Who were the most powerful countries in the world at different points in history?
500: By the start of the 6th century, theSassanid Empire was enjoying a second Golden Era of prosperity, which wouldultimately last well into the next century. The Guptas meanwhile weredeclining, and would ultimately collapse five decades hence. The Roman Empireon the other hand, saw the final fall of Rome to Odoacer in 476, leaving onlyits Eastern (and more prosperous) half alive. Even so, the East was stillholding firm by this time, and therefore no small pushover for their Persiannemesis. Both were roughly equal it would seem. Verdict: Sassanian Shahdom andEastern Roman Empire.
600: The rise of Islam on the ArabianPeninsula coincides with the decline of the Sassanids, who by then had becomeexhausted from decades of fighting the Romans. The Gokturks, a powerful nomadicconfederation of Turks, arises in Northern Asia meanwhile with the world’slargest empire, and though China by now had reunified under the Sui, wereultimately no match in military terms for said steppe empire. The Eastern RomanEmpire in contrast to their Persian nemesis, remains strong after the Justinianattempts to reclaim the former Western Empire. Decision difficult to ascertain.Verdict (in order): Gokturks, Eastern Roman Empire, SuiDynasty and Sassanian Shahdom.
600: The rise of Islam on the ArabianPeninsula coincides with the decline of the Sassanids, who by then had becomeexhausted from decades of fighting the Romans. The Gokturks, a powerful nomadicconfederation of Turks, arises in Northern Asia meanwhile with the world’slargest empire, and though China by now had reunified under the Sui, wereultimately no match in military terms for said steppe empire. The Eastern RomanEmpire in contrast to their Persian nemesis, remains strong after the Justinianattempts to reclaim the former Western Empire. Decision difficult to ascertain.Verdict (in order): Gokturks, Eastern Roman Empire, SuiDynasty and Sassanian Shahdom.
700: The ascension of the Tang Empire intopower, precipitates in the “Golden Age of China”. Under Tang rule, China mayhave accounted for up to 40% of the world’s economy. At its peak, Chang’an washost to 2 million inhabitants (disputed). Its closest competitor at the timemeanwhile was the Umayyad Caliphate, which monopolized power in Western Eurasiawhilst China reigned supreme in the East. In the West, Umayyad rule likewiseprecipitated in the “Golden Age of Islam”, which amongst other things includedthe maintenance of Greek and Roman treatises on Medicine. The two empires wereroughly equal in many ways. Verdict: Tang Dynasty and Umayyad Caliphate.
800: Whilst China still had the largestcity in the world by the 9th century, it was in terminal decline. The Abbasidswhich replaced the Umayyads on the other hand ruled such that the Golden Age ofIslam was allowed to continue. Whilst smaller than its predecessor, theCaliphate maintained a similarly large empire with a land area of 13 millionkm^2. The Byzantines by this time, whilst smaller than they were a centuryprior had stabilized somewhat (albeit just), but were nowhere near as powerfulas they once were. Whilst influential in Europe, the Holy Roman Empire wasinsignificant to say the least, when compared to the Tang or Abbasids. Verdict:Abbasid Caliphate.
900: All three major powers of the worldare in decline at this point in time. However, the Abbasids are declining atthe slowest rate. And in any case, by now they also have the largest city inthe world - Baghdad with a population of 900,000 inhabitants. The Holy RomanEmpire is still no match for the Abbasids meanwhile. Sistan arrives on scenebut is still not as powerful as the Caliphate. Kievan Rus emerges and is large,but again, size does not automatically equate to power (though it often helps).Verdict: Abbasid Caliphate.
1000–1200: The Song Empire is consistentlyconsidered - with near unanimity - by scholars everywhere to be the world’smost powerful empire of the 11th-13th centuries. And whilst there are instanceswhere other powers come close (keyword: close) to overshadowing it, none - thelikes of which include but are not limited to the Eastern Roman Empire, theSeljuks, the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, the Cholas, Fatimid Caliphate,Ayyubid Sultanate and Ghaznavid Empire - are ultimately able to do so. The Songhosted the world’s largest cities, it produced more steel at its heights thanall of Europe in 1700, had 120 million people (disputed), minted 6 billioncoins per year, reaped 64.2 billion kg of grain per year, invented paper money,the compass, gunpowder, restaurants, the joint-stock corporation, multi-stagerockets, accounted for up to 40% of the world’s economy, and had a unified taxsystem in addition to public schools, public healthcare and graveyards for thehomeless. Verdict: Song Dynasty.
1300: The Mongols created the world’slargest contiguous empire in human history, and in 1300 were at the heights oftheir power having conquered a territory which stretched from the East ChinaSea, all the way to Poland and Ukraine - an domain which was 24 million km^2 inarea. Its might was unmatched in 1300, and whilst the Mongols - similar toAlexander’s empire - eventually crumbled due to infighting not so longthereafter, whilst it lasted proved to be a net good for human progress. TheMongols tolerated trade and religious freedom - and this led to a flourishingin en masse trans-continental trade between East and West for the first time incenturies. Ideas similarly travelled from one end of Eurasia to the other in thisway. Verdict: Mongol Empire.
1400: At the beginning of the 15th century,the Eastern Roman Empire was on its last legs, whilst the Mongols were now inirreversible decline. The Timurids emerged meanwhile, replacing the former IlKhan in Persia whilst the Mongol Yuan Dynasty was overthrown by the native MingDynasty. Both empires were not only similar in size, but were also vastlywealthy and headed by cruel but competent leaders - Timur in the West, andHongwu in the East. In saying that though, at this point in time China is stilllikely richer and more powerful than its western counterpart. The TimuridEmpire had a population of 49 million in 1400, as opposed to Ming which had 65million. The former’s capital, Samarkand had merely 150,000, a far cry fromJinling (Nanjing)’s 1 million inhabitants. Verdict: Ming Dynasty.
1450: After the death of Timur, the TimuridEmpire begun to slowly fall apart such, that by the mid-15th century it wasalready declining. Similarly, whilst the Ming Empire started off strong, havingsent a series of famous voyages around the world from 1405–33, after the deathof Emperor Yongle, China likewise also began to infamously stagnate as a wholedespite remaining the richest country in the world. The Eastern Roman Empiremeanwhile, finally collapsed in 1453 after centuries of decline, and theOttomans emerged in its place. Poland-Lithuania and Denmark maintain largeempires, but the Delhi Sultanate and Vijayanagara India were also notablywealthy. Portugal starting in 1415, had meanwhile begun to expand overseas. Allin all, a difficult call. Verdict (in order): Ming Dynasty, Delhi Sultanate,Vijayanagara, Ottoman Empire, Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth.
1500: In general, the rankings should besimilar as China and India were still the richest and most populous nations inthe world. The Ottomans were stronger than they were 50 years priorterritorially speaking, but their population was not as impressive at merely 11million inhabitants (France for comparison had 15). Portugal and Spain on theother hand - and especially Portugal - had recently had their territorialdisputes settled with the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), thereby paving the wayfor rapid colonization and conquest. Otherwise, there was generally littlechange which would go so far as to affect the 1450 balance of powers. Verdict:Same as 1450 (see previous verdict).
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
1550: By 1550, a number of significantchanges had occurred. The Safavid Empire was formed for one, the Ottoman Empirehad grown rapidly to include an area of 3.2 million km^2, whilst Spain andPortugal were making rapid gains in the New World. Similarly, Poland-Lithuaniahas expanded its reach in that time, whilst the Danish unx had broken up,with Sweden emerging from its ashes. Tsardom of Russia had emerged. China andthe Indian kingdoms remain wealthy and populous, but the former is now in evenfurther decline than it was previously. However, its overly large populationmore than makes up for its disadvantages. Militarily, China was vastly inferiorto both the European powers as well as the Ottomans. And this has to beincluded in the verdict. Ditto India. Verdict (in order): Ottoman Empire,Portuguese Empire <=> Spanish Empire, Ming Dynasty, Mughal Dynasty andPoland-Lithuania.
1600: Ottomans continue to gain strength.The Tsardom of Russia grows in size immensely. Ming China declines yet evenmore. Mughals rise, and nears its zenith. Spain and Portugal owing to asuccession crisis, unite to form the Iberian unx. Having recently declared theirindependence, the Dutch Republic arrives on the global stage also. The Iberianunx is important, because it combines the strength and influence of twoglobal empires into one. The resulting empire as a consequence is immenselyrich, and lacks little in influence and power. However it was also true thatthe British recently defeated the Spanish Armada. Again, an ultimatelydifficult choice, however the sheer population and wealth of India, combinedwith the fact that they were then at their heights, is somewhat convincing.Verdict (in order): Mughal Dynasty, Ottoman Empire, Iberian unx, MingDynasty, Holy Roman Empire, Poland-Lithuania and Kingdom of France.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
1650: By this time, the “Dutch Golden Age”is in full swing. Ottomans continue to rise, Ming China collapses and isreplaced by the Qing, leading to the death of 25 million. Mughals continue tostay prosperous well into the 1600s, while the Iberian unx ultimatelydissolves when Portugal essentially wins back its independence from Spain.Russia makes unprecedented gains in terms of territory, but are ultimatelyovershadowed by an emergent Sweden. England and France on the other hand, haverecently arrived in the New World and are quickly creating colonies in NorthAmerica. It will be some time before either overtake the Dutch, Spanish andPortuguese however. The largest city is now Constantinople with a population of750,000. Again, this is a difficult choice since the European powers are all sowell balanced. Verdict (in order): Ottoman Empire, Spanish Empire, DutchEmpire, Portuguese Empire, Mughal Dynasty, Swedish Empire, and Russia.
1700: Under the reign of Louis XIV, theKingdom of France emerges as Europe’s most powerful nation. The Ottoman Empireis also at its peak (at least with regards to territory), with a land area of5.2 million km^2. China under the wise rule of the Kangxi Emperor meanwhile,had also rebounded and then possessed the world’s most populated cities(disputed), total population is 210 million. Portugal meanwhile declines inrelative strength despite additions to its territory. Spain similarly followssuit and is now somewhat subordinate to France. England like France had madeheadways into the New World, and is quickly emerging as a crucial player in therace for world domination. The Dutch Golden Age has meanwhile ended by thispoint in time, with the Chinese taking back Taiwan recently. The Mughals arenow also in decline. Verdict (in order): Ottoman Empire, Qing Dynasty, France,Mughals, England, Russia and the Dutch Republic.、
1750: On the eve of the Seven Years War,France remains the most powerful European country. Russia has emerged as anempire, and is bolstered greatly by the revolutionary reforms of Peter theGreat, which modernizes the lands of the Tsar. The Qing and Ottoman Empiresremains strong, the former especially despite its technological stagnation dueto the wise reign of the Qianlong Emperor. Austria emerges as a powerfulplayer. Poland-Lithuania in rapid decline. England begins to rival France butis not as powerful yet (arguably). The European Enlightenment is in full swing,France benefits most and introduces the ideas of Rousseau, Montesquieu andVoltaire to the world. Verdict (in order): France, Britain, Qing Dynasty,Ottoman Empire, Russia, Austria and the Dutch Republic.
1800: The Ottoman Empire by this stage ison the eve of decline. France is likely still the most powerful country inEurope at this time especially since Napoleon Bonaparte came to power the yearprior. Russia expands its territories to Alaska, the British do likewise to theIndian Subcontinent, Australia and Canada. Prussia emerges as a major EuropeanGreat Power. Spain and Portugal have an unprecedented amount of territory butremain mere shadows of their former selves. Britain is the biggest winner fromthe Seven Years War, acquiring territories from both France and Spain. InNorthern India, the Marathas emerge as a powerful force and the second mostpopulated nation on Earth. China reigns supreme with the world’s largestcities, largest economy (35% share) and largest population at 300 millioninhabitants. Verdict (in order): France, Britain, Prussia, Russia, Austria,Qing Dynasty, and Marathas.
1850: Post Manifest Destiny, the newlyformed United States of America is able to acquire a large amount of territoryin a short amount of time. With Napoleon’s defeat, Britain becomes the mostpowerful country in Europe and therefore the world. A number of new countriesin Central and South America are formed at the expense of Spain and Portugal.The Ottomans decline further. Prussia continues to dominate. All of AustraliaIndia and Canada have been colonized by the British. The Dutch increase theirpresence in the East Indies. The First Opium War cripples the Middle Kingdom,finally vanquishing all internal thoughts of Chinese superiority in addition tosending an indirect message to all Asian countries in the region, chief amongstwhich was Japan that the world had changed. Britain has largest city in theworld at 2.3 million people. Verdict (in order): British Empire, RussianEmpire, France, Prussia, Austria, Ottoman Empire, and Qing Dynasty.
1850年:后宿命时代(命定扩张论; 该理论认为美国是上帝的选中之地,上帝将整个北美洲赐给了美国),新建的美国在短时间内获取了大量领土。拿破仑失败,使得不列颠成为了最强大的欧洲国家,即世界最强国。西班牙和葡萄牙的败退,使得中美洲和南美洲出现了很多新国家。奥斯曼帝国进一步衰退。普鲁士继续主宰。澳洲,印度和加拿大都被英国殖民。荷兰增加了自己在东印度群岛的存在。第一次鸦片战争开始削弱中国,摧毁了中国优越的思想,并且向所有亚洲国家发出了一个间接讯息,日本成为了亚洲首领,当时日本已经变革。不列颠拥有世界最大城市,人口230万。结论(按顺序):大英帝国,俄罗斯帝国,法国,普鲁士,奥地利,奥斯曼帝国,清朝。
1850年:后宿命时代(命定扩张论; 该理论认为美国是上帝的选中之地,上帝将整个北美洲赐给了美国),新建的美国在短时间内获取了大量领土。拿破仑失败,使得不列颠成为了最强大的欧洲国家,即世界最强国。西班牙和葡萄牙的败退,使得中美洲和南美洲出现了很多新国家。奥斯曼帝国进一步衰退。普鲁士继续主宰。澳洲,印度和加拿大都被英国殖民。荷兰增加了自己在东印度群岛的存在。第一次鸦片战争开始削弱中国,摧毁了中国优越的思想,并且向所有亚洲国家发出了一个间接讯息,日本成为了亚洲首领,当时日本已经变革。不列颠拥有世界最大城市,人口230万。结论(按顺序):大英帝国,俄罗斯帝国,法国,普鲁士,奥地利,奥斯曼帝国,清朝。
1900: Meiji Restoration invigorates Japan,which becomes the only nation outside of Europe and North America toindustrialize. The United States emerges victorious against Spain and takes thePhilippines for itself. Britain mostly loses Canada, but gains a huge sectionof Africa. Since 1881, the Scramble for Africa has been ongoing with France,Belgium, Portugal and Spain making inroads to varying degrees. All of SouthAsia in addition to Myanmar is now under British control. France colonizesEastern Indochina, and the Dutch completely subjugates the East Indies. Japanis the biggest surprise, having defeated Qing China (1895) - its traditionalmaster - much to the horror of the world. Ottoman Empire is quickly declining,given the derogatory title “Sick Man of Europe”, China is similarly named “SickMan of Asia”. Germany unifies in 1871, and rapidly rises prompting Britishfears. Tide has turned completely. Verdict (in order): British Empire, GermanEmpire, United States of America, French Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire,Russian Empire, and the Japanese Empire.
1930: The First World War ends with 37million dead. The Allies emerge victorious and quickly see to the subsequenthumiliation of Germany, who is forced to pay war reparations far beyond itsmeans to the victors. During this time, Britain loses Egypt, China losesMongolia, and the Soviet unx is formed. Austria and Hungary are now twoseparate countries, Poland is back, whilst both Japan and the United Statescontinue to strengthen. The new Chinese Republic devolves into warlordism, andthe entire world is eventually affected also by the outbreak of the infamousGreat Depression which would ultimately last 10 years, leading to unprecedentedunemployment rates. By 1930, the United States is the world’s richest nation,the Soviet unx possesses the world’s largest army, and Britain continues tohold the world’s largest empire. Germany meanwhile transitions into theultimately unsuccessful Weimar Republic, and is hit especially hard by theGreat Depression. Verdict (in order): British Empire, United States of America,unx of Soviet Socialist Republics, French Empire, Japanese Empire, WeimarRepublic and Republic of China.
1939: On the eve of World War II, thebalance of powers was altered yet again. Beginning in 1937, the newly empoweredJapanese Empire begins an invasion of its weak neighbor, the Chinese Republic.Germany recovers rapidly under the leadership of a new charismatic leader,Adolf Hitler and quickly ascends to power as what was probably the mightiestpower in Europe. The United States meanwhile continues to prosper post theimplementation of Roosevelt’s New Deal which established a social securitysystem in America. The US at this point is now the undisputed world’swealthiest nation. The Italian Empire is reformed in 1936 and emerges underMussolini as one of Europe’s Great Powers, though it pales in comparison toBritain, Germany, Russia and France. France constructs the Maginot lineintending to fend against an invasion from its East, and the Soviet unxcontinues its military buildup, secure in its strength. Even so, Germanyemerges as the world’s most powerful nation by 1939. Verdict (in order): NaziGermany, United States of America, British Empire, Soviet unx, JapaneseEmpire, French Empire and Italian Empire.
1950: With the end of the Second World War,the United States of America (USA) and unx of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR) emerge as the world’s two most powerful countries. The British Empiremeanwhile declines. By 1950, both had become armed with nuclear weapons. TheUnited States economy in 1950 was estimated by one economist to hold no lessthan 50% of the world’s wealth. Both maintained formidable militaries, both hadnumerous amounts of natural resources, both wielded unprecedented influence andneither was willing to back down in the race for supremacy. Even so, the UnitedStates had a larger economy despite having a smaller amount of land and people.Its people by the 1950s were the world’s most prosperous and it maintained theworld’s largest city at the time - New York (12.5 million inhabitants). Whilstboth nations were powerful, most would agree that the United States wasstronger. Verdict (in order): the United States of America and the unx ofSoviet Socialist Republics.
2000: With the collapse of the USSR in1991, the United States of America emerges from the Cold War as the world’ssole superpower. A British journalist, Peregrine Worsthorne has since then comeup with the term “Hyperpower” in an effort to describe the unchallenged mightof Pax Americana in light of Soviet and by extension Communist collapse. Indeedby 2000, there were few countries which could rival the United States eithereconomically, culturally, technologically or most importantly of all,militarily - even if they had combined forces. The United States was thusindisputably the world’s most powerful nation in 2000. Verdict: the UnitedStates of America.
2000年:随着苏联1991年解体,从冷战中走出来的美国成为了世界上唯一的超级强国。自那以后英国记者Peregrine Worsthorne就创造了Hyperpower(超级强国)这个词,用来形容苏联解体后的美式和平地位。到2000年,几乎没有国家可以在经济,文化,技术以及最重要的军事上挑战美国,即使这些国家联合起来也不是美国对手。所以2000年的时候美国是无可争议的世界最强国。结论:美国。
2000年:随着苏联1991年解体,从冷战中走出来的美国成为了世界上唯一的超级强国。自那以后英国记者Peregrine Worsthorne就创造了Hyperpower(超级强国)这个词,用来形容苏联解体后的美式和平地位。到2000年,几乎没有国家可以在经济,文化,技术以及最重要的军事上挑战美国,即使这些国家联合起来也不是美国对手。所以2000年的时候美国是无可争议的世界最强国。结论:美国。
2019: Whilst the People’s Republic of Chinahas in recent times sought to challenge the status-quo, it has a long way yetto go before it can totally usurp America’s position as the world’s foremosthegemon. Experts however and indeed China itself argues that it will not seekto challenge US hegemony. Irrespective, today America is still the world’s mostpowerful country. Its military budget is such, that it outspends the next 13countries in the world combined. Per top educational institutes, America ishome to most. Ditto the Fortune 500. Hollywood remains unchallenged (with fewexceptions) similarly with millions from around the world eagerly awaiting thenext US produced movie. Its pop culture is the world’s pop culture, and itstrends are the world’s trends. Apple and the “Golden Arch” are universallyrecognized furthermore. For all its flaws as such, the US will continue to bethe world’s most influential nation for the foreseeable future. Verdict: theUnited States of America.
Tom Müller
Mon · 54 upvotes including Matthew Nghiem
Good answer, but I really have some issueswith some of the things you said.
The Qing Empire being on the list since1800 is just wrong. It was an ultra conservative, rural, feudal peasant state,barely worth anything. It’s dynasty was hated so much that hundreds of revoltsand rebellions broke out in China against the foreign dynasty in the 19thcentury, the Taiping Rebellion in particular was the second bloodiest war inhistory and it was merely a 19th century chinese civil war.
You also didn’t include Spain in 1750 or1800. In 1750, the Spanish Empire was at it’s height, while the decline ofSpain only hapenned around the 1810s-1830s, when the colonies declaredindependence.
Additionally, Japan was more powerful thanRussia in 1900, they did win the Russo-Japanese war afterall. Likewise, Japanwas an industrializing country, Russia was still a feudal peasant Empire.
Furthermore, Prussia was a Great Powersince the 18th century and much more powerful than Russia or Austria, yet younever included them. They should have been on the 1800 and 1850 list, rankingjust behind France and Britain.
The Swedish Empire should be part of thelist in 1650 and 1700. It was a Great Power, more powerful thanPoland-Lithuania and Russia combined.
The Ottoman Empire shouldn’t be on the listanymore since the 1800s.
You didn’t include the Safavid Empire (Persia ). It was, together with the Ottoman and Mughal Empire, also a GunpowderEmpire and highly advance and powerful.
Italy was a Great Power in the 1850 and1900, it should have ranked above Japan and Russia in the latter case.
Lastly, using population as an indictatorfor who is the strongest in the world is not accurate. A country like QingChina, being the most populated on the world, but being ruled by a hatedforeign dynasty and ~95% of the population are peasants is not a powerfulcountry at all, as it was proven time and time again by the native Chinesepeople and foreigners during the 19th century.
Mon · 54 upvotes including Matthew Nghiem
Good answer, but I really have some issueswith some of the things you said.
The Qing Empire being on the list since1800 is just wrong. It was an ultra conservative, rural, feudal peasant state,barely worth anything. It’s dynasty was hated so much that hundreds of revoltsand rebellions broke out in China against the foreign dynasty in the 19thcentury, the Taiping Rebellion in particular was the second bloodiest war inhistory and it was merely a 19th century chinese civil war.
You also didn’t include Spain in 1750 or1800. In 1750, the Spanish Empire was at it’s height, while the decline ofSpain only hapenned around the 1810s-1830s, when the colonies declaredindependence.
Additionally, Japan was more powerful thanRussia in 1900, they did win the Russo-Japanese war afterall. Likewise, Japanwas an industrializing country, Russia was still a feudal peasant Empire.
Furthermore, Prussia was a Great Powersince the 18th century and much more powerful than Russia or Austria, yet younever included them. They should have been on the 1800 and 1850 list, rankingjust behind France and Britain.
The Swedish Empire should be part of thelist in 1650 and 1700. It was a Great Power, more powerful thanPoland-Lithuania and Russia combined.
The Ottoman Empire shouldn’t be on the listanymore since the 1800s.
You didn’t include the Safavid Empire (Persia ). It was, together with the Ottoman and Mughal Empire, also a GunpowderEmpire and highly advance and powerful.
Italy was a Great Power in the 1850 and1900, it should have ranked above Japan and Russia in the latter case.
Lastly, using population as an indictatorfor who is the strongest in the world is not accurate. A country like QingChina, being the most populated on the world, but being ruled by a hatedforeign dynasty and ~95% of the population are peasants is not a powerfulcountry at all, as it was proven time and time again by the native Chinesepeople and foreigners during the 19th century.
Matthew Nghiem
Original Author · 23h ago · 28 upvotesincluding Tom Müller
You’re right, I should have added in Swedenand Prussia. I’ll fix that asap.
I disagree with Spain and Qing however. Igenerally work with the consensus that Spain was no longer a great power afterthe 1715 War of Succession. As for China, my rationale there is centered aroundterritory, wealth and population reasons.
I’m aware that population as a viablemetric for national power becomes more obsolete the closer we get to theIndustrial Revolution, but I disagree with taking China completely out of thepicture in 1800. 1850 however is a different matter.
Original Author · 23h ago · 28 upvotesincluding Tom Müller
You’re right, I should have added in Swedenand Prussia. I’ll fix that asap.
I disagree with Spain and Qing however. Igenerally work with the consensus that Spain was no longer a great power afterthe 1715 War of Succession. As for China, my rationale there is centered aroundterritory, wealth and population reasons.
I’m aware that population as a viablemetric for national power becomes more obsolete the closer we get to theIndustrial Revolution, but I disagree with taking China completely out of thepicture in 1800. 1850 however is a different matter.
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