2019-11-24 翻译熊 18036
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

If your girlfriend came home with hickies on her neck and said it was from a paintball match but has no proof or ever showed interest in paintball, what would you say?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

Carol Johnson-Edwards, friends and families favorite sounding board for their problems
Answered Thu
What difference does it make, if you don’t trust her your relationship is dead in the water. Hell of you don’t trust her, if she had come home in paint splattered clothing, with pictures and a receipt, you would still think that she was lying and see all the proof as TOO MUCH proof and she was trying too hard to make her lie believable. Here’s the thing once you don’t trust someone it doesn''t matter if they have done anything wrong or not, if they have evidence to show they are telling the truth or not, your mind will always find a reason to believe what it wants to, to think the evidence is faked or the lack of evidence is proof she cheated, that every person she talks to is someone she will prefer to be with instead of you, that every facebook friend is someone she is secretly private messaging arranging assignations, that every work night out is really an excuse to get together with someone. Your distrust will drive you both up the pole until either you accuse her once to often and she dumps you or you, convinced she is cheating whatever she says, dump her. I mean she may well have been necking with someone, or she may have been dragged into paintballing against her will at a ‘’team building’ exercise her bosses arranged, it doesn’t matter even if she could prove that this time she is telling the truth what about next time? Or the time after that? Is she always going to have to present you with proof that she was where she said she was with who she said she was? Because once distrust raises its ugly head its there to stay. Can you see what kind of a shitty relationship that would be? For both of you?

Carol Johnson-Edwards,朋友和家人最喜欢的倾诉对象

Hillary Marek, Luxury Boutique Owner, influencer, Poshmark Ambassador
Answered Jan 6
Tell her that sounds fun. Ask her to take you there. The same place she went. Ask her to show you around. I mean she was there right? She should know where everything is. If she was just there I''m sure some of the employees will recognize her.
Tell her you want to go right now. Don''t give her time to cover her tracks.
Respectfully offer to put ointment on the other bruises. You don''t get them just in one spot. Who only shoots a girl in the neck?
If she can''t abide… She''s got something to hide.
Jump ship and leave her lying arse to the sharks she chose to swim with.

Hillary Marek, 奢侈品精品店老板,重要人物,Poshmark大使

Estéfano Neto
Jan 7 · 15 upvotes including Hillary Marek
You never only get just one bruise from Paintballing so yeah, jusy get her to show the others. If she doesn''t have any, there is a 98% chance she is lying.


Brandon Martel, former Corporal at U.S. Marine Corps (2008-2012)
Answered Jan 6
Paintball welts look like this:
If you look closely then you will see a very different pattern. Paintballs are hollow, filled with gel paint. The impact of the paintball occurs around the shell, which leaves a nice white circle in the center of the bruising.
Now this isn''t always true as bounces and rolls leave different trace profiles based on impact, but 90% of your welts will look like the first image.
Now look closely at the second one. The shapes are much more oval shaped, like a mouth. The bruising is focused in the center, where the pressure was applied. While they can look very similar… It clearly is not the same thing as the mouth applies direct pressure at the center of the bruise and gradually decreases pressure near the edges of the mouth.


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