2024-06-06 2956648914 3573


An educated child can support himself as an adult and mayby help the family. An uneducated child will have financial problems as an adult and will probably be a burden on the parents and need support.
It is logical for parents to focus their time and money on one child and not to split it on many children. Better to raise one child good than to choose to raise several in poverty.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Raising child is so hard. I have a daughter who is going to graduated bachelor’s in engineering. Many years ago, I quit a corporate job to be with her. I studied every education methodology in Thailand, looking for her school. I controlled myself not to pick her up every time she cried. I stopped myself not to call her every time I missed her.
However, Thai people always give me smile and encouragement. I never feel down even though I have gone through financial difficulty to give my daughter the textbooks and computers.
I’m Thai. I have been to many places in the world, and I love to live here. I have close friends who are from Myanmar, China, and America here. Sometimes we have beautiful morning coffee. We can openly express our thoughts on various subjects. Sometimes we help each other to cook dinner for our family. Thailand may have many problems, but Thai people are so kind and willing to help everyone.


Is Thailand still considered a developing nation? I went there and most places have good infrastructure, and very well developed. As a SEAn, I feel proud, and saddened at the same time because am from the Philippines and we are so far behind.
I thought Japan is beautiful because, well, it is Japan, but then I went to Thailand and didn't realize how far ahead it is compared to Philippines. Anyway, kudos for Thailand! So proud of you as a tourist there once.


Development and decent infrastructures are confined in capital BKK. Rurals are rather poorly developed and neglected by government policy. Nowadays, some areas of Pathumthani adjacent to BKK still haven't tap water for daily use.


I was born in the Philippines and moved to U.S. when I was young. I feel the same as you that the Philippines is lagging behind compared to other Asian countries. Thailand is still considered a developing country. Thailand's income per capita is $23,401 and the Philippines income per capita is $12,192 according to IMF.


Thailand are still Developing country. It's just Philippines is a 3rd world country that's why thailand look so advance for us. Our government spending all the money the wrong way


Philippines is a nation of islands somewhat isolated. Any island is more expensive and more difficult to maintain so with Philippines being thousands of islands, it is understandable where it is today. Sure it is behind other nearby countries but it is still so culturally and environmentally rich. ️


A falling birth rate would only be bad news to economists who want an ever-rising population in a finite world.
Maybe it's good news that lots of people aren't reproducing.
That will just mean we will have more elders than younger people, and the younger people will inherit more assets from the older generation.
Imagine this: the youth generation will inherit assets not only from the parents and grandparents, people of the direct lineage, but also people of the side branches, because they have no descendants.


Here we go again with blaming every capitalist or economist out there.
That is not the problem. The problem is birth rate falling too fast too quickly, before even welfare programs from the government becomes established enough. Countries like Japan, South Korea, Nordic ones might handle this better as their socialist policies now have a more solid foundation. That would not have happened if they didn’t grow fast enough from their previous economic boom and capitalistic policies. Ironic isn’t it?
So no, it is not realistic to say that the goal is to have infinite population growth. It is already a given that human population will stagnate eventually. The goal is to dampen how quick that population declines.


If there are more people retired using infrastructure and systems provided by tax payers eventually there are not enough people on the bottom side of the age triangle. When it flips and becomes top heavy(more 55+ than everyone else) economies collapse and everyone suffers.


Thailand is the closest to the world average for income (GDP per capita PPP). It is neither rich nor poor. It is quite literally the average statistically, the most average on Earth


But Thailand’s fertility is a lot lower than world average. This begs an explanation. In Cuba for instance fertility is also low and it’s a lot poorer than Thailand. But its households livelihood are obviously ravaged by the planned economy and Communism. Thailand is no such aberration.


Reason cited is mainly that its too expensive to raise a child. That’s the reason you hear everywhere in the world, nothing special. But Thailand and even Bangkok isn’t that expensive internationally. Actually it’s quite affordable. So we’re back to square 1 - why is it average income but low fertility. Cultural factors?


I don't think you can justify by the averages in this case because of the fact that, in Thailand, we have a small portion of upper class, as an outliner, that earns much more than the half of the population which are also considered below the poverty line. This small portion obviously pulls up the average of income in Thailand resulting the inappropriate representation of the overall income in Thailand.


Life is a present box. You don't know what you get until you open it. Having a kid or not doesn't prove that you will have a happy life. So many people don't want to have risk and want to rely on themselves as much as they can.


The flip side is that for a long time social pressure WAS to have kids. People even in more liberal societies thought that kids was your automatic ticket to happiness and a normal successful life. It was the proven path to be normal and happy. Still is basically mandatory in many religious communities.


people are so tired of being slaves of capitalism.
sure the country's total gdp is rising, but mostly for the rich. the poor remains poor.


Exactly! The people on top are mad that the rest of us don’t want to create more cheap labor for them to exploit.


I'm in thailand now and my wife gave birth 4 days ago. From start to finish in the pregnancy I had to spend around 6000$ total I think. They are making it extremely hard here to have babies. They also push for unneccesary C-sections which will limit future pregnancies. I have no doubt that birth rate here will absolutely crash in the next decades. It just keeps getting worse.


almost young people these days chose not to have kids even me I am 36 years old now and I prefer not to have kids it is really expensive now a days only the rich are privilege to have one. For me If I cant afford to have kids I rather grow old alone. I can’t handle to see my future kids struggle financially that is the reality not just in Thailand but around the world.


Actually some are drawn by the society peer pressure for commitment towards nice house and cars and lifestyle rathwr than willing to sacrifice for children like our parents did. Media socials show so many indulgence that many couldn't resist. So then the reason is financial burden. But bringing a new life to a world with so high pollutions, stress, economic uncertainty...all these also bring uncertainty future for children in future.


Indonesia is 2.1? Wow, maybe the reason it's still high is because of a lot of rural areas. But in the city, it's a different story, many of my friends have no children or are even not married like myself.


A cost of raising a kid with good environment and education is too high. Furthermore a lots of Thai people wants to be high educated and get a high salary for make sure that they’re prepared for having a kid. They’ve seen a lot of children who raised with unprepared parents and bad environments from social in bad way that’s one of reasons why they have to make sure. Because they doesn’t want their children to suffer like they did in the past.
In my opinion as a Thai the main reason is literally financial. The cost of living gains every year even in countryside the cost is higher as well.


Our main religion (Thailand) is buddhism, we don't believe in god, we don't feel kids are god's gift but they are actually a burden once we have them our life is not ours anymore but belong to them, we would have to spend utmost of our money and time to raise them for a whole life, it is like a risky investment we cannot expect that they will look afer us once we get old, people in some culture may think having children is a retirement plan for them (to fund parents when they grow up) but we only trust in money it can buy comfort when we are old.


Only region where birthrate still high is in Muslim countries and countries with high Catholic population like Philippines. Only these two faith sees having children as a duty towards God. The rest are just either too materialistic, too soft to let go of current comfort, or too cowardly to bear additional parental responsibility...
Strange that most who complain its too expensive to raise kids in this video are all living in nice houses and driving nice cars... so is raising a child really expensive or just a convinient excuse to escape this responsibility.


I was born in Bangkok in the late seventies (I’m a dude). This year I’ll be 47 & out of 7 close friends (all dudes - but 2 of those came out as being Gay in their 20s) only myself have a children…and even that I kept postponing until I was 38. My close cousins whom I grew up with only myself and my younger brother have children (each has a single child). No one talks about having children anymore (at least those who were born and raised in Bangkok). I cannot speak for people from different regions in Thailand but Bangkok has become extremely expensive for Thais and we don’t want to bring out the next generation to face to this very poor & inferior environment. Anyone who says Bangkok is amazing place to live you were not born and raised here. We all want to get out….if we only could…


Many people from the provinces are moving to the big cities for job opportunities. Big Cities around the world are known to have very low birthrates. Big Cities are a magnet for the young generation. Eventually, big city life will be a major contributor to societal collapse.


Not just Thailand but all countries face declining birth rates. Improving healthcare means people live longer, access to birth control means fewer children therefore birth rates fall.


I'll be turning 51 this year, and I've heard that Thailand is a developing country since I was born. I don't think it's developing, I think it's undeveloped. The reason I say this is because Thailand has suffered from many coups and is one of the most frequent countries where the military destroys democracy. Only the elites and high-ranking investors with connections to the upper class can take profit from the country's resources. Connections are more important than conscience. The middle to lower classes really suffer from this.
The new generation knows about this, and if they have the chance, they definitely go abroad to seek a better life. However, if someone can't go, they might rethink having children because of the unfairness mentioned earlier.


Hope we do not only think he "negative" things. There are lots of joy in having children. We love our son. Cuz my health condition, we cannot have one more. Of course there are lots of difficult things to be faced, but there are also much more enjoyable moments to be cherished together!


As a Thai, Thailand has been wishing to be just a production hub relying on the cheap labor to be profitable as well as the oligarchy economy but never has their own technology. This depend on the government vision, unfortunately, 2 coup from 2006 and 2014 made thing got worse.


It's because of China products Thailand manufacturers are Slumping. I think Vietnam is leading in trade and manufacturing now..To my view the Asian countries which Boycotting china products, their Economy is growing fast...


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