2023-12-05 碧波荡漾恒河水 11916


Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi asked Pentagon chief for 17 million rounds of ammunition

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was informed during a visit to Kyiv that Ukraine needed 17 million rounds of ammunition and that US$350-400 billion worth of assets and personnel would be required to liberate the country.


Source: War vs politics: what’s really going on between Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi?, an article by Ukrainska Pravda


Quote: "According to Ukrainska Pravda, the General Staff’s calculations show that achieving the president’s obxtive of liberating the entire territory of Ukraine will require US$350-400 billion worth of assets and personnel."

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Details: The General Staff shared some planning ideas with Austin during his visit to Kyiv in November.


Quote from a senior Defence Forces official: "Austin was told 17 million rounds of ammunition were needed. He was stunned, to put it mildly, because you wouldn’t be able to collect that many rounds in the whole world."


In addition, according to a source, Austin also said Zaluzhnyi had complained privately to American generals about interference from the President’s Office (this news was initially worded: "Austin also said Zaluzhnyi had complained to him about interference from the President’s Office"): "Austin told us privately that Zaluzhnyi was always complaining to his generals about the President’s Office and how it obstructed him. Well, obviously the president learned about those conversations too. And that isn’t conducive to trust."


However, the President’s Office is inclined to believe that Zaluzhnyi’s dismissal would facilitate his political career.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ukrainska Pravda sources from Zelenskyy’s inner circle say Bankova Street (the President’s Office) is well aware of this, so a significant part of the president’s team is strongly opposed to the current Commander-in-Chief stepping down.




Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, said in an interview that the situation at the front has reached a stalemate, where neither side can advance because they are technologically equipped at the same level, and the war is moving to the stage of positional fighting.


President Zelenskyy has said he does not think the situation on the front in Ukraine is a stalemate and Ukraine will not negotiate with Russia.


Zelenskyy told British tabloid The Sun on 21 November that military personnel who are going to enter politics should not "deal with war".


On 29 November, The Economist wrote that parallel to the grim reality of trench warfare, the "political battlefield" in Kyiv is becoming more and more tense. President Zelenskyy sees a competitor in Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi and the political threat is harming Ukraine.


The Economist wrote that it had obtained access to an internal poll in Ukraine, and the results suggest that "Zelenskyy risks losing the presidential election if he ever comes face-to-face with his commander-in-chief."


The Battle Between Zelensky and Zaluhzny is now in full swing


Also, this never gets mentioned when they get it right, but a couple Telegram sources ought to receive plaudits - they predicted and called everything in this mini-conflict exactly correctly.


I'm very impressed. Next time I read the ubiquitous ' ⚡⚡Our source in the Office of The President said..', perhaps I'll be just a little less skeptical.


Zelensky is going to soon launch a counteroffensive on zalunzhy soon. Sssshhhh


It's already undergoing, and with more success than the great autumn one.


Lloyd Austin, Head of the Pentagon, was informed during his visit that Ukraine requires 17 million shells and that US$350-400 billion worth of force and resources will be essential to liberate the country.

五角大楼首脑劳埃德·奥斯汀在访问期间被告知,乌克兰需要1700万枚炮弹,解放这个国家需要价值3500 -4000亿美元的武力和资源。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good luck, you'll be lucky to get 10% of either of those numbers.


Quote: "Austin was told about the need for 17 million shells. He, to put it mildly, was stunned, because you wouldn’t be able to collect so many shells all over the world.


Oh, thats the same LLoyd Austin who visited Ukraine not that long ago, right? Guess they didn't told him about this little problem.

哦,这就是不久前访问乌克兰的那个劳埃德·奥斯汀,对吧? 我猜他们没告诉他这个小问题。

No that was Beetlejuice.

不,那个是Beetle juice(《阴间大法师》)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

$400 billion?! Congress is deadlocked trying to pass a $100 billion package, of which only a portion is for Ukraine.

4000亿美元? ! 国会在试图通过一项1000亿美元的一揽子计划时都陷入僵局,而且其中只有一部分是给乌克兰的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

$400 billion? Why do they need $200 billion? $100 billion is a lot of money and we don't have the budget for it. Here is $10b, split it with Israel.

“4000亿美元? ”
“他们为什么需要2000亿美元? ”

To me as a complete armchair general even the quoted 400 billion $ figure feels like it's severely lowballing how much resources UA would need to retake all occupied territory, especially that which was lost in 2014. I could maybe buy it if Russia was still fighting as unseriously as they were pre-Sept 2022, but with them constantly growing and improving their military (not to mention constantly fortifying the land they hold and the potential for further mobilization if things start getting out of hand) it's very hard to believe that 400 bil $ (comparing it to the 120 or so billion provided so far) would be enough at this point.


Really depends on the time frx. But it doesn't take that much to tip the scale. We can see how areas of the front hold for a long time, but some increase in local pressure causes an advance. Basically trippling the military aid in a short time frx would result in a complete unbalance. In addition, reaching a strength superiority somewhere often results in taking fewer losses, so any superiority not only gives more strength in that sector, but also preserves more strength to use in other sectors.


Many months are involved between passing a aid bill and all of pledged things reaching the front even years. EU still can't fulfill their ammo pledge and the year is about to end


The EU ammo pledge is from spring 2023 till spring 2024, but yeah, they'll likely still miss the target.


trippling the military aid in a short time frx would result in a complete unbalance.


If we're talking more of the same sort of aid, that's really not clear to me. If with current technology the defence is favoured then the diminishing returns effect may be huge. You may simply end up presenting a target rich environment to the defenders and take massive losses.


Yup. It's surprising that people don't understand that any military help, even in the tens of billions of modern weapons, could lead to Russia's collapse. That's probably why it's being throttled. Russia's complete loss isn't really a goal for the west.


modern weapons could lead to Russia's collapse


Looks like this is the latest c0pe coming from the West, i.e. "if only the West had provided Ukraine with lots of modern weapons they would have won against the Asiatic Russian Horde!".


What could have the Americans brought more to the table? Abrams? Surely you're joking, just look at the Leopards. F16s? Surely you're joking a little more. F35s? Now, that would have been interesting, but still with no consequence in the great scheme of things. 10 million artillery shells could have made a difference, but the West doesn't have them and it won't have them anytime soon.

美国人还能拿出什么? 艾布拉姆斯? 你肯定是在开玩笑,看看豹豹吧。F16战斗机? 你肯定又在开玩笑。F35? 这可能会很有趣,但在整个计划中仍然无足轻重。1000万枚炮弹可能会有所不同,但西方没有,而且短期内也不会有。

This. "The West is just holding back" is the new cope. The reality is the West, even more so when you don't exclude the US can't compete with Russia. North Korea and Iran by themselves could unironically kick the Eu's butt to kingdom come


It's so damn silly to read

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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It wouldn't, but you are correct about it was never a welcomed prospects Russia might collapse.


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