2024-05-03 汤沐之邑 6061

Why Indian education system is so dumb?


I'm doing my 10th grade boards this year. Every day I feel so useless "studying". I know this pointless trash we "learn" is NEVER gonna help me. By now you probably think I'm an ungrateful ignorant time-waster. But trust me, I have my reasons.
1. 95% of the textbooks are outdated. This is the least of the problems. I mean, our Geography textbook was printed in 2001. Who the F wastes their time like, memorizing the literacy rate of Bihar in 2001? (A state which I have absolutely no connection with, by the way) Our computer book is still stuck 8 0r 9 years back, when Windows 7 first came out. And the most important one-Economics? Guess what. Still 2001!
CBSE (the "central board of secondary so-called education") needs to get off their lazy asses and upxe our books. How can they expect their country to progress while innocent students cram their brains with outdated facts that are 105% useless?

教科书上95%的内容都已经过时,这还是最小的问题。比如说,我们的地理课本是2001年印刷的。谁会去浪费时间记忆2001年比哈尔邦的识字率呢?顺便说一下,我与那个邦没有任何联系。我们的计算机课本还停留在8、9年前,当时Windows 7刚推出。最关键的经济学课本呢?猜猜看,依旧是2001年的版本!

2. Language problem!! These days, parents want "modern, sophisticated, Western" education for their kids. In other words, an English medium school. But it's a waste of time. Teacher's can't speak fluently, yet they are forced to teach in English. As a result, their students also pick up the same, horrible broken English. (when they're in preschool usually)
Fast forward a few years later to maybe, 3rd grade. The same teachers teach in their hopeless language they call "English" to fool the unsuspecting parents. The kids can't understand or connect with the subject they're learning. So in 80% of all families, the kid comes home, only to have their mommies reteach the entire syllabus in their native tongue. WHICH DEFEATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF GOING TO SCHOOL.
Either the British shouldn't have come at all, or they should have left 100 years later after Indians actually LEARNED English.


3. Absolutely NO application.
Memorize. Reproduce on paper. Forget. Repeat.
There is absolutely no common sense involved in this entire process. What's sad is even the teachers encourage it.
But along the way, a few years ago, some fantastic person at CBSE had an idea- the PSA: Problem-solving assessment. It's a test that's supposed to measure the actual intelligence of a student. It requires NO preparation. No stress at all. No more brainless memorization. Kinda like an IQ test. I got really excited.
I was shocked when the results came out- The "class topper" barely managed a 7 (out of 10). Other scores were ranging around 4-6.
These were the exact same people who could score 98% in the "real"exams.
Meanwhile, I got a 9, but I didn't do that great in the "real" exams (because I just can't memorize like the others!). So in the end, who got more praise? Not me!!
Long story short, Nobody cares about you if you can't memorize pointless facts and reproduce them in an exam.


4. It's gotten to the point that the PARENTS care more than their kids.
I remember when I was a little kid in the US. (I lived there until 6th grade)
Whenever I had homework or a project, I tried to do it myself and never asked my parents to do it for me.. I remember designing an entire cookbook (in 5th grade), writing a 50-page story (in 4th grade) and also making this poster for Martin Luther King day. I only had some help and I did 80% of these things on my own. And I had fun, too. The American system is set up for independent learning, creative thinking and just general involvement of students. Not saying American education is godly or superior to everything in this world. But compared to the situation in India....


But it's not the kids' fault at all! The problem is with (you guessed it!) the SYSTEM. They:
1. Don't teach kids to be independent.
2. Assign such hard projects that the parent has no choice but to do it themselves. In my school, the FIRST GRADERS had to make a chart on World Education Day. Do you even expect them to KNOW what that is, let alone make a CHART??? Poor babies just be learnin their ABC's!
3. So this becomes a habit.
4. Before you know it, the parent is even writing ESSAYS for their kid to memorize and copy into their notebooks.
5. You might wonder, "Why do they do this?" It's because the insensitive teachers lower the kids' grades if everything ain't up to their standards. They don't care if the student or parent did the work.
If grades be lowered, parents be embarrassed. Parents be embarrassed, the whole extended family (and the neighbors!) be bitchin'. Ya know, classic Indian style. In other words, the whole Indian subcontinent will poke its nose into YOUR KID'S GRADES.

你可能会好奇,“他们为什么要这样做?”这是因为,如果一切不符合老师的高标准,老师就会无情地降低孩子们的分数——他们不在乎工作是学生还是家长完成。 如果分数下降了,父母会感到尴尬。父母感到尴尬,整个大家庭(甚至是邻居们!)都会开始抱怨。你知道的,这是典型的印度风格。换句话说,整个印度次大陆都会对你的孩子的分数品头论足。

6. This creates a HUGE cycle that won't end as long as Indians are in charge of education. In the wise words of Taylor Swift, this shit ain't never, ever ever getting back together. Like, ever.
5. Classwork.
The most horrible shit to ever grace this planet. Sorry, my swearing is getting out of control. But as I write this, next to my laptop is 29 pages of QUESTION-ANSWERS I have to copy before tomorrow. What do I do after copying it? Get it corrected, put it in my room, and forget about it. I don't even use it for the exams!
That's it. We just copy endless paragraphs from a guide book. We don't even TRY to write answers on our own. Here's the worst part: If we DO write the answers on our own, we get yelled at. Because it's SOOOOO hard for the teachers to READ our answers, decide if they're right or wrong, and then sign our notebooks. I think the right word is LAZY.
I know for a fact that classwork is the very thing that is destroying our education. until 8th grade and until 12th grade,
all the questions you get are from the "classwork", a set of questions and answers you have to copy and learn. All you have to do is memorize it, and voila! 100% in your exams! There are NO questions that test your understanding of the lessons.

这形成了一个大循环,只要印度人掌控教育,这个循环就不会结束。用泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的名言来说,这段恋情永远、永远、永远都不会复合了。。就像,永远不可能。

Chinmay Patil
I'm a 12 year old, I know that I'm too young to give this opinion, but I will still share what I think
So, first thing about indian education system that I hate is that, you don't get to learn the things that are beneficial for your future, instead you learn those poems and all those craps which makes literary no sense, the second thing is that you don't have freedom to write your own notes, (atleast in our school) students are not allowed to write their own notes, they have to byheart and learn what their teacher has given or written, Now the thing that I want in our education system, first thing would be that students should have a right to choose what subjects they want to study, like I live in Mumbai and here there is an additional language included which is Marathi compulsory for all students', whether you are a Maharashtrian or a non-maharashtraian, you have to learn it, which totally sucks, that's all what I want, cause the other things that should be implemented aren't potentially possible.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indian Education system do not focus on quality ,rather it focuses on quantity .That is why you will see a large number of unemployed ,searching for mediocre jobs specially government jobs .Our education system does not teaches us
how to deal with anger ,
how to improve communication skills
how to become religious ,
how to help others ,
how to live a simple life
how to start your own business.
how to work according to your passion and many more important aspects of life ..
My advice to all indian students in schools and colleges who are reading my answer is to become self aware of your future and do not depend on their education system .


Vaman Kulkarni
Former Retired Professor of Physics at University of Mumbai (1984–2005)1y
All education institutes have coaching classes. Teaching standard is below par. All courses have job oriented in the process research side lined. Openly vice chancellors say, “ stop doing research and concentrate in teaching.” This is also supported by national level research institutes. These institutes are more interested in creating job oriented students.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Manan Kumar Garg
Why Indian education system is so dumb ?
Everything that is not used or applied for a long time loses it's original capability and this is exactly the case with all the upcoming brains of the country. Whenever a child asks a relevant question in his classroom, many (not all) teachers have the same reply, "do not apply your brain you fool, just do as I say", and hearing this harsh statement, as the child at that tender age cannot decipher between right and wrong, he actually starts following the moronic orders of his teacher gradually, disrupting all the mechanisms of his mind,taking away the questioning capacity as well as the thinking one.
Now, as the child has lost all his mental capabilities and as any of his talent was not at all nurtured, when he grows up, he finally realises that what all he has learnt in his school life is a complete zero and now he will have to just find a job and start earning exactly like the people, watching whom in his school days he thought of them as some morons.
The aim of education is to teach a child 'how to think' instead of 'what to think' but our education system, instead of both of the above, just tells us 'what to study' because it is our society which even now, has not drawn a line between academics and education and thinks of them as one.
What we need in our system are the new teachers who actually want to provide EDUCATION to the children of our nation unlike many of the present teachers who are also the ones who just come to earn some amount because they have to run their families.
In the end, what I would like to say is that now, we have to increase the scope of all types of knowledge in our system, be it in music, academics or any other field and that is the only way in which we can finally just make our education system the best in the world removing all the dumbness from it.


Rakesh Mehrotra
It is correct that true purpose of education has remained unaddressed. It is largely purposeless as it is neither serves to prepare adequately for jobs nor does it have rigour for intellectual development.
Our education system is producing non thinking pygmies. It is a shame that intellectuals have little or no contribution in post independent India. Our Colleges and Universities are just Low quality degree producing factories.


Vijay Kamat
Why Indian education system is so dumb ?
Indian education was never dumb, deaf or mute.
Before mughals came our education was better. Britishers wanted to control the India, they developed a system under Lord Macaulay. Just simple rote learning to produce clerical workers. When congress came to power they continued the same thing.
If our education system, we would not have IIT's, IIM's. I have seen pupils from areas with non-existent schools to excel. Our folks who have gone out of country have flourished, all are not well qualified.
Today if you remove rote learning and let the minds open even dogs and cats can fly.
To conclude, I would like to give example of three monkeys of M K Gandhi (He was not Mahatma or Parliament has not conferred him anny status as such).
Out of three monkeys, two others can see.
Out of three monkeys, two others can hear.
Out of three monkeys, two others can talk.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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