2024-06-07 龟兔赛跑 3240

How corrupt is the UK?


Alan Higgins
Undoubtedly there is corruption in the UK, but it is hard to find.
The common people do not appreciably suffer from corruption, police don’t run protection rackets, pay as you go roadblocks, or ‘negotiable’ traffic stops.
Banks, landlords and employers honour contracts. And the courts don’t operate ‘payola’.
Customs and border control officers do not have a till on their head.
But as always one man’s ‘keeping it amongst trusted friends’, is another man’s corruption.
The company ‘buyer’ tends to keep the free pens.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Desmond Last
The U.K probably has the most sophisticated and developed endemic corruption in the World.
So much of the Government work has been contracted out to third parties and intermediaries that it no longer has any control of the integrity of its systems both at the system level and at the interaction of both financial management and financial transfer platforms.
Note: This also includes the transparency in the auditing and tracking of financial transactions within the U.K Financial and Banking Systems.
Unfortunately the Government and the Civil Service are managed by people who are not only technically incompetent but also intellectually challenged by the level and complexity of the fraud.
The U.K Police are too starved of resources to investigate corruption that is part of the system rather than apart from it.
Chief Constables have become figure-heads for the Government rather than meaningful managers. They do not seem able to understand the interaction of the fraud by group(s) who have taken over the secondary systems of U.K Government both National and Local.
The inability of the U.K Chief Constables to stop U.K cyber-crime is a good example of their ineptitude.
You only have to spend some time within the NHS to realise the waste and inefficiency at the Public Sector Level which compounds the widespread fraud and assists it.
The U.K is a gold mine for sophisticated modern financial fraud and it is costing the people of the UK billions in lost tax revenue both received and spent.
However in apathetic Britain it is eyes to the ground and do as you are told.
The People seem unaware of how much fraud there is and it will continue to increase unless the Law is applied equally to everybody.


Paul Davies
I used to believe that the UK was pretty free of corruption and having worked in some interesting places in the world, I was well aware of how venal and destructive corruption is.
Then I became aware of how procurement works at the highest levels of UK society, especially the most senior civil servants who just cannot be held to account. There is no independent complaints procedure, so senior civil servants adjudicate on their friends who are senior civil servants. We do have a so-called independent Ombudsman, who, in my experience runs a mile if there is any idea that there might be a senior civil servant involved and just closes down any investigation. (In one case, without even mentioning what the complaint was about!) That’s it - no accountability, no scrutiny and no sanctions against any of them.
But if you knew that a so-called independent appeals service was run by people who actually made money if they turned down appeals - all this with the blessing of the Permanent Secretary in the Department for Transport, who appears to have a cosy relationship with one of the rail companies that provides this service for the government, and that the Cabinet Secretary rejected any suspicion of professional wrong doing in order to protect him - again without once mentioning what the complaint was about - then you might start to wonder. Of course no-one is suggesting that this is done for money for those senior civil servants. This is, however, highly corrupt.


Steve Lambert
Generally not very. But we have a government at present with a particularly high level of corruption. Whether that's taking money and gifts for lobbying or setting up friends and family with government contracts. Started around the time Johnson took office. For a more detailed answer buy a copy of Private Eye. It's scary. But outside the politicians society works well without backhanders. Unfortunately the penalties, if they can be bothered to prosecute are overly lenient. Not really a deterrent.
It's also notable that I could not say that on the BBC website - the comment would be removed. So you have to question whether an independent news source has been compromised.

一般来说,情况并不乐观。但目前我们面对的是一个腐败程度极高的政府。无论是因为游说而接受金钱和礼物,还是为亲朋好友安排政府合同,这些问题大约始于约翰逊上台。想要深入了解,可以购买《Private Eye》杂志。它揭示的内容令人不寒而栗。但在政治圈外,社会没有暗中交易也能正常运作。遗憾的是,即使提起诉讼,处罚也过于宽容,缺乏足够的威慑力。此外,我在BBC网站上无法发表这样的言论——评论会被删除,这让人不得不怀疑,一个本应独立的新闻来源是否已经受到了影响。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I used to work for the food and environment research agency. We provided scientific advice on a.o. the safety of neonicotinoids for bees. All evidence is either inconclusive or suggests that they are not safe. However, we were under intense pressure to deliver the lip service ordered by the conservatives’ corporate sponsors. And Defra spun our already biased reports further. The lead scientist responsible for the work got a top job at anaagrochemical company shortly after having released the report.
Foreign environmental scientists know that they can't use British government reports for anything. For now, EU regulations assure that UK is governed partly based on evidence based policies.


Simon Bradbury
The UK is actually very corrupt indeed, but it is done in such a sophisticated way that most people don’t realise it is actually corruption…
I know someone who works at Transparency International and I’ve discussed with them why the UK comes so far down their index. They actually ended up agreeing with me that it should probably be much higher up the list, but the measures they use to make their index do not cover the sophisticated kinds of corruption seen in the UK.


Steve Prozor
Not so much, or at all, in the workings of the day-to-day state.
You'll not see many police, Council officials, environmental health officers etc. taking bribes. Indeed if you try to bribe them you may be on a lot of trouble. Magistrates and judges will tell anyone attempting to bribe tbem to fuck off.
In business? Well…. From within construction I can tell you of scam after scam, with those managers/supervisors in a position to do something about it bribed to look away. Example: civils contractor hires 5 or 6 lighting towers, at 10% over cost as admin fee. They only need 1. Come the longer Summer days they're still on site, unused. Much other kit is on hire and hidden aroundcthe site. Site manager who signs off on this has a nice little 5 star holiday in September, golfing in the Algarve. Paid for by civils guys.
At contract time for say a £150m build with the local authority as customer, the EPC is fairly sexted. However- their supply chain is appointed with an elastic approach to whatever thd ISO9001 management system says about procurement. Several individuals are very happy.
Is politicians taking lobbyist hospitality, or directorships, corruption?


Alfred Dominic Vella
How corrupt is the United Kingdom?
It will depend on what your definition of corruption is!
In the UK we make a big distinction between tax avoidance (legal) and evasion (illegal). However governments are beginning to understand that ‘aggressive avoidance’ whilst legal perhaps should be illegal. However this is mainly due to public pressure rather than any desire for fairness.
Only today do we here that the chancellor wants corporation tax to be lower, thus moving the tax burden away from the PLC and onto the citizens.
So it is with corruption, we perhaps have less clear corruption in terms of brown envelopes of cash finding their way into the pockets of the influential, but we do have lots of corruption that one might get away with in a court of law - if your solicitors are clever enough.
I came across an example of this only last week when a planning panel allowed permission for a cottage that was built in a different place from the permission originally given allowed. Not only did the ‘case officer’ omit relevant facts, make convenient mistakes and give false answers to the panel, she even brought planning consultants around unannounced to the house of an obxtor! One of the speakers was a policeman’s wife who was economical with the truth!
Our MPs have been found to cheat on their expense claims, a problem easy to solve by just giving them more money in the first place.
They are allowed to lie on their manifestos.
They are not held to account in their advertising during their campaigns.
I have seen forms of corruption in British universities.
My conclusion is that we have reduced corruption to a minimum by changing the rules so that much of it is legal, by turning a blind eye, and by having our ruling classes so tied up with each other that the distinction between doing your friend a favour and normal business is very blurred.


Dominic Johnson
“How corrupt is the UK?”
Its complicated
The sort of, brown envelope with £50 in it, attached to forms, is unheard of, it just doesn’t happen
But, at a higher level, its endemic, in my local area, a significant number of the local elected officials, are employed by a local property group, which always seems to get its planning permissions waved through.
A neighbouring borough cancelled over a million pounds of land sales, and then auctioned the plots, at an in person auction, at the other end of the country, for £1,000, to family members of elected officials.
The UK has a serious problem with child trafficking and forced prostitution, there is a report on it, which the government refuses to release, because police and social workers were procuring the girls, trafficking them around the country, and arresting people who reported it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tony Bartlett
Does Britain have corruption?
The Attorney General is a political appointee who is supposed to give good legal advice to the Government. So he is accountable in the first instance to the government and then Parliament.
Judges are accountable to the Chancellor’s Department but they are largley autonomous. In their courts they are HM Queens representative and have free rein within the constraints of the law.
As has been said there will always be corruption wherever humans exist. I don’t think it’s as widespread as in some countries.


Huw Jenkins
Contrary to many of the ridiculous comments below, corruption in the UK is pretty low by both international standards and judged by everyday experience.
I know many people living in the UK who come from other European countries and when I have asked them what they like about living here, the lack of corruption and general honestly of most people is something they - unprompted - generally mention.


Ian Ryan
I think it rather depends on how you define corruption.
I work in the automotive industry in Europe and whilst I have only once been offered a substantial bribe (by a German supplier), some companies would shame the KGB with their tactics.


Gregory Marthews
On the one hand we have a regular democratic vote for those in power. And on the other hand we have the tax havens as a remnent of Empire, which still brings in a stack of money.
At the same time my experience is a lack of local level corruption, so is the implication that corruption has been shifted upwards?
The tax havens provide a money laundering system to enable the free movement of money/capital which empowers those with the resources to pay, the opportunity to avoid the higher tax areas.


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