2024-03-25 Rayla 4828

More bodies have been recovered from the fire-ravaged building, with the search still ongoing, Russia’s Investigative Committee says


The death toll in the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow Region has grown to 133, Russia’s Investigative Committee said on Saturday. Emergency services are continuing to dig through rubble from the building, which was partially destroyed in a massive fire sparked by the attackers.


The tally had previously stood at 115 but is feared to grow further, given the scale of destruction inflicted on the concert hall. Over 150 people were wounded in the attack.


At least four suspects armed with assault rifles stormed the venue on Friday evening ahead of a rock concert. The attackers entered the concert hall, shooting civilians at point-blank range, and set it on fire.


The suspects fled the scene after the attack, but were eventually apprehended by Russian law enforcement near the country’s border in Bryansk Region. According to preliminary findings, the attackers were seeking to cross into Ukraine.


How to administer punishment to 11 terrorists who killed 133+ and injured so many more...? Slow painful torture until they beg for death


Florin Georgescu
I find very disturbing that the building caught fire with such force. When will construction engineers and architects learn that only fire resistant or fire retardant materials should be used for buildings? Do we have to live in a fire trap?


Packard Day
Pro tip: If both the NYTs & WaPo (a.k.a. paid stenographers for the US State Department & CIA) are reporting today that ISIS was responsible for this massacre; look deeper into who the murderers are, where they came from, and what exactly were their motives. “Fide’ Nemini!”...but especially anyone working for either the American MSM/Silicon Valley oligarch classes or Washington, DC’s Deep State.


I am shocked and appalled by this heinous attack against Russian civilians. The truth has to be known as to who organized and prepared this savagery and the perpetrators must all be found and brought to justice.


It's time for Russia, to reinstate death penalty and torture. Let's return what the KM, khazarian mafia has been practicing for thousands of years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Condolences from Canada. Our hearts & prayers to victims, their families, Moscow, Russia


...there are no innocents in south florida, calorado or arizona. Just mormons, stupid white trash and wealthy New Yorkers. texas... Seattle, ohio, are smug and smartmouth conspirators. Minnesota is a toofer, swedes AND a bankers territory.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Whats 133 lives worth? An entire new york subway station, on the weekend? I dont figure anybody in new York is an innocent. A brooklyn one at the very least. Or how about england? Where kind I find 133 limeys? Not immigrants, limey types.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but there's an automotive expo adjacent to the Crocus complex, and Trump mentioned bloodbath recently to automakers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

MOSSAD is not going to use its own team for this atrocity, they use Proxys, pure and Simple.


Fred McConnell
What a horrific senseless crime against innocent people. Seems America & Russia have a common enemy, senseless inhuman mass murder by groups that have absolutely NO regard for human life. God bless the Russian people and may everyone even remotely involved in this atrocity be to executed!


Warmongers & Media= Criminal Enterprise
if the attackers are able to get into ukraine and go back to cia's 'safe house'. The terrorist would be given a new assignment in a few months time to do another location.

如果袭击者能够进入乌克兰并返回到 CIA 的“安全屋”,恐怖分子将在几个月内得到新的任务,前往另一个地点。

Mzansi boy
That's why president Putin must stop being Mr Good guy and send a strong message in Kyiv


I'm pleased and excited to read that the suspects were apprehended.
Is a very sad day, my condolescence to the victims` families. Those responsibles should be punished severely for their heinous crimes.


More than 300 people died at Beslan (also organized by the US, or “US-backed groups”), so this is not likely to surpass that and become the single biggest terrorist attack in Russian history.


Warmongers & Media= Criminal Enterprise
thiaj, 90% of westerners do not even know that info and those small portion of westerners who do, has now forgotten about this.


I suspect this is part of the on-going Muslim-Christian religious war. Why weren't the concert Guards armed? Even Christian churches in the US often have under-cover armed guards who have halted several terrorist attacks. Russia is paranoid about armed citizens but should get used to the reality of concealed-carry. One citizen with a PYa could have taken down these leaches, several citizens, for sure! In 6,500 attendees!


Looks like a diversion aimed to hide the Gaza killing. All the world is looking at Moscow and its response. Pretty translucent and disgusting. And on top of it, if the NSA intercepted the Instagram communications, why didn’t they provide the details to the Russians? I thing that what that killer says about the Instagram is also a part of the plan.


The fact the terrorist were trying to flee to Ukraine is very incriminating in itself for Ukraine.


It is so tragic, the zealotry and fanaticism of some religious militants. The world seems to splitting apart and all the USA can worry about being
“Woke” and DEI. Nea me up Scotty. MY prayers for those who died and their loved ones.. Humanity should be more humane instead of inane.


Execute these Sons of B*tches, no trial just execute them.. Better yet put them all together and target them with a hypersonic Zircon missile to blow them all into smithereens!!


Russia and China need to sign a mutual defense agreement right now! Today Russia, tomorrow they'll go after China. It's obvious now. Any other country who want to join should be allowed to as well. This is the only way now. These Western learders are murderous psychopaths.


Cleveland Steve
The silence in that video is Deafening! My family and I will share the Day of Mourning and a Night of Prayer with the People of Russia this Sunday.


bob jack
US state department used money to do the jobs just liked Nord Stream and in Iraq, Syria, Afghan this is nothing new


I still think that someone inside Russia help the terrorist plan and execute their crime. The reason i am saying that, is how is it possible that the terrorist know exactly to set the building on fire and what will happen because of that? How did the weapons came into Russia and into the place of crime? You don't go with a bottle of gasoline and causing this big fire. There is something here that isn't right but i hope Russia will find out soon who are the real persons behind this.


I understand that Moscow is trying to be responsible & avoid WW3, but every time Russia doesn't respond to the US/EU/Israel IN KIND, they will continue their escalation and as a result more Russians die. Not Americans, not Europeans, not Israelis... but Russians! This is not a sustainable "strategy" for Moscow. The West can only be stopped if their terrorism toward Russia HURTS THEM equally.


CIA, M16 and MOSSAD terrorism is backfiring. Russia becoming stronger, wiser and more united under Putin. Now Russia has world sympathy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would like to express my deepest sympathies for this tragedy, both to the loved ones of those mercilessly murdered, and to all the people of Russia. This is yet another unforgivable tragedy, and Russia' has had far far too many down the years; Russians will stand shoulder to shoulder and be made stronger, but still I feel for the terrible pain you all feel. Please remember, few in the West, even those who do not understand you and believe the lies told by their Governments, still dont wish this on you. More than you know, perhaps, millions in the Collective West also stand with you, and despise the Governments that do you harm.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We Serbs know the pain the west inflicts, as we went through 10 years of attacks by USA-Germany-France-England, the same countries that attack Russia now.


Weihan xingqi
The world knows who was behind this monstrously evil attack. It was the same "masterminds" who blew up Nord Stream.


ISIS is making of US and Hamas of Israel. Russia should now actively intervene in Gaza; supply weapons to Gaza and make it clear that Israel and America are de-stabilising the world and this is one result. There is definitely more to come since this carnage was well-planned and executed. Just a matter of time before there is another attack. No need for a rock scientist. China would be next and then Europe. End result; both Israel and US will be completely hated and isolated!


Today Russia and the sane world is crying, tommorow the west will cry, endlessly, the terror will come to their cities.


Before a few decades ago, the ones who committed the terrorists attack in Russia were hiding in Germany or the UK, with the help of their secret services. None of that would be possible without Washington approval, so the organizers of the killings the kids and the people in schools and opera house, were running and have been protected in Germany and with a knowledge of the German government, and that is interesting to know.


HMMmm! 3 Weeks ago American Embassy warns American Citizens in Russia not to go into crowded places because the is imminent danger of an attack by unknown assailants, then this happens?????


Uzu Mesun
France declare cease fire for Olympic and behind the back recruit terror. Just like the Peace deal from Germany and France , next day Odessa got burn down. Never trust this Colonials G7, this peoples need bloods sacrifices to stay alive.


US and NATO are feeling too safe and thus feel they can orchestrate their terrorist attacks with impunity. If Russia cannot stop that, this will get worse and worse. As I said before US and NATO are calling Russia out Hiroshima style - slaughtering Russians in the capital with what they feel is impunity!

美国和北约感到过于安全,因此他们觉得可以肆意策划他们的恐怖袭击。如果俄罗斯无法阻止这种情况,情况将变得越来越糟。正如我之前所说,美国和北约正在以广岛式的方式挑衅俄罗斯 - 在首都屠杀俄罗斯人,而他们觉得可以逍遥法外!

I thought we just started the proxy war era. The west already wants to move on from the proxy war era to direct attacks on opposition soil using proxy agents.. I guess anything is better than direct conflict between the powers. If this is the cheap game the west wants to play then Russia or China can easily play it, anyone one can pay a bunch of malnourished or mentally confused people to carry out attacks on enemy soil.


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