2024-03-13 大号儿童 6109
Mogra Disu
I once discussed the spread of Christianity in Korea with a non-religious Korean. His parents were Buddhist, his wife’s mother is Buddhist, her father was Christian, one of his sisters is married to a Christian. He gave me several reasons for the spread of Christianity:


1.Christian money came in with investment from Americans, a lot of opportunistic Koreans converted to Christianity for money and jobs. These Koreans were non-religious and only pretended to convert. However their children were indoctrinated into Christianity.
2.The new Christians are fundamentalists and look down and subvert existing Korean culture and Buddhism through various ways.
3.Most Korean Buddhists are secular, and do not try to convert others.
4.Buddhist monks in Korea are disorganized and corrupt.


Connie Arnold
Christianity came in force to Korea back in the 19th century. The Catholic Church had a long, successful history in Korea - beginning with Korea’s famous King Sejong back in the 15th century. This led to many conversions - including the nobility. Then one of the Korean kings (quick summary here - I’m forgetting the details) decided that Christians were dangerous, so executed a huge number. (Korea has one of the largest numbers of Catholic saints of nations outside Europe for this reason.)

基督教在19世纪大规模传入韩国。天主教会在韩国有着悠久而成功的历史 - 起源于韩国著名的世宗大王,可以追溯到15世纪。这导致许多人皈依基督教,包括贵族阶层。然后,一个韩国国王(这里简单总结一下 - 我忘了细节)决定基督徒是危险的,于是处决了大量信徒。(因此,韩国有欧洲以外国家中拥有最多天主教圣人的国家之一。)

That terrible event hurt conversions to Christianity for some time, but later in the 19th c., Protestant missionaries arrived, mostly from the US. Among other things, they opened universities - and opened them to women, definitely a ‘revolution’ in conservative, male-dominated Korea, where women had no rights and were rarely educated. They also spearheaded the opposition to Japan’s occupation of Korea 1910–45, which gave them much prestige in Korea. (Most, if not all, of South Korea’s presidents have been Protestants.)

那场可怕的事件对基督教的传播造成了一段时间的伤害,但后来在19世纪,大多数来自美国的新教传教士抵达韩国。除其他事情外,他们开办了大学 - 并向女性开放了这些大学,这在保守、男性主导的韩国绝对算是一场“革命”,在那里妇女没有权利,也极少接受教育。他们还率先反对日本1910年至1945年对韩国的占领,这在韩国赢得了很高的声誉。(韩国大多数,如果不是全部,总统都是基督徒。)

The focus of much Protestantism is the notion of the ‘Elect’ - those who are predestined to ‘succeed’ in some way (or, alternatively, condemned to damnation). Plus material success indicates spiritual favor. (One’s outward success indicated that God favoured you.) In addition, the close church congregations appeal to many Koreans as extended ‘families,’ and of a particularly practical sort - people to whom you would bring your business, and people from whom you would obtain business. (I saw this in South Korea as a teacher at various private schools. Many of the children attending were members of the school owners’ Protestant congregations, and did ‘business’ with us, while the school owners did any ‘business’ with other members of these congregations.)

许多新教教派的焦点是“拣选者”的概念 - 那些被预定以某种方式“成功”(或者相反,被注定遭受诅咒)。此外,物质上的成功表明了属灵上的青睐(一个人外在的成功表明上帝眷顾你)。此外,亲近的教会团体对许多韩国人来说吸引人,它们就像延伸的“家庭”,一种特别实用的类型 - 你会把自己的生意带给这些人,也会从他们那里得到生意。我在韩国的私立学校任教时看到过这种情况。许多上学的孩子是学校所有者基督教团体的成员,并与我们做“生意”,而学校所有者则与这些团体的其他成员做“生意”。

South Koreans came to associate Protestantism in particular with financial success. And Protestant denominations that focus on the family have done particularly well. An example is the Mormons, whose focus on genealogy dovetails neatly into Confucian focus on family and ancestors.
The religious division percents that I’ve seen for Korea have probably changed a bit - but it used to be more than 30% Protestants, under 30% Buddhist, perhaps 15–20% Catholic, with the rest unaffiliated.

我所见过的韩国宗教分布百分比可能有所变化 - 但过去新教徒超过30%,佛教徒不到30%,天主教徒大约15-20%,其余人没有宗教信仰。

Sena Im
From my own family experience the only place for miles that gave aid during then Korean War and afterwards were churches. My grandmother would walk for at least 6 hours to reach a church at age 12 and plead for mixed grains to feed her family. Many times there were times that she came too late so for that night her family would eat less but still it was a lifeline.
My grandmother became a christian after she had seen so much death and hopelessness so in many ways being a christian gave her strength to survive. She made through so many obstacles and I think without religion she wouldn’t have as much hope for the future.


Ken Eckert
For many centuries, Korea was a mix of neo-Confucian and Buddhist practices. Up to the 19th century, when Korea was xenophobic and hostile to outside influences, Christians and western missionaries were actively persecuted.


Christianity, by nature, addresses itself to the downtrodden and not elites. It became popular with the peasant classes in Korea. In the 20th century the power elites of Korea were swept away by the Japanese colonists, but the Japanese in turn suppressed Christianity as a western influence. After WWII the Confucian/Buddhist royalty and the Japanese were gone, making Christianity both openly possible and an act of defiance against the hated colonizers.


Note that Confucianism is not technically a religion; it is a philosophy. Many Korean Christians still retain somewhat of a neo-Confucian mindset and have no problem accommodating the two mindsets.


Tommy Einst
Because Koreans are very interested in the God or a god.
I mean Koreans tend to fall for religion compare with other Asians. For example, Chinese and Japanese immigrants tend to establish their own country’s restaurants first, and you can see many Chinese and Japanese restaurants in the US and Canada. However, Korean immigrants establish Christian Church first. There are so many Korean Christianity churches in North America and most of Korean immigrants gather in the Korean churches and associates together in the churches when Chinese and Japanese gather around in their countries restaurants.


I guess it is a nature of the race. Koreans tend to believe in a supreme being.
It can be the God or a god. One out of four South Koreans believe in the God whereas all of North Koreans believe in a god.
I don’t know why Koreans have tendency to fall for religions, but I think it is their nature of race.


Pat Hedden
Christian missionaries established modern educational institutions that eventually became #2 ranked Yonsei University and highly regarded Ewha Womans University. Foreign missionaries and Korean Christians were leaders in the resistance movement against Japan’s colonial occupation of Korea. The Underwood family, founders of Yonsei University, remained in Korea during the occupation and suffered persecution by the Japanese along with their Korean compatriots. The daughter-in-law of the pioneering missionary Horace Underwood was assassinated by communists during the turbulent early period between the end of WWII and the Korean War. The contributions and sacrifices of foreign missionaries and Korean Christians helped the religion gain a strong foothold in Korean society.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Kellner
This may come as a shock to some people, but the Christian core of Korea was North Korea under the Japanese. Many Koreans in the US, especially the Korean Christians, originated in and fled from North Korea. My Korean pastor received his theological training in Pyongyang. At that time South Korea was largely under more Buddhist influence.


One of the aspects of church life in the older generations of Korean Christians is morning prayer. This means getting up at 5AM every day and going to a meeting place and praying together. This I believe is one of the key elements to the growth of the Church in Korea and Koreans propagating Christianity throughout the world.


The freedom to propagate Christianity has not historically been great in Korea. In fact in the current climate of freedom in the South Christianity is in some ways deteriorating as materialism takes over as it does in many other places in the world.


Randy McDonald
Christianity has been so successful in Korea in part because, in the 20th century, Christianity and Christians played a critical role in the country's modernization. Western missionaries played a major role in establishing a prestigious modern Korean education system, for instance, while Christianity was a religion often embraced by Korean nationalists protesting Japanese rule. If Korea had a different history, avoiding Japanese colonization altogether or avoiding it to a late date, Christianity could never have acquired the prestige and popularity that it did.


Alec Cawley
I doubt that it is the western-ness of Christianity that attracts. It is entirely reasonable that the basic message of Christianity is as attractive to humanity as it has been to many others over the last 2000 years. Christianity succeeded because it appealed to common human needs. Which means that the community aspect may well be relevant. Most religions offer, and exploit, the feeling of communality offered by shared rituals and shared beliefs.


Eng Siong Tan
Normally, I would try to dodge these questions but this is my first request from Habib Fanny so let me do my best.
Short answer: Nobody knows.

通常情况下,我会尽量回避这些问题,但这是我第一次接到来自Habib Fanny的请求,所以让我尽力而为。

Long answer: The better question would be why South Korea is home to a large number of mega churches. That question has better answers because there are a large number of books written on this topic. (Some are even written by the pastors who head the churches themselves.)


1.Targeted outreach: There is no single message that appeals to everyone. All the biblical lessons must be contextualize for their target audience.
2.Small pastoral community: Nobody wants to be treated as a stranger. It helps if the church can be further broken down to smaller community that people can know and support each other.
3.Faithful followers: Some focus on regular prayer. Others on sacrificial giving.
The actual list is longer as there are several books written.

3.忠实的信徒:有些人注重定期祈祷,有些人则注重奉献。 实际名单还更长,因为已经有好几本书写成。

So the trick would be the adoption of best practises, right? But people tend to have their personal biases so they will favour their pet theories. But we have some wonderful overseas missionaries who will visit from time to time to share their wisdom. Again there is a risk of adopting pet theories. (You can forget about asking for a refund.) There is also a risk that the leader of the church fall for their own hype or bias.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If the answer is sounding like some typical business consultancy case study, you can now understand my position on success stories. There are no silver bullets. If you do not believe me, you can always buy the book.


This answer is not to bash churches but to explain the difficulties of life in general. Nobody has all the best ideas. You will have to experiment. You must be able to recover from your mistakes. People will come, people will go (This applies to theories too). When you succeed, people will be able to write anything about your success.


After Korean War, missionaries flocked into Korean peninsula. The very first president was Christian too. I think it became popular mainly because they realized their previous belief was wrong after continuous war and colonization. They turned into different belief which basically opened their door to new way of life. And yes, many Koreans attribute their economic success to protestantvirtues such as diligence, believing in the fact that God will pave the way even in the midst of hardships and etc. I think it is kind of similar how Germans attribute their success to protestantism. Even the very first modern hospital was established by missionary (Scott field from University of Toronto). Even their national anthem chants about how God protects its country. So yes South Korea is very Christian dominated country and many Koreans think it was the way to drive Confucianism away.

韩国战后迎来了大量的传教士。第一任韩国总统也是基督徒。我认为韩国基督教盛行的主要原因在于人们意识到他们之前的信仰在持续的战争和殖民统治后是错误的。他们转向了一种不同的信仰,基本上打开了他们走向新生活的大门。许多韩国人将他们的经济成功归功于基督教的美德,比如勤奋工作,相信上帝会在困境中开辟道路等等。我认为这有点类似于德国人将他们的成功归因于新教。甚至韩国的第一家现代医院也是由来自多伦多大学的传教士Scott Field建立的。他们的国歌也唱出上帝保佑国家的情感。因此,许多韩国人认为,基督教是赶走儒家思想的途径。

Rusty J Shackleford
Because the Japanese tried to impose the Japanese religion and culture on them. Many cultures which were colonized or oppressed by Confucians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and other eastern religions embraced Christianity out of resistance. People don’t understand this and think it’s all western influence when that isn’t the case.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sihoo Park
The Korean War left South Korea in ruins. There was stsrving people left and right. People were getting by with rations from the government. It was not the best place, to say the least, to live.


After the war, the US army came into korea. They spread Christianity. The korean people adapted it very well because of the war. You're hungry, you've lost your home, and half of the country's in ruins. Suddenly, a guy tells you that there's heaven for you if you belive in this “God". Most people will quickly become Christians. Christianity gave them the promise that they will be rewarded if they work hard.


Angela Bae
Long ago, lots of missionsarys came to korea. But actully, it was not Christian missionsry, it was Catholic missionarys. But I think Koreans got influenced by Catholic missionrays and then, they step by steply knew and learned about chrtitantiy. For details, there is also lots of buddhism in Korea because it is there traditional religion.


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