什么推动中国科技领域遥遥领先 ?(评论上)
2019-11-25 后羿A射日 33229
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What’s Pushing China’s Tech Sector So Far Ahead

什么推动中国科技领域遥遥领先 ?(评论)
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Anumakonda Jagadeesh
China has long history of inventions advancement in Science and Technology besides medicine and Renewable Energy.
List of Chinese Inventions


China has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions. This includes the Four Great Inventions: papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing (both woodblock and movable type). The list below contains these and other inventions in China attested by archaeological or historical evidence.


The historical region now known as China experienced a history involving mechanics, hydraulics and mathematics applied to horology, metallurgy, astronomy, agriculture, engineering, music theory, craftsmanship, naval architecture and warfare. By the Warring States period (403–221 BC), inhabitants of the Warring States had advanced metallurgic technology, including the blast furnace and cupola furnace, while the finery forge and puddling process were known by the Han Dynasty (202 BC–AD 220). A sophisticated economic system in imperial China gave birth to inventions such as paper money during the Song Dynasty (960–1279). The invention of gunpowder during the mid 9th century led to an array of inventions such as the fire lance, land mine, naval mine, hand cannon, exploding cannonballs, multistage rocket and rocket bombs with aerodynamic wings and explosive payloads. With the navigational aid of the 11th century compass and ability to steer at high sea with the 1st century sternpost rudder, premodern Chinese sailors sailed as far as East Africa. In water-powered clockworks, the premodern Chinese had used the escapement mechanism since the 8th century and the endless power-transmitting chain drive in the 11th century. They also made large mechanical puppet theaters driven by waterwheels and carriage wheels and wine-serving automatons driven by paddle wheel boats.

这片经历了包括力学、水力学、应用于测时法的数学、冶炼学、天文学、农业、工程学、音乐学、工艺学、造船和军事学的历史地区就是现在的中国。到了战国时期(公元前403-221年),居民已经拥有了先进的冶金技术,包括鼓风炉和化铁炉,而到了汉朝(公元前202 -公元220年),人们已经知道了精炼炉锻造和灌钢法。在帝制时期的中国的复杂经济体系催生了诸如宋代(960-1279)纸币等发明。9世纪中期火药的发明带来了一系列相关发明创造,如火枪、地雷、水雷、手铳、爆炸炮弹、多级火箭和带有空气动力机翼和爆炸载荷的火箭炸弹。11世纪在航海指南针的帮助,前现代的航海员利用公元1世纪尾舵在有浪海上航行的技术,最远到达了东非。水力钟表方面,前现代中国人从公元8世纪就开始使用擒纵机构,公元11世纪就使用无止无尽的动力传动链进行传动。他们还制作了大型的机械木偶剧院,由水车和马车轮驱动,以及由桨轮船驱动的机器酒保。
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The contemporaneous Peiligang and Pengtoushan cultures represent the oldest Neolithic cultures of China and were formed around 7000 BC. Some of the first inventions of Neolithic China include semilunar and rectangular stone knives, stone hoes and spades, the cultivation of millet and the soybean, the refinement of sericulture, the building of rammed earth structures with lime-plastered house floors, the creation of pottery with cord-mat-basket designs, the creation of pottery tripods and pottery steamers and the development of ceremonial vessels and scapulimancy for purposes of divination. The British sinologist Francesca Bray argues that the domestication of the ox and buffalo during the Longshan culture (c. 3000–c. 2000 BC) period, the absence of Longshan-era irrigation or high-yield crops, full evidence of Longshan cultivation of dry-land cereal crops which gave high yields “only when the soil was carefully cultivated,” suggest that the plough was known at least by the Longshan culture period and explains the high agricultural production yields which allowed the rise of Chinese civilization during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–c. 1050 BC). Later inventions such as the multiple-tube seed drill and heavy moldboard iron plough enabled China to sustain a much larger population through greater improvements in agricultural output.


Neolithic cultures in Southern China, such as the Liangzhu, Majiabang, and Hemudu, were precursors of the Austronesian, Austroasiatic, Kra-Dai, and Hmong-Mien speakers. They were collectively referred to as Baiyue or “barbarians”. They were the sites of early Neolithic advancements like rice cultivation and paddy field agriculture. The most advanced examples which might have represented the earliest true states are the Daxi and Qujialing cultures (possibly Hmong-Mien) of the Upper Yangtze; and the Hemudu, Majiabang and Liangzhu cultures of the Yangtze Delta (pre-Austronesian). These peoples moved further south in response to the Han expansion at around 200 BC. Pre-Austronesians, in particular, settled Taiwan from the Fujian region, then spread out rapidly into Island Southeast Asia, Micronesia, Island Melanesia, Polynesia, and Madagascar.[16]


For the purposes of this list, inventions are regarded as technological firsts developed in China, and as such does not include foreign technologies which the Chinese acquired through contact, such as the windmill from the Middle East or the telescope from early modern Europe. It also does not include technologies developed elsewhere and later invented separately by the Chinese, such as the odometer, water wheel, and chain pump. Scientific, mathematical or natural discoveries, changes in minor concepts of design or style and artistic innovations do not appear on the list.


The Four Great Inventions are inventions from ancient China that are celebrated in Chinese culture and history for their significance and as symbols of ancient China’s advanced science and technology.


The Four Great Inventions are: Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking, Printing


These four discoveries had a profound impact on the development of civilization throughout the world. However, some modern Chinese scholars have opined that other Chinese inventions were perhaps more sophisticated and had a greater impact on Chinese civilization – the Four Great Inventions serve merely to highlight the technological interaction between East and West.


After the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949, China reorganized its science establishment along Soviet lines. Although the country regressed scientifically as a result of government policies which led to famine during the Great Leap Forward and political chaos during the Cultural Revolution, scientific research in nuclear weapons and satellite launching still gained great success. From 1975, science and technology was one of the Four Modernizations, and its high-speed development was declared essential to all national economic development by Deng Xiaoping. Other civilian technologies such as superconductivity and high-yield hybrid rice led to new developments due to the application of science to industry and foreign technology transfer.

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As the People’s Republic of China becomes better connected to the global economy, the government has placed more emphasis on science and technology. This has led to increases in funding, improved scientific structure, and more money for research. These factors have led to advancements in agriculture, medicine, genetics, and global change. In 2003, the Chinese space program allowed China to become the third country to send humans into space, and ambition to put a man on mars by 2030. In the 2000s and 2010s, China became a top scientific and industrial power in more advanced fields such as super computing, artificial intelligence, bullet trains, aeronautics, nuclear physics researches and other fields.


In 2016, China became the country with the highest science output, as measured in publications. While the US had been the biggest producer of scientific studies until then, China published 426,000 studies in 2016 while the US published 409,000. However, the numbers are somewhat relative, as it also depends how authorship on international collaborations is counted (e.g. if one paper is counted per person or whether authorship is split among authors).

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China’s investment in research and development is expected to reach 2.5% of GDP, and the contribution of scientific and technological advances toward economic growth should come to reach 60%.


— The 13th Five-Year Plan of China (2016-2020)
The central government’s commitment is aimed at making China a leading power in science and technology by the middle of the century, or around the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.


—President address at a biennial conference of the country’s two top think tanks on May 31
Three-step goals: To develop China into an innovation-oriented country by 2020, to place China among top innovation-oriented countries by 2030, and to turn China into a technological innovation powerhouse by 2025.


— Outline of the National Strategy of Innovation-Driven Development released by the Ministry of Science and Technology on May 23
China is now decisively the second-largest performer of research and development.


Aerospace Probe


Tiangong II, launched on Sept 15, 2016


The space lab is 10.4 meters high, 3.35 meters in diameter and weighs 8.6 metric tons. It has two cabins – one acts as the astronauts’ living quarters and the other contains solar panels, storage batteries, propellant and engines.


Its major tasks are to accommodate astronauts’ medium-length stay in it and test life-support technologies, to demonstrate in-orbit refueling and repair plans and to conduct experiments pertaining to space sciences.


Shenzhou XI, launched on Oct 17 and returned on Nov 18, 2016


It carries astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong to dock with Tiangong II on Oct 19. Astronauts conduct medical experiments and space science experiments such as raising silkworms and planting vegetables in space.


The Shenzhou XI-Tiangong II mission was China’s sixth manned spaceflight and is expected to pave the way for a permanent space station, which the country plans to start building in 2018 and put into service in about 2022.


SJ-10 retrievable satellite, launched on April 6 and recovered on April 18, 2016


Long March 5, heavy-lift two-stage rocket, launched on Nov 3, 2016

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The 57-meter-tall rocket has a liftoff weight of 870 metric tons, and a maximum payload capacity of 25 tons to low Earth orbit and 14 tons to geosynchronous transfer orbit.


Long March 5 will enable China to put its future manned station into space and send unmanned probes to Mars. It is scheduled to carry the Chang’e-5 lunar probe around 2017.


Five memorable moments


First satellite – Dongfanghong-1, on April 24, 1970 Fifth nation to join the “space club”
First manned spacecraft (2003) Yang Liwei, 38, spends 21 hours in orbit
Third country ever to send a human into space
First spacewalk by Zhai Zhigang, 42, (2008)
Third country to leave footprint in the universe
First space lab Tiangong-1 (2011)


Preparation to put a permanent manned space station into service around 2022


First lunar “soft” landing – lunar probe Chang’e-3 (2013)
With lunar rover “Yutu” (Jade Rabbit) for surveying the moon’s geological structure and surface substances and looking for natural resources


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Ambitious plans


2017 – Send lunar probe Chang’e 5 to land on the moon and return with lunar samples.
2020 – Complete aerospace projects currently under way, including manned space programs, lunar probes, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, and the Gaofen observation satellite program. China also intends to send an unmanned probe to Mars that is expected to orbit and land on the Red Planet and conduct scientific research.
2025 – Will complete construction of national civilian space infrastructure.
2036 – Plan to send astronauts to the moon under its manned lunar exploration program. To date, only the United States has successfully landed astronauts on the moon.


World’s first quantum communication satellite


Micius, the world’s first quantum communication satellite developed by China, was launched into space on Aug 16, 2016.
The 631-kilogram satellite, named after the ancient Chinese philosopher and scientist Micius, operates 500 kilometers above Earth for at least two years.


The satellite is dedicated to quantum science experiments, and it will serve as evidence that China is leading the world to achieve satellite-earth quantum communication.
Taking a big step in building a space-based quantum communication network that would be virtually uncrackable.


World’s longest quantum communication network


China will complete and put into service the world’s longest quantum communication network stretching 2,000km from Beijing to Shanghai in the second half of this year.
Government agencies and banks in cities along the route can use it first. By 2030, the Chinese network would be extended worldwide.


In 2012, China built the world’s first metropolitan area quantum network in Hefei, lixing 46 nodes to allow real-time voice communications, text messages and file transfers.




Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), or Tianyan, is the world’s largest of its kind, overtaking Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory, which is 300 meters in diameter. FAST’s large hemispheric surface is made up of 4,450 1.3-millimeter-thin reflecting panels, each weighing 427 to 482.5 kilograms. It is 10 times more sensitive than the steerable 100-meter telescope near Bonn, Germany.


Scientific application


FAST can detect weak radio signals from the outer space, even beyond our own solar system and will be helpful in areas such as large-scale physics of the universe and understanding the nature of dark matter.
It will also contribute to the international search for intelligent extraterrestrial life and could also be used to track spacecraft involved in China’s space program.
It is capable of identifying gravitational waves, detecting radio emissions from the outer reaches of space and listening for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life.


Construction and cost
With an investment of 1.2 billion yuan ($185 million), this gigantic project started in 2011, 17 years after it was proposed by Chinese astronomers.


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Artificial Intelligence and Super Computing


Three-year ‘Internet Plus’ artificial intelligence plan
China will speed up the development of its artificial intelligence (AI) sector and create a market worth more than 100 billion yuan ($15.26 billion) over the next three years.


By 2018, China shall build platforms for fundamental AI resources and innovation and make breakthroughs on basic core technology to be in line with global AI technology and industries by 2018.


The country will cultivate and develop emerging artificial intelligence industries, promote innovation in intelligent products and enhance the intelligence level of terminal products.
The program will involve key projects such as intelligent home appliances, smart automobiles, intelligent unmanned systems, intelligent wearable devices and robots(Chinadaily.com).


Two Robot hit on social media


Robot Monk
Buddhist monasteries are often associated with tradition and the ancient past but one located 30 kilometers northwest of Beijing’s Zhongguancun – China’s innovation hub – has become famous for looking to the future with its use of cutting-edge technology and for its latest recruit, a robot.


‘Jia Jia’
A new interactive robot, named Jia Jia, looking like a real woman, was showcased at the 2016 China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair from April 21 to 23.


Supercomputing – TaihuLight
The research team of the Sunway TaihuLight, a Wuxi-made supercomputer, was announced as the winner of the 2016 ACM Gordon Bell Prize in Salt Lake City on Nov 17, 2016.


The prize is known as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for the field of high-performance computing applications. This is the first time Chinese researchers have been awarded the prize.


The supercomputer is launched on June 20, 2016, and can perform a staggering 93 petaflops/s (quadrillions of calculations per second). Its processors and technology all designed in China.

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Renewable Energy in China
China is the world’s leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States. By the end of 2018, the country had a total capacity of 728 GW of renewable power, mainly from hydroelectric and wind power. China’s renewable energy sector is growing faster than its fossil fuels and nuclear power capacity.


Although China currently has the world’s largest installed capacity of hydro, solar and wind power, its energy needs are so large that in 2015 renewable sources provided only 24% of its electricity generation, with most of the remainder provided by coal power plants. In 2017, renewable energy comprised 36.6% of China’s total installed electric power capacity, and 26.4% of total power generation, the vast majority from hydroelectric sources. Nevertheless, the share of renewable sources in the energy mix had been gradually rising in recent years.


China sees renewables as a source of energy security and not just only to reduce carbon emission China’s Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution issued by China’s State Council in September 2013, illustrates the government’s desire to increase the share of renewables in China’s energy mix Unlike oil, coal and gas, the supplies of which are finite and subject to geopolitical tensions, renewable energy systems can be built and used wherever there is sufficient water, wind, and sun


As Chinese renewable manufacturing has grown, the costs of renewable energy technologies have dropped dramatically. Innovation has helped, but the main driver of reduced costs has been market expansion. In 2015, China became the world’s largest producer of photovoltaic power, with 43 GW of total installed capacity. From 2005 to 2014, production of solar cells in China has expanded 100-fold. However, China is not expected to achieve grid parity – when an alternate source of energy is as cheap or cheaper than power purchased from the grid—until 2022. In 2017, investments in renewable energy amounted to US$279.8 billion worldwide, with China accounting for US$126.6 billion or 45% of the global investments.


Wind Power
China has the largest wind resources in the world and three-quarters of this natural resource is located at sea. China aims to have 210 GW of wind power capacity by 2020. China encourages foreign companies, especially from the United States, to visit and invest in Chinese wind power generation. However, use of wind energy in China has not always kept up with the remarkable construction of wind power capacity in the country.


In 2008 China was the fourth largest producer of wind power after the United States, Germany, and Spain. At the end of 2008, wind power in China accounted for 12.2 GW of electricity generating capacity. By the end of 2008, at least fifteen Chinese companies were commercially producing wind turbines and several dozen more were producing components. Turbine sizes of 1.5 MW and 2 MW became common. Leading wind power companies were Goldwind, Dongfang, and Sinovel. China also increased the production of small-scale wind turbines to about 80,000 turbines (80 MW) in 2008. Through all these developments, the Chinese wind industry appeared unaffected by the global financial crisis, according to industry observers.


By 2009 China had total installed windpower capacity up to 26 GW. China has identified wind power as a key growth component of the country’s economy.


As of 2010, China has become the world’s largest maker of wind turbines, surpassing Denmark, Germany, Spain, and the United States. The initial future target set by the Chinese government was 10 GW by 2010, but the total installed capacity for wind power generation in China had already reached 25.1 GW by the end of 2009.


In September, 2019, Norwegian energy firm Equinor and state-owned China Power International Holding (CPIH) announced their plan to cooperate in developing offshore wind in China and Europe.


Solar Power
China produces 63% of the world’s solar photovoltaics (PV). It has emerged as the world’s largest manufacturer as of June 2015.


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Following the new incentive scheme of Golden Sun announced by the government in 2009, there are numerous recent developments and plans announced by industry players that became part of the milestones for solar industry and technology development in China, such as the new thin film solar plant developed by Anwell Technologies in the Henan province using its own proprietary solar technology. The agreement was signed by LDK for a 500 MW solar project in the desert, alongside First Solar and Ordos City. The effort to drive the renewable energy use in China was further assured after the speech of the Chinese President given at the UN climate summit on 22 September 2009 in New York, pledging that China would adopt plans to use 15% of its energy from renewable sources within a decade.

政府2009年宣布金太阳新激励方案后,有许多最近的进展和计划宣布的行业参与者,成为里程碑的一部分在中国太阳能产业和技术的发展,如新薄膜太阳能发电厂Anwell技术发达的河南省使用自己的专有的太阳能技术。LDK与First solar和鄂尔多斯市签署了该协议,将在沙漠地区建设一个500兆瓦的太阳能项目。努力推动可再生能源的使用在中国进一步向演讲后2009年9月22日在联合国气候峰会在纽约,承诺,中国将采取计划用十年内15%的能源来自可再生能源。

China has become a world leader in the manufacture of solar photovoltaic technology, with its six biggest solar companies having a combined value of over $15 billion. Around 820 MW of solar PV were produced in China in 2007, second only to Japan
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India


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