2022-03-22 凌☆♂宇 14674


Damn, by this episode, everyone from the introhas died except Sun Quan, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. I wish Cao Caowould have been around for few more episodes. In my opinion, he is the mostinteresting character of the Three Kingdoms.


24:36Cao Pi: If I listened to your adviceearlier, maybe I wouldn't lost this battle. But on the other hand I would havebecome a ruler with no accomplishments to my name.
28:33 Narrator: In the seventh year of hisreign, Cao PI, the emperor of Wei ......
...passed away at the age of 40 without anyaccomplishments.


I really like Cao Pi. His actor did an amazingjob, he really brought his character to life in the screen time he got.
I think that out of all Wei's actors he's onlysecond to Cao Cao actor.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they skipped the southern Meng Huo campaignsprobably because of budget. Nan Man scenes would require new exotic filminglocations as well as exotic styles of costumes for the Nan Man soldiers.


And hang on a minute, Cao Pi gets athirty-second death scene? Even Cao Cao only had half an episode. Most othercharacters get less than that, but Liu Bei's death was dragged across twoepisodes in a row!


Basically after LB's death the real king isKongming..his son is just puppet, but thank God at least Kongming and all thosevets are good and loyal. If not, Fat Boy Ah-Dou will be roasted pork.


Sun Quan, my favourite of all the lords, he wasnot a hypocrite like Liu Bei, nor was he treacherous like Cao Cao, he onlylooked for his best interest without the treachery and without the hypocrisy.


Actually cao pi is the best man to succeed caocao. he know hows to play politics and he has the support of all cao caoimportant advisors and generals. not only that, when he became emperor,he show traits and virtues of an emperor... just too bad he diedearly, at 40 years old, 6 years reign, if not he could do great things...


It didn't take long for all Cao Cao's work tounravel. Back to corruption, decadence, and puppet rulers already.


Wu really luck on talent
While Zhou Yu gone, Lu su up
While Lu Su gone, Lu meng up
While Lu Meng gone, Lu Xun up


kind of sad to see the marvelous warrior Zilongso aged and grey.I remember how he furiously and brave went through a wholeArmy , all by himself - to save the Baby. Young , strong, unbeatable ! Heis my alltime Hero

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Man, this was not a fun time to be an envoy or adiplomat, huh. At the start of the conflict everyone still made a big pointabout not harming or killing messengers, even during wartime, but now Liu Beiis chopping their heads off and Sun Quan is boiling them alive.


I have to say, it is quitea interesting sight to see my boy Sima Yi this happy. That weirdgasping laugh of his is absolutely terrifying and perfectly fitting to thecharacter. Best acting performance of this series after Cao Cao.




whats with this show and people coughing upblood from all insults?


Wei Yan is one of the bravest generals in Shu.Too bad Zhuge Liang's over-cautiousness will be his own downfall.


Zhuge Liang have over 350k troops. 5k isnothing.
He should have given Wei Yan the troops tolaunch a surprise attack on the capital.
If it pans out, Shu wins big time.
If it doesn't, you only lose 1.4% of yourtroops.


Zhuge Liang was foolish for not listening to WeiYan's strategy. The only way they could defeat Wei is if they used Surprise,quickness.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it was indeed a foolish decision on the part ofzhuge. Sima yi later says it himself 'if they attacked us this way, we would'vebeen decimated'


At this point in the TV show or novel, ZhugeLiang has been so utterly ever-victorious that I figure he sees no need forrisk.


Although Zhuge Liang not taking risks is a bigflaw to his 'unparalleled' intellect in the novel. Even Xun Yu (one of the bestadvisers at the time but below Zhuge Liang) said very early in the show that'one must take risks if one wants to win when fighting battles'.


Zhuge Liang got more and more cautious, as hegot older. Wei Yan, while being no genius, has a simpler, and perhaps morepragmatic attitude.


Wei Yan's plan makes a lot of sense, bysending a unit into the range the Wei forces would be caught off guard. That'sbecause nobody would dare think that anybody would go there. This Zhuge Liang'sgreatest weakness, by refusing to take risks he losses opportunities to seizevictory. On top of that by being cautious all the time he runs the risk ofbecoming predictable making it easy to predict his attacks.


It has been a controversial topic until todaythat whether Zhuge Liang should have taken Wei Yan's advice.


Zhuge Liang killed a man with words LOL ! Hemust have used the force


Zhuge Liang with his razor sharp tongue!


If Sun Quan had invaded Wei when Zhuge Liang wasa major threat, he would have the chance to take hegemony for himself.


There are three rules to remember in Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms:
#1: Don't accept Lu Bu.
#2: Don't give wine to Zhang Fei.
#3: (most important) Don't debate Zhuge Liang.


wei can acheive hegemony by just cutting thetongue of zhuge liang...




In one battle Sima Yi defeated Zhuge Liang. IsSima Yi the smartest in ROTK?


Sima Yi is one of my favorite characters so far,and Zhuge Liang has annoyed me to no end with his indestructible nature. It'svery satisfying to see him losing for once, especially to someone I like.
I hope Lu Xun gets a bit more screen timethough, I don't know what happens with him in ROTK so I expect it somuch..


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

From the Ma Su affair we can all agree that LiuBei is superior to Zhuge Liang when it comes to judging people. Liu Bei said onhis death bed that Ma Su was smart but isn't reliable in command.


One of the biggest bluff in history is comingup, the reason I watched this


Within the context of the show, Ma Su alwaysshowed himself to be smart and rational. Then he suddenly did a 180 andunderwent full blown stupidity. Tsk tsk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

if only shu messenger didn,t caught by sima yitroops... Shu will be occupied all of wei territory....(Heavens make a fatethat wei and sima family will be victoriuos)


WHY DIDN'T WANG PING SIMPLY ARREST MA SU for disobeyingorders Zhuge Liang gave him in the first place? I mean surely then IF Wang Pingdid so and then took over command and wrote his report and map explaining thesituation to Zhuge Liang wouldn't the outcome have been different? I mean itsnot like Wang Ping would be punished for arresting Ma Su when he could justifyhis actions explaining 'MA SU DISOBEYED YOUR ORDERS EXCELLENCY! I PLEADED WITHHIM TO LISTEN TO ADVICE BUT HE ONLY STUCK TO THEORY AND CHOSE TO CAMP ON THEHILL HENCE I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO ARREST HIM!'


Stupid Ma Su.
"The Art of War says this, The Art of Warsays that..."
The Art of War is handy, sure, but you don'tjust ignore valid advice from a old leader.


In Ma Su's mind, he figures it's best to trustSun Tzu over Zhuge Liang.




SiMa need ZhuGe alive if he want to maintain hispower in Wei. That is his real intention, cant speak this to anyone.


Too much time wasted on the likes of Ma Su,while precious time could have been spent at He Fei with Zhang Liao andGan Ning or more time given to the far more interesting character, Sun Ce.


so sad zhugeliang not long life like simayi, ifhe has my prediction zhugeliang win


Sima Yi is Zhuge Liang's true rival, not thatconceited, petty, short-sighted Zhou Yu.


poor wei yan, never getting his deserved reward


At this episode, I never understand why Sima Yitreated his son badly, only until the final episode, I truly understand why.
Sima Yi already knew Jingshu was a spy and hiswhole family is being watched. By treating his son badly, he then can show toCao clan that he is loyal to the king, and not allowed his son to bad-mouth theking. poor son did not know why his father treated him badly.


Sima Yi obviously let Zhuge Liang go. Hestill needs him to get rid of Cao Zhen


think sima yi knew the city was empty, but healso knew that if he won the war against shu he would be demoted and exiledsomewhere cause the cao family was weary of him.


This open gates ruse is incredibly beautiful

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sima yi knew there is no soldier in ambush. hechose to go back because he knows that if zhuge liang is dead, theemperor will have no use of him anymore, and he will likely lose all his powerand possibly get killed. Zhuge liang know that too, so he set up this"empty city" trick to give sima yi a excuse to retreat. this isevident in zhuge liang's line " if I were sima yi, I would notretreated." and there line also outlined there difference between sima yiand zhuge liang. sima yi would retreat because his own interest is higherthan the states' interest. zhuge liang would not retreat because he placed theinterest of the state over that interest of himself.


Goddamn Sima Yi is by far the most intelligentperson in this series. In terms of military strategy, he is just slightly belowZhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. But in terms of politics, nobody could match hiscunningness except Cao Cao. This man is way too good at concealing hisintention and knows how to swallow his pride to bear all the humiliations anddeath threats from the officials. Not to mention, I love how he gain loyaltyfrom His Majesty. Zhou Yu wouldn't have survived if they served under the Caoclan considering how arrogant he is.



赵云死讯传来,诸葛亮悲痛欲绝。 孔明兴兵再次伐魏,首战陈仓城,守将郝昭拼死守城,蜀军久攻不下。诸葛亮用姜维诈降蒙蔽曹真,曹真果然中计,误入姜维大营,魏军大败。诸葛亮以粮草不足为由,下令拔营南归。曹真得知蜀军南撤,立即派兵追击。撤军途中,魏延返率兵斩杀魏将王双,攻克陈仓,郝昭自尽而亡。魏军帐中,万般无奈的曹真只得听从部将郭淮的建议,将兵权让给司马懿,迎战蜀军。洛阳城内,曹真之子曹爽进宫面见魏帝。声泪俱下诉说战事惨烈,众臣求情免曹真一死。曹睿下令命司马懿入朝,商讨退敌之策。

It was good to see Zhao Zilong didnt die ofbetrayal or war like the other tiger generals.
He was always the best Liu bei warrior.
The baby fight was the most epic fight of thisentire 95eps series.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's very sad to see the our awesome charactersdieing by time.


R.I.P. Zhao Zilong


Jiang wei was a beast too, both intelligent andskilled in fight. So how he surrendered Zhuge Liang was omitted in this show?


What?! That's it? Zhao Yun gets a couple ofmeasley sentences and it's time to move on? EVERYBODY else got to give longexpositional speeches before death and a memorial tablet and everyone robed inthe white funeral garb. I need to read the novel and see if it written thisway.

什么? !就这些吗?赵云就得到了几个微不足道的句子,然后就死了?每个人在死前都会发表长篇大论的演说,甚至还要有一块牌位,然后其它人都要穿上白色的丧服。我需要去读这本小说,看看是不是这样写的。

He is the only officer i actually shed tears forhim
RIP zhao yun , most honorable and peerlesswarrior there is


zhao yun !!!!!!! Heroes never fade

赵云! ! ! ! ! ! !英雄永远不会褪色!

Zhuge Liang's character development = he getsmore and more depressed each ep


Sima Yi didn't overthrow Wei, he kept the Cao's.Sima Yan is the one that overthrew Wei and established Jin. Sima Yi only actedagainst the Cao's when his power was stolen and his life was threatened.


Poor Wei Yan has his achievements overlooked byKong Ming every time. I think Wei Yan is loyal and honorable, despite Kong Mingthinking he is not.


cao zhen is not so useless in history or novel.


Sometimes, great things take generations toachieve.


It always surprised me that Cao Pi had such acompetent son as Cao Rui. Cao Rui is fair and humble, and administers hiskingdom's affairs properly. He may lack his grandfather's martial prowess, buthe is good at managing his officials without relying on the deceitfulness orthe manipulative behavior of Cao Pi (who is sort of a discount Sun Quan).Despite his youth, Cao Rui carries himself like a real emperor, unlike Cao Pi,who was petty, self-aggrandizing and kind of a jerk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Old people fighting over old causes when theworld has changed...


Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang are such talents, yettheir treatment by their lords are so different. Zhuge Liang is so respected,while Sima Yi is treated like dog.


Its so sad to see all the heroes of the threekingdoms who rule over the world in the early episodes fade away one by one. Mypersonal favorite one Zilong's gone.




Sima Yi vs Zhuge Liang is awesome. I love bothcharacters and it's fun to see them have a battle of wits.


much-vaunted though zhuge liang's abilties are,he seems to know only 1 piece to play on his qin for the past 30 years.


Zhuge Liang: "I, Zhuge Liang, am a masterof everything: I can read the movements of the stars, can predict the future,read minds, control the weather, and use words to slay myopponents...however, sadly, if I had one weakness, I would have to say that itis my inability to play any song on my zither other than this one which introsto my background theme song."
Seriously though, someone give Kongming some newsheet music. Poor guy plays the same song over and over for years, lol.


Cao Zhen lost over 200,000 troops and much landto Zhuge Liang. Sima Yi lost 20,000 and far less land. Yet Cao Zhen believesthat the losses are the same.


The bait and hook are in two separate places yetit captures big fish..


Gotta respect Sima Yi....he went from havingnothing to controlling the entire wei kingdom and eventually created his ownDynasty (Jin). Cao Cao must be flipping over his grave


Best hook i ever seen in my life


the guy who plays cao zhen is hilarious.. heknows exactly how to throw spoiled brat tantrums


"I spent so many years of my life fishing,that I consider myself an angling master. Yet, I've taken Zhuge Liang's bait.But who in the world would set a hook like this? The bait is at Wudu, but thehook is in their camp!"
Lol. Best lines in this series.


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