2019-10-25 yzy86 41209
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The jungles of Papua New Guinea are a different world - the land of headhunters and cannibals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brave Italian photographer Iago Corazza travelled the country, the island at the end of the world, and took photos of its fascinating inhabitants, who still live a Stone Age existence.


''You find people here who can describe the taste of human flesh,'' the photographer said of his travels.


Anthropologist Olga Ammann describes it more succinctly in the book. She quotes people who have eaten other humans: ''The meat of white people smells too strongly and is too salty.''


The Japanese are meant to taste the best, according to her study - the only thing that beats it is the meat of their own women.


But is cannibalism just a myth, or does it still exist on the island? It has been banned there for over 50 years – but it is reported that some tribes still eat the flesh of people who have died.


Evidence of this is the current prence of the Kuru illness in tribe members, which is associated with cannibalism."


Papua natives in Indonesia are also facing a threat against their traditional way of life, after an anti-porn law was passed which could see them forced to ditch their penis sheaths in favour of underwear!


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处

1、I can say, some girls taste fishy.....


2、Japanese people don't taste bad IF you make sure to add ginger and wasabi. Otherwise, they're a bit on the bland side.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3、Any nationality are tasty if you put enough tomato ketchup on them


4、I guess it makes sense, I mean it's said that through a scientific study of human smells caucasian people usually had a faintly dairyish through the large consumption of cheese and milk, whilst japanese people had a clean fresh fish smell, would make sense that the taste would be different too!


I guess cannibals from Papua New Guinea prefer fish to cheese?


5、Ha ha! Caucasians are the cheese filled hotdogs of the cannibal world. biggrin.gif
Time to start gorging on dairy & salt to help ward off cannibal attacks. laugh.gif

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6、Both nutritious and delicious


7、Apparently the skin is the best part!


8、The Japanese may taste the best, but you'll just be hungry again in an hour.


9、I'll agree that Japanese women are rather tasty.


10、Asian FTW!


11、Comedy.. Pure comedy.


12、full of msg.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

13、Some reassurance for white folks when traveling to New Guinea if there is any. Of all the mammals I've tasted not once was I able to distinguish the saltyness of one over another. then again I can't say I've tried human flesh. These stone age savages probably can't tell the difference between a baboon and a wildebeast let alone identify specifically the Japanese. Cannibalism will always exist, but there's a stench of BS with this one.


14、I don't understand how they can "smell" a difference between Japanese and White people.... Do they kill two people off, sit them side by side, slice off a chunk of meat and smell each?

(回复1)These people are hunters by nature and aren't exposed to the same type of environment as us "civilized" peeps.

They have developed their sense of smell to use while hunting. I grew up hunting and you use your nose much like your sight and hearing for tracking game. Therefore your olfactory sense becomes much more than just a fart detector, much like I'd imagine you use yours.


They wouldn't have to "kill two people off and ... (blah blah blah)" They'd know the difference once they were in smelling range, especially if the prey was upwind of the hunter.

(回复2)Yes, I am aware that they have a more acute sense of smell as a result of being natural hunters in the wild.

15、Haha.. im sure all the preservatives and other junk that we put in our food will be inherent in how we taste.. American society does eat very salty foods. Japan and other Asian countries use salt in moderation. Unless you're Chinese, you probably pour a whole mess of MSG in your food. (In which case you will taste sweet and salty)


16、It's all about preparation. You wouldn't cool Kobe the same way you would cook Angus...so why do we assume the new guineans know what the hell they're doing.


When serving human, you really want to try and pair their flavors up with what they eat. Assuming new guineans don't have much in the seasoning realm, a fire roasted application with some vegetables would be perfect for Japanese.


But if you're serving frenchman, you're going to want shallots, a cream sauce, perhaps followed by a cheese plate. An Italian should be served with lemon, or tomato...something acidic to be sure...and Americans...Ketchup, Gravy, bacons, processed cheese...maybe with a cola based pan sauce.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

a couple of fucking bushmen all of the sudden think they're fucking cullinarians?! Give me a damn break.

(译注:布须曼人 是生活于南非、波札纳、纳米比亚与安哥拉的一个原住民种族)

17、Less hair to remove, I presume.


(Apparently its the women most likely to eat you, as men control the supply of meat. I didn't find that suprising, for some reason....)


18、IIRC it may be beacause in the second world war the British encouraged the tribes to fight the Japanese.

(回复1)And they took cuisine tips from the Brits? Oh my.

19、Italians are loaded with anti-oxidants. *nod*

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

20、Eat you Greenlanders children or you won't grow up big and strong...


21、It's all down to Japan's densely populated cities. They are the human version of veal calves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

22、I believe it's important to protect our climate and our rainforests, that's why i only eat butchers prime cuts of free range Englishmen, and while i'm eating them i say;
"Be he alive or be he dead, i'll grind his bones to make my bread".

(译注:"Be he alive or be he dead, i'll grind his bones to make my bread".典出1711年出版的英国寓言《巨人杀手杰克》(Jack the Giant Killer))

23、Mashed Swedes are quite nice
care for some Irish stew?


24、How did the photgrapher survive....?
He was salty and smelled too strong?


25、I bet that has to do with the Japanese diet, much rice and fish.
I wonder, however, how many Japanese went missing to establish such a trend?!?
Anyway, I'm definitely too salty - don't really know about the smell, though.


26、I wonder if i could open a cannibal restaraunt there, offer some foriegn cuisine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How about a Spanish omellete? (egg, onion, tomatoe, Spaniard, with garnish de Nanatsu)
Maybe a German sausage is more your style? (well your guess is as good as mine)
French Fries? (Chopped up Frenchmen dipped in a deep fat fryer)
A full English breakfast maybe? (One cooked Englishman, some potatoe and maybe some beans)
A Greek salad? (Greekman and lettuce)

(译注:双关梗,French fries本意为法式炸薯条,字面意思可以是:炸法国人;English breakfast本意为英式早餐,字面意思可以是:用英国人做的早餐)

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