2024-03-15 不要可乐 7365

We are now into the third day of the massive walkout by doctors.
Seven out of 10 interns and residents in South Korea have left their post after handing in resignation letters.
And 6 out of 10 medical students have submitted a leave-of-absence.


The nationwide doctors' strike continued for a third day on Thursday, with doctors protesting against the expansion of South Korea's medical school quota by 2 thousand to over 5 thousand starting in 2025.
Over 9-thousand trainee doctors, more than 74 percent of the country's interns and residents, had submitted letters of resignation as of 10 PM Wednesday, though none have been accepted.


Out of these, over 8-thousand have not shown up for work.
The total number of leave-of-absence letters from medical students announced on Thursday surpassed 11-thousand nationwide, which is more than 60 percent of the total number of medical students.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nothing is really mentioned as to why they are walking out.
But as a teacher in the US who doesn’t make enough to live on her own, deals with crap from her work every day because of the way the public school system works now, I can see why doctors may leave if the only reason for them staying was money. If I was told my pay was going to decrease in the future, I’d run to find a new job right away - even though I love teaching. No support from anyone/anything will do that to you.


We did this in Uganda. As interns, we walked out, and the government caved. Keep protesting until they respect you all.


Per Reuters: "Trainees usually work 80 to 100 hours, five days a week" (16 to 20 hours a day). Surgeries are not being met because they are relying on trainees to complete instead of paying for senior staff members. Sounds like bs that would happen in America.


I don't understand the widespread abuse of service workers, especially medical staff. In the U.S., it's leading to burnout and depression.


Its the same with nurses in the USA. They keep telling you there is shortage of nurses, but there is actually a surplus of them. The problem is, clinics and hospitals purposefully keep their nursing staff short so the CEOs can keep making more $$$$ at the expense of the nurses lives and patients lives.


We need doctors for the doctors.


Most corporations like cheap labor including the healthcare industry.


I have been waiting 5 years to get a gastroscopy under anaesthesia with NHS in the UK, and still there no end in sight for when they are going to do it; and they keep cancelling and rebooking my appointment kicking the can down the road; doctors and medicine should not be speculated on and be at the mercy of the market, look what is happens to it worldwide


I don’t understand why they’ve walked out. Because the government wants to increase the number of doctors??? Is it a competition or something???

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rightfully so. Everyone, Drs; Patients; hospital staff; Pharmacists and those that possess healthcare are ruled by insurance and the DEA. Sickening.


Unfortunately the government doesn't care, because the strikes do not effect them, their private health care doctors are not on strike. The same travesty of care happens in the UK, we've had quite a few strikes over the last decade, and zero has changed.
But I hope you see a change for the better soon.


as a doctor who had been in an overcrowded faculty, i understand their protests. especially with the standard of care they're demanded from. there should be more hospitals too, and more education subsidies.


The salary grade is not likely to rise even if the number of doctors entering the workforce is nearly double what it typically is. For trainee opportunities and general practitioner jobs, more doctors will be in competition. To find work, many recent graduates—especially those in the lowest income bracket of the class—will accept any job, no matter how low the pay. With regard to determining pay grade, employers will have the upper hand. For many professions that require board exams, this is essentially what is occurring in the Philippines right now. Some companies are only willing to pay recent engineering graduates P10,000 a month.


Good on them for standing firm on their principles. Teach the government a lesson to treat doctors with better pay and working conditions. Their nation’s health depends on these doctors.


France didn't expand it's number of doctors for a while due to protests from established practiciens and then we had years of medical shortages. The government paid head hunters to bring in doctors from other countries like north Africa and Romania. Recently, they increased the quota of new doctors, but it'll still take time for the medical deserts to get better.


Guess its the same for doctors and healthcare workers throughout the world. Overworked and paid poorly. Working in high pressure environments and dealing with matters of life and death and rigorous, long training and spending majority of the youth and middle age with untimely work hours and a family to feed . Irrespective of this, govt treats them horribly and treats them like slaves. Sad truth


If doctor are treat badly who would be a doctor ???

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

End of the day money is the incentive. Pathetic pay and long hours. The government should spend more to churn out doctors. Cut down the silly military budgets.


So the reason why doctors are so prestigious is because there is a limit on how many doctors can work?


Wow ! America is also understaffed and underpaid .. no one works for free ..


The worst action the leadership can take is to overlook the protests. A negotiation should occur in order to maintain the health care status. Older patients will need the support. Having a well balanced plan should be considered as the increased ageism factor.


Yea as someone who is in healthcare in a different country, the protest legit seems to be, " we want to keep making as much money as possible, we don't care if all these people in x city don't have providers/access so don't bring in more people". Maybe I've missed something.

是的,作为在另一个国家从事医疗工作的人,这次抗议似乎合理地表达了这样一种观点:“我们想要尽可能赚更多的钱,我们不在乎 x 城市的所有这些人是否有提供者/接入,所以不要增加更多人员。”也许我漏掉了什么

I didn't know Korean doctors also sidelined as gatekeepers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

America has the same problem with pilots and doctors. The FAA(for pilots) and USMLE (for doctors) choke the supply of pilots and doctors to allow current pilots and doctors to get paid more due to the arbitrary shortage of personnel.


Interns and Residents ARE doctors. They are not "trainee doctors."
That's why their skilled labor and decision making skills are so valuable.

实习医生和住院医生都是医生。他们不是“见习医生”。 这就是为什么他们的技能劳动和决策能力如此宝贵。

i know nurses are short in the US and primary care doctors. i dont think we really walk off in numbers like that though. wow this is interesting and wonder what the results of these actions will be.


This is what the descxtion says is the reason. '...The nationwide doctors' strike continued for a third day on Thursday, with doctors protesting against the expansion of South Korea's medical school quota by 2 thousand to over 5 thousand starting in 2025....'


Come to the philippines we need you more here.


So medical students don’t want the government to increase the number of medical students? The point of contention is not clear to me


In the US, if you have a serious illness you may have to move to an area where basic standard of care protocols are available to patients; otherwise you will die.


I get that doctors don’t want more competition as they worked so hard to go to school, but this is very bad for patients. I haven’t ever heard of doctors being told to return to work by the governments in Canada and it will certainly not go well with the doctors. I wonder how their compensation compares to western countries.


Of course I’d like to know the reason, but here we see the classic case of the government ordering doctors to return, meanwhile the government seems perfectly ok with patient suffering and neglect at their own hands. My thoughts and prayers to all of the patients in need of urgent care, it must be distressing to know the government doesn’t care enough to compromise and negotiate with the students.


Why didn't they interview affected doctors to understand why they they're doing it? Very one-sided piece of news.


While I admit I don't have any more details than you do, this seems a little bizarre. They walked out because the government was working to increase the number of doctors ??????


The only one who is suffering is that patient who may need that cancer removed because you needed to walk out. What if it was daughter doctors? I know we need money to live on but don't be so greedy it's not the best.


This is a full test. And, unfortunately, it's working. Either the Govts go, or we die. That's the stark options we face.


We should do this in US. We doctors are not being treated fairly. I will soon exit the field I love but it’s very frustrating to fight the system that only the insurance executives benefit. Our profession has been run down the drain by red tape and frustrating non payments of services


Well it’s about time doctors sacrifices to save lives be appreciated at least. Doctors should be allowed to establish their own unxs and be able to strike to be heard. Currently hospitals and health insurance companies are controlling what doctors are supposed to do and they have no control whatsoever for patient care. Koreans need to be congratulated.


I suppose it is just like the American Medical System . That they do not heal you or cure you of anything . As for the doctors here in the USA , they are known to be the third leading cause of death by way of " medical mistakes " .


What's the problem? I have been told that boats full of doctors and scientists arrive on a daily basis.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Government understands NOTHING and will do NOTHING until this happens and THEN, they want to demand Doctors return to work! The arrogance of politicians is beyond belief! The Government should IMMEDIATELY reverse their decision - they KNOW they cannot be trusted and them stating that the doctors need to speak to them and NOT strike is stupid! They NEVER listen because these moronic politicians ALWAYS think they KNOW better - and they rarely do!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was hoping so much that this would finally, at long last, be doctors standing up and saying that what governments forced on us for four years was all disastrously wrong.


These doctors are selfish. They are thinking only of money. Increase of medical students will ultimately be good for the people. If doctors feel they are paid less, then they can always look for "greener" pastures if/when that time comes, but to walk out is irresponsible & money-minded.


I don't get it. Are they striking because the government wants more medical students? This is a poorly written news story. My daughter is a primary care doctor here in the US and she's terribly overworked; to the point of doing something else in a couple years when her loan is paid off. Does this mean So. Korea has too many doctors?


The truth is the workd population is aging. We are sicker than ever before. Then we had experimental vaccines , more sickness and disability. Doctors and nurses leaving the industry due to burnout ect, a world looking like it wants a huge war. We need lots more drs and likely they wouldnt fill the quotas


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