2024-01-15 汤沐之邑 3084

What are the common myths that Indians have about USA?


Samantha Kannan
What are the biggest misconceptions Indians have about USA?
A lot of people think that the US is the end-all be-all. It's the greatest place on earth, everyone is rich, everyone is gorgeous, everyone is ready to have sex at anytime. But it's not like that at all.
It's just a country. And under the current political administration, a pretty racist and xenophobic one. In cities people are pretty great, but small towns and the southeast (especially small towns in the southeast) may not be the greatest. I have a friend who tried to buy petrol down there and was refused service.


Most Indians that I know in the US earn more than most Americans that I know. I grew up in a pretty poor city to a relatively poor family and dont know anyone personally who earns more than $30-40k per year. On the other hand, I dont know any Indians earning less than $50k per year..I used to live with that family in a $3 million house.
The only place you'll see only gorgeous people is LA and Hollywood where plastic surgery are super common. Anywhere else, we're all average.
I've mentioned this before, but a lot of us do have morals.. I promise. We aren't like how you see us in your movies, the same as you arent how we see you in our movies.
There are a lot more ways but these are the most common misconceptions I've seen.


Sireesha Chilakamarri
What are the biggest misconceptions Indians have about USA?
That your career is automatically settled and will be the best!
What people don’t seem to understand is the tough life and stress behind a visa lottery, or that every graduate will get a dream job. Not true.
Most of us are stuck with a job that satisfies a minimum salary, team culture and longevity of non-immigrant visa.


I know of a friend who took this for granted. She came to pursure an MBA for a ivy league school. She got her internship turned into a Full time job. Great! But guess what, you still gotta go through a H1 B lottery. She never gave a second thought about it and took the chance & assumed - she will get through because nothing can go wrong. Guess what, unfortunately she did not through the lottery & is now forced to return to India.
Middle class in USA is an expensive living standard.

我认识一个朋友,他认为这是理所当然的。她来常春藤盟校攻读MBA学位。她的实习工作变成了一份全职工作。太棒了!但你猜怎么着,但还是要通过H1 - B抽签。她过这件事从来没有多想,她抓住了这个机会,并认为她会通过,因为没有什么会让他出错。你猜怎么着,不幸的是,她没有通过抽签,现在被迫返回印度。

Healthcare will cost a bomb, paying for extra activities for kids will dry you out and forget about hiring a nanny for your babies! Most nannies will not take a good care of your baby. Not just that - I have heard of cases where they are careless enough to not switch off the gas stove and let gas come out.The horror!
It has become especially expensive in day cares. You will have no choice but one parent cannot simply work to meet expenses.You need both parents to have a decent full time job with benefits.
I like to travel - but I simply cannot squeeze out paid time off unless it is around November or December. The holiday culture here is very little.
I sometimes compare that time off standards with my friends in India traveling out of India. Oh the luxury! While I can barely meet finances to make money to travel to India once a year - easy $1600 round trip. Domestic travel in USA - multiple times will add up to atleast $1500 (air travel, car rental, hotel stay, food etc). Yes, driving is cheaper in USA, but who does not want to travel to a different coast at affordable prices?


During the school times,America was itself a Mythological land for most of us because of the lack of communication to the outside world(Internet and News channels I Mean!).
There were several Myths I heard from others,or some of them that were self created.Among them some are.
THERE ARE NO POOR IN U.S.A- a Myth that most of us believed and years latter we found the reality.
ALL AMERICANS WILL KISS YOU WHEN YOU MEET THEM-Another myth which Some elders feared about them(Due to there Conservative minds).
ALL AMERICAN CITIES ARE NEW YORK-Empire state and other high rise buildings led to this belief.
AMERICA IS SO RICH,THAT EVEN BEGGARS SPEEK ENGLISH AND WORE JACKETS-a stupid myth not knowing that English is there native language.
ALL HOLLYWOOD FILMS HAVE NUDE SCENES-one of the most believed myth,due to which most of the kids were not allowed to watch English movies.They have Certifications like R -Rated and P.G 13.
And the last sensible myth. STATUE OF LIBERTY WAS MADE BY AMERICA-a myth that was busted only 2 years back when I came to know that the Statue was actually gifted by France(Most of them dont know that even today).

所有好莱坞电影都有裸体场景——这是人们最相信的谬见之一,这是因为大多数孩子都不被允许看英语电影,实际上,这些电影有着像 R 级和 P.G 13 等等的分类。

Asha Lalitkumar
What are some misconceptions we, Indians have about the USA?
Indians have biggest misconception that USA supports India because both are the two largest democracies. Indian people will give lot of respect to American presidents like Bill Clinton or Obama. Indians feel Americans are their friends. But the fact is that historically USA has never ever supported India todate it has always supported Pakistan's interest always. Infact USA wants to see a weak and unstable India as it sees India and China as a threat to its economy. USA has funded Pakistan and provided them weapons. Infact France never gave us only limited codes to fire french laser guided missiles during Kargil only when USA gave green signal. Pakistan is still holding Peak 5353, a strategically important peak in the Dras sector, USA has put no pressure on Pakistan to withdraw. Yet USA put pressure on India to give safe passage to the infiltrators of kargil. Today if we want to attack and regain Point 5353, you would have to come via the Pakistani side. So Indians who see Americans as our friend please understand all countries are concerned about their own self interest. USA and China have not supported UN's permanent security council seat for India. The one nation who will support India during war is Israel again cause it has interest in destroying its own threats.


Archana Shyam
What are some misconceptions held by Indian Americans about India?
Most of Indian Americans who have migrated from India long ago thinks India is still the same, stuck in 1980s or 90s without any developments.
In 90’s era, you would have found a drastic gap between Indian and American cities. But the gap is reducing over the years. Indians cities are far developed and more globalised in these 20 years.
During my visit to New York, I had my Indian American cousin asking me “India doesn't have these eatery outlets. These brands are new to you. Do you want to try sleeveless for the first time?”
Apparently she has mistaken. We have similar posch restaurants, global leading brands in India as well. I can survive with only credit/debit cards in big cities. Thanks to cashless transactions in shops, taxis though I prefer to buy from locals through cash.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anup Kumbharikar
What are some misconceptions we, Indians have about the USA?
I think these can be termed as few misconceptions :
1. Christopher Columbus discovered the US
Credit for this misconception purely goes for the school. Christopher Columbus during his four trips starting in 1492 actually landed on various Caribbean islands such as Hispaniola, Bahamas and explored South and Central American coasts. He never got close to what is now called the United States, which of course, was already inhabited by Native Americans.
Why then US celebrate a Spanish guy, Christopher Columbus who thought he found a nifty new route to Asia and the lands described by Marco Polo? The reason probably is the earlier explorer, John Cabot found this land in the name of England around 1497 and the early US was fighting England and not the Spain. Otherwise the capital Washington would have been District of Cabot instead of District of Columbia.
Christopher Columbus until his death claimed to have landed in Asia.


2. People in the US directly vote for the President
This one is the biggest misconception that I’m hearing from my school days. Yes, on the ballot paper there are names of Presidential Candidates but the vote actually goes to a nominee (called an Elector) who in turn votes for the President. The system is well known as Electoral College which in a way ignores the most popular candidate as a President. In a nutshell a candidate can become the President even if lesser number of people votes for him than his opponent. All you need is higher electors count on your side than your opponent.
Mr. Bush won 2000 Presidential Elections despite losing popular votes to Al Gore.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3. US has only two political parties
India should opt for two party system like the US. This I heard a lot when our former PM Dr. Manmohan Singh invoked ‘Coalition Dharma’ to excuse himself from overlooking A Raja’s 2G irregularities. In reality the US has many political parties along with Republican and Democratic. Yes, the US has operated under two-parties for most of its history but the credit for only two parties dominating the Presidential office primarily lays in Winner Takes All system in Electoral College along with the well-oiled machineries of these two parties and the funds they get. Two party system is not a constitutional or systemic requirement.
Libertarian Party, Green Party and Constitution Party are the next major parties in the US.


4.Bill Clinton was impeached because of his affair with Monica Lewenski
I was in school in 1998 when the two words I repeatedly heard on Doordarshan, Mahabhiyog (Impeachment) and Monica Lewenski with reference to Bill Clinton.
He was impeached not because of philandering or extramarital affair with Monia Lewenski but on two charges viz. Perjury (willfully lying under oath) and Obstruction of Justice. Lying under the oath basically happened in Paula Jones case who had sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. In order to bring the court’s attention to a pattern of behavior by Clinton that involved his allegedly repeatedly becoming sexually involved with government employees, Monica Lewenski testified. In reply to this Clinton denied having ‘sexual relations’ with Monica Lewenski. Also he publicly denied the allegations, saying, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.”
Few months later in Aug-1998, he again testified before the grand jury and contrary to his testimony in Paula Jones sexual harassment case, he acknowledged that he had had an extramarital affair with Ms. Lewinsky. That evening in a televised address to the nation he admitted being engaged in an inappropriate relationship with Lewensky and used the word regret in reference to misleading public and his family and not for the affair.
He was impeached by the House of Representatives but acquitted by Senate and thus remained as President of the US until his term ended.


Rachna Lal
What are the biggest myths about USA?
Very very sadly, a lot of Indians believe that America is the land of sexual promiscuity. Given India's cultural conservatism about sexual behavior, I know a lot of Indians who don't particularly appreciate this country's "open" attitude towards sex. Having come to the US as a single girl, I was given my fair share of warnings (unfortunately, I never had cause to heed them ;-)
I have found the US to be more conservative, more respecting of family, more unaccepting of adultery, more respectful of women, more respectful of human beings in general, nicer, politer than anywhere in India. If only I could explain this to the folks back home.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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