2022-04-13 骑着毛驴到处走 13568

The United States was founded, populated and developed by people who were not originally from America. How did anti-immigration sentiment arise from a literal nation of immigrants? How did the idea of America as a melting pot of different cultures develop in spite anti-immigrant sentiment?


I cannot answer your first question, but I can provide insights on the second.
The idea that America was built on multiculturalism appeared very early. By the 1780s, the term "melting together" was a widespread metaphor in use that was meant to positively portray incoming immigrants. Of course, America had just ousted a foreign power from their backs, so nationalism was running high. Hamilton, an immigrant from Nevis, argued vehemently against immigration, arguing that immigrants brought pro-monarchy and ethnic views that would undermine their new, fragile country. He also argued that America's bountiful resources and exploding population meant that America didn't need to rely on newcomers.


In the infancy of the country, with a boundless waste to people, it was politic to give a facility to naturalization; but our situation is now changed. It appears from the last census, that we have increased about one third in ten years; after allowing for what we have gained from abroad, it will be quite apparent that the natural progress of our own population is sufficiently rapid for strength, security.
At first, the two dominant parties of the time (Federalists and Democratic-Republicans) mostly agreed on keeping out immigrants. Thomas Jefferson wrote in his Notes on the State of Virginia in 1781 that foreigners would be anti-Democracy. However, by the turn of the 19th century, the Democratic-Republicans viewed pro-immigration policies as a great way to undermine the Federalists.


The earliest exclusion and laws that occurred were focused mainly on the Chinese in the form of the Foreign Miners' Tax Act of 1850. The rise of this was due to the post gold rush economy.
Many of California's new gold rush prospectors arrived to find out there wasn't much in the way left for them to make their fortunes. So while the first arrivals didn't mind the Chinese when there was enough gold to go around for everyone--when it started to run dry, the resentment began to build. The Miners Tax ended up failing and led to the dying of Chinese gold camps which led to an influx of low cost Chinese laborers in cities.


Things got economically bad after 1877 and led to Chinese establishments being sacked and burned and Chinese being shot and hung. They saw that the Chinese had monopolized multiple manual labor industries like laundry, construction and landscaping for wages they couldn't beat and reacted poorly.
In 1882 the government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act that banned all Chinese immigration for ten years.
One of the common themes of these acts and laws that were passed is economic climate. In harsher times people seemed far more likely to lash out at those deemed different enough.
In the next two decades and in the early 1900's we started to see more of a rise of anti immigration sentiment towards southern and eastern European groups like the Catholics (Irish, Polish, Italians) as well as Jewish people though it would continue to increase after the great depression and around WW2.
Here's a random story about some Irish Orphans who weren't considered the right kind of white until they traveled across the country from NY to AZ to be adopted by Mexican-American families. That's when the fun happened and their white neighbors lost their minds at the sight of white babies adopted by Mexican-Americans.


Follow-up question: at the time of the American Revolution, was there a social distinction between recent immigrants to the colonies compared to those having been there much longer (say, descendants of early Virginia Company or Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay Colony settlers)? In other words, was there a distinction between "locals" and "the British"?


America didn’t really start off as an Immigrant country. The first colonies that were formed at Virginia and Massachusetts were formed in 1607 and 1620 respectively. Given that the modern-day USA was born in 1776, that’s 156 years of life in the continent, and enough for your grandchildren to naturalize in any country by today’s standards.


These original colonists didn’t come here for no reason at all though. Catholicism was restricting freedoms throughout Europe and some immigrants came to escape this religious persecution to practice Puritanism (This is a completely different subject that requires a different research). Most of them came as indentured servants, slaves for pay for a predetermined amount of time, because the price to sail was too steep. These servants ranged from white Europeans to black West Africans. By the time of the Civil War, there were a continuous influx of people from across the Atlantic to the states, which all came either as slaves or indentured servants from all walks of life.
All the way until the declaration of independence and the civil war, the US was known in the world as a place with “class mobility”, where you can work your way into the upper class and become rich and elite. The US promised freedom to practice your own religion, your own language.


Shipment of people to the states were around 60000 for more than 50 years until the famine in Ireland and political turmoil in Germany, which boosted these numbers dramatically. In 1851, there were 380000 people in the US ports of entry, a very dramatic increase in the consistent influx of humans. 2.7 million new prospective citizens entered the country in the next 7 years, and most of these people were Catholic in a time where Catholicism was hated in the US. There were stark opposition to Catholic churches and schools, but these immigrants had bigger problems. They drew hostility because of the diseases they brought with them from the old world. They were poor, just like the original immigrants but instead of improving the forests of Massachusetts into a sprawling city, they diminished its features with the slum housing they stayed in, the increase in crime rates, alcoholism and other misdemeanors.


So to finally answer your question, anti-immigration sentiment arose from immigrants themselves because they viewed new immigrants as fundamentally different from themselves or their families. America undoubtedly was a melting pot, but this did not exclude people from making the distinction between cultures. Blacks were slaves, Irish were poor, Brits were true Americans etc. and anti-immigration is a very broad term for everyone who came to the US. Given all of these distinctions,


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