How are people in China and India able to save so much more versus their US counterparts?
Dante Wong, Author
Do you know why when, the Canadian stand-upcomedian, Russell Peters, tells his jokes about the frugality of Indians andChinese (+ other Asians) and how tight-fisted with money they are, the Indiansand Chinese (and other Asians) in the audience laugh uproariously, with someeven wiping back tears?
Because they all know it is absolutelytrue.
You can’t laugh like that if there was notruth in the joke.
I can tell you that my parents instilledfrugality in me at a tender age.
As kids, we didn’t have much in the way oftoys.
But my parents would bring me to thelibrary every other weekend, so that we could have something more valuable thantoys: books. Loads and loads of books, more books than we could ever hope toread in a fortnight.
你知道为什么当加拿大脱口秀主持人Russell Peters(罗素彼得斯,印度裔)在讲有关印度人和中国人(以及其他亚洲人)的节俭和多么舍不得花钱的笑话时底下的印度人和中国人(以及其他亚洲人)观众笑得合不拢嘴甚至笑出眼泪吗?
Do you know why when, the Canadian stand-upcomedian, Russell Peters, tells his jokes about the frugality of Indians andChinese (+ other Asians) and how tight-fisted with money they are, the Indiansand Chinese (and other Asians) in the audience laugh uproariously, with someeven wiping back tears?
Because they all know it is absolutelytrue.
You can’t laugh like that if there was notruth in the joke.
I can tell you that my parents instilledfrugality in me at a tender age.
As kids, we didn’t have much in the way oftoys.
But my parents would bring me to thelibrary every other weekend, so that we could have something more valuable thantoys: books. Loads and loads of books, more books than we could ever hope toread in a fortnight.
你知道为什么当加拿大脱口秀主持人Russell Peters(罗素彼得斯,印度裔)在讲有关印度人和中国人(以及其他亚洲人)的节俭和多么舍不得花钱的笑话时底下的印度人和中国人(以及其他亚洲人)观众笑得合不拢嘴甚至笑出眼泪吗?
We seldom went out to eat, even though wecould afford to.
My parents taught me and my siblings how tocook.
We didn’t eat junk food or fast food; myparents told us that eating these foods will only end up costing us more in thelong run.
My parents still use the same wok they usedwhen I was a kid.
They even still have the same choppingboards.
I estimate the wok to be slightly olderthan I am.
We got a set of clothes on our birthdaysand another set during the Lunar New Year. That was it. None of the clotheswere branded. No GAP, no Armani, no CK. Just regular, durable clothes thatcould take a pounding or two.
The only time you’d get new clothes is ifyour underwear starts getting holes.
In that case, you MUST throw it away,because hole-y underwear (not to be confused with holy underwear) brings badluck.
Same thing with shoes - you wear them untilyou start seeing holes.
My parents taught me and my siblings how tocook.
We didn’t eat junk food or fast food; myparents told us that eating these foods will only end up costing us more in thelong run.
My parents still use the same wok they usedwhen I was a kid.
They even still have the same choppingboards.
I estimate the wok to be slightly olderthan I am.
We got a set of clothes on our birthdaysand another set during the Lunar New Year. That was it. None of the clotheswere branded. No GAP, no Armani, no CK. Just regular, durable clothes thatcould take a pounding or two.
The only time you’d get new clothes is ifyour underwear starts getting holes.
In that case, you MUST throw it away,because hole-y underwear (not to be confused with holy underwear) brings badluck.
Same thing with shoes - you wear them untilyou start seeing holes.
Basically, as a kid, you spent most of yourtime in school, studying.
If not, then you’re at private or groupafter-school tuition classes, where you probably spend more time at compared toschool.
There was no time for anything else - whichalso meant you didn’t have time to spend whatever meager allowance you weregiven.
As for “treats” - well, what do you thinkthe piano and violin classes are?
You might not be musically inclined or havemuch musical talent - but by golly gee, unless you actually put your all intoit, how would you ever know?
If you get good grades, you might berewarded with a trip to the cinema.
Maybe once every 3–4 years, you could havea family trip to another city. You never buy souvenirs, because your parentswould tell you “That’s a waste of money! We’re not tourists! Put that back!”
Lather, rinse, repeat for about 18–22 yearsbefore you fly the coop, leave the nest, head off into the great wilderness insearch of adventure.
If not, then you’re at private or groupafter-school tuition classes, where you probably spend more time at compared toschool.
There was no time for anything else - whichalso meant you didn’t have time to spend whatever meager allowance you weregiven.
As for “treats” - well, what do you thinkthe piano and violin classes are?
You might not be musically inclined or havemuch musical talent - but by golly gee, unless you actually put your all intoit, how would you ever know?
If you get good grades, you might berewarded with a trip to the cinema.
Maybe once every 3–4 years, you could havea family trip to another city. You never buy souvenirs, because your parentswould tell you “That’s a waste of money! We’re not tourists! Put that back!”
Lather, rinse, repeat for about 18–22 yearsbefore you fly the coop, leave the nest, head off into the great wilderness insearch of adventure.
But even as you leave the halcyon days ofyour youth behind, even if you end up not living with Dad or Mom, you willalways hear those words in your head.
“Don’t waste money.”
“Spend below your means.”
“Save and save and save for your future.”
“And please, don’t wear hole-y underwear.”
“Don’t waste money.”
“Spend below your means.”
“Save and save and save for your future.”
“And please, don’t wear hole-y underwear.”
Maulik Barot
This is very true . All people in Indiaborn before 70s have the same thought as you and your parents had becuase theyhave themselves faced bad times during their childhood and they have surelyheard stories from their own parents or grandparents .
Actually before 70s was a bad time forIndian economy . India was earlier under British rule and that was a bad phaseso when British left India then it took very long to recover & establish Indiaagain at its earlier glory . So people of that time know that what is thatworking for very very less pay, there were no grains or food in market . Forgetabout buying it . There were very harsh or no laws for startup’s . There wereno or very less universities . Adding to that famine & natural calamitiestook away what was left .
This is very true . All people in Indiaborn before 70s have the same thought as you and your parents had becuase theyhave themselves faced bad times during their childhood and they have surelyheard stories from their own parents or grandparents .
Actually before 70s was a bad time forIndian economy . India was earlier under British rule and that was a bad phaseso when British left India then it took very long to recover & establish Indiaagain at its earlier glory . So people of that time know that what is thatworking for very very less pay, there were no grains or food in market . Forgetabout buying it . There were very harsh or no laws for startup’s . There wereno or very less universities . Adding to that famine & natural calamitiestook away what was left .
Dante Wong
Thanks for sharing, Maulik. In Chinese, wehave a phrase for this. 吃苦 (chīku), the literal translation being “Eating bitterness”. Similar towhat you mentioned, it is about the ability to bear suffering or hardship.
Thanks for sharing, Maulik. In Chinese, wehave a phrase for this. 吃苦 (chīku), the literal translation being “Eating bitterness”. Similar towhat you mentioned, it is about the ability to bear suffering or hardship.
Maulik Barot
3m ago
This is the only reason that many Indiansare able to stay rich even at other countries like US,UK or Australia . Indiansor maybe even people from lot many other Asian countries to be specific aretrained by their parents to save their 10–20% of salaries or profits and maybeif savings are in access then to invest it in various commodities . This habitmakes them safe during bad times or during high expenditures . The opposite ofthis is observed with many people from western world who believe to spend allthey have on their weekends . There is a famous proverb “scarcity teachesvaluable lessons of life”.
3m ago
This is the only reason that many Indiansare able to stay rich even at other countries like US,UK or Australia . Indiansor maybe even people from lot many other Asian countries to be specific aretrained by their parents to save their 10–20% of salaries or profits and maybeif savings are in access then to invest it in various commodities . This habitmakes them safe during bad times or during high expenditures . The opposite ofthis is observed with many people from western world who believe to spend allthey have on their weekends . There is a famous proverb “scarcity teachesvaluable lessons of life”.
Carlo Gracci
Hi Dante, the descxtion of your familylife and education reminds me exactly of how life was in Italy in the Fifties.
Hi Dante, the descxtion of your familylife and education reminds me exactly of how life was in Italy in the Fifties.
Afam Ibeabuchi
Okay, Okay, a recap.
You saved every dime you could, read a tonof books, had very good discipline and hobbies (music…), and probably workedpretty hard at your chosen career.
Two questions: Did you get money rich?Also, how much do you consider rich?
Please don't misunderstand my questions, I’monly trying to find out if such a combination can get someone up there. Tryingto figure out what to piece together for maximum results. Thanks.
Okay, Okay, a recap.
You saved every dime you could, read a tonof books, had very good discipline and hobbies (music…), and probably workedpretty hard at your chosen career.
Two questions: Did you get money rich?Also, how much do you consider rich?
Please don't misunderstand my questions, I’monly trying to find out if such a combination can get someone up there. Tryingto figure out what to piece together for maximum results. Thanks.
Dante Wong
Original Author · 12h ago · 38 upvotes
I’m not sure what you mean by “up there”.
I’m no Jack Ma or Elon Musk. I have adecent job. I’m doing something I enjoy. I get to go on vacation several timesa year. I have a roof over my head. I don’t have to worry about paying any ofmy bills. I own two pieces of property. More importantly, I don’t have anyoutstanding loans.
Am I rich? I don’t think I’m rich at all.Maybe average?
Jack Ma is rich. Elon Musk is rich. Jeff Bezosis rich.
I’m just a very average guy who’s doingokay, someone who’s just trying to get by and enjoy life as best as I canbefore I shuffle off this mortal coil. :)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Original Author · 12h ago · 38 upvotes
I’m not sure what you mean by “up there”.
I’m no Jack Ma or Elon Musk. I have adecent job. I’m doing something I enjoy. I get to go on vacation several timesa year. I have a roof over my head. I don’t have to worry about paying any ofmy bills. I own two pieces of property. More importantly, I don’t have anyoutstanding loans.
Am I rich? I don’t think I’m rich at all.Maybe average?
Jack Ma is rich. Elon Musk is rich. Jeff Bezosis rich.
I’m just a very average guy who’s doingokay, someone who’s just trying to get by and enjoy life as best as I canbefore I shuffle off this mortal coil. :)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Al Allington, lived in Cedar Springs, MI
Great question.
My Chinese wife says Chinese think likethis: number 1=eat number 2=buy a home. No car, no $150 sneakers, noboats/camper/toys, no frills until you buy a house.
I don’t know how other Chinese do it but mywife (a widow for 16 years before we met) worked 7 days a week, 10 hours a day(plenty of Chinese do), her boss fed his workers three meals a day, she had afree bus pass to get to work (because of her low income), the ONLY applianceleft on in her home was a small refrigerator, no lights, no phone charger, tvon only a couple hours a week and so on. Her electric bill was nearly zero. Shedidn’t heat her house in winter (very few Chinese do so in mid-south Chinadespite cold winters and occasional snow. She didn’t have a car or motorbikebut rode a bus or walked everywhere. When we met she owned two homes free andclear and had a savings equal to about five years take home pay. I once figuredshe had saved about 75% of her income for 10 years while raising a son andsending him to college in Australia. She did it because she was expected tosave for her old age and she was expected to help out her son who had no fatherto help him.
I have seen/met plenty of young peopleworking 10 hour days who then have small street vendor businesses, working fourhours in the evening. That’s how they do it. They work for it, scrimp, they gowithout and they plan.
Great question.
My Chinese wife says Chinese think likethis: number 1=eat number 2=buy a home. No car, no $150 sneakers, noboats/camper/toys, no frills until you buy a house.
I don’t know how other Chinese do it but mywife (a widow for 16 years before we met) worked 7 days a week, 10 hours a day(plenty of Chinese do), her boss fed his workers three meals a day, she had afree bus pass to get to work (because of her low income), the ONLY applianceleft on in her home was a small refrigerator, no lights, no phone charger, tvon only a couple hours a week and so on. Her electric bill was nearly zero. Shedidn’t heat her house in winter (very few Chinese do so in mid-south Chinadespite cold winters and occasional snow. She didn’t have a car or motorbikebut rode a bus or walked everywhere. When we met she owned two homes free andclear and had a savings equal to about five years take home pay. I once figuredshe had saved about 75% of her income for 10 years while raising a son andsending him to college in Australia. She did it because she was expected tosave for her old age and she was expected to help out her son who had no fatherto help him.
I have seen/met plenty of young peopleworking 10 hour days who then have small street vendor businesses, working fourhours in the evening. That’s how they do it. They work for it, scrimp, they gowithout and they plan.
Ryan McClintick
In America you pretty much need a car toget to work in most cities, almost every city. Public transportation exists butit’s not so widespread. If you don’t have a car in the midwest or can’t havsomeone drive you then you can’t work as you usually don’t live close enough toa place of employment. Only if you live downtown is a public transport buss areal option. Busses usually run late. Many emplorers require the worker to havetheir own transportation. You don’t need a new or fancy car but you need avehicle in most of the USA. with that car you need car insurance, and have toregister it and get a license plate. that all costs money. In America ones rentand car payment is a huge chunk of ones income.
In America you pretty much need a car toget to work in most cities, almost every city. Public transportation exists butit’s not so widespread. If you don’t have a car in the midwest or can’t havsomeone drive you then you can’t work as you usually don’t live close enough toa place of employment. Only if you live downtown is a public transport buss areal option. Busses usually run late. Many emplorers require the worker to havetheir own transportation. You don’t need a new or fancy car but you need avehicle in most of the USA. with that car you need car insurance, and have toregister it and get a license plate. that all costs money. In America ones rentand car payment is a huge chunk of ones income.
Adam Fayed
Culture. I lived in China for 4.5 years,and for all the faults, Chinese people are taught to delay gratification. Thatis changing with the new materialistic generation- much more materialistic thanWestern countries in general.
However, the state in China doesn’t providefor people. So you can’t relay on the state to provide you with housing, or apension. It exits but it is limited. So you need to state and invest.
Most people have seen, or heard fromgrandparents, about the bad times. The Cultural Revolution or whatever. Sopeople are careful. Beyond that, families look after each other in China.
So even though selfishness has gotten outof control in China, and that can be seen by the way many wealthier peoplebehave, they look after their family. So you will see many Chinese people in2nd and 3rd tier cities, who only make 4,000–7,000RMB, and yet they are able toconsume and save, due to parental and family support.
Culture. I lived in China for 4.5 years,and for all the faults, Chinese people are taught to delay gratification. Thatis changing with the new materialistic generation- much more materialistic thanWestern countries in general.
However, the state in China doesn’t providefor people. So you can’t relay on the state to provide you with housing, or apension. It exits but it is limited. So you need to state and invest.
Most people have seen, or heard fromgrandparents, about the bad times. The Cultural Revolution or whatever. Sopeople are careful. Beyond that, families look after each other in China.
So even though selfishness has gotten outof control in China, and that can be seen by the way many wealthier peoplebehave, they look after their family. So you will see many Chinese people in2nd and 3rd tier cities, who only make 4,000–7,000RMB, and yet they are able toconsume and save, due to parental and family support.
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