2019-11-19 大写的字母 22510
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处

Hajime Takashima, Born in Japan. Educated in America. Worked in China
Japanese females walk pigeon toed.
Since I have been to several countries including some Asian countries and regions, I have concluded this: only Japanese females do this.

(Pigeon Toed Japanese)


Does this behavior come from the Kawaii culture? Do they believe they look young with the walking gait?
According to my observation, kindergarten to early grade school girls walk just normal. However, when those girls become “Teens,” this only-Japan behavior begins to be seen. This pigeon toed walking can be observed until those females become middle age or even older. Yes, elderly Japanese ladies walk just normal.


I highly recommend you to observe this age specific walking gait among Japanese females when you visit this beautiful country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处

①Andy Lee Chaisiri
Pokemon introduced that Japanese women’s style of walking to a world audience


Hajime Takashima
They are all pigeon toed!!!


②Anett Iwamoto
It may be far older than kawaii culture. You''''re supposed to walk like that when you wear a kimono. Furthermore, many young girls have o legs. That may also enforce that kind of walking.


Nilantana Banerjee
Sitting posture do not cause bow legs, all westerner dont have straight legs, all are born with slightly bow legs due to in utero spece constrains, some will be bow legged well into adulthood (genetic, but may not be inherited 100%).


Thomas Lichtenstein
This is not true. It is not “sitting posture” it is because they are kneeling, often for hours at a time with their toes pointed inward. There are many school events and other events where they are required to sit in the kneeling position (seza) for hours, and families that have a kotatsu (low table that you kneel at instead of a dining table and chairs) have a much higher chance of being bow-legged and walking with pigeon toes.


Iwamoto Anett
Straight legs? We must live in different countries. Honestly!
If the knees don’t touch but the feet do, the girl or woman is o-legged. And that happens so often. If the knees touch but the feet not, the person is X-legged. I’m not sure what you personally understand by non-straight legs.
And you seemed to have misunderstood my comment. I didn’t say that kimonos nowadays enforce the type of walking. I just said that that type of walking wasn’t introduced by or because of the kawaii culture but is far older because it was (and is) considered feminine to take smaller steps. And I’ve been corrected how to walk “correctly”.


Bobbi Thomas
It''''s very unattractive. I thought it was because they truly had a deformity.


Anett Iwamoto
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Chinese men used to find broken and unnaturally healed feet irresistible.


③Trini Cariaga
I first noticed it a lot in J-fashion photos, even if the ones wearing the fashions are simply into the fashion and culture and not actually Japanese. Japanese girls do it and non-Japanese girls emulate it because they see it within the culture.


I really think a lot of it is just the idea of being cutesy and teehee~ innocent. At least, when it comes to the fashion communities.
I actually think it looks cute in photos and drawings, but I don’t think it’s practical to actually try to walk around pigeon toed, unless you actually are and it’s just the way you walk.


④Stacey Thibodeaux
I vividly remember my grandma giving me hell for walking pidgeon-toed as a kid. I was always a bit embarrassed by it but it’s just how my toes like to point!
Too bad I grew up in the US instead of Japan.


Lucero Leza
My 5 year old does that sometimes. I am not even sure if she has a problem or she just likes to point her feet that way.


⑤Sed Chapman
I have noticed that the pigeon toed walk is far less common than in year past.


Men and women also have certain voices that they seem to be trained to use for certain occupations. Train announcers that aren’t recorded are typically male, elevator operators in department stores are typically female. They both use a sort of very closed-mouth nasally sounding voice. Recorded female voices for train announcements use the same type of voice.


⑨Sarah Rose-Jensen
Most women in the West may not stand like that, but women who know how to pose for photos do. Turning your feet inward or bringing your knees together makes you look slimmer, by emphasizing the gap between your thighs. You see bloggers and models standing like this. But yeah, I’ve never seen women just on the street doing the whole pose.
The Pigeon-Toe

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