2023-12-17 辽阔天空 2308
What is wrong with the current education system in the US?


Aiyaz Uddin
What is wrong with the current education system in the US?
The US education system is failing students. It is too focused on standardized testing and memorization, and not enough on critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. This is leading to a generation of students who are ill-prepared for the challenges of the 21st-century workforce.
The education system is also not doing enough to teach students about the present reality in which we live. Students need to be taught about the challenges of climate change, inequality, and globalization. They also need to be taught how to think critically about the information they are bombarded with on a daily basis.
I believe that students need to take action to demand a better education. They should speak out against standardized testing and the focus on memorization. They should also demand that their schools offer more courses on critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.


We need to change the way we educate our children. We need to focus on developing their critical thinking skills, their creativity, and their ability to solve problems. We also need to teach them about the present reality in which we live and the challenges that they will face.
Education in the US is failing to teach students what they need to know to succeed in the present reality. Instead, it is churning out students who are knowledgeable but not kind or compassionate, and who are seen as products to be used by society. This is a problem that has been going on for years, and it is time for students to take action and demand a better education.


Our education system is more focused on producing diplomas than on educating creative and knowledgeable individuals. This is a problem, and we+ need to change the way we educate our children so that they can succeed in the 21st century. We need to help them develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, and we need to make education more affordable so that they don't graduate with a mountain of debt.
If our education system produces educational certificates rather than educated and knowledgeable minds, then something is wrong with the system.
“A person’s ability is gauged not by his education or degree but rather by his depth of understanding of what exists in the phenomenal existence.”
Thank you!


Laura Wrzeski
What's wrong with education in America?
By that I mean that many of the parents of many of the kids have not bothered to do much parenting of their children. These un-or-under-parented kids show up in school with huge disadvantages. They have not been taught basic age-appropriate interpersonal skills. They haven’t had a good night’s sleep. They are marinated, 24/7 in media; TV, gaming, pop music, much of it inappropriate content for children. They haven’t got a single book in the house and have never had an adult read to them. Their lives at home are too often chaotic or even abusive. Many come from single-parent homes. They are fed fast food, junk, soda and maybe some hot dogs …These days many kindergartners have not even been potty-trained, believe it or not. Teachers, of course, have to do their best for these kids even though the greater needs of disadvantaged and very often disruptive kids mean that kids who are better-behaved and ready to learn are not going to get the attention they need to realize their fullest potential…Especially if/when classrooms are large. Everybody loses.


Why do teachers not speak out much about the real reason American public schools are not doing a satisfactory job of educating so many of our kids? BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT IT. So far no one has found any way to force inadequate parents to be good parents. Most of the time if a parent is actually abusing or neglecting a kid, the authorities have laws and interventions aimed at helping…But most of these underprivileged, disadvantaged kids aren’t abused or neglected to a degree that would qualify for an intervention. These kids are truly loved but parents are caught up in their own drama, working a couple of minimum-wage part time jobs, they are not willing to give up their gaming or TV and they are not willing to make their kids turn off the noise and go to bed on time. You’d be surprised at how much most of these parents actually do know about how important it is to get a kid fed some decent food, read to a child, get them to bed on time…They all seem to know what’s best for a kid but it’s just too much trouble because they feel too overwhelmed by their everyday lives…or something.


In this current fashion of concern with “helicopter parents”, the truth is that there are far fewer over-involved parents who have burdened their kids with huge expectations and micro-managed schedules compared to great numbers of parents who are in no way abusive or even neglectful, but are, for whatever reason, not willing or able to send kids to school who are ready to learn.


Jay Horowitz
What is wrong with the current education system in the US?
Two things that seem to be glaring weaknesses of our education system. One is a failure to provide students with a basic understanding of our constitution. It’s not that every student needs to be a constitutional scholar, but they should at least understand the responsibilities of each branch of our government. They should also understand the inalienable rights of all citizens, and the struggles of certain groups, throughout our history to assure themselves of those rights. The second is an honest teaching of our history. Almost every nation has been cruel to one group or another, within their own country. The US has accomplished a lot of great things during our experiment in democracy, but we have also done things that we can regret. It will only make us greater to acknowledge that.


Michelle Rhee
I once had the privilege of having dinner with Warren Buffett, and he put it better than I could. He said it would be easy to solve the problems in public education today. I had recently taken on the job of chancellor of the Washington, DC Public Schools, and asked him to please tell me so I could do it!
"Make private schools illegal," he said, "and assign every child to a public school by random lottery." Think about this. If suddenly CEOs' children, diplomats' children, and the children of our nation's leaders were attending schools across DC, I guarantee we would never see a faster moving of resources from one end of the city to the other. I also guarantee we would soon have a system of high quality schools in which every child would get an excellent education.
Now, I don't think he meant we really should make private schools illegal. But it's important to me to remember this is all about will. It's not that we don't know the best practices for education. We just have not yet built a significant collective will enough to put all students first in the policies and practices governing public education in this country.


Matthew Bates
The foundations upon which public education in the United States was built upon have eroded in many places, and the building above those disappearing pillars is crumbling, taking down other parts of the building… the parts that still have a solid foundation… with it.
Public education began with the ideas that:
Parents would be involved in their child’s education.
Parents would be supportive of teachers and schools.
Students would be respectful towards their teachers.
Few students would end up going to college.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Most students would finish school at age 18 and go straight into the workforce.
Schools were primarily academic centers, with some sports thrown in after school.
Schools would be primarily funded and run at the local level, thus making them more responsive to the wishes of the taxpayers who are actually paying for them and sending their children there.
Students whose bad behaviors distracted from their classmates’ education would be removed from the classroom.
Students who did not meet academic requirements for advancement to the next grade level wouldn’t be advanced to the next grade level.
Those foundations are still holding firm in some school districts. But, in many other school districts, those foundations have disappeared.


The more of those foundations a school district no longer has, the more problems that school district is going to have and, usually, the worse results that school district will have. Want to find the worst school districts in the U.S.? Just look for the school districts where the opposite of each of those statements on the list above is true. Schools with a lot of:
Uninvolved parents.
Adversarial parents.
Students who don’t respect their teachers or schools.
The expectation that most students will go to college.
The lack of good jobs for people who don’t go to college.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Schools that function primarily as social service centers (providing free meals, free birth control, free counseling, etc…).
Schools that are primarily funded via state and federal funds, and are primarily concerned with the wishes of politicians and bureaucrats, not the parents who send their children to the school.
Schools that refuse to remove from the classroom students with behavior or other issues that distract from their classmates’ education.
Schools that pass along all students, no matter their ability levels.
Of everything on that list, the first one is the biggest problem in education in the U.S., and the most difficult problem to overcome: parents who aren’t doing their job in raising their own children.


Brandon Ross
Kids need to play and explore. We put 3–4 years old in a public school under the guise of education. But that has no long-term education benefits.
We use preschools and kindergarten schools as de facto daycare centers. Very, very expensive daycare.
And when kids should be trying to explore the world around them and form good social relationships and attachments with people in their lives, we put them in places where they cannot do that.
Placing 30 four-year olds in a room and expecting them to understand how to behave is really bizarre. That is not how human beings learn, play, socialize, or emulate behavior. That is an intentional recipe for poor socialization, misbehavior, and emotional trauma.


It’s borderline abusive. But, we treat it as totally normal. Many places are still pushing for mandatory, public pre-school. The argument for it? “Well, parents have to work.” Again, it’s daycare.
That’s dark and crazy.
Something else that I think is pretty dark?
There is always a clamoring for school funding. There is never enough money for schools! … Even though, in most states, it is an absolutely mind-boggling amount of money goes to schools. I mean, it is HUGE.
And public teachers are always at the forefront, saying how they need more school funding. Because teachers are consistently underpaid.


But the truth is, teacher salaries have remained pretty stagnant. Arguably, total compensation is decreasing with revisions to retirement plans.
It really does seem that teachers have not caught on that they’re just pawns in a game to get more money… for other people. And that their pay is never going to substantially increase.
I once proposed a state-level trial program, in which a voucher for 80% of the money ear-marked to each student would be paid directly to the teachers. Whew! Guess who hated that? Teachers.


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