
Air pollution in New Delhi and surrounding towns has reached the worst levels so far this year, with authorities in the capital having declared a public health emergency and ordered the closure of schools.

Authorities in Delhi on Friday declared a public health emergency and closed schools and all construction activity.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:阿煌看什么 转载请注明出处

Air pollution in New Delhi and surrounding towns has reached the worst levels so far this year, with authorities in the capital having declared a public health emergency and ordered the closure of schools.
The air quality index (AQI), measuring levels of PM 2.5 — tiny particulate matter in the air — deteriorated to above 900, way over the 500-level that qualifies as "severe-plus" on Sunday.an app that uses pollution data to explain air quality via cigarette smoking — found that the Indian capital''''s present air quality was akin to smoking 33.2 cigarettes per day.Aside from the harm it was doing to the lungs of some 40 million people living in the capital region, the smog was so bad more than 30 flights were diverted from Delhi airport due to poor visibility.
空气质量指数(AQI) ,测量pm2.5(空气中的微小颗粒物)的水平,已经恶化到900以上,远远超过了周日的500水平。一款利用污染数据通过吸烟解释空气质量的应用程序发现,印度首都目前的空气质量与每天吸烟33.2支相当。
空气质量指数(AQI) ,测量pm2.5(空气中的微小颗粒物)的水平,已经恶化到900以上,远远超过了周日的500水平。一款利用污染数据通过吸烟解释空气质量的应用程序发现,印度首都目前的空气质量与每天吸烟33.2支相当。
Roads looked deserted as large numbers of people stayed home, rather than expose themselves to the noxious atmosphere outside.
"Pollution has reached unbearable levels across north India," Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi''''s chief minister wrote on Twitter.
“整个印度北部的污染已经达到了难以忍受的程度,”德里首席部长阿尔文德 · 凯杰里瓦尔在推特上写道。
“整个印度北部的污染已经达到了难以忍受的程度,”德里首席部长阿尔文德 · 凯杰里瓦尔在推特上写道。
The government environment monitoring agency SAFAR warned that no relief was expected for the next one to two days, as humidity resulting from unexpected light rains overnight had exacerbated pollution, already driven by higher than seasonal crop stubble burning by farmers in surrounding states."Wind speed is picking up and it could take 24 to 48 hours before the pollution level reduces to a level of around 500," Mahesh Palawat, vice president of private weather forecasting agency Skymet, said.
政府环境监测机构 SAFAR 警告说,预计未来一到两天不会有任何缓解,因为昨晚突如其来的小雨造成的湿度加剧了污染,而周边各州农民焚烧作物残茬的程度已经高于季节性。
私营天气预报机构Skymet的副总裁马赫什·帕拉瓦特说: “风速正在加快,污染水平可能需要24到48小时才能降低到500左右。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
政府环境监测机构 SAFAR 警告说,预计未来一到两天不会有任何缓解,因为昨晚突如其来的小雨造成的湿度加剧了污染,而周边各州农民焚烧作物残茬的程度已经高于季节性。
私营天气预报机构Skymet的副总裁马赫什·帕拉瓦特说: “风速正在加快,污染水平可能需要24到48小时才能降低到500左右。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Anything above 400 on the AQI poses a risk for people with respiratory illness and can also affect even those with healthy lungs
Doctors were reporting a spike in patients with respiratory related issues, according to Sachin Taparia, head of Local Circles, a Delhi-based private consultancy that conducts surveys on government policies and programs.
总部位于德里的私营咨询公司 Local Circles 的负责人萨钦·塔帕里亚表示,医生报告称,患有呼吸系统相关疾病的患者人数激增。该公司对政府政策和项目进行调查。
总部位于德里的私营咨询公司 Local Circles 的负责人萨钦·塔帕里亚表示,医生报告称,患有呼吸系统相关疾病的患者人数激增。该公司对政府政策和项目进行调查。
Delhi has turned into a gas chamber as the pollution levels hit the severe category," Mr Taparia said.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A survey of 17,000 people in the Delhi region by his consultancy found that 40 per cent want to get out of the area because of the failure to control pollution.
他的咨询公司对德里地区1.7万人进行的一项调查发现,由于未能控制污染,40% 的人希望离开该地区。
他的咨询公司对德里地区1.7万人进行的一项调查发现,由于未能控制污染,40% 的人希望离开该地区。

Authorities in Delhi on Friday declared a public health emergency and closed schools and all construction activity.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
From Monday, the city government will also restrict the use of private vehicles on the capital''''s roads under an "odd-even" scheme based on license plates.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
"The temporary restrictions on private vehicles will have a negligible impact as we face the most hazardous situation," said Skymet''''s Mr Palawat.
“临时限制私家车只能产生微不足道的影响,因为我们面临最危险的情况 ”帕拉瓦特先生说。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
“临时限制私家车只能产生微不足道的影响,因为我们面临最危险的情况 ”帕拉瓦特先生说。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Delhi''''s Mr Kejriwal, and the chief ministers from the neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana, urged the federal government to do more to combat the pollution.
德里的 Kejriwal 先生,以及邻近的旁遮普邦和 Haryana 的首席部长们,敦促联邦政府采取更多措施来对抗污染。
德里的 Kejriwal 先生,以及邻近的旁遮普邦和 Haryana 的首席部长们,敦促联邦政府采取更多措施来对抗污染。
According to a lawyer, the Supreme Court is likely to hear a petition on Monday from the environment agency, looking for ways to make state governments take tougher action against farmers to curb the stubble-burning.
Politicians have been reluctant to upset their farming constituencies.
According to SAFAR, satellite pictures had captured more than 3,000 incidents of stubble burning last week in neighbouring states, contributing to 44 per cent of Delhi''''s pollution.
根据 SAFAR 的数据,卫星图像显示,上周邻近邦发生了3000多起焚烧麦茬的事件,占到了新德里污染的44% 。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
According to SAFAR, satellite pictures had captured more than 3,000 incidents of stubble burning last week in neighbouring states, contributing to 44 per cent of Delhi''''s pollution.
根据 SAFAR 的数据,卫星图像显示,上周邻近邦发生了3000多起焚烧麦茬的事件,占到了新德里污染的44% 。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:阿煌看什么 转载请注明出处
I was surprised to learn that >70% of the cities with the worst air pollution in the world are actually in India (as of 2018)
I was surprised to learn that >70% of the cities with the worst air pollution in the world are actually in India (as of 2018)
What if I told you Asian coastal countries contribute over 90% of the oceans waste and plastic debris each year? But no one talks about that or looks at them.
如果我告诉你亚洲沿海国家每年贡献超过90% 的海洋废弃物和塑料垃圾,你会怎样想?但是没有人谈论这些,也没有人注意它们。
What if I told you Asian coastal countries contribute over 90% of the oceans waste and plastic debris each year? But no one talks about that or looks at them.
如果我告诉你亚洲沿海国家每年贡献超过90% 的海洋废弃物和塑料垃圾,你会怎样想?但是没有人谈论这些,也没有人注意它们。
People do all the time, we just don''''t have power over them.
People do all the time, we just don''''t have power over them.
Ocean Cleanup just introduced a river cleanup system like a week ago. They’re doing real work! Already have 4 systems deployed!
大约一周前,海洋清理公司刚刚引入了一个河流清理系统。 他们真的在做事!已经部署了4个系统!
Ocean Cleanup just introduced a river cleanup system like a week ago. They’re doing real work! Already have 4 systems deployed!
大约一周前,海洋清理公司刚刚引入了一个河流清理系统。 他们真的在做事!已经部署了4个系统!
That''''s silly, no powerful country is going to sanction another country for ocean waste.
That''''s silly, no powerful country is going to sanction another country for ocean waste.
Maybe they should?
Maybe they should?
You’re right. That would require people to actually care about the environment and not just pretending to in order to get easy political points.
你说得对。 这需要人们真正关心环境,而不是为了得到简单的政治观点而假装关心。
You’re right. That would require people to actually care about the environment and not just pretending to in order to get easy political points.
你说得对。 这需要人们真正关心环境,而不是为了得到简单的政治观点而假装关心。
I mean a lot of countries just ship their plastics and waste to China so I wouldn''''t be surprised.
I mean a lot of countries just ship their plastics and waste to China so I wouldn''''t be surprised.
China stopped taking waste recently and a bunch of countries are now in a waste management crisis.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
China stopped taking waste recently and a bunch of countries are now in a waste management crisis.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
China is actually still buying/accepting recycled material, but they increased their standards and now only purchase higher quality pre-sorted recycled material. But there aren’t currently enough recycling locations in the US that can actually meet the requirements.
The issue is that the US (and the world) kinda sucks at recycling in general and most of the “recyclables” are contaminated with other refuse and are unusable.
We’re in a waste-management crisis in North America and there’s no clear answer. Education on proper recycling is one step, but municipalities have such different recycling capabilities that there’s no country- or state-wide programs that could be developed.
IMO the best path forward is to put more emphasis on the manufacturers of products to have clear recycling guidelines for their materials, and to develop products that are easier to recycle. But that only works if the public is willing to pay for that development since using recycled material takes a lot of extra engineering work.
It’s a complicated issue overall, basically.
IMO提出的最佳途径是更加强调产品制造商对其材料有明确的回收准则,并开发更易于回收的产品。 但是,这只有在公众愿意为开发项目付费的情况下才能奏效,因为使用再生材料需要大量额外的工程工作。
China is actually still buying/accepting recycled material, but they increased their standards and now only purchase higher quality pre-sorted recycled material. But there aren’t currently enough recycling locations in the US that can actually meet the requirements.
The issue is that the US (and the world) kinda sucks at recycling in general and most of the “recyclables” are contaminated with other refuse and are unusable.
We’re in a waste-management crisis in North America and there’s no clear answer. Education on proper recycling is one step, but municipalities have such different recycling capabilities that there’s no country- or state-wide programs that could be developed.
IMO the best path forward is to put more emphasis on the manufacturers of products to have clear recycling guidelines for their materials, and to develop products that are easier to recycle. But that only works if the public is willing to pay for that development since using recycled material takes a lot of extra engineering work.
It’s a complicated issue overall, basically.
IMO提出的最佳途径是更加强调产品制造商对其材料有明确的回收准则,并开发更易于回收的产品。 但是,这只有在公众愿意为开发项目付费的情况下才能奏效,因为使用再生材料需要大量额外的工程工作。
Not to mention that millions of metric tons of ''''recycled'''' plastic waste from the US are just exported to other countries to be thrown out/ burned. SOURCE
Not to mention that millions of metric tons of ''''recycled'''' plastic waste from the US are just exported to other countries to be thrown out/ burned. SOURCE
What are you talking about. Clean coal is the future!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
What are you talking about. Clean coal is the future!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
No one talks about it much because the US is still the worst polluter on a per capita basis.
No one talks about it much because the US is still the worst polluter on a per capita basis.
What if I told you that the western countries send their waste to dumped into to Asian countries, which in turn dump it in ocean or burn it. Waste management is not solved for the world if you ship out yours to others.
如果我告诉你,西方国家把他们的垃圾运到亚洲国家,然后这些国家又把它们倒进海里或者烧掉。 如果你把自己的垃圾运给别人处理,世界上的垃圾管理问题就不会得到解决。
What if I told you that the western countries send their waste to dumped into to Asian countries, which in turn dump it in ocean or burn it. Waste management is not solved for the world if you ship out yours to others.
如果我告诉你,西方国家把他们的垃圾运到亚洲国家,然后这些国家又把它们倒进海里或者烧掉。 如果你把自己的垃圾运给别人处理,世界上的垃圾管理问题就不会得到解决。
They''''ve set fields on fire for centuries and it was never a problem. Now that the law says they can''''t start their grow season until 2 months later, (and therefor can''''t harvest until 2 months later, after wind direction changes), it''''s a problem.
几个世纪以来,他们一直在放火焚烧麦茬,这一直很常见。 现在法律规定他们在两个月后他们才能开始种植(因此,直到两个月后,风向改变后才能收获) ,这就成了问题。
They''''ve set fields on fire for centuries and it was never a problem. Now that the law says they can''''t start their grow season until 2 months later, (and therefor can''''t harvest until 2 months later, after wind direction changes), it''''s a problem.
几个世纪以来,他们一直在放火焚烧麦茬,这一直很常见。 现在法律规定他们在两个月后他们才能开始种植(因此,直到两个月后,风向改变后才能收获) ,这就成了问题。
Probably because the majority of the population is completely unaware how bad it is for them.
Probably because the majority of the population is completely unaware how bad it is for them.
And most of them are in or around Delhi.
And most of them are in or around Delhi.
While China is also bad on the PM2.5, the current situation in New Delhi and surrounding area is just otherworldly, with levels four times as high as even the worst indicators from China.
虽然中国的 PM2.5水平也很糟糕,但新德里及周边地区目前的情况简直超乎想象,PM2.5水平甚至是中国最糟糕指标的四倍。
While China is also bad on the PM2.5, the current situation in New Delhi and surrounding area is just otherworldly, with levels four times as high as even the worst indicators from China.
虽然中国的 PM2.5水平也很糟糕,但新德里及周边地区目前的情况简直超乎想象,PM2.5水平甚至是中国最糟糕指标的四倍。
India will be the first country to perform auto-economic asphyxiation.
India will be the first country to perform auto-economic asphyxiation.
Given the size of New Delhi population, I wonder if the economic gains of such lousy pollution standards can offset the expenses on healthcare and loss of worker productivity.
Given the size of New Delhi population, I wonder if the economic gains of such lousy pollution standards can offset the expenses on healthcare and loss of worker productivity.
Unfortunately, that''''s exactly how most of this city is functioning
Unfortunately, that''''s exactly how most of this city is functioning
Yeah I''''m sure each individual company gets more of a profit but the overall city loses out. So their government should really do something about it.
是的,我确信每个独立公司获得了更多的利润,但是整个城市却蒙受了损失。 所以他们的政府真的应该做点什么。
Yeah I''''m sure each individual company gets more of a profit but the overall city loses out. So their government should really do something about it.
是的,我确信每个独立公司获得了更多的利润,但是整个城市却蒙受了损失。 所以他们的政府真的应该做点什么。
Pollution standards aren''''t "good" by any means, but this is more a problem of geography than anything else.
Pollution standards aren''''t "good" by any means, but this is more a problem of geography than anything else.
I’m currently in New Delhi staying on the top floor of a 19 story hotel ... yesterday morning when I woke up, I could only see the ground immediately below my window - gack... the farmers are burning the rice fields and there’s no wind at all...
我现在住在新德里一家19层的酒店的顶层... 昨天早上我醒来的时候,我只能看到窗户下面的地面... 农民们在烧稻田,根本没有风...
I’m currently in New Delhi staying on the top floor of a 19 story hotel ... yesterday morning when I woke up, I could only see the ground immediately below my window - gack... the farmers are burning the rice fields and there’s no wind at all...
我现在住在新德里一家19层的酒店的顶层... 昨天早上我醒来的时候,我只能看到窗户下面的地面... 农民们在烧稻田,根本没有风...
the farmers are burning the rice fields
Hmmm, seems like something they should stop doing.
the farmers are burning the rice fields
Hmmm, seems like something they should stop doing.
Seriously, that''''s perhaps the biggest problem that''''s contributing to Asian air pollution. Farmers can''''t bother to properly handle the plants post harvest so they just collect them and burn it all right on the fields. It seems the governing bodies should be doing something but they aren''''t. Everyone is rightfully frustrated
说真的,这可能是造成亚洲空气污染的最大问题。 农民们在收获之后不能正确地处理这些作物,所以他们只是收集它们,然后全部烧掉。 看起来政府机构应该做些什么,但是他们没有。每个人都应该感到沮丧。
Seriously, that''''s perhaps the biggest problem that''''s contributing to Asian air pollution. Farmers can''''t bother to properly handle the plants post harvest so they just collect them and burn it all right on the fields. It seems the governing bodies should be doing something but they aren''''t. Everyone is rightfully frustrated
说真的,这可能是造成亚洲空气污染的最大问题。 农民们在收获之后不能正确地处理这些作物,所以他们只是收集它们,然后全部烧掉。 看起来政府机构应该做些什么,但是他们没有。每个人都应该感到沮丧。
They don''''t just burn out of ignorance or laziness. Tilling is more expensive - you need a tractor and specialized equipment to clear a field. Tilling also causes more soil erosion and does not control pests/pathogens as effectively as burning. So farmers would also have to spend more on soil amendment and pesticides to maintain yields.
No question they need to switch to tilling, but it''''s going to take significant financial assistance to get there. Small family farms don''''t benefit from economies of scale. Consolidation and cooperatives would help.
他们不仅仅是因为无知或懒惰而焚烧。耕作更加昂贵,你需要一台拖拉机和专门的设备来清理一块田地。耕作也会导致更多的土壤侵蚀,并且不像焚烧那样有效地控制害虫 / 病原体。因此,农民也必须花费更多的土壤改良剂和杀虫剂来维持产量。
They don''''t just burn out of ignorance or laziness. Tilling is more expensive - you need a tractor and specialized equipment to clear a field. Tilling also causes more soil erosion and does not control pests/pathogens as effectively as burning. So farmers would also have to spend more on soil amendment and pesticides to maintain yields.
No question they need to switch to tilling, but it''''s going to take significant financial assistance to get there. Small family farms don''''t benefit from economies of scale. Consolidation and cooperatives would help.
他们不仅仅是因为无知或懒惰而焚烧。耕作更加昂贵,你需要一台拖拉机和专门的设备来清理一块田地。耕作也会导致更多的土壤侵蚀,并且不像焚烧那样有效地控制害虫 / 病原体。因此,农民也必须花费更多的土壤改良剂和杀虫剂来维持产量。
The same thing is done here in the US in heavy rice-producing areas. I bet that it''''s worse there, but it''''s still bad here.
同样的事情也发生在美国大米产量高的地区。 我打赌那里的情况更糟糕,但印度这里还是很糟糕。
The same thing is done here in the US in heavy rice-producing areas. I bet that it''''s worse there, but it''''s still bad here.
同样的事情也发生在美国大米产量高的地区。 我打赌那里的情况更糟糕,但印度这里还是很糟糕。
That sounds like some literal dystopian hell. I can''''t imagine working in that environment.
That sounds like some literal dystopian hell. I can''''t imagine working in that environment.
I’m in Gurugram at the moment. Not as bad as New Delhi, but bad. What’s really weird is there is an active anti smoking campaign. Was watching a movie in the hotel and an actor was smoking. They had dubbed in “smoking kills” right on top of the movie while it was on screen.
And there are PSAs against smoking almost every commercial.
But hey - lets go outside and set our rice fields on fire....
我现在在古鲁格拉姆。不像新德里那么糟糕,但也很糟糕。 真正奇怪的是有一个积极的反吸烟运动。我在旅馆里看电影,一个演员在抽烟。他们在电影放映时在电影的正上方配上了“吸烟致死”的音效。
I’m in Gurugram at the moment. Not as bad as New Delhi, but bad. What’s really weird is there is an active anti smoking campaign. Was watching a movie in the hotel and an actor was smoking. They had dubbed in “smoking kills” right on top of the movie while it was on screen.
And there are PSAs against smoking almost every commercial.
But hey - lets go outside and set our rice fields on fire....
我现在在古鲁格拉姆。不像新德里那么糟糕,但也很糟糕。 真正奇怪的是有一个积极的反吸烟运动。我在旅馆里看电影,一个演员在抽烟。他们在电影放映时在电影的正上方配上了“吸烟致死”的音效。
It''''s very sad and wrong that they burn stubble. Honestly when one lives hand to mouth one cannot afford to think about the environment.
It''''s very sad and wrong that they burn stubble. Honestly when one lives hand to mouth one cannot afford to think about the environment.
At $8 a pack that would save me about $25 a day.
At $8 a pack that would save me about $25 a day.
I worked at a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal a city where Monday is Trash (burning) Day and I once saw a guy driving an exposed engine block on 4 wheels. The majority of chronic illnesses were COPD/emphysema. It was surprising not to see obesity, heart disease, diabetes like in the US, because the people eat nothing but vegetables and walk everywhere. But the air was terrible.
我在尼泊尔加德满都的一家医院工作,那里星期一是垃圾焚烧日,我曾经看到一个家伙用开着一辆4个轮子裸露发动机的车。大多数慢性疾病是慢性阻塞性肺病 / 肺气肿。 在尼泊尔看不到像美国那样的肥胖、心脏病和糖尿病,因为人们除了蔬菜什么都不吃,四处步行。但是空气很糟糕。
I worked at a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal a city where Monday is Trash (burning) Day and I once saw a guy driving an exposed engine block on 4 wheels. The majority of chronic illnesses were COPD/emphysema. It was surprising not to see obesity, heart disease, diabetes like in the US, because the people eat nothing but vegetables and walk everywhere. But the air was terrible.
我在尼泊尔加德满都的一家医院工作,那里星期一是垃圾焚烧日,我曾经看到一个家伙用开着一辆4个轮子裸露发动机的车。大多数慢性疾病是慢性阻塞性肺病 / 肺气肿。 在尼泊尔看不到像美国那样的肥胖、心脏病和糖尿病,因为人们除了蔬菜什么都不吃,四处步行。但是空气很糟糕。
Imagine the air being so bad that breathing through a cigarette was healthier.
Imagine the air being so bad that breathing through a cigarette was healthier.
They fucking do. Everyone smokes. Especially the guys. Especially the working poor.
They fucking do. Everyone smokes. Especially the guys. Especially the working poor.
Damn. I have quite a few coworkers from India, and all I''''ve ever heard about it is how nice of a place it is.
I assumed that since many of them are from the highest caste in their class system, I''''d be getting a bit of an obscured view of reality. I didn''''t think it was really that bad though.
Damn. I have quite a few coworkers from India, and all I''''ve ever heard about it is how nice of a place it is.
I assumed that since many of them are from the highest caste in their class system, I''''d be getting a bit of an obscured view of reality. I didn''''t think it was really that bad though.
How people see India is dependent on quite a few things.
most importantly, where in India you live
amount of money you have
your education
your profession (this also dictates how much power and respect you have, generally)
your parent''''s profession
How people see India is dependent on quite a few things.
most importantly, where in India you live
amount of money you have
your education
your profession (this also dictates how much power and respect you have, generally)
your parent''''s profession
Sounds a whole lot like the US.
Sounds a whole lot like the US.
Sounds a whole lot like any country
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Sounds a whole lot like any country
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
India is a beautiful place. It has a long, proud, rich, diverse history. From prehistory, to modern times, all across the nation, there is so much to see and learn and its a great place. The economy is growing rapidly and there is an emergent, urban, cosmopolitan, middle class in the major cities.
But India is also a terrible country. The politics are violent, messy, and corrupt. Justice for the poor and working class is scant, the legal system is highly corrupt. Basic services are still sometimes lacking in poor and rural communities. They are only just starting to get toilets everywhere, etc.
It''''s really just about how you want to look at India, and what you want to focus on.
印度是个美丽的地方。 它有着悠久、自豪、丰富、多样的历史。从史前时代到现代,在整个国家,有这么多的东西可以看可以学习,这是一个伟大的地方。 经济增长迅速,主要城市涌现出一批新兴、城市化和国际化的中产阶级。
但是印度也是一个可怕的国家。 政治是暴力,混乱,腐败的。穷人和工人阶级得不到公正,法律体系高度腐败。贫穷和农村社区有时仍然缺乏基本服务。 他们才刚刚开始到处建厕所,等等。
India is a beautiful place. It has a long, proud, rich, diverse history. From prehistory, to modern times, all across the nation, there is so much to see and learn and its a great place. The economy is growing rapidly and there is an emergent, urban, cosmopolitan, middle class in the major cities.
But India is also a terrible country. The politics are violent, messy, and corrupt. Justice for the poor and working class is scant, the legal system is highly corrupt. Basic services are still sometimes lacking in poor and rural communities. They are only just starting to get toilets everywhere, etc.
It''''s really just about how you want to look at India, and what you want to focus on.
印度是个美丽的地方。 它有着悠久、自豪、丰富、多样的历史。从史前时代到现代,在整个国家,有这么多的东西可以看可以学习,这是一个伟大的地方。 经济增长迅速,主要城市涌现出一批新兴、城市化和国际化的中产阶级。
但是印度也是一个可怕的国家。 政治是暴力,混乱,腐败的。穷人和工人阶级得不到公正,法律体系高度腐败。贫穷和农村社区有时仍然缺乏基本服务。 他们才刚刚开始到处建厕所,等等。
Do people there do anything to try and mitigate the harm to them? Like wear those masks or anything? Do those even help?
那里的人们有做什么来尝试减轻对他们的伤害吗? 比如戴口罩什么的? 这些做法有帮助吗?
Do people there do anything to try and mitigate the harm to them? Like wear those masks or anything? Do those even help?
那里的人们有做什么来尝试减轻对他们的伤害吗? 比如戴口罩什么的? 这些做法有帮助吗?
Reducing PM pollution into your lungs by 95% is a big deal.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Reducing PM pollution into your lungs by 95% is a big deal.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I live in India right now and currently visiting Delhi (yay, great timing). School is closed to protect the children and the news channels are warning people to stay indoors, or to wear masks, especially if they have respiratory issues. That being said, I was outside all day yesterday and most people I saw were not wearing masks, including myself. My throat is definitely a little hoarse, but no major complaints (yet) and I think that the smog may be collected more in certain places, but you can see a faint brown haze ahead of you all over the place, but you won’t notice it right around you most of the time.
I live in India right now and currently visiting Delhi (yay, great timing). School is closed to protect the children and the news channels are warning people to stay indoors, or to wear masks, especially if they have respiratory issues. That being said, I was outside all day yesterday and most people I saw were not wearing masks, including myself. My throat is definitely a little hoarse, but no major complaints (yet) and I think that the smog may be collected more in certain places, but you can see a faint brown haze ahead of you all over the place, but you won’t notice it right around you most of the time.
Why are you not wearing a mask and outside? You like the idea of having cancer?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Why are you not wearing a mask and outside? You like the idea of having cancer?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I''''ve lived in Delhi for almost 3 decades now, and this problem has cropped up only in the last 10 years. Rice was never historically grown in the Northwestern Indian plains. It was grown more in the east and the south, or in the hills. But not here. The government made the farmers switch to rice and wheat farming to increase farmer income. Now the time between these two crops is very short ~ a week between rice harvest and wheat planting. So the farmers burn the stubble of their harvested crops.
Whats frustrating is that Delhi uses cleaner fuels than the rest of the Indian cities, the heavy industries and power plants here have been shut and forced to move elsewhere, and Delhi is also quite green. But nothing that is done in Delhi has any bearing on the pollution once the rice stubble starts to burn. And the politicians don''''t have the guts to take on the farmers in any way.
Edit: Grammer
我在德里住了将近30年,这个问题只是在过去的10年里才出现。 从历史上看,印度西北平原从未种植过水稻。 它更多地生长在东部和南部,或者山里。 但不是在这里。 政府要求农民改种水稻和小麦,以增加农民收入。 现在这两种作物之间的时间间隔非常短——从水稻收获到小麦种植的间隔时间为一周。 因此,农民们烧掉收割后的庄稼残茬。
令人沮丧的是,德里比印度其他城市使用更清洁的燃料,这里的重工业和发电厂已经关闭并被迫转移到其他地方,德里也相当环保。 但是,一旦稻茬开始燃烧,德里所做的一切与污染没有任何关系。 而且政客们没有胆量以任何方式对抗农民。
I''''ve lived in Delhi for almost 3 decades now, and this problem has cropped up only in the last 10 years. Rice was never historically grown in the Northwestern Indian plains. It was grown more in the east and the south, or in the hills. But not here. The government made the farmers switch to rice and wheat farming to increase farmer income. Now the time between these two crops is very short ~ a week between rice harvest and wheat planting. So the farmers burn the stubble of their harvested crops.
Whats frustrating is that Delhi uses cleaner fuels than the rest of the Indian cities, the heavy industries and power plants here have been shut and forced to move elsewhere, and Delhi is also quite green. But nothing that is done in Delhi has any bearing on the pollution once the rice stubble starts to burn. And the politicians don''''t have the guts to take on the farmers in any way.
Edit: Grammer
我在德里住了将近30年,这个问题只是在过去的10年里才出现。 从历史上看,印度西北平原从未种植过水稻。 它更多地生长在东部和南部,或者山里。 但不是在这里。 政府要求农民改种水稻和小麦,以增加农民收入。 现在这两种作物之间的时间间隔非常短——从水稻收获到小麦种植的间隔时间为一周。 因此,农民们烧掉收割后的庄稼残茬。
令人沮丧的是,德里比印度其他城市使用更清洁的燃料,这里的重工业和发电厂已经关闭并被迫转移到其他地方,德里也相当环保。 但是,一旦稻茬开始燃烧,德里所做的一切与污染没有任何关系。 而且政客们没有胆量以任何方式对抗农民。
My Indian friends say they can hardly go back home. They start choking when they get off the plane.
My Indian friends say they can hardly go back home. They start choking when they get off the plane.
Tell em to vote for people who give a crap.
Like when Modi captures and tortures in Kashmir, he''''s not gonna care about the air
Tell em to vote for people who give a crap.
Like when Modi captures and tortures in Kashmir, he''''s not gonna care about the air
Have you seen politicians? No one gives a shit about air quality, only economic growth. Doesn''''t matter the country.
你见过政客吗? 没有人在乎空气质量,只要经济增长。 国家不重要。
Have you seen politicians? No one gives a shit about air quality, only economic growth. Doesn''''t matter the country.
你见过政客吗? 没有人在乎空气质量,只要经济增长。 国家不重要。
That''''s not remotely true. We''''re just too dumb to vote for the right ones.
That''''s not remotely true. We''''re just too dumb to vote for the right ones.
Well, when they themselves start getting sick they will start caring.
Well, when they themselves start getting sick they will start caring.
Voting isn''''t going to make smog go away.
You have entirely too many people in too small of a space. India''''s population growth has exploded century after century.
There needs to be a curb on population growth. People need to stop having large families generation after generation.
Culturally, one of the only options for a woman is to get married and have children. They need to encourage a possibility of just living life independently.
But no, keep talking about policies and recycling and air cleaning while the population booms.
It''''s a people problem. You cannot fit that many people in that small a space and continue to reproduce and reproduce and reproduce. No matter what you do in terms of eco-friendly behaviors.
The pollution problems will continue so long as the population continues to expand. No matter what you do to curb pollution.
你的空间太小了,人太多了。 印度的人口一个世纪又一个世纪地呈爆炸式增长。
这是人的问题。 你不可能在那么小的空间里容纳那么多人,继续繁殖、繁殖、繁殖。无论你在环保方面做了什么。
Voting isn''''t going to make smog go away.
You have entirely too many people in too small of a space. India''''s population growth has exploded century after century.
There needs to be a curb on population growth. People need to stop having large families generation after generation.
Culturally, one of the only options for a woman is to get married and have children. They need to encourage a possibility of just living life independently.
But no, keep talking about policies and recycling and air cleaning while the population booms.
It''''s a people problem. You cannot fit that many people in that small a space and continue to reproduce and reproduce and reproduce. No matter what you do in terms of eco-friendly behaviors.
The pollution problems will continue so long as the population continues to expand. No matter what you do to curb pollution.
你的空间太小了,人太多了。 印度的人口一个世纪又一个世纪地呈爆炸式增长。
这是人的问题。 你不可能在那么小的空间里容纳那么多人,继续繁殖、繁殖、繁殖。无论你在环保方面做了什么。
Population control is easier said than done.
Population control is easier said than done.
India''''s birth rate is already near or at population replacement level.
India''''s birth rate is already near or at population replacement level.
Yeah, over 250 years since the industrial revolution, and you''''d think we''''d have learned our lesson.
Yeah, over 250 years since the industrial revolution, and you''''d think we''''d have learned our lesson.
Except the majority of this pollution is from stubble burning, not industry.
Except the majority of this pollution is from stubble burning, not industry.
India skipped an industrial revolution. They adopted technology from the rest of the world without going through the steps of developing it inside their country. It did great things for their economy, industry, educational system, and quality of life (for people in the cities, and it''''s slowly trickling out to the rural areas). But that means that some initiatives and developmental steps were left behind, like clean energy and recycling and clean air.
印度跳过了一场工业革命。 他们采用了世界其他国家的技术,而没有经过在国内开发的步骤。这步骤为他们的经济、工业、教育体系和生活质量做出了巨大的贡献(对于城市里的人们来说,它正慢慢渗透到农村地区)。 但这意味着一些倡议和发展步骤被抛在了后面,比如清洁能源、循环利用和清洁空气。
India skipped an industrial revolution. They adopted technology from the rest of the world without going through the steps of developing it inside their country. It did great things for their economy, industry, educational system, and quality of life (for people in the cities, and it''''s slowly trickling out to the rural areas). But that means that some initiatives and developmental steps were left behind, like clean energy and recycling and clean air.
印度跳过了一场工业革命。 他们采用了世界其他国家的技术,而没有经过在国内开发的步骤。这步骤为他们的经济、工业、教育体系和生活质量做出了巨大的贡献(对于城市里的人们来说,它正慢慢渗透到农村地区)。 但这意味着一些倡议和发展步骤被抛在了后面,比如清洁能源、循环利用和清洁空气。
You do realize that during the period you call "The industrial revolution" India was de-industrialized by the British and turned into a farming economy. So instead of continuing industrializing with a population of 160 million they have had to do it from the ground up with a population of a billion. If the "West" could mind it''''s own business it would be great thanks.
你应该知道,在你所谓的“工业革命”时期,印度被英国人去工业化,变成了农业经济。 因此,他们不是以一亿六千万人口从头开始工业化,而是以十亿人口从头开始。 如果“西方”能管好自己的事,那就太感谢了。
You do realize that during the period you call "The industrial revolution" India was de-industrialized by the British and turned into a farming economy. So instead of continuing industrializing with a population of 160 million they have had to do it from the ground up with a population of a billion. If the "West" could mind it''''s own business it would be great thanks.
你应该知道,在你所谓的“工业革命”时期,印度被英国人去工业化,变成了农业经济。 因此,他们不是以一亿六千万人口从头开始工业化,而是以十亿人口从头开始。 如果“西方”能管好自己的事,那就太感谢了。
Whenever I go to India I spend most of my time in villages but the few hours I spend in New Delhi makes me feel like my lungs are on fire. I don’t know how people live there it’s brutal. I do hope it gets better but I can’t see that happening.
每当我去印度的时候,我大部分时间都在乡村度过,但在新德里的几个小时让我感觉我的肺在燃烧。 我不知道那里的人是怎么生活的,太残酷了。 我确实希望情况会好转,但我不认为会发生。
Whenever I go to India I spend most of my time in villages but the few hours I spend in New Delhi makes me feel like my lungs are on fire. I don’t know how people live there it’s brutal. I do hope it gets better but I can’t see that happening.
每当我去印度的时候,我大部分时间都在乡村度过,但在新德里的几个小时让我感觉我的肺在燃烧。 我不知道那里的人是怎么生活的,太残酷了。 我确实希望情况会好转,但我不认为会发生。
This is not surprising. I''''ve been to Delhi a number of times for work and the air quality is staggeringly bad. Within 15 minutes of being outside you can tell you aren''''t getting enough oxygen. I found anything more than an hour and I''''d start to feel physically ill.
这并不奇怪。 我去过德里好几次,那里的空气质量糟糕得惊人。 在户外的15分钟内,你就会发现你呼吸不到足够的氧气。 我发现在任何地方呆超过一个小时,我就会开始感到身体不适。
This is not surprising. I''''ve been to Delhi a number of times for work and the air quality is staggeringly bad. Within 15 minutes of being outside you can tell you aren''''t getting enough oxygen. I found anything more than an hour and I''''d start to feel physically ill.
这并不奇怪。 我去过德里好几次,那里的空气质量糟糕得惊人。 在户外的15分钟内,你就会发现你呼吸不到足够的氧气。 我发现在任何地方呆超过一个小时,我就会开始感到身体不适。
When I was in Delhi I felt like I had a constant headache. The air didn''''t smell bad but it had a chemical vibe to me. When I went more regional it was so much nicer. The kids must develop with lungs of iron to withstand being in Delhi.
当我在德里的时候,我觉得我一直头疼。 空气闻起来并不难闻,但对我来说却有一种化学的感觉。当我去更多的地区时,感觉就好多了。 孩子们必须有铁肺才能成长,才能承受住德里的生活。
When I was in Delhi I felt like I had a constant headache. The air didn''''t smell bad but it had a chemical vibe to me. When I went more regional it was so much nicer. The kids must develop with lungs of iron to withstand being in Delhi.
当我在德里的时候,我觉得我一直头疼。 空气闻起来并不难闻,但对我来说却有一种化学的感觉。当我去更多的地区时,感觉就好多了。 孩子们必须有铁肺才能成长,才能承受住德里的生活。
Nah, they get lung cancer instead.
Nah, they get lung cancer instead.
Was in New Delhi around the same burning season a couple of years ago, a couple of American tourists were waiting outside the hotel for a shuttle to take them somewhere. After standing 15 minutes outside, about half of them had trouble breathing and an older lady passed out.
It surprises me that no nation posts a travel warning (at least for older travellers) to not travel to India during the field burning season.
几年前,在新德里的同一个燃烧土地的季节,一对美国游客在酒店外面等候接送他们的班车。 在外面站了15分钟后,大约一半的人呼吸困难,一位年长的女士昏过去了。
令我吃惊的是,没有一个国家发布旅行警告(至少对于老年旅行者) ,禁止他们在燃烧土地的季节前往印度。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Was in New Delhi around the same burning season a couple of years ago, a couple of American tourists were waiting outside the hotel for a shuttle to take them somewhere. After standing 15 minutes outside, about half of them had trouble breathing and an older lady passed out.
It surprises me that no nation posts a travel warning (at least for older travellers) to not travel to India during the field burning season.
几年前,在新德里的同一个燃烧土地的季节,一对美国游客在酒店外面等候接送他们的班车。 在外面站了15分钟后,大约一半的人呼吸困难,一位年长的女士昏过去了。
令我吃惊的是,没有一个国家发布旅行警告(至少对于老年旅行者) ,禁止他们在燃烧土地的季节前往印度。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
How does higher humidity make it worse? I would have thought the rain would have cleared some of the particulates out of the air, but the article only says it added to the humidity, making it worse.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
How does higher humidity make it worse? I would have thought the rain would have cleared some of the particulates out of the air, but the article only says it added to the humidity, making it worse.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
很赞 4