2019-11-25 辽阔天空 7420
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Are low oil prices bad for Tesla?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:辽阔天空 转载请注明出处

Ron Rule, CEO @ As Seen On TV
No, low oil prices are actually GOOD for Tesla and for EV''s in general.
The reason most people aren''t buying EV''s has nothing to do with gas prices, it has to do with range.
Thus, for most people, an EV is their second or third vehicle in their collection. It may very well be the one they drive to the office every day, but it''s rarely their only car, because few people are willing to have their only vehicle limited by a maximum daily range.
Lower fuel costs frees up capital that can be allocated to a second vehicle. At one point, when I lived quite a bit further from the office than I do now, I was spending about $600 per month on fuel between my getting to work every day and my wife running around doing things with the kids. If that ongoing fuel cost were reduced, we could have easily made our second vehicle an EV, but with costs what they were - both fuel and the EV costs - it wouldn''t have made sense.


I actually did the math. At 2007 fuel and EV prices, I would have to have driven that EV 327,000 miles to break even on fuel savings.
I still wanted an EV though, just because I''m an auto buff and technology geek, and it''s the perfect manifestation of both. And since I''m also on a perpetual quest to be Batman in real life, in 2011 I decided to build my own. Four years later, here is the end result:
Believe it or not, what you''re looking at was once a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle. Today, it''s powered by a series wound DC motor and 38 lithium phosphate batteries, has a range of around 90 miles, and does 0-60 in about 3 seconds. No doors, hydraulic top that opens and closes with a keyless entry button, and painted Satin Black.
Total cost was about $20,000 - more than I would ever have spent on fuel in a Beetle, that''s for sure.
Fuel costs aren''t why people go electric. Performance, Eco-friendliness, and being a part of an emerging technology is. For Tesla, they''re targeting an audience who would otherwise buy a Jaguar XJ or BMW 7 series. This isn''t a group that cares about the cost to fill the tank.
But for everyone else, low fuel prices get them closer to being able to afford to go electric.


Kåre Lohse, with a wrong-side-of-the-road Tesla Model S
When you buy a car, whether electric or fossil fuel driven, it will likely last you (or subsequent owners) 10 years or more. Especially the Tesla Model S (and X) as it''s made mainly of aluminum, and has few parts to maintain. I reckon most Tesla Model S and X will last well over 20 years. But even if you buy a brand new dino juice cruiser, you have committed to THAT fuel for so many years. Of course you can sell it on, but if fuel price goes up, second hand prices of ICE cars will drop.
What will gas (or diesel or LPG) cost in 2035?
Looking at what the pump price is yesterday, today or tomorrow, is just a temporary indication of a very variable - and significant - part of the total cost of ownership - if you own a fossil fuel driven car.

当你买了一辆汽车,无论是电动的还是燃油驱动的,它可能会让你(或者转让后的车主)使用10年或更长时间。特别是特斯拉S型(和X型),因为它主要是由铝制成的,几乎没有零部件需要维护。我估计大多数特斯拉Model S和Model X的寿命会超过20年。但是,即使你买了一辆全新的巡洋舰,你也已经使用这种燃料很多年了。当然你可以继续卖给别人,但是如果油价上涨,二手冰车的价格就会下降。

Simon Crump, Model S 100D, referral code http://ts.la/simon52315
Not really.
Firstly, as others have observed, Tesla is in the luxury car market and so the fuel cost saving is less significant than for other EV manufacturers. If you buy a $100k car, saving an extra $5 each time you recharge instead of filling up is neither here nor there. The car has other unique selling points.
But there''s something equally important, which is that the US is not the only market for EVs and elsewhere the falling price of oil on the commodity markets affects the consumer price of fuel somewhat less. Gasoline/petrol is heavily taxed in Europe and there are twice as many people there than in the US.
In the UK petrol currently costs £1 per litre and 78p of that is tax. That is equivalent to around $6 per US gallon, and at the top of the market British drivers were paying more than $8 per US gallon. Either way, buying petrol is many times more expensive than recharging an EV. Even with the current low oil prices, my cost per mile in a petrol car in the UK is about $0.25 versus less than $0.05 per mile for an EV (and that''s if I pay for all my own electricity).
So even if Americans can''t make a strong case for buying Teslas in the current market, the Europeans can. The best selling car in Norway is the Tesla Model S:


Ian McCullough, IRL: Technology & Education / Quora: Politics + Other Stuff
No one is buying a Tesla as an economic consideration to save money on gasoline. Some people might buy a Tesla since they''re zero-emissions. Like all luxury cars, part of the reason that people buy them is to make a statement.

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