2019-11-12 星际圣母 20507
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:星际圣母 转载请注明出处

As the wealth gap in the U.S. continues to widen, the top 1% of Americans are close to amassing more wealth than the entire middle class, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve, Bloomberg reports. Part of that growing divide is fueled by President Donald Trump’s tax cuts and his relentless drive for lower interest rates.


The top richest Americans had assets of about $35.4 trillion in the second quarter. That’s just short of the $36.9 trillion held by the tens of millions of Americans who make up the middle and upper-middle classes — the 50th to the 90th percentile — according to an analysis of the new data by Bloomberg.


The wealthiest have benefited from a surging stock market and Trump administration tax reforms including such benefits as reductions on inheritance taxes.


“In 2018, following the Trump tax reform, and for the first time in the last 100 years, billionaires have paid” a lower tax rate than “steel workers, school teachers and retirees,” the economists write in their new book “Triumph of Injustice.” The “wealthy have seen their taxes rolled back to rate last seen in the 1910s, then government was only a quarter of the size it is today.”


As the “inequality spiral” continues, the economists have argued, the wealthiest have even more resources to further influence and skew the system to benefit them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:星际圣母 转载请注明出处

Jack S
The thing is, Trumps borrowed-dollar ''tax cut'' had absolutely zero impact on the lives of the richest. It did not allow them to get a new car, or the car they wanted, did not make it so they could eat out once a month, did not make is so they could afford their kids'' college, did not allow them to take a vacation this year, did not allow them a larger apartment....they could do all of that already. It just gave them more money at their disposal they will literally never use. Give the lower Middle Class a tax cut, on the other hand, and you will see a dramatic impact on people''s'' lives, and it will show a huge difference.


For you kids who do not realize that things our politicians did a few decades ago can still affect you today, wake up. This all started with Reaganomics. Trickle Down Economics worked as planned. The Flow of money from the top to the bottom, slowed to a Trickle.
In 1980 the average CEO made 40 times what his average employee made. Today they make 300 times more.
In 1980 CEO''s were paid Cash bonus they had to pay regular incomes taxes on that year. Today they are paid in various stock options that are taxed at lower rates over time.
Sure I blame Republicans for creating this huge income disparity, but over all the Democrats either voted for it, or benefited from it.
Middle Class America has seen our taxes rise the past 34 years faster than the upper class. The biggest tax liability for Middle Class people is becoming our Property Tax.


Do not forget the FICA tax as the wealthy only pay it up to the first $128,000. A person below that pays the full rate of 32% plus the 6.5% percent of FICA. A person that makes more than the $128,00 pays only 35% up to 37%. So a person makes less money but ends up paying a higher tax rate overall when the two are combined. This is not even counting that many wealthy have the ability to classify their earnings as capital gains which only is at a 25% tax rate

别忘了联邦社会保险税,富人只需要为12.8万美元的收入缴纳这项税。低于这个收入的人要全额缴纳32%的税,再加6.5%的联邦社会保险税,而收入高于12.8万美元的人只需付35% - 37%的税。所以总的来说,如果把两项税加起来,赚得少的人反而要付更高的税率。更别说很多富人能够把他们的收入划规为资本利得,资本利得税的税率只有25%。

The fact that Republicans support lowering the capital gains tax to a rate lower than the middle class ordinary income shows that Republicans care about the rich and don''t care the value of working hard for a living. Ordinary income is a tax on wages. Capital gains is a tax on passive income such as investments.


Everytime the republican party changes the tax laws, the poor and middle class fall financially further behind. Decades ago you used to be able to deduct credit card interest, car loan interest and personal loan interest that banks charged you from your tax returns. The republican party took that away. At the same time cities, towns and states increased their fees, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, property taxes and school taxes to compensate for their lost revenue. Most Americans received a financial beating back then as they will again.


John B
The rich get richer because the tax code is written for the rich. Do you ever hear the rich complaining about taxes? NO.


Hell yes we complain...37 percent tax rate is ridiculous. Add the additional ACA Medicare tax and it’s almost 40 percent. Who thinks that’s fair?


richard t
More of Trump''s winning. The 1% now has more net worth than the entire middle class. He succeeded in getting the middle class to elect him into office even though Trump has worked against their financial interest. They don''t understand what he did with the tax reform. The middle class got a few extra bucks in their check but the wealthy are rolling in dough. The wealthy got an amazing inheritance tax reduction


Picture painting. In 2018 the top 1% paid more in taxes than the bottom 95%...maybe they did pay a lower rate, but they still paid more than 95% of America combined


You can make stats say anything !


MakeTarAndFeathering CoolAgain
Maybe if the employees made more money they would pay more of the share...


Maybe they should have paid more than 99% of America combined nitwit. Why do you support them - you part of the 1%? No, let me guess, you are a broke paychecker to paychecker or maybe have a couple of million and think you are well off.


You’re a 1% apologist. You will never be one of them.


@Gary I am in the top 1%, my wife & i made 800k in 2018. We paid 250k in taxes which is an effective tax rate of 33%, no one in the middle class came anyway near paying what i did in federal income taxes. They just don''t get it.


They only paid a lower rate because of capital gains. Capital gains is money in the stock market, which is money for businesses, for jobs and for wages. Capital gains tax should be zero to encourage MORE investment in businesses, jobs and wages.


Its not like these 1% have all this money laying around in an account collecting dust. All of that money is in the ecconomy being reinvested in company''s, growing and employing people.


My goodness, you are naive.


A lot of the have nots need to stop making poor life choices. Stop buying $1000 phones, buy a car/house that you can actually afford, and not the maximum that the bank says you can afford, stop eating out all the time, and the list goes on. Twenty years ago, the bank said I could afford 140k for a house. I bought a 90k house. The first new car that I had bought in 25 years was bought after the house was paid off. The house was paid off in 17 years, instead of 30. I didn''t bury myself in debt, whether it be car, house, or credit card. Now I''m enjoying life a bit more, and socking money away for retirement. The opportunity to become wealthy is there, but there are too many people who aren''t willing to work hard or make the right life choices to do so. Now that my largest debts are no more, I''m working towards wealth.

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