2023-12-13 不要可乐 3800

That's according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, which for the seventh straight year showed Hawaii's population continues to steadily decline.


From July 2021 to July 2022, the state’s population dropped by 0.5% from 1.447 million to 1.440 million, data showed. Last year, Hawaii ranked fifth in the nation for the biggest decline by total population, behind West Virginia, Louisiana and Illinois, and New York. Ex-residents said they were relocating from the Islands due to several reasons, including the high cost of living and lack of affordable housing.

根据数据显示,从2021年7月至2022年7月,夏威夷的人口持续下降,下降了0.5%,从144.7万人减少到144万人。去年,夏威夷在全美总人口减少排名中位列第五,仅次于西弗吉尼亚州、路易斯安那州、伊利诺伊州和纽约州。 前居民表示,他们离开夏威夷的原因包括高昂的生活成本和缺乏经济实惠的住房。

California residents want to move to these states the most, study shows
California residents relocating here more than any other US city, study shows
More Texans moving to California, data shows
These 2 California cities are growing faster than others, study shows
According to the report, more than 67,000 people left Hawaii between 2021 and 2022, while 56,200 moved to Hawaii from other states.


Of the Hawaii residents who left in 2022, more than 10,000 moved to California, data showed. That was the number one state people were relocating to. On the other end, more than 10,500 Californians moved to Hawaii. Other top states Hawaii residents moved to were Washington, Texas, and. North Carolina.


I think these people who are "relocating" are originally from California and found out living in Hawaii is different from vacationing there.


Hawaii is overrated, I lived there for 3 years, got bored after awhile. You can only sit on the beach for so long. Unless your a movie star, or tycoon living on one of the other islands. The Japanese drove up the housing prices during their Economic Boom in the 90s.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wonder how many of those were people who moved there earlier , then found it hard to keep up with expenses, only to move back.


Rick A
Any other state would've been a big surprise. If you lived in Hawaii and you were thinking of moving to the mainland, what would be the first state that would pop into your head?


sounds like the typical hawaiian logic. cost of living and cost of housing are not cheaper in cali, but you make 2/3 what you do on the islands. this is why they move to nevada. article is trying to paint cali like its a desirable place to move. its not.


I'm surprised. If I lived in Hawaii, I don't think I would want to move. I mean, as a california resident, born and raised, this really is a great state in which to live, but come on... from Hawaii? Lol


I once asked a Hawaiian where he went on vacation -- he said Las Vegas, Nevada. There are many living outside the city, charter flights back and forth, it's cheaper housing, cost of living .... except the hotter, drier weather, of course -- that's where CA can be a better choice.


Were the people who moved Hawaiin? Or, were they stateside people who once moved to Hawaii and now are moving back to the mainland? We have been to Hawaii many times over the past 50 years and have never had a bad experience. We always stay at hotels (Hilton Rainbow Towers, Hyatt Regency Maui, etc.) We had planned to visit this coming Christmas but after reviewing the charges, decided to stay home and enjoy our area. Our children are adults now, so the excitement we all shared in past is gone. Good luck to those who stay and to those who leave.


Locals in Hawaii call California the 'mainland.' It's always been a destination or 2nd home and we welcome the people of Hawaii! It's only a 5 hour flight.


They left 1 expensive to live state to relocate to another expensive to live state that is riddled with crime, illegals and other corruptions to name a few. Boy are they in for a rude awakening. Doesn't make sense at all to me.


I wasted my time reading this, thinking it was saying that California had a net influx. But no, more people left California for Hawaii than the other way around. This is an example of why you can’t trust the media.


I so wanted it to be Alaska because I wanted to see that Netflix horror survival movie starring Jason Momoa.


CA is the closest state geographically to HI which makes it a logical destination. It doesn't mean, however, that HI residents are relocating there permanently. The cost of living and crime in CA is through the roof which is why so many CA residents are leaving the state.


The Californians should treat them with all the kindness and respect they give to people who move to Hawaii


The population is decreasing in Cali, too (I think they are tenth on the list) and would be decreasing at a faster pace if they weren't allowing so many immigrants into the state.


In Hawaii, for the last several years, we have been doing everything we can to discourage tourism, shutting down most short term rentals, making bathrooms extremely difficult to find, charging more money to tourists. Making it difficult to park. Denying access to parks to non-residences. Don’t come to Hawaii, stay home, we don’t want you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People bash California, but it does have its merits. I have lived there and even after hearing all I need to in the news, I still want to move back. The red state I am in shows what would happen without the necessary regulations CA has in place.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wonder how many of these relocations to/from Hawaii were government employees - eg. military families. Hawaii is a great place to visit - but I would never want to live there.


According to the report, more than 67,000 people left Hawaii between 2021 and 2022, while 56,200 moved to Hawaii from other states. So basically Hawaii lost only 10800 people. That isn't much at all.


Just love this paragraph. Of the Hawaii residents who left in 2022, more than 10,000 moved to California, data showed. That was the number one state people were relocating to. On the other end, more than 10,500 Californians moved to Hawaii.


Dark side
Well, yea, thats the first piece of real estate they would come in contact with upon leaving the island for the mainland. Doesn't mean they are going to stay in that he'll hole! Its merely a stepping stone. From glorious Hawaii to nasty CA? I doubt it. But it sounds good, doesn't it?


Big Daddy
Who would have thought that California, the state with the largest exodus of residents in the nation, is actually attractive as being better than the state of affairs in Hawaii.


Several hundred thousand moved from California to other Eastern States costing California a Congressional seat. They are still leaving in droves.


because leaders in hawaii could care less about the people who are paying their salaries and pensions. just take care of their big campaign donors and invite foreigners to drive up the value of their real estate holdings


And despite WORKING people LEAVING H.awaii, the welfare system is so generous in Hawaii that homeless from other STATES as well as the welfare cases from Micronesia, FLOCK to Hawaii to live on the beach or packed 8 adults to a tiny apartment. Just great


Teaser, Hawaii residents who relocate go to this state more than any other. Click on the lix, answer is California. Survived this suspense due to paramedics quick resuscitation

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hawaii is being taken over by Chinese and other Asian nationals. Yet the natives blame white people for their problems. Their new term is "Colonizers " code for white people.


Why move to California??? California is one of the worst states in the unx. High cost living to extreme liberalism. The governor is also a nut job.


Have Hawaiians researched the high cost of living and lack of affordable housing in California?? It's crazy to move there, and don't forget the wild fires and floods! Wow!


60 years of democrat rule can't even keep people in paradise---they will find out that moving to CA was a step down


Wow. The people of Hawaii have made themselves clear that they don’t want anyone visiting the Hawaiian islands yet they leave the Hawaiian islands to move other places. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites.
Don’t come here, but we’re moving to where you live


It's great that they move to another blue state instead of polluting red states


Over 10k fleeing the volcanoes and wildfires for sunny CA.
Over 10K fleeing the wildfires, earthquakes and landslides for sunny HI.
There is a joke in there some where but I can't put my finger on it. I need my second cuppa.

超过1万人逃离火山和野火,前往阳光明媚的加利福尼亚。 超过1万人逃离野火、地震和滑坡,前往阳光明媚的夏威夷。 这其中有个笑话,但我想不出来了。我需要我的第二杯咖啡。

back in the day, a journalism student would receive a failing grade to write such an obtuse headline


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