very happy economy these days.


ALEXANDER MERCOURIS: What you’ve described to a British ear, and I live in Britain, I’m in London, is not completely unfamiliar. I mean, it’s like the kind of cycle that we went through ourselves in Britain. I mean, you had this system that the British created, basically, in the late 19th century. We have commodities flowing in. I think it was Keynes who talked about how if you were a person of certain affluence in Britain, just before the First World War, you could order things from all over the world and they would come to you. And we had a heavily financialized system. We had the Bank of England, we had the City of London, we had our currency pegged to gold. We insisted that people, to a great extent, trade with our currency. We started to neglect our industrial base and rely increasingly on the profits of our empire. And, you know, the rental systems began to take hold.


And one of the things that happened in Britain is that, of course, wealth gradually began to drain upwards. It was like, you know, within the social system you saw some people in late 19th century, early 20th century Britain, becoming incredibly rich and building their houses and buying their Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts and sending their children to expensive schools and living a very agreeable life. But the rest of the country was going through a time of, shall we say, economic atrophy. And, of course, that happened within a frxwork of empire and a frxwork of imperial control.
And it seems to me that’s one of the big differences with the United States today, is that at least with the British they could control it to some extent because they actually had a proper formal empire. The United States doesn’t have it in exactly the same way. So you are grafting a late imperial British structure without having the mechanics of empire as well defined as the British did. Am I getting this completely wrong?


MICHAEL HUDSON: No, you’ve got the point. The explanation of what happened is that empires don’t pay. If you look at Britain in the 1930s, it certainly was solidifying its empire with imperial preference and India and other countries had to save all their money and England. But all of the money that Britain made from its empire ended up being used to pay the United States. So Britain had a surplus with its empire and a deficit with trade with the United States and with U.S. firms.
So it turned out that already in the 1930s, the United States was the beneficiary of the empire. And, of course, that enabled the United States to write the rules of world trade and the the International Monetary Fund and the British loan in 1944 and 1945 so that England had to basically give up its empire to the United States. It had to end imperial preference. It had to introduce free trade and free investment, which meant that India and the empire could spend all the money that they made during World War II anywhere they wanted. Meaning, where did they want to? Well, the only country that had enough industry to give them what they wanted was the United States.


Well, the United States is going through what England went through today. The empire really didn’t pay. And starting with the Korean War in 1951, the United States moved from a position where it started in 1950 with 75 percent of the world’s gold held in the United States. The Korean War pushed the United States into chronic balance of payments deficit. And I’ve done the statistics that I’ve published in Super Imperialism, and the entire American balance of payments deficit was military spending abroad to protect the empire. The private sector in America was just exactly in balance. Trade, foreign investment, borrowing, tourism, all of that was balanced. The entire deficit was military spending, and it felt to lock in the empire. Well, you’re seeing that today accelerating.


And the problem is, how can America finance the military spending abroad? Well, ironically, what happened was the military spending in Vietnam and Southeast Asia forced America off the gold standard, as you know, in 1971. And what were foreign central banks going to do with all of the dollars that were flowing in? They weren’t going to do what General De Gaulle and Germany were doing in buying gold. All they could do was say, well, we have to invest our money in securities. We’ll buy U.S. Treasury securities. And so all the money that America spent abroad militarily was sent back to the United States by the central banks of Europe and other payment surplus countries to finance the balance of payments deficit for the war. So in effect, the whole international monetary system was based on IOUs for America’s military spending across the world.

问题是,美国是如何为海外军事开支提供资金?讽刺的是,1971年,越南和东南亚的军费开支迫使美国放弃了金本位制。外国央行会如何处理流入的美元呢? 他们不会像戴高乐将军和德国那样购买黄金。他们所能做的就是说,我们必须把钱投资于证券。我们将购买美国国债。因此,美国在海外花费的所有资金都被欧洲和其他国际收支顺差国家的中央银行汇回美国,为战争的国际收支赤字提供资金。因此,实际上,整个国际货币体系是建立在美国在世界各地军费开支的借条基础上的。

Well, you can imagine what’s happened today now that the United States has taken a very belligerent position in the world, saying it’s our way or we’re just going to smash things up. The United States, this system, has split the world into two opposing camps, as I think you’ve said on this show. I watch your show regularly, and this is what you’ve been talking about week after week after week, how the world is dividing up and what are the dynamics of this. That’s what you’ve been talking about.
Obviously, other countries think that it’s sort of a crazy international financial system when they’re being threatened by America’s military adventurism of China in the Near East and all over the world. Shouldn’t they have a system that doesn’t rely on the dollar and relies on their own mutual trade and investment? That’s what’s changing the whole world economy today.



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