2024-03-26 CError102 5506

Ruweyda Ahmed

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I went to Somalia with my family because my parents wanted us to visit and to see the country and the culture they come from.


I hated being in that country.


People in Somalia would just stare at me all day because it was strange for them to see a Somali girl not wearing hijab. Women in Somalia would usually go outside wearing this:


Relatives of my father would pity my parents, because I was an unmarried 20 year-old woman. They would, of course, then blame it on the fact that I was born in a western country. Then they would go on and laugh at my parents, because they paid for my education; my relatives thought it was an absolute waste since I was just a girl.

我父辈的亲戚们会数落我的父母,因为我是一个 20 岁的未婚女子。当然,他们会把这归咎于我出生在西方国家。然后,他们会继续嘲笑我的父母,因为我的教育费用是他们出的;我的亲戚认为这绝对是一种浪费,因为我只是个女孩。

People thought it was a disgrace that Female Genital Mutilation wasn’t performed on me, and they would wonder what kind of men would want an unclean girl like me.


There was not a day in Somalia where I didn’t face sexism. All of it just made me hate the country and the Somali culture.


I’m never going back to that country, even if it is where I came from.


It's going to be very difficult to ever convince myself to ever go back to Morocco.


I spent 2 months there traveling extensively.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are many amazing things about Morocco, and the quality of the leather products are amazing. We saw many wonderful things and met many wonderful people. But, we never knew the wonderful people were wonderful until after we left, because the entire time, we were expecting a scam to emerge, as everything felt very predatory.


Old towns in Morocco are labyrinthine medinas and barely have any signs at all. Even some museums didn't have signs, you would need to confirm you weren't walking into someone's house as you entered. You'd walk down a winding alleyway for several minutes, only to find it's, indeed, a dead end, or that the museum is unexpectedly closed on Wednesdays. So, you often get people giving unsolicited advice that streets are dead ends, or a well known tourist spot was closed, and it was often plausible.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

These photos should give you an idea of what it's like walking the streets of the old medinas. You'll probably understand immediately how easily one could get lost.


Even when it seems straightforward, it's not at all, because Google and other map services can only give approximate locations. You know the place you want to go is due north, and the road forks in three northerly paths. One will be a dead end, one will veer the wrong direction after 5 minutes, and the third one will get you there. The maps aren't detailed enough to be of use, so you need to combine guesswork with the help of locals. In the end, something that's a 10 minute walk as the crow flies could take a half hour to locate. However, if not in a rush, this can be a part of the charm of the old towns.

即使看似简单明了,其实不然,因为谷歌和其他地图服务只能给出大概的位置。你知道你想去的地方在正北方向,而道路有三条向北的岔路。一条会是死胡同,一条会在 5 分钟后转向错误的方向,而第三条会让你到达目的地。地图不够详细,所以你需要把猜测和当地人的帮助结合起来。到头来,步行 10 分钟就能找到的地方却要花上半个小时。不过,如果不着急,这也是古镇魅力的一部分。

When looking for the Bahia Palace (perhaps one of the biggest tourist sights in all of Morocco) on Google Maps, it gives clear directions. This is uncommon, because it normally can't find a route. However, the entrance isn't anywhere close to where Google says it is, but rather, it’s where I circled. That's a 5 minute difference in walking down narrow streets.

在谷歌地图上寻找巴伊亚宫(可能是摩洛哥最大的旅游景点之一)时,它给出了清晰的路线指示。这并不常见,因为它通常是找不到路线的。然而,入口并不在谷歌所说的地方,而是在我圈出的地方。在狭窄的街道上行走,这中间相差 5 分钟。

So, for this reason, the locals can very easily assume that the foreigners they see are probably lost. Even if you know where to go, you could very well be going to the wrong location. To make matters worse, if you happened to pull out your phone, you'd immediately be swarmed by people asking you where you want to go. The thing is, though, they are just trying to get you to go somewhere else.


I had to commonly yell at people that I was reading an email to get them to back off while I secretly viewed the map and tried to get the sharks from circling. You pull out a phone and you make yourself a huge target.


When we were looking for that palace, a stranger decided to help us. He lived near the fake Google location and stepped out of his door. He began to get on his motorbike parked nearby. He noticed us and called over to us in perfect English, “Are you looking for the palace? It's closed.” He then pointed to an obviously shut and very large gate that was down the road.


It would seem that the palace gate would be grander, or at least have a sign, but this guy was obviously just going about his day, and how would I know better? He then told us he was learning English, so liked to chat with people to practice. He also said that he was just going to run some errands, but was in no rush and would happily show us the nearby streets so he could practice his English. He felt bad we came all the way out to the palace on a day it was closed, so he offered to show some hospitality and take us somewhere else nearby that was cool.


We have no interest in a tour guide so politely thank him and then head on our way. He ignores that and (leaving behind the motorbike) he follows and seems genuinely kind. You almost feel bad for not giving him a chance to practice English but it's just you and your girlfriend and you want to keep it that way. You keep insisting he's being too polite but he's still following you and finally when you stop politely saying you don't want to waste his time and state clearly that we came here to explore alone does he finally leave.


We then wandered a little and decided to get food and figure out what else to see instead. Remember, it's not safe to look at your phone screen in public in Morocco, so we made a habit of drinking tea or eating if we needed to consult the phone for more than a few seconds. We got a wonderful meal, and the owner started talking to us. He asked if we went to the palace, and we told him no, because it was closed. He then leaned in close and said,“Never trust the suggestions of strangers here, the palace is, indeed, open, and it’s just one block over there.”


We go to see the palace, and along the way, someone else comes up out of nowhere and tries to convince us it was closed and that we should go to the market with him. This time, we knew better and ignored him. Sure enough, the palace was open when we arrived there. It turned out that the area Google sent us to was, indeed, a wall of the palace, and that was just an old palace gate, but the actual entrance used today was quite far away.


Afterwards, we walked back past the original spot from earlier that day. Sure enough, a different young man stepped out that door, began to mount the same motorbike, and then, literally, mimicked the same exact lines we were given a few hours ago, at the same spot. The same door, the same motorcycle prop, the same scxt. It was an organized group of scammers trying to take advantage of the fact that Google sent people there.


We learned then and there that we couldn't even trust that anything wasn’t an elaborate setup. The few times we would begin to think someone genuinely just wanted to hang out or help us, the scam would soon reveal itself. Thus, we couldn't trust anyone. A few times, we only later realized we were being a**holes to regular people. But then again, we'd have never known that the first guy was a scammer if we ate at any other restaurant. That's what really sucks about Morocco. Even with those who you don't view as scammers, you're never quite sure if they aren't and you just can't see the scam.


Morocco has a tradition where many shopkeepers pay a percentage to anyone who helps them out as a freelance translator. So, someone helping you isn't actually working there as you would assume, or being hospitable, but rather, they are doubling what you pay because their fee is negotiated in. Let's say you can get an amazing leather bag for $20 after negotiation, this would cost $200+ in New York, but with someone helping you, you won't get it for less than $50.

摩洛哥有一个传统,许多店主会向免费帮助游客的免费翻译们支付一定比例的报酬。因此,帮助你的人实际上并不像你想象的那样在那里工作,也不像你想象的那样热情好客,而是因为他们的酬劳是经过协商的,所以他们的酬劳是你的花销的两倍。比方说,经过协商,你可以用 20 美元买到一个很棒的皮包,这在纽约需要 200 多美元,但如果有人帮你,你的价格不会低于 50 美元。

Furthermore, even if you officially hire a guide to show you around, they are still getting that cut, so despite the fact that they're hired by you, they're negotiating against you at the markets. You pay a higher a price so they hurt you instead of helping. However, things are of such good quality and prices are so low that it's still a great deal. But, for someone like me who enjoys bargaining through language barriers, it can be suffocating to have volunteer handlers emerge everywhere. A common conversation at the beginning of each shop visit would be to ensure the person we were speaking to was actually the shop keeper and not a secret guide.


For carpets, which are incredibly expensive, that extra fee makes a big difference. We shopped around a lot for carpets, and we really wanted a shaggy 3m x 4m. But, when we finally found what we liked, the guy refused to go down on price. On the last day, we popped back in, made it clear we felt it should be x amount, and explained to him that we were leaving ASAP, and it was a now or never sale opportunity.

对于昂贵得令人难以置信的地毯来说,额外的费用会使其天差地别。我们买地毯的时候货比三家,我们非常想要一块 3 米 x 4 米的长毛地毯。但是,当我们最终找到自己喜欢的地毯时,店主却拒绝降价。最后一天,我们又去找他,明确表示我们觉得应该是 x 费用,并向他解释说我们马上要离开这里了,这是一个机不可失、时不再来的销售机会。

He stated that he was, indeed, giving us x amount, but had to charge y amount to cover the fees for the guy who introduced us. If he didn't pay that guy and people found out we bought his carpet, he'll lose those people bringing guys in, and there were so many other carpet dealers that he would go out of business without guides feeding him customers. We were shocked because nobody had brought us in. There was an “employee” at the entrance who saw us looking at the carpets hanging outside, and he showed us a few of his carpet shops before bringing us to his shop that had stock of the kind we were looking to buy. It turns out that he was neither an employee, nor the owner, but that didn't stop him from passing himself off as one. The owner couldn't comprehend that we would have found his shop anyway. We’re actually still emailing each other, as he'd agreed to sell it at what we wanted now, but we're terrified that what arrives at our door will be something other than what we ordered.

他说,他确实给了我们 x 美元,但必须收取 y 美元来支付给介绍我们的人的费用。如果他不付钱给那个人,人们发现我们买了他的地毯,他就会失去那些带人来的人的信用,而且还有那么多其他地毯经销商,如果没有导游给他提供客户,他就会倒闭。我们很震惊,因为没有人带我们进去。门口有个 "员工 "看到我们在看挂在外面的地毯,他带我们看了几家地毯店,然后把我们带到了他的店里,那里有我们想买的那种地毯。原来,他既不是店员,也不是店主,但这并不妨碍他冒充店主。店主无法理解我们怎么会找到他的店。实际上,我们还在互相发邮件,因为他已经同意按照我们现在想要的价格出售,但我们很害怕送到我们家门口的东西会和我们订购的不一样。

The shops and restaurants don't care because these freelance guides or touts are specialists and often drive revenue they wouldn't otherwise get both in price gouging and sales volume. This happens everywhere, not just with artisan shops, but in convenience stores, restaurants, and pharmacies.


It can be pretty mind boggling how prent it may be. For example, you'll be dropping off laundry at a cleaners. This is far off the beaten path, not a tourist cleaners at all. The person in front of you who was there before you arrived, and has actual business picking up laundry, will kindly help you translate, as they adeptly recognize that the old man running the shop won't speak English.


You thank him for taking ten seconds to help, and he asks if you have seen the mosque yet because it's so beautiful. You say yes, and you plan on going, but are worried he wants to guide you there, so you say you're actually just trying to find a place to eat. He'll insist you eat at this place just around the corner because it has the best something or other. You thank him for the advice, part ways as he heads home with his laundry in the opposite direction, and you go enter the restaurant.


“Wow,” you think, “That guy was so nice and helpful, what a nice experience.”

“天那” 你想想, “这家伙真的很友好,乐于助人,真是一次愉快的经历.”

Ten minutes later, that same person is suddenly waiting your table. You realize that you've been fooled again, but it's too late, you already ordered. You think that maybe his family owns the restaurant, but he doesn't own the restaurant, he is freelancing.


You're handed a bill that's not outrageous, but three times the typical meal cost. They specialize in one kind of food, so there are no menus, and it's plausible that the real price is in that neighborhood, so you don't make a fuss over it. But inside, you feel like a f***ing idiot for falling for the scam yet again.


And then, when you go to leave, the person follows you and insists that you now go check out a leather shop. You finally get rid of him. The next day, he sees you on the street and comes over, acting like you’re best friends. You try being polite, but he keeps following. Finally, you make it clear that you want to be alone, and then he'll start yelling at you angrily, throwing all kinds of insults at you before walking away.


It wasn't just shops or tourist sites. We would literally have to shoo away fake waiters at restaurants. It was really blatant sometimes, like all the staff was wearing uniforms, and you saw someone in plain clothes walk in after seeing you from the street. They would insist on serving you, even lie about being the manager, until they finally left.


I learned the Arabic numbers really fast, because it became apparent very early on that we were getting significantly different prices. In a country like Nepal, we also knew that we were paying more than the menu price, but they would only up it a little bit, not enough to require me to memorize the Hindu numbers. You can even justify paying $2 instead of $1 as an inconvenience fee because that Nepalese guy has to work harder to figure out what you want to eat.


You'd see that no item on the menu was more than 20, and the “manager” who magnanimously insisted on translating for you said every item is at least 80. The thing is, unless you're extremely firm, they just won't f*** off. Only a few restaurants helped us get them to scatter, and it was always only after we protested. After all, it's less work and more money for them. For this reason, once we found a restaurant that was pleasant, we'd become regulars. At one place where we ate at everyday, a waiter just walked up and slapped one of the fake managers without uttering a word to him at all. We always tipped well, but we tipped even more after that.

你会发现菜单上的每样菜都不超过 20 元,而宽宏大量坚持为你翻译的 "经理 "却说每样菜至少 80 元。问题是,除非你态度非常坚决,否则他们就是不肯滚蛋。只有几家餐馆帮我们把他们赶走,而且每次都是在我们提出抗议之后。毕竟,这对他们来说既省事又省钱。因此,一旦我们找到一家讨人喜欢的餐馆,我们就会成为常客。在一家我们每天都去吃饭的餐馆里,一个服务员走过来就给了一个假经理一耳光,根本没跟他说一句话。我们给的小费一向很高,但从那以后,我们给的小费就更多了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A few times, even the restaurants themselves would try to rip us off directly. If it was too egregious (a tea shop demanding $20 for something we drank every day for an already overpriced $1), I wouldn't pay anything and just walk out. I used to try negotiating to make the bill correct, but then realized that I was rewarding that behavior, so I made a policy of just walking out without paying instead of negotiating it if they hit a multiple of 5x or more the actual price. Not once did they ever even follow me out of the restaurant.

有几次,甚至连餐馆那边都想直接宰我们。如果情况太过恶劣(一家茶叶店要价 20 美元,而我们每天喝的东西仅要价 1 美元),我就什么也不付,直接走人。我曾经试图通过协商来纠正他们的要价,但后来意识到我是在奖励这种行为,所以我制定了一项政策,如果他们要价是实际价格的 5 倍或更多,我就不付钱直接走人,而不是进行协商。他们甚至没有一次跟着我走出餐厅。

That's the problem with Morocco. It forces you to choose to become either an easy mark or an a**hole. You have to assume everyone is trying to f*** you. I know there were times where people were genuinely just trying to help a foreigner that appeared to be lost, but I couldn't take that chance. I’d rather be an a**hole to a few good people than a mark to everyone else.

这就是摩洛哥的问题所在。它让你不得不选择成为一个容易被骗的人或者一个混蛋。你必须假设每个人都想搞你。我知道有些时候人们真的只是想帮助一个似乎迷路的外国人,但我不能冒这个险。我宁愿成为少数好人眼中的混蛋,也不愿成为其他人眼中的 "肥肉"。

Paying more than locals and getting ripped off, that's part of the territory anywhere you travel. But in Morocco, it's orders of magnitude different.


As we were there for two months, we'd often stay in a single area for a long time and really get to know the neighborhood well. Yet, like clockwork, on the same walk home every day down the same roads we knew very well, we would always have people trying to convince us it was a dead end. Sometimes, when in a new area, it actually was a dead end, but over 90% of the time ,it wasn't. People would always lie to get you to change your plans or to change your route in a manner that would benefit then financially.

因为我们在那里逗留了两个月,所以经常会在一个地方待上很长时间,对附近的环境非常熟悉。然而,就像上了发条一样,每天走在我们非常熟悉的同一条路上回家时,总会有人试图说服我们这是一条死路。有时,到了一个新的地方,那里确实是死胡同,但 90% 以上的时候都不是。人们总是会撒谎,让你改变计划或改变路线,以获得经济利益。

It wasn't just market guides trying to get us to check out some carpets, either. Sometimes, it was very dangerous. A few times at night, we'd get some very aggressive teenage boys insisting we were going the wrong way and to go down a different route. Once in Fez, different boys would always tell us to go down the same alleyway by our hotel each night.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One day, during the daylight, we decided to check out what this alleyway was all about. Sure enough, it wrapped around like a U, but was a dead end. It, was at best, a prank to waste our time, at worst a mugging ambush. It was a very sobering thought that little kids were possibly directing us into an ambush. I get that traveling can be dangerous, and that tourists carry a lot of cash, so they are ideal targets in any country. But, only in Morocco will children be a part of the setup.

一天,我们决定去看看这条小巷到底是怎么回事。果然,它像 U 字形一样绕了一圈,但却是个死胡同。往好了说,这是一个浪费我们时间的恶作剧,往坏了说,这是一个抢劫伏击地。想到小孩子可能会把我们带入埋伏圈,我不禁肃然起敬。我明白,旅行是危险的,游客携带大量现金,因此他们在任何国家都是理想的目标。但是,只有在摩洛哥,孩子们才会成为设局的一部分。

Another street we walked down had crude paper signs pointing to a hostel. I found that strange because I knew where that particular hostel was, as we walked past it each day. It was midday, and I was curious, so we followed it. Further and further we walked, and the signs led us deeper into a funnel. It ended in a dead end. I gathered the signs on my way back out and dropped them off at the hostel in question. They thanked me and pointed to a large sign at the front desk that warned their guests not to follow any signs leading to the hostel. Apparently, this is a regularly set trap, and muggings happen quite a bit. We were never mugged, but a few times at night, we were definitely being followed by some young men. We soon made it a point not to go out after dinner.


Now, I should clarify that this rarely happened in Casablanca, where there are few tourists. It also was infrequent in Meknes. When we were in the modern parts of other cities like Fez, Tangier, Marrakech, etc., and it was very relaxing - quite a normal feeling. The thing is, though, if you visit Morocco, you don't want to see the modern or industrial cities, you want to see the medinas.


The medinas are simply amazing. We could happily spend all day just wandering the streets and taking it all in. They are truly unique and beautiful places. There's a very good reason we stayed there so long. It also has amazing craftsmanship, from carved wood, to carpets, and especially leather. Some leather that you find in shops there for a couple dollars is finer than pieces which cost much more back home. Morocco was a wonderful experience, and there's a lot of stuff I actually really want to return to the store to purchase because I regret not buying it.


Now, there are many, many things I love about Morocco. But, when every day includes at least one interaction that has you on your toes, it can be a pretty awful experience.


I'm an extremely well versed traveler, you name it I've backpacked there. From jungles, mountains, and desert to sleeping outside and hitchhiking. There are places that can be dangerous to be at night and places where the tourists always get ripped off, but never have I ever been surrounded by a local population that happily lies to me to change all my plans just on the off chance I may walk past a shop and, with their assistance, buy $2 of argan oil.

我是一个常年旅行的人,只要你说得出的地方,我都背包去过。从丛林、高山、沙漠到露宿和搭便车。有些地方晚上会很危险,有些地方游客总是被宰,但我从来没有被当地人包围过,他们很乐意向我撒谎,改变我所有的计划,只因为我可能会路过一家商店,在他们的帮助下,买到 2 美元的摩洛哥坚果油。


很赞 8