2024-03-23 杏子 5073


Usually a protein like chicken or beef with rice or noodles and some veggies.
Beyond that, there are several types of sauce they'll be tossed in.
Dumplings are popular.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

SLAB-2-CDMX to GhostOfJamesStrang
I will also add that beyond that, things are usually dictated by where and when the people in your area moved from China and what kinds of foods people there already like.
The Chinese food in Houston, where there is a new community of people from all over mainland China, is different from Boston, where there is a much older community largely from Taiwan, Fujian, and Guangdong, which is different from New Orleans, where there isn't a significant Chinese population.
I hate to be the big bearer of "it depends" but everything other than boba and general tso's is going to be regionally dependent.


bludstone to SLAB-2-CDMX
Most "greasy chopstick" style restaurants are all standardized at a place in nyc. You get lessons on how to cook, organize your kitchen, design and order your menus (which is why they all seem to look so similar)
I'm not sure but I think it includes financing.
good stuff. I love it. Thousands of independently owned "non-chain" Chinese places with basically the same menus. I can get general tsos, beef with broccoli and wonton soup at all of them. And I know what its gunna be like.


mdp300 to bludstone
That makes so much sense. I don't live far from NYC and every little Chinese takeout place is basically the same.


SvenRhapsody to bludstone
I don't know that's it still the case or not, but it was more about people smuggling and indentured servitude. Chinese people were smuggled into the US in exchange for working for a restaurant. The workers work and often live on the premises for an extended time. They're paid very little, but work off their debt and towards their new restaurant startup costs. I think I recall it being 5 or ten years. After that time they're given their own restaurants in various parts of the country and can begin hosting immigrants themselves. Supposedly one fairly unique things about the system is that the immigrants don't typically get fucked over. I think I read a really long article about this in the new Yorker or perhaps the Atlantic a long time ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

GreenStrong to SvenRhapsody
One could argue that indentured servitude is “getting fucked over”, but I understand the point that contracts are agreed upon and adhered to. The sponsors/ human traffickers could get away with not honoring the agreement, but they do.
Makes me realize how good we have it here. China has made tremendous progress forward, and our standard of living is in decline for everyone but the rich, but many Chinese are willing to make great sacrifices to get here and establish their families here. We are pissed that we don’t have it as good as the Boomers, they aspire to indentured servitude here. Not to say that we should accept the current situation, but we should also maintain perspective.


This is a copy of a menu from my favorite local Chinese takeout restaurant. The opposite side has sushi options because they also have a sushi bar.
This is more or less the kinds of things you'll see in Chinese takeout places around me (Massachusetts).


beenoc to sidran32
That's a fancy-ass menu for Chinese takeout. Around here, pretty much every place has this menu. All independent, non-chain places, usually one next to every Food Lion in the shopping center, but identical menus. At least this side, the other side might have specials or whatever.


Kriszillla to beenoc
I have lived in 4 different states and EVERY strip-mall Chinese restaurant has the same menu. That's the one thing I love about cheap Chinese take-out. It's ridiculously consistent and you always pretty much know what you're going to get served when you order something.


Mongolian chicken. Mmmmmmmm


sweetbaker to wormbreath
The Chinese takeout place by my old apartment had a combo Mongolian dish - beef, chicken, and shrimp. It was fucking delightful.

我以前公寓附近的中餐外卖店有一道混合的蒙古菜 - 牛肉、鸡肉和虾。真是太美味了。

General Tso's chicken is the most commonly ordered entree. I cater lunch for my employees pretty much every day and we usually get Chinese once a week. If I'm ordering 12 lunch specials then like 8 of them will be General Tso's. Beef and broccoli, chicken and broccoli, sweet and sour chicken, and shrimp and lobster sauce are common entrees too. Wanton soup, egg rolls, pork fried rice, and pork lo mein are other commonly ordered.
Lunch specials and combination plates are common with Chinese takeout places. That's where you'll have your entree, fried rice, and soup or an egg roll. Or individual entrees will be sold as either pints or quarts - which I never thought about before now but is kind of weird. I mean you would never order a quart of spaghetti and meatballs.

中餐外卖店通常提供特价午餐和套餐。其中包括主菜、炒饭和汤或春卷。或者单独的主菜也会以品脱或夸脱的单位出售 - 这是我以前从未想过的,但有点奇怪。我是说,你永远不会点一夸脱的意大利面和肉丸。

I order honey walnut shrimp or sesame chicken for my grandmother. I typically try to order the thing on the menu that is closest to actual Chinese cuisine for myself (mapo tofu or beef tendon in prickly ash oil, xiaolongtangbao, etc).
But I'm also a sucker for General Tso's chicken or spicy crispy beef.
And crab rangoon. And dumplings/potstickers.


We usually get egg rolls, fried pork dumplings, pork fried rice, general tso tofu, and maybe kung Pao chicken.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would say every American is different


If they make it good, I always get Mongolian beef. The trick is to find a place that knows how to make it the right way, so that it actually tastes like seasoned and sauteed onion and beef and not just generic Chinese brown stuff.


My current go to is a combo with beef and veggies and sesame chicken. Comes with an egg roll, and I get a side of crab rangoon and wonton soup.
And then I eat it for 3 days because the portions are huge.


Chicken fried in oil and covered in sauces and MSG. Served over some fried rice. Big fan of Chinese takeout. Not healthy at all.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

WarrenMulaney to UCFknight2016
MSG isn't unhealthy.


GhostOfJamesStrang to UCFknight2016
I don't care if it isn't healthy. If I had to live without it I would choose death.


soil_nerd to GhostOfJamesStrang
Pretty sure we had a politician in the late 1700s who said “give me Lo Mein or give me death”, pretty sure.

我很确定我们在18世纪晚期有一位政治家说过“不捞面,毋宁死”(不自由 毋宁死),我很确定。

youngpathfinder to UCFknight2016
Most places near me in Texas advertise “no MSG” which is too bad because MSG makes things taste good.


jebuswashere to youngpathfinder
I used to live across the street from a Chinese place with a "No MSG" sign in the window, and multiple large shakers of Ajinomoto in the kitchen.
I loved that place.


Pork fried rice and sweet and sour pork for me.


General Gao (Gau, Tso) chicken, fried rice, hot & sour soup, egg rolls, maybe some crab rangoons, scallion pancakes, or Peking ravioli. At least that's what I order. I can't speak for all Americans.


My default is orange chicken and plain fried rice. Usually with crab ragoon I pass onto my partner


Went to the same Chinese food restaurant near my house for 25 years, then it closed. Discovered that the one 10 minutes down the road but be owned by the same family because their food tastes exactly the same. I always get mandarin chicken with shrimp fried rice, egg roll, and wonton soup. Now I want some…


I always get sweet and Sour pork, fried rice and 2 egg rolls


I'm of Cantonese descent, my favorite foods usually aren't on the menu at these sorts of places, but I'm not above the General Tso's chicken and lo mein noodles.


FakeNathanDrake to zugabdu
Do you ever find Chinese places with two menus in America? Some here will have a menu in English and one in Cantonese (granted not much use to you if you can't read the language!). Now, I can't read a word of Cantonese, but I've always suspected that menu is probably pretty different from the English one, more authentic.


zugabdu to FakeNathanDrake
You are correct on all counts and that happens here too, particularly in Chinatowns.


Crab Rangoons are a must have


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