2019-11-29 辽阔天空 22028
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:辽阔天空 转载请注明出处

How do you know India is changing?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:辽阔天空 转载请注明出处

Sompa Das, lives in India
Personal experience: My mom came to pay me a visit in chennai and stayed with me for a couple of days.Then came her date of return (5th march’17).I went to the station to see her off along with my cousin brother and friends.We boarded her on the train with too much of luggage (believe me when I say too much it was too much:9bags to more precise :P).
She was traveling to Orissa (Jajpur-the place where we stay). She was supposed to reach there in the morning.The train was running late by 26mins. She reached Jajpur and got down of train(didn''t count and check the bags ) and was prepared to head to our home. Then suddenly she remembered that one bag is missing. Immediately she went to the RPF for help. They took her complaint and contacted their forces in the upcoming stations and asked them to take that bag from her berth and handover to the RPF office. Till that time the day was almost over. Then they did as instructed and called on my father''s cell phone and informed him that the bag was collected safely and was kept with the RPF office in Jajpur railway station and he was asked to collect it the next day.
Next day he went with ID proofs and collected the bag.
Thank you RPF
It''s a sign that our country is changing and we need more dedicated people like them.
It may be a simple incident but it means a lot to us. The bag definitely didn''t had any money but still everyone loves their belongings.

Sompa Das,生活在印度
她来我这之前一直在奥里萨邦旅行(我们住的地方是贾普尔)。她应该在早上到达那里,但火车晚点了26分钟。她到了贾普尔下了火车(当时没有清点和检查行李),就准备回家。然后她突然想起有一个行李忘记拿。她立即向铁路保护部队求助。他们接到她的求助,联系了即将到站的部队,让他们把行李从她的卧铺上拿下来交给铁路保护部队办公室。直到那天晚上,他们按照登记的电话打了我父亲的手机,告诉他包已经安全收好了,放在贾普尔火车站的铁路保护部队办公室,要他第二天去取包裹。 (译注:RPF:Railway Protection Force铁路保护部队)

Now, coming to the most important point in our discussion. He told me in a very casual way…”Sir, I didn’t like the jobs that I was doing earlier because I was not able to give my 100% to it. But now, I enjoy this driving job to the core, and at the end of the day, I make good money and most importantly, I have high level of job satisfaction”.
My roommates are working in prominent IT companies and my earning as a cab driver is also matching to what they earn. But, I need to pay my monthly due for the car and take care of its maintenance. Oh, Yeah?, I said “IT employees have much more loans and unwanted expenses, and you are far better”!


He wants to close down the loan on the present car that he is driving and want to purchase another one soon. He is very thoughtful when he said “Sir, only when people are educated, their behavior will change and customer service will improve”, Truly, golden words to be remembered ever.
It was time for me to get down, but I thought to myself that this guy would one day be running a big cab service company as he has got the passion, grit and determination to do it. After rubbing my thoughts with him, I am inspired to do my work even better than what I am doing now.

他想把他现在开的那辆车的贷款还清,想尽快再买一辆。他深思熟虑地说:“先生,只有当人们受到教育,他们才会改变行为和改善客户服务工作”, 的确,金玉良言将被永远记住。

Nathan Samuels
Yes, India has changed a lot in the past few years, India’s tag of a poverty stricken country is being changing in the past few many years in the eyes of the world. Now India is emerging as a much more powerful nation with great a great scope of the future.
India’s IT industry has had a positive impact in the past years. More and more number of people even from the rural areas have an access to the internet. Many big companies in India like Google and Facebook are investing in India and giving free wi-fi in many of the public places.
As the number of internet users in India is Increasing so is the number of websites. More and more number of websites are being developed in India and being hosted by free online services to keep the website live on the web.
Hence it can be said that India has changed a lot in the past few years and it will change for the good in coming years. All the people in the nation has to come forward and work for the betterment of the country.

Nathan Samuels
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