2024-06-06 2956648914 4520
"Kids Are Too Expensive!” How Thailand Became One Of The World's Fastest Aging Countries | Insight


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


As someone whose born in Bangkok, does this mean that, in the future, most of the population would be more of lower-class than now? I mean, we need every class for the society to run smoothly. But if it's come out like that, in the end it would only be the lower-class and higher-class only. Middle-class would be gone.


The core problem is the parent in all developing and developed countries do not see better future for their kid.
Hence , no point reproducing


The answers are same, "child is expensive", "child takes your time".
Do not have wrong impression with Indonesia's 2.1 birth rate. The numbers are carried by rurals in which it is uncommon for a woman to give birth to at least 3 children and sometimes 5 children.
In the urban, at most, a family only has 1 child, 2 children if wealthy.
It is impossible for a family to have a child with no help of family's member or one of parent gives up his/her job.
2 people earnings are just enough to live comfortably.
1 people earning is just enough.
1 people earning with a child is struggling, if there is a break such as covid-19, most won't recover financially.


Is true middle to high economy wont have children anymore now especially in the city , when i was a kids my family is in middle economy i have like 20 cousins from both my mother and father side… know my kids only have 2 cousins (they are in age teen now) so i dont think the number will get risen soon… my kids only have cousin from their father side… while my side my big brother and his wife still dont want have kids , my little brother and his wife not yet deside having kids due still struggle in economy even their both office worker

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the aspects not mentioned here is the "structural" factor that also made Thailand maintain its status as middle-income, the inability to evolve into a sector with better economic growth, as it's also a root cause why lot of Thais (including myself) decided not to have children.
Since the crisis of 1997 (nearly 30 years ago), Thailand's economic growth has depended on two major sectors: assembly industrial (e.g. automobile and electronics) and tourism. However, our industries are in decline not only due to China's role as a "global shophouse" that made us less and less competitive, but lots of our expertise (e.g. Hard Disk Drive, and Internal Combustion Cars) became obsolete products with even less export demand. Meanwhile, tourism is highly affected by various external factors such as the global economy or pandemic, and when something wrong occurs, a lot of Farangs, Japanese, and even Malays who would spend for their trip (by their own will or most of their time being scammed) vanish.
Looking at other "engines" to help drive our growth: agriculture, which employed one-third of Thai but contributed only one-tenth of GDP and still suffers with a lower yield than competitors (especially rice, even our are better); industries, not enough domestic capital, and technology to invest into high-tech such as biotech or robotics; service, maybe a bit better than Malaysia but much less "sexy" in terms of Geopolitics compared with Singapore. Not to mention that the Thai economy further being beaten down by the military regime for 8 years prior.
Without government spending (most of them were paid for salaries) and foreign investments (many being diverted to Vietnam), the Thai economy could hard to find what to stimulate growth. The ones I should blame other than the government are Thai companies. Looking at the Top 100 local companies, most of them are energy, banks, retail, and telecoms which they could not compete elsewhere. With oligopolistic (in the easy words "low competition") status under a sizeable domestic market, their growth and profits are secured without the need or pressure to create more jobs and innovation.
While those large companies do not care much about competitiveness (as they could export Baht to anywhere else) or wage hikes (as they could charge us later), many SMEs would suffer from several closures and job loss if they lose only "competitiveness" in terms of cheaper labor cost. Those structural deficiencies left Thailand struck with a "glass ceiling" that we could not increase wages for at least 11 years while inflation rose at 1-2 percent every month.
Bringing average income for local Thais (not you Farangs!) is about 7,350 THB for those who receive minimum wages and 15,000 THB for workers with college degrees. Thus, spending is nearly eaten out of the whole payroll. Bangkok and suburbs prices for cheap but not slum studio apartments cost about 4,000 THB per month, low nutrient but edible foods for 50 THB each meal, and two-hour bus transit from CBD to your room may cost about 100 THB daily. Even if you have eaten two meals a day, those already cost you 10,000 THB and you have to pay for electricity, phone bills, and even soap (as we Thais take a shower at least two times a day). This should explain why lots of Thais had no savings (and on the opposite, high rates of household debt), not speak about spending for hobbies, pets, kids, or parents living in outer provinces. Meanwhile, they have no alternative as most job opportunities that provide better pay are concentrated only in Bangkok and its suburbs, Eastern provinces of industrial estates, or traveler's destinations like Chiang Mai or Phuket.
On the other hand, the government became not capable to provide of adequate subsidies. As a Thai "middle-class", with my own qualification at least eligible to pay income tax which bottom threshold is earned at least 18,250 THB per month before deduction (that made them pay tax for 1 THB), considering only 4.7 out of 66 million Thais (you can blame this for shadow economy). This means the low proportion of citizens being paid for education, healthcare, and social welfare used by whole countries. Low pools of government income result in adequate services as you have to trade quality with coverages. Furthermore, some aspects of government services had to be paid individually. For example public elementary schools, the average ones cost you about 1,000 - 2,000 THB per semester but you have additional payment for books, stationery, and uniforms !!! which made you pay about 4,000 - 5,000 THB per child.
Meanwhile, seeking a better education that later would ensure you a job with a good income will cost a lot more due to hidden costs including housing (most of good schools concentrate in Bangkok), transport (to bring your kids from and to your suburb's houses), tutoring (many university exams require something more "intensive"), and other "social taxes" (to fit in with Bangkokian middle-class society). Even if you had a combined income of about 100,000 THB per month (equal to a couple of auditors - a breed who receive much higher than average income), it became a dilemma to use them for raising kids or saving them for retirement as government safety nets for elders are barely enough for adequate living standards and become more difficult if you suffered with NCDs after a retirement.
Even though we suffered minor problems of brain drain (as we absorb many Farangs, Japanese, and Chinese in exchange) and plenty of blue-collar workers from neighboring countries ready for a fill-up in labor-intensive works, solving Thailand's aging problems in the long-run could be possible only with a better economic structure that made ordinary Thai wealthier enough to spend more on elder and kids, and government obtain more taxes to subsidize someone who raises kids and taking care elder for us who don't have though.
Better reforms also help us Thai rather than struck into the middle-income trap that made us suffer with both first-world and third-world problems simultaneously, and what our government will do to help solve this for us is a single-shot injection for 10,000 baht and hope our Thai spend more, what a bullshit!

另一方面,政府也没有能力提供足够的补贴。作为泰国的"中产阶级",以我自己的资格至少有资格缴纳所得税,最低门槛是每月至少赚取18250泰铢(扣除前),但考虑到6600万泰国人中只有4.7人有资格缴纳所得税(你可以把这归咎于影子经济),这意味着公民为整个国家的教育、医疗保健和社会福利支付的比例很低。政府收入的低水平导致了服务的不足,因为你必须在质量和覆盖面之间进行权衡。此外,政府服务的某些方面必须由个人支付。例如,公立小学每学期的平均费用约为1000 - 2000泰铢,但你还需支付书本、文具和校服等额外的费用!这使得每个孩子的费用约为4000 - 5000泰铢。

Excellent analysis, you should be in the government. I visited Thailand this year and was greatly impressed especially with Bangkok - it seemed like a world-class metropolis with second-to-none infrastructure and a bustling economic life. It looks like a lot is hidden behind the facade...


Tawatchai's part of the video made my eyes water. Gosh, if I were to become poor and hadn't planned my finances well enough, I would do the same thing he is doing, rather than be a burden on my family. I would work until the end of my life instead of dragging my family down, and that's without having any kids. Thailand nowadays is getting worse and worse. Even the air we breathe here in Bangkok requires us to buy purifiers from China. Imagine living a life where you even have to purchase the air you breathe. Having a kid? Haha, you've got to be kidding me.

Tawatchai 的那段视频让我热泪盈眶。天哪,如果我变成了穷人,又没有很好地规划自己的财务,我也会做和他一样的事情而不是成为家庭的负担。我会工作到生命的尽头而不是拖累家人,而且还是在没有孩子的情况下。如今的泰国越来越糟糕,就连我们在曼谷呼吸空气都需要从中国购买净化器。试想一下,生活在这样的环境中,连呼吸的空气都需要购买。要孩子?哈哈,开什么玩笑?

I went to Thailand alone for 3 months with my 8 month old son and every where we went Men ,women and child would run up to me and say baby!! They would take my son hold him, play with him and take pictures with him. It was like he was a celebrity. I’ve never seen anything like that


I lived in Thailand 5 years and saw what you describe many times. you can always easily eat with a baby because the staff will gladly hold and cuddle them. Thais love children especially cute foreign babies.


Not from Thailand but the world is getting more fucked up, global warming, pandemics and more diseases, more crime. Water shortage, more air pollution (i live in delhi) why would i want to bring a child into this world knowing he will suffer in the future. This also is one of the main reasons for me.


It used to be a norm to have a bunch of kids in our grandparents era and not think much about how their future will be. The mentality then was if the kids can't make it in school then just drop out and find work. It doesn't work like this anymore. People now feel highly responsible for the kids they have and want them to have decent life and education in order to secure a better future.
Standard of living in general can only go up because of the need for economy growth. People generally want salary increments every year so inevitably drive up costs of everything. Those who are at low and middle income will always suffer because they won't starve to death, but can't eat their fill.


From experience, there is no support for single parent. If couples split up, only one parent (or grandparents) is responsible for raising the child. Both parents need to be held legally accountable for raising the child and taking care of child's well-being.


Not only thailand, singapore korea japan and many countries all low birth rates for 1 simple reason Money. Things are getting expensive and the world is really getting into bad shape heatwaves in asia and floods in western countries. Is it really worth to create a innocent human in this world now?


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