2022-05-18 回复奖励 20821
What are significant differences in Chinese and Japanese tea culture?


Robin Daverman, World traveler
What are significant differences in Chineseand Japanese tea culture?
Well, the biggest difference is that Japanhas a real tea ceremony. China doesn’t. Other than the occasional touristtraps. That’s like you can sport a wine-snob persona in the US, but not inFrance. In France, you’ve been drinking the stuff since you were 5 years old,so what’s the big deal.


And it all comes down to this plant,Carmelia Sinensis.

一切都归结为这种植物,Carmelia Sinensis

This is the tea plant. It’s atropical/sub-tropical plant. It doesn’t like to be too hot, or too cold; toowet, or too dry; too sunny, or too cloudy; too high, or too low,… basically, itwants to live on a foggy, humid hillside with acidic soil, no snow and ice, alot of rain but drain quickly, a lot of sun but not too strong, well-fertilizedbut not too rich, … and that’s not the natural environment in Japan! It’ssituated too far up-north.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

So tea in Japan is like the Kobe Beef -musical massage and whatnot. Protection in the winter, sun shade in the summer,hand-picked at a maximum rate of 10 pounds a day, etc. A nice ceremony to gowith it when you drink the stuff. OK. Fine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

But this is a native plant in China. Chinaproduces 40% of the tea in the entire world. Mountains after mountains of thisplant with no special protection whatsoever, growing like weed.


People trade it by the bucket.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

So what is this “let’s invent a bunch ofspecial utensils just to get a tiny spoonful of tea leaves”? It’s just a drinkand a cooking spice. I mean, you don’t have a roast beef ceremony or a spagetticeremony, do you? Or ponder too much into the “the philosophical significanceand symbolism of Roast Beef”.


Do you like the taste or not? That’s allthere is.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Wang Di
Sat · 61 upvotes including Robin Davermanand Feifei Wang

The Japanese tea ceremony was deeplyinfluenced by Song Dynasty tea making. It was quite common then to grind tealeaves into powder, and pour water in to make a cloudy looking drink, oftenadding other spices or even cereal. Song people called it leicha 擂茶.

As it showed in this sorrow South Songpoem, such kind of tea could be easily found in a street side teahouses backthen. Leaving out the spices and cereals, that would be factually the samething as mocha.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

But, at the beginning of Ming dynasty, twothings happened that would eventually make leicha obsolete.


One was that, as ceremonial as the wholegrinding and spice-adding looks, leicha was still mainly designed to makeaverage or even stale tea tastes better. For green tea, nothing beatsfreshness. Around the founding of Ming, tea farmers finally developed thetechnic to dry fry fresh tea leaves for much longer preservation without toomuch compromise of losing the flavor. The top notch tea leaves still makequality leicha today, but for 99% of the populace, dry fried tea is much moreeconomical and just as delicious. And time-saving.


The other thing was that, Ming had a reallylow-born founding emporer, who resented corruption and extravagance in generaland did not hesitate to cleanse the upper class with their own blood. So whenZhu Yuanzhang ordered to stop the leicha tribute and that his imperial palaceonly served dry fried tea, only a suicidal official dared to drink leicha.


You are quite spot-on to say that Chinadoesn't have a tea ceremony. No we don’t. The “traditional” tea serving showone may find in an over-priced Chinese teahouse, whether it is in Mainland,Hong Kong, or Taiwan, is but a cranky made-up.


Min Yan, Knows China and experienced a lotof the world
Japanese emphasize the process, Chineseemphasize the taste.


Japanese has very limited variety of tea(can be counted within one hand), and the tea ceremony is for Mocha (a stylefrom the Song Dynasty of China). All the relatively southern Chinese provincesproduce tea, and the variety is huge. In my office, I store and regularly drinklongjing from Zhejiang, puer and red tea from Yunnan, black tea from Hunan, biluochunfrom Jiangsu, oolong from Taiwan, tieguanyin and zhenshanxiaozhong and shuixianfrom Fujian, in addition to teas from Malaysia and Turkey. I use variety ofutensils for different kinds of teas. You need different process to bring outthe flavor of various tea produced in various way.


I am always of the opinion that theelaborate Japanese culture regarding certain food is the result of severe lackof variety and the Japanese tendency of going to extreme. For example, Japaneseoften eat white rice with pickled vegetables, and the vegetables taste quitegood. However, I find all the pickled vegetables taste the same. In contrast,the variety of Chinese pickled vegetables is huge, although many are not astasteful as Japanese. The lack of variety in Japanese food is comparable to thefood in northern China and Korea (even less variety). With little variety towork with, the Japanese food artists then go to extremes in other directions,such as elaborate rituals in tea ceremony and many many different utensils.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

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