2022-05-26 翻译加工厂 25315

harissa Enget
When I moved to Thailand, weight dropped off of me.


I’ve always had to struggle to maintain my weight, but for the first time in my life, I became thin without trying. When I arrived in Thailand, I was a bit heavier at the time due to having my arm in a cast and being unable to exercise. I dropped 35 pounds in 6 months.


I went from this:


To this:


Now, I’m absolutely certain it’s infinitely harder to be thin in America than it is anywhere else.


Thais are not incredibly healthy people. In fact, all their food is fried. I’ve never seen a culture eat more fried noodles, fried chicken, or put more sugar in their drinks. Also, a tiny percentage of them exercise. If I decide to walk instead of take my moped somewhere, people yell at me, “Are you crazy? It’s hot!!! Why are you walking!” People don’t just take strolls in Thailand, in fact, they’re almost averse to exercise from what I’ve seen. Americans are much more active than Thais.


Yet, the majority of the Thai population is much thinner than Americans.


In America, there is food literally EVERYWHERE you go. Going to church? There’s donuts there. Going to a work meeting? Someone brought cookies. Going to the break room? It’s someone’s birthday and they brought cake in there. Going to book club? Chips and salsa. Going shopping for groceries? Free samples around every corner. If you want to eat healthily, you have to refuse food everywhere you go. That’s HARD.


In Thailand, there’s never free food anywhere. My mechanic does not have coffee and donuts in his shop. If you want food in church, you bring it yourself. There definitely are not free samples at the grocery store. No free coffee anywhere! (Actually, I miss the free coffee everywhere in America)


Next, advertising is everywhere in America. They make their burgers and fries look HOT and STEAMY. I’ll be driving to school and suddenly thinking about a burger when I’m not even hungry because I saw a picture of it on a billboard. When I watch TV, I’m bombarded with food commercials. Spotify commercials, Youtube commercials, Facebook ads all have food!!!!! If you don’t want to think about food in America, too bad, you have no choice.


In Thailand, the shops I pass don’t put up pictures of their food. In fact, most of their menus have pictures taken with what looks like a phone camera. If I wasn’t hungry, their phone pictures weren’t going to make me any hungrier unlike the perfectly photoshopped food in American advertisements. Facebook ads are all centered on skincare products instead of food. My cravings all went away.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Last, ease of access to food. Drive-thrus make it so you don’t have to leave your car to pick up a burger and fries. Pizza and take out is delivered to your door. If you’re hungry, you don’t even have to walk or get out of your car to get it. Your craving is an order away.


In rural Thailand, if I want food, I have to leave my house. There is no takeout here. Drive thrus don’t exist. You still have access to unhealthy food but it takes a lot more effort. I have to go to a restaurant and wait for 20 minutes to have it freshly made. I have to get off my motorcycle and go inside a restaurant if I want food from them. It takes a lot more effort to be fat in Thailand.


Last of all, there’s hardly any cheese, bread, or chocolate in Thailand. Thais eat rice, fried meats, noodles, and soups. The fried food isn’t great for you, but I don’t think it’s addictive. I craved cheese and bread for months after I left America, and without access to those, those cravings stopped. I’ve heard cheese is more addictive than cocaine and I believe it. It’s a lot easier to stay thin when you don’t have access to it and it’s not put in every single dish like it is in America.


In conclusion, I think it’s way easier to be thin in Southeast Asia than it is in the United States. Though, with Western food making its way into Thailand, obesity levels have been rising.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

①Mo Nastri
As someone from one of the ASEAN countries, the first year I came to the US for college I gained 20 pounds, and I was up 35 pounds by the time I left. Here the food is amazing, no doubt, but food in the States is addictive. Taco Tuesdays! Fries with every meal! (Fries are a big weakness of mine)


And I was just astounded by the sheer size of the meal portions. First time I ordered chicken rice in a Thai restaurant in the US I couldn’t believe how much rice and chicken I got — literally double the serving sizes here. Double!!


Charissa Enget
I know!! America makes you fat, man. It's almost unavoidable!!


Mike Block
I’ve always had an issue with portion sizes here. If I want a steak dinner, I want a big baked potato, a nice side salad, and a REASONABLY-sized piece of meat. I don’t want to see a small, ice cream scoop of mashed potatoes (likely made from a flaky, dehydrated mix), a sprig of parsley, and the rear left leg of a bull.


When my family goes out, we split 2 appetizers and 2 entrees between the 4 of us and there’s usually just enough to fill us up. Sometimes there’s LEFTOVERS!
To quote Charissa Enget, “America makes you fat, man.”
I miss Michelle Obama.


Anthony Cummins
Splitting things has recently been a great way for me to not eat so much. Otherwise, I clean my plate without even thinking about what I’m doing. But, if you’re going out with non-family folks, that is not something people do here. You have to have the discipline(and I often don’t) to either split off some for later, or have the server put half in a to-go container.


Paul Alexandre
Just eat what’s reasonable and take away the rest for another time.


Jules Bearsong
Totally agree about cheese and bread being addictive. It takes about 3 months for dairy to totally kick out of your system. When I had to go dairy-free I thought I was going to die for weeks and then suddenly, “Meh. That looks alright. Don’t want it though.”


But when some dairy sneaks into something I’ve ordered, I can tell right away. There’s an addictive taste to it that dairy free substitutes can’t dream of matching.


Charissa Enget
Saaaame! It took like 3 months for me to stop getting pizza or cheeseburger cravings! Now if I leave Thailand and have dairy, it’s not as appealing as it used to be. But I know it’s a dangerous spiral.


Paul Barends
Good to hear this! When I lived there I actually put on some weight. When it’s warm I like to drink cold beer.


Charissa Enget
Really?? Some Filipino friends told me they gained weight when they came here, but I think that’s because they were thin to begin with. I wasn’t hahahah

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nuralia Mazlan
Also, the portion we have are way smaller than most Western countries. I can't barely finish a burger set with medium sized french fries at McD here but my expat friends always have double the serving or a box of nugget with their large sized meals. Asians eat lots of unhealthy food, but our portions are much much smaller.


Gigi J Wolf
Cheese is more addictive than cocaine? Maybe emotionally, yes? Or as my dog says, CHEESE.
I love cheese, but I don’t eat it every day or even every week. Now cocaine, I can’t say. Can’t remember ever doing that.
Coffee, yes.


Christine Li
Another thing about food in America: Very sweet and very salty. Things are quite extreme in general. Half a krispy kreme donut is maybe the amount of sugar we put on 6 donuts.

(译者注:krispy kerne是大型甜甜圈品牌)

Kalyan Kumar Biswal
Take this into account too
America is colder in temperature than south asian countries. This would make an average body burn more energy in America to maintain certain body temperature and thus promoting weight loss.
Colder climates are better to loose weight that way as our body tries harder to maintain its body temperature


Carl Jacobson
First off, you look great!
Second, I also think that one of the major reasons (besides food) that people lose weight in tropical environments, like Thailand, is that it’s HOT. Hot, sunny weather usually kicks up our metabolism and the body goes into ‘cooldown’ mode, meaning that much of the body’s energy is spent on preventing overheating. So you’re inclined to move a lot and sweat a ton.


Even in the US, (I live in L.A.) during the summer months, even though I’m eating the same amount of food, I’ll lose weight and sweat a lot. If it was that hot year-round, I’d be as skinny as a stick.


Chandral Thakor
I used to joke with the family I stayed with in the US, soon you guys’ll have soda instead of tap water at home.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I stayed only for 3 weeks but all that fast food of Mc Ds, Subs, BWWs and unlimited soda you can get at those places made me visibly put on some weight. And people buy in bulk from Walmart and stash it away in the basement as if there was a some zombie apocalypse.


James H. Jenkins
This is all true and I've noticed that almost every expat I know in Thailand has lost a lot of weight from what they had in America.


Shimon Brand
I’m not sure cheese is a big factor. We eat tons of it in France, and yet we tend to be pretty thin.


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