2024-04-14 汤沐之邑 4111

Is a Man in the High Castle scenario possible?


Jon Mixon
No, it was never possible..for variety of reasons.
These include:
Germany never had a decent navy - If you are going to invade the United States and you expect that effort to result in a win, you'll have to have a significant naval force both to transport troops to the US mainland, as well blockade the ports on all three sides (Atlantic, Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico) to prevent the US from obtaining supplies from overseas. The Kriegsmarine (Germany's WWII naval force) was never much of a threat after the sinking of the battleship Bismarck in 1941; and besides its U-boat fleet, it spent the war either being destroyed by the Allies or hiding in port.
Germany had no significant amounts of long-range air transport - Not only could Germany not bring forces over by sea, they would have had a hell of a time transporting them by air. The Luftwaffe never made air transport a serious strategic goal and , as such, it was unable to do more than provide minor amounts of logistical support throughout the war on the same continent as Germany. North America was farther away, and it required more air capabilities than Germany had at any point during the war.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Germany never had enough men - Germany’s manpower problems were acute by 1943, and by the middle of 1944, it was raising and fielding armies of men older than 40 and children under 18. By the beginning of 1945, teen-aged boys were being conscxted. While the US experienced troop shortages in the later years of the war, it still fielded an army larger than Germany's. While it used this army around the world, had the German conflict outlasted Japan’s defeat, then several million troops and much of the US Navy could have been transferred to the European theater, thus sealing Germany’s fate.
Germany’s support here in the United States was always limited - Many people still held grudges from the first World War and most German-Americans viewed themselves to be Americans first and German descendants second, The novel proposed that a “fifth column” existed within the US that would have allowed a successful German invasion to occur. In reality however, invading the United States would have been an event so fraught with peril that unless Germany was able to recruit troops from its conquered territories, it would have lost the conflict before it ever began. It certainly couldn’t have depended upon traitors in the US to sway the conflict in their favor.


Indeed, the vast territory of the United States means that any attempt to conquer America will face enormous challenges. If Germany had envisioned a war against the United States during World War II, conquering the East Coast alone could have taken up to ten years. Such a task is almost impossible in practice, as it not only requires overcoming huge geographical obstacles, but also facing the powerful military power and enormous industrial production capacity of the United States.
In addition, the geographical distance between the two oceans of the United States provides it with a natural defensive advantage. The Atlantic and Pacific have become insurmountable barriers, making it difficult for Germany's naval forces to play a role in these vast waters, especially in the face of US and other allied naval forces. Moreover, even if Germany can achieve some initial victories in a certain region, it will be very difficult to maintain these achievements and continue to advance, as the United States has the ability to mobilize resources and manpower from its vast territory to counterattack.
Therefore, the war between Germany and the United States will be a long and extremely costly conflict, and the chances of victory are very slim. This situation has never happened in history and is unlikely to happen, as the German leadership must be aware of the impracticality of this strategic goal. In fact, during World War II, Germany's military operations were mainly concentrated in Europe and North Africa, without launching direct military attacks on the mainland of the United States.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peter Hawkins
No, the economics were against the Axis. They could not afford to fight a long war. They needed to knock their opponents out relatively quickly. This was explicit with the Japanese strategy; knock the US fleet out so the US sues for peace and Japan is allowed access to the resources she needed (this failed because only a portion of the fleet was at Pearl Harbour, and those ships that were sunk could be replaced). In Europe, Hitler needed either a decisive victory that destroyed the British Army and forced Britain to sue for peace, leaving Germany to rule Western Europe, or for Britain to be starved out in the Battle of the Atlantic. Neither of those strategies came to pass. The British expeditionary force escaped at Dunkirk and the RAF won the Battle of Britain so that Britain could not be invaded. The uboat war was not adequately prioritized by Hitler, who preferred to waste resources on vanity projects like battleships.
Once America entered the war, the economics were even more stacked against the Axis.
The man in the high castle (TV show, not read the book) has a backstory in which the Germans get nuclear weapons and a means to deliver it. If that were the case, and they could manufacture them quick enough, then maybe it is possible that the Allies be defeated.


Jo Hamm
From what I’ve read… Great answers, everyone…However, there are a few simple things that I’d like to point out.
Germany’s first obxtive was to take over Europe, not the United States - and only Eastern Europe, not the Soviet unx. The US tried to stay nuetral until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor… which to this day really doesn’t make sense to provoke a neutral country over 20 times your size that has a mongoloid military that’s just itching for a reason to jump into the war… anyway, I’ll get to Japan later - even if Germany developed the first nuclear bomb, they wouldn’t have dropped it on the United States. They had enough to worry about in Europe, and most likely would have dropped the bomb on France first, then threatened the rest of Europe to surrender, then told the U.S. to get the hell out of Europe or they’re next.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Regardless… logistically, Germany could not have taken over much, despite Hitler’s ambitions… as in the first answer, they simply did not have enough soldiers… even at the beginning of the war. And towards the end of the war, Hitler lowered the draft age to 16, and was desperate for any soldier; and that being the case, even if they had the bomb, they’d only be able to destroy and threaten other countries… without the means of occupying and assimilating them into German control. For a perspective on size and population - Germany is smaller than the state of Montana. The population is 3–4 times smaller than the United States - Throw that on top of the need for European occupation of supposed conquered countries, and Germany spreads its military so thin that their presence is simply laughable. Not only presence, but where do you think they are going to get their supplies from? Guns, ammo, etc… you think Americans are going to just simply oblige the Germans and hand it over?! Once again, referring to answer 1, Germany had no means of delivering supplies via ship nor plane… at least not in the amount that is needed to control a country that is almost 30 times their size.


Which brings me to my next point… why is everyone simply folding cause the Germans “won the war”? German ground soldiers trying to land on US soil would be met with such fierce resistance that they wouldn’t make it much further than the shore, let alone slipping into high office positions and running the country along with it’s military. It would only be a matter of time before Germany was invaded by the rest of the world, their nuclear facilities hijacked, putting an end to their dominance. The advantage of the US was that they were not looking for conquer - the bomb was a means to an end. Besides, the US is on the other hemisphere of the globe… if the US really wanted to take over the world, they could have easily had it done before 1960 by bombing and threatening... but checks and balances are good! The biggest problem Germany faced in their wake of war was that they were surrounded by other countries on every border... the US was not. Germany wanting to take over the world... was simply F*%KED from the beginning.


Ioan M??iu
Hardly possible - but cannot be totally ruled out.
Several factors need to occurs, none in particular really impossible, but the chain in itself being highly implausible:
- Keeping alliance/non-aggresion with Soviet unx until a big blow could be delivered in West. Both for military reasons but also for economic ones ( getting lot of raw materials and so on ). In TV is suggested that Stalin was killed by own generals/party members so maybe this possibility was somehow acknowledged.
-Japan being more oriented towards British Empire targets and not to US ... at least few years. Hardly possible but not totally implausible especially if next condition would be fulfilled too...


Kevin Mccune
I wanted to ask someone if they were going to make a third season of that series. Never read the book , do enjoy good science fiction.If alternate timelines and dimensions are possible , I suppose it could be possible , after I figured out what was going on I really enjoyed it. The thing is upon reflection , there were a lot of things hanging ( Such as how Smith became a Nazi and so forth ).


Daniel Dejsus Pertz
The premise of the tv show and books is totally impossible if Germany had won the WW2 the most like scenario is that instead of the Soviet unx becoming a global power the German would become the Great superpower in Eurasia
A huge number of atrocities would take place in eastern Europe with racism policies, a series of crime against humanity would unfold for the following decade in Europe. the UK elites and British Crown would fleed to Canada and rule their overseas territories over there but losing them anyway as happened in our timeline.
But in the end, the most likely scenario that would unfold is a cold war between the US and Nazi Germany, with Japan taking the role that China took in our timeline scenario, the US would defeat Japan but the Nazi would hold Japon from be taken by the US and keep the Japanese as Alie of the Riech, some form of Korea scenario maybe.


In that scenario, Germany would win Europe and have some type of European fascist unx, the U.S by the coming decades would take the effort to make fascist ideology the enemy number ONE, would take the task to stop supporting the nationalist/fascist regimen in the bananas republics and the rest of Latin America, basically almost the same thing that happened in our timeline with the Soviet unx but just fully sponsoring democracy, because in our timeline the U.S. supported authoritarian regimens that were just against Communism and socialism despite if they were real democracies like in Chile where it was a pure fascist bloodthirsty regimen that was pro-private enterprise system but whole authoritarian anti-democratic like their main enemy the communist countries the only difference was the economy system.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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