努力工作真的会让你成为好人吗?| 阿齐姆-沙里夫 | TED
2023-12-22 CError102 2744

Around the world, people who work hard are often seen as morally good -- even if they produce little to no results. Social psychologist Azim Shariff analyzes the roots of this belief and suggests a shift towards a more meaningful way to think about effort, rather than admiring work for work's sake.

在世界各地,努力工作的人往往被视为道德上的好人--即使他们几乎没有取得任何成果。社会心理学家阿齐姆-沙里夫(Azim Shariff)分析了这种观念的根源,并建议人们转变观念,以更有意义的方式看待努力,而不是为工作而工作。

For me, this subject is central to creating an automated future society. It's amazing how many people can't see beyond a world where we work, and define ourselves by our job. Sooner or later we'll have to let go of the concept of working for a living and let the technology take over, at which point we can let our interests and hobbies define us, as hard as that might be for some people.


The broader explanation of why we should work smart and not hard, but with actual meaningful results. Thank you for this! :)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My father worked hard in his mission. My mother work hard in her mission. Then I started working hard on everything. In my world, Pain/labour = honesty, industry, contribution. I took this pain loving sensibilities into relationship, self-worth. I felt I am betraying my loved one when I don't work hard in various aspect of my existence. I reached to a point when I fell into deep sadness/lifelessness. I took refuse in nature. And when I did that my brother saw that as an escape. Then I realized my me and family thought that some kind of pain/effort is your real worth. It is not the way. It is most insincere and unkind to myself. Now I am able to see my beliefs in front of me and not be dragged by it. I feel alive. I feel light. I see what is in front of me. It shows me what can I do. I am allowing it to be done well. No rushing. Not attaching my self-esteem with what I am doing. I accept my spontaneity. Leave the rest.


Striking a balance between effort and results is important. The amount of effort is often related to the complexity of a challenge. And to show you can put the effort in and achieve a result demonstrates grit which is a highly desireable trait.


Respected Dr. Azim Sheriff, your talk finally gave me peace of mind at the realization of my hardworking ethics. I didn't know why I was so hard working.
I'm almost close to retirement but never want to give up. Bless you for the timely appearance in my life. I'm glad I am on the same BC soil.


I think only giving morality to the result or meaningfulness of the result, we then only would appreciate ppl who can give the best results. While economically speaking this is optimal, but socially speaking it lets those, who cannot produce extraordinary results, behind. I think both is important, good results and reasonable good effort.


In my early career after graduating, I was the only one who knocks off on time. >90% chose to work overtime. I didn't care about what people think of me, neither do I play office politics. I just delivered results and focused on productivity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Really good talk! I think the important part is that we need to learn to reflect and to be truthfull with ourselve and otherd. I dont want to just signal that I can sit 8 hours a day at my work place and look laborous. I want to create value and i want to create a cooperative working Environment where we produce meaningful products. Yet, it seems that there is this strong underlying heuristic used that "working less than 8 hours is just lazyiness". I think that people using such a heuristic should engage in more truthfull self reflection.

讲得真好!我认为最重要的一点是,我们需要学会反思,学会对自己和他人实事求是。我不希望自己每天在工作场所坐 8 个小时,看起来很辛苦。我想创造价值,我想创造一个合作的工作环境,让我们生产出有意义的产品。然而,"工作少于 8 小时就是懒惰 "似乎是一种很强的潜在启发式思维。我认为,使用这种启发式的人应该进行更真实的自我反思。

This really got me! I've been working for some time now and something that has always bothered me is this extreme demand from some of my bosses of me and my coworkers to participate and engage in some social media/msg groups to show that we are actually "working" what led me to think, and by what he said, that what matters is to deliver some bullsh** job than to do some meaningful.

这真的触动到我了!我已经工作了一段时间,一直困扰我的问题是,我的一些上司极力要求我和我的同事参加和参与一些社交媒体/邮件群组,以显示我们确实在 "工作"。他的话让我觉得,比起做一些有意义的事情,更重要的是完成一些没用的狗屁工作。

On the one hand, in school and at uni, it was validated to be able to do your homework faster than other people, to be smart without effort.


As a kid, we used to go to a ski club cabin and keep the place running. It used to be gamified work, installing electricity with solar panels, cutting wood, replacing broken furnitures.


People had fun being part of this community. I don't know if nostalgia muddles my perspective but I don't think so.


There was not the competitive and judgmental streak that I see in people my age. If I had to keep the place running now. I feel that I would always feel judged by my peers. I have mental illnesses symptoms entitling me to invalidity. They would make me feel that I m lesser than them, not fast enough, to much of a slacker even if I m helping for free.


Now, you have to be on top of the competition to consume more than other people. You're always in a hurry, close doors and appliances with pent up violence, destroy your flat, replace everything with diy that will last ten years.


Just for the instagram aesthetic that fades in enthropy.

仅仅为了 Instagram 上的美感,而这种美感会随着时间的流逝而消失。

We should value results that last and redefine the notion of parasite.


obxts are vampirising us.


I m as guilty of that as anyone else.


But work geared toward producing unnecessary goods or even harmful products should not have the legitimation it has.


The fact is that not everyone is going to launch a startup or create a revolutionary app or pioneer something. But we can all decide for ourselves the things that give meaning in our lives. Those things can be big or small. So by all means, work enough to pay the bills (and spend wisely). But also make time for doing what brings meaning to your life. These two don't always have to intersect though, and that's perfectly OK.


Thanks for bringing up this interesting subject. The value we give to the workaholics was on my mind for the past few weeks. But there was one thing in particular that intrested me in your speech, Don't you think we assume hard-work people succcesful so that's why we unconsciously admire them? I would be glad to know your opinion on this.


This lecture explores the concept of the moralization of effort, which is to consider hard work as a moral virtue regardless of the results obtained. Studies show that people perceive those who put in more effort to be more trustworthy, moral, and cooperative, even if their efforts don't provide additional value. However, this moralization of effort can have problematic consequences when applied at the scale of society, creating a work culture where activity is privileged to the detriment of real productivity. The speaker emphasizes the need to focus more on producing meaningful results rather than just valuing the appearance of hard work.


In career this might translate to “visibility” (to upper management).

在职业生涯中,这可能会译为 "可视性"(对于上层管理人员而言)。

I think what happened is:
1.observers being detached from subjects (don’t really understand what happened), falls to generalization more effort is better. FIX: get better understanding from metrics like “Business Analytics” e.g. level of expertise for a given subject, processing time, quality of work.
2. Subjects expected to work as agreement as Scope Of Work (SoW) but in reality that SoW keeps shifting to the point of outside the expertise, depending on specific interpretation circumstances this results in wording: burnout, imposter syndrome, peter principle, etc. FIX: better effort on SoW communication alignment, don’t stop at blanket statements but drill down to specific points.

1. 观察者脱离了课题(并不真正了解发生了什么),坠入越努力越好的错误观念。解决方法:从 "业务分析 "等指标中获得更好的理解,比如对某一学科的专业知识水平、处理时间、工作质量。
2. 课题会按照工作范围(SoW)达成协议,但实际上,工作范围不断变化,以至于超出了专业知识的范围,这取决于具体的解释情况,从而导致了以下问题:职业倦怠、冒名顶替综合症、彼得原则等。解决方法:在工作范围(SoW)沟通协调方面做出更好的努力,不要停留在空泛的声明上,而要深入到具体要点。

For me, meaningful work is what I seek instead of making hard work effortless.


Hard and smart work are both part of the binomial to reach your goals.


That is one of a few recent Ted talk that actually holds some interesting idea worth spreading. Thank You, I wish more videos would be like this

这是最近为数不多的几段当中蕴含着一些有趣的想法,值得传播Ted 演讲之一。谢谢,我希望能有更多这样的视频。

A very different perspective. You said it right we are so wired that Effort is the value. We need to be constantly aware to rewire ourselves.


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