2024-02-19 大号儿童 9158
Retired US Navy pilot
They don’t. They sleep on a futon mattress that is on the floor.
I lived in Japan for 3 yrs.
They sleep on a futon, a kind of heavy foam mattress, that lies on top of a straw mat, called a tatami mat. The futon is laid on the floor. You never walk into a tatami mat room with your shoes on, and usually without sleepers. The floor of the entire room is a tatmi mat.
It is like the tatami mat is the box springs for a bed, and the futon is the foam mattress.
But they do not use the kind of bed frx and headboard that you see in the US and other Western countries.
And I can say it’s quite comfortable.


Bosley Plourde
I spent a couple of November weeks in an old farmhouse near Kariuzawa. Frost on the windows. Only the stupid table heater…. But reasonably comfortable on the futon with lots of quilts. Getting up out of the warm bedclothes was hard though. The bath wasn't easy either, it was in a little tin roof annex with no heat whatsoever. Oh yeah, did I mention that the toilet was just a pit? Like an indoor outhouse? Those old-school Japanese farmers were hardcore!


Peter Huang
Doesn't necessarily have to be on tatami though. I lived in japan coincidentally for three years also. Lived in a couple of places and slept on a futon; once on hardwood, once in a loft. For my apartments it was a question of the places being quite small. It was not practical to have a bed in the living room (first place) or the loft which had limited head clearance


Andy Wang
Because the ancient Chinese slept and sat on the ground and developed a whole set of etiquette about this habit, such as kneeling and bowing.
the Japanese and Koreans learned and followed this habit because it was the rule of civilized people .
But after the 9th to 10th centuries AD, the Chinese learned about tables and chairs in their trade with the Arabs.
This kind of high-legged furniture gradually became popular among civilians because it was more convenient (no need to take off shoes) and more hygienic ( Think of the bugs underground), but the Japanese and Koreans didn't change with them, and here's why.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hung Tran
I like sleeping on a futon. Every time I come to Japan, I always choose a hotel with Japanese-style rooms to stay. It feels so free.


I can talk about Japanese customs.
It is understandable if you can consider the perspective in reverse.
Why do Western people sleep on a bed, but not on the floor?
Many would answer, Why would I want to sleep on the floor, it would be filthy!
The idea of “Filthy Floor” does not exist in Japan. Well, it does, but they would clean it to the extent difficult for our eyes to fully complehend the need.

日本没有 "脏地板 "这个概念。 确实存在,但他们会把地板打扫得让我们难以完全理解的程度。

People are meant to take off their shoes at home. The floor is raised to a certain level, and the shoes are left in the space called “げんかん(genkan)” , where the level of the floor is even to the ground, and the floor of the living space is raised to a certain height.


You are not meant to bring any dirt into the house, more precisely, onto the raised area. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, Japanese people diligently clean the house, they would happily go down to their four to polish the floor often.


Typically, the living spaces such as the living room and bedrooms have tatami-mats, which are are not as hard as wooden floors. They are comfortable enough to sit down on. What is good about them is that they feel cool in the summer and provide warmth in the winter.


So it is perfectly logical to put a layer of duvet on tatami to sleep on. The raised floor and tatami-mats act as “matless” in the Western sense. It is clean and comfortable for many if not all. Those duvets are folded and put away during the day, only to be pulled out at night. The room serves as a living room, guest room and playroom in the daytime, transforming into a bedroom at night.


If you stay at a Japanese traditional-style inn, you can experience this “transformation” executed in such a beautiful manner.


They are not in the same room. But you can get the idea.
In addition, a layer of a “matless” is sometimes introduced to create a cushioning effect of a “Bed”, depending on the inn.


Kevin Lim
South Korean here. Almost everything applies to Korea too, with slight changes.
1.“Filthy Floor” does not exist in Korea, cleaned every day.
2.Shoes are left in the space called “현관(hyun-gwan)” and sometimes stored in “신발장(shinbaljang)”. The rest is the same.
3.Typically, the living space and bedroom have a wooden floor. “Isn’t it cold?”, you might ask, but NOT AT ALL. Winter in Korea is much harsher than in Japan, but we have Ondol, floor heating with hot water in every house. They provide you with a warm barefoot in a -15 degree Celcius night. But, it’s still hard, so you put some blankets on the floor and sleep on it. Sometimes, the floor scorches into black, or your back is full of sweat after you sleep. Ondol is that powerful. Thus, no worries.


Jennifer Hernandez
First of all, in modern Japan, it is very common for people to use beds, and it is because of the design of their homes not making sleeping on the floor as appealing. Now to get to that.


Traditional Japanese homes have raised floors and are not built on the ground. as an extension, they often have multiple levels of flooring. The inner most floor is covered with tatami mats, which are made from grasses, and shoes and dirty clothes are made to be taken off at the lowest level floor or the ground in an area called the genkan. This inner house can then be thought of as one massive couch if you like, with small mattresses or cushions to be moved around. Heavy equipment or kitchens are not built in this area.


Now the idea of building yet another platform on top of this platform often itself on top of platforms wouldn’t be an obvious concept. Instead, a small mattress called a futon is just put on top and used for sleeping.


Modern Japanese homes and apartments often do not differ much from modern Western ones, and so beds are used. And if people prefer to use futons, often smaller platforms are still used in these homes, since the idea of sleeping or even sitting on the ground is not seen as very proper or clean in this culture.


Nelly Guntherson
I have lived here for over 5 years now and most of my friends sleep on beds.
There are a lot of urban myths about life in Japan.


Such as it being expensive to live and everyone living in tiny houses or that every Sunday the parks are full of Elvis Presley impersonators along side girls dressed in lolita outfits.
There are older generation Japanese who still like to use Futons and you can see them hung over balconies to air but I would say that's a minority these days.


If you stay at Ryokans you will sleep on a Futon but I have never stayed at a hotel which didn't have a bed.
I cannot speak for Korea as I have only visited a few times and my company always books me into hotels so I don't have any expirence of Korean homes.


HEX Agon
Not that all Koreans and Japanese still do that, but to remind you, it is not any worse than sleeping on the old type spring-wire beds which the West used for centuries.
Traditionally floor beds were very common in many Asian cultures from Japan to Anatolia, and its first requirement is cleanliness. That is the first reason all those cultures traditionally don’t walk inside the house with their shoes, even though they don’t sleep on the floor any more. Especially in the Korean and Japanese case, as long as the floors are heated and perfectly clean, there is no reason not to sleep on the floor. It is considered orthopedically more healthy, especially compared to these older spring beds, which were basically a hammock weaved of metal wires:


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A wool or cotton mattress would be placed on this wire mesh, instead of the floor, so that it could be more “flexible”. But as a result, it would sag in the middle (hence your heaviest part) and you would be sleeping in a sunken concave, which is not good for your back, or hips, or any part of your body at all. So, until the new mattress types with independent springs or visco structures were developed, it was known to be the healthiest to sleep on a solid, flat surface with a thin mattress.


By the way, it is called a Futon. Its biggest advantage is portability. In many rural cultures of the world, in which big families live in limited floor spaces, rooms are multipurpose. It is similar from Japan to Anatolian cultures. When night falls, the futons are spread, family sleeps, and in the morning they are folded away, and the same room can be used as a living room, for breakfast, or studying etc. Just like this:


Of course it is not always that way any more. In the modern times, instead of ditching the Futon culture, it was instead evolved into this humble graciousness you can see in the above photo. It is a big influence in interior design now. Floor beds also became more popular in other parts of the world. They can either be stylish like the one above. But it is also part of the “boheme” lifestyle such as the Berlin culture. It was once very popular to put the mattress on the floor, or on a layer of wooden palettes, as an “attitude”.


Simplicity, modesty, functionality and minimalism are important aspects of Japanese and Korean cultures. That influenced the whole world in the modernism era as for minimalism, futurism, functionalism movements or even we can call “enlightenment”. Because Asian culture was a big catalyst in the process Western culture was struggling to break free from the restraints and constraints of classicism and dogmatism.


Frank Hansen
It is very convenient to sleep on the floor on tatami mats. My father who is 97 years old almost died when he fell out of his bed and severely injured his head. That never happens when you sleep on the floor. It also makes you agile because you have to get up from the floor several times a day. That alone is a great exercise.
Finally, if you sleep with more than one lady at a time everything becomes much easier with the added space.


Marshall Gittler
Because you can’t fall off the floor. If they slept on the ceiling, it would be perilous.
An even better question: why do Westerners take ip so much valuable living space with beds, which are only in use 1/3rd of the time? What a total waste of space.


Peter Soo
Sleeping on the floor does have some health benefits, that’s for sure. However, many elderly people find it is impossible to get up from the floor because of their size and obesity. A bed helps in this matter.


In a traditional Japanese house, the entire floor is about one to two feet above the ground, and shoes are removed upon climbing to the floor, unlike in the West, where people live in outdoor shoes. Most rooms used as bedrooms have tatami mats, and futons, foldable bedding, are placed on top of the tatami mats at bedtime.


Easy. To use space big. Sleep on bed, your bed is your bed, sleep on floor, the whole floor. Ditto for chairs. Furnitures only make you a macarthur - island hopping, from one to another. Why limit freedom by making new needs?


I don't know about Korea, but Japanese people sleep on tatami beds instead of on the floor. The high entrances of old houses are a remnant of those times, and the Japanese custom of taking off your shoes at the entrance came from this, as the entrance was directly connected to the bedroom.


Dong-Yoon Lee
Korean winter climate is harshly cold. People in Korean Buyeo and Goguryeo kingdom invented floor heating way which is called as ondol. So, the tradition had been established. But these days many Korean sleep on a bed. About Japan, I don't know.
When we use floor and blanket, cleaning is done just cleaning floor and washing blankets. It is better for keeping cleaning state of a room. Washing blankets and drying toward shining sun is thorough and cheap way to cleaning and sterilization, and can be done in much shorter interval.


Sarah Januszko
Like many have said above, its a deeply cultural thing but a person annecdote i wanted to share os that I find sleeping on a futon even here in america to just be comfortable. It s a 4in thick futon and its just thick enough and on a sturdy enough surface that my back has never felt better.I was nervous about being uncomfortanle but when i got my futon i practically melted. My room has so much more space during the day, i feel like i get better rest because im comfortable. Obviously its not for everyone but i think more people here in america should give it a shot.


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