2024-04-07 龟兔赛跑 6680

Why can't India feed its people?


Vanita Ashar
Why can’t India feed its people? IMO, the following quote explains where the problem lies.
“The most startling aspect of the nutritional situation in India is that it is not much of an issue in public debates and electoral politics” - Jean Dreze, economist
I know it is not easy to understand the first time, but the hunger and poverty situation in our country has a lot to do with the policy failures, media corruption and no sense of ownership amongst the people who actually own the govt.
We Indians feel embarrassed at the thought of being called a socialist nation because we can’t explain the difference between a Socialist Nation and a Socialist Democracy.
statistics by UNWHO - 2006 explain the situation India is in.
There are 820 million chronically hungry people in the world and one third of the world’s hungry live in India.

“印度营养状况最令人震惊的方面是,它在公共辩论和选举政治中并不是一个严重问题”——Jean Dreze(比利时裔印度经济学家)

That’s approx. 273million viz., 25% of 2006 population. And the same statistics also claim that 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year. The number of hungry people in India is always more than people who come below the official poverty line.
Also, India (as on 2006) is estimated to have had approx. 212 million under nourished people viz. 3 million less than the figure of 1990-1991. The population has increased by a few 100 million people since 2006 and 30% of new borns were under weight.
So, where do we stand today?
‘The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector’ (estab. in 2004) reported that 836 million Indians (77% of our population) live on Rs. 20 a day or less.
The govt’s immediate reaction was to set up the committee with different people to get a new opinion. Three committees were set up and all of them came up with a figure for rural poverty which was much higher than the govt. estimate of 28%.


I think anyone living in India today can easily imagine how 77% of this population would be living with just Rs. 20 a day to spend on everything they need, though the govt offers subsidized food through its PDS to the poor living BPL, 77% of the population was dependent on a corrupt PDS which again is meant to serve only 28% of the population. Now And yet, the govt with its growth oriented policies sets up committees upon committees till their estimated Poverty figure is achieved.
As P. Sainath, a rural reporter of the ‘Hindu’ had put it, “Hunger is defined not by how many people suffer it, but by how many the govt is willing to pay for”.
Finally a Food Bill is enacted into law in August 2013 which will provide subsidized food grains to approximately two thirds of India’s 1.2 billion people and Daily Free Meals for Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers.
But how good is this bill? The govt has set aside a subsidy of Rupees 1.2 Trillion to feed a population of 800 million over a year. Each eligible person is entitled to 5kg of grains per month of Rice at Rupees 3 per kg, Wheat at Rupees 2 per kg and coarse grains like millets at Rupees 1 per kg.
The bill may be able to solve the hunger problem if implemented honestly but a further investment would be required to address the nutrient deficiencies of the population. It is not important to subsidize everything but decisions regarding agricultural policy will be important.

正如《印度教徒报》的农村记者P. Sainath所说:“饥饿不是由受苦的人数来定义的,而是由政府愿意为多少人付费来定义的。”

A lot of people argue on the political motives of the bill and the ills of the socialist approach to governance that this situation demands but a few people are willing to discuss this in public and accept that Subsidies, Progressive Taxation and Redistribution of Wealth and Income are indeed the only (short-term) solutions for this problem as of now.
And what are the opposition parties willing to offer to counter this? Complete abolishment of Taxes replaced by transaction taxes. And our newly formed middle class gets excited at the thought of no taxes, blaming subsidies for all the problems in the society and economy.
And what do we attribute this ignorance of the government and middle class to? Has nobody ever wondered why the govt would have to pass such a food bill, why the actual BPL population more than tripled?
We are too busy working to make India a Superpower, we feel proud when we see 49 Indians listed as Dollar Billionaires on Forbes.com, we need first class retail in our country, we need the FDI that will create Jobs for the Urban sector and Modernize India’s Infrastructure, put it on the world map with the developed nations.
We want our currency to be closer to the dollar rate so we can buy oil cheaper and import technologies at a lower price while we spend our money to develop an export oriented industry.


We feel proud when Congress boasts a 8% growth in the economy and when Narendra Modi boasts of a 10% growth in the Agricultural Sector by shifting Land for Food Grains to Cash Crops. We also feel proud when Mukesh Ambani praises Modi for turning a sleepy town of Gujarat into Asia’s Biggest Auto Hub. But never bother to question the reports of Lands given away for almost free to Tatas and Adanis. We don’t want to discuss the inconsistencies of the SIT that gave a clean chit to Modi for the Gujarat Riots.
I am not against growth and developments but how many of us understand what this speedy growth has cost the nation? We blame the new entrant politician Kejriwal of being in a hurry when he tries to fix the Water and Electricity Problems in Delhi with subsidies worth 200Crores and accuse him of violating the Constitution when he tries to pass a bill for Corruption Laws in just 49days but we forget about questioning the experienced governments on the fast growth rates they are achieving by write-offs worth 500,000 crores for the Super Rich and the Corporate Sector.


I will again emphasize, I do not oppose growth but do we need to be moving so fast? What are we targeting to achieve by giving so many incentives to the private sector and losing so much money for attracting investment and FDI when we are ourselves one of the biggest consumer markets in which 77% of us live below the poverty line.
The govt has approved for over 500 Special Economic Zones in one country when there aren’t that many in the whole world combined.
And So many Laws of the constitution have been violated to facilitate these projects. Forcefully grabbing the Fertile Multi Crop Lands of Farmers to develop Special Economic Zones which will set up Technology Incentive Export Industries and displace the Labour Intensive Cottage Industries and Farms.


We also don’t care that atleast 10lakh people have been displaced and lost their livelyhoods so that a few rich men can create profitable industries that employ a some 1lakh odd workers.
Atleast 1.67 billion was lost on Custom Duty exemptions for the Super Rich who operate businesses in the Special Economic Zones while the govts earn a foreign exchange of 1.04 billion from these SEZ. And the govt does not have enough money to support a Food Bill that will create Universal Prices for all Indians and feed Malnourished Children.
While the corporate owned Media continues to celebrate measures like the Fuel Price Decontrol and justify hikes in gas prices, they never says a word about the rapid Inflation or Rising Inequality that is leading to Social Crimes like Rape, Naxalism, Bribery and Corruption at all levels of the Society.
What are we trying to achieve by all this, Jobs in the Export Sector that depend on the Speculation driven Global Demand?


The truth is India cannot feed its people today because we are busy implementing a Growth Agenda focused on Economic Efficiency that leads to Intellectual Deficiency.
India cannot feed its people today because it doesn’t want to invest in its people, it wants to invest in infrastructure that comes at the cost of unemployment.
India cannot feed its people today because it is unable to introduce a Progressive Tax on the incomes of the Super Rich because we need more billionaires.
India cannot feed its people because it can’t stop giving tax concessions and freebies to the Super Rich so they can control the market.
India cannot feed its people because India wants its citizens to be Multi-national employees instead of self-employers.


India cannot feed itself because there are smart economists like Mr. Jagdish Bhagwati who consider 2.5 lakh farmer suicides to be an insignificant number. India cannot feed its people because India wants to compete with the west, we don’t want to become another socialist country and be laughed upon for giving freebies to our poor.
India cannot feed its people because it wants to be the envy of its neighbors, not one like them.
And last but not the least
India cannot feed its people because there are so many other things to do and 5 years is too short a time to think about sowing seeds for long term developments that may go unnoticed by the voter.


Joe Geronimo Martinez
I have relatives who have also known starvation and it is a completely different outlook on life. Even those who haven't known shortages for about 50 years still hoard tea and ask if they can take stuff home they don't really need: stuff like rice or bread.
One thing the article didn't mention is the nature of agriculture: it is much less predictable than life in the city. When the harvest comes in you have a diet of plenty for a few short months. The rest of the time it is scraping by, although my family were coastal, so fish was plentiful and sea food like cockles. If it rained you could harvest the snails.
These were very self reliant people and not those used to complaining. What struck me was they just didn't have any expectations of help. So wouldn't campaign for it. On the other side of my family (urban dockers and railway workers) they would riot and strike much more quickly.
It means the rural poor are often just ignored. They are not going to complain.
The big problem is never how much: it is how it is divided. Capitalism breaks down when people are starving.


India has too many people in rural communities.
Corruption has always been a big problem in India. It is one of those things that always thrive where there are inequalities of wealth. It is possible to starve in the midst of plenty if you are poor.
Corruption does have to be tackled, but changing the faces won't work: the system has to change. Even more important people have to stop working with it and working against it.
The caste system isn't going to go away: it is part of the system. It has had millenia to become entrenched.
I don't really think it is even the fault of the politicians: corrupt politicians exist because people allow them too. The answer is to stop accepting the system an inequality. Elect people who are going to present real change, not those who claim a common religion or ethnicity.
the politicians must sort out the problems or make way for people who can.


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