2019-11-30 大写的字母 26466
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处

Epic China Episode 01:What is China?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大写的字母 转载请注明出处

1)John Gordon
This sounds like when God diversified the languages at the tower of Babel

(译注:巴别现象,旧约圣经故事「 巴别塔 ( the Tower of Babel ):在人类企图建造一座高耸入云的塔时,上帝故意搅乱了他们的语言,使其不能沟通,避免人类为所欲为。)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2)Alex Huh
when u say the origins of this series begins with the end of Yuan dynasty, I know you know alot more about Chinese history than many other so called historian


3)NeverGiveUpTheShip _
youtube is so shameless. Demonetize videos and still insert advertisement in them.


4)Tango Zulu
Need to get this series on Netflix!


5)David Chin
Thanks, Nathan, for helping a “banana” reconnect with his roots.


6)Lance Asingioro
Excellent show! And Shame on that brainless "❌" from Youtube team!


7)Bill T
how I wish to become a time traveler so that I can jump into the future and come back to watch this series without stopping


8)jeime luk
YouTube is really really making me sick to have put a sinister red cross on the wonderful program. It is yet another evidence of the American hypocrisy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

9)Hawaiilaw Hawaii
Nathan I have spent almost 60 years studying China as an avocation so I am pretty familiar with ancient and modern China. I am quite impressed by your ability to understand the interplay of these forces to come together into a coherent whole. Impressive, and shows you really know China. This whole project will be a tour de force and I will look forward to every episode. I''''''''m curious though why you chose the Yuan Dynasty as a starting point. (Why not the Tang)? Anyway I look forward to the next episode!


10)saimiou he
I have some friends, particularly ABC, accuses China basically for everything but I usually ignore them because they simply don’t know China. Watching this video will be a good helper.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

11)Tinker Knight
Most of the time, gifts given back to neighbor countries was more valuable than tribute. It was an actual deal to make sure neighbors maintain peace.


12)Virus Xtal
Congrats on the “this is not fake news” label - I mean the cross, black or red, preceding your title.


13)M Mp
I am surprised how you learned all this thing about Chinese history? Especially the balance and ideology thing between people and government thing, I mean, it’s deep and profound, i never expected a foreigner could figure it out or just understand this(and that’s why westerners keep perceiving Chinese relations between government and people based on their own history and jumped to conclusions that Chinese is suffering under this totalitarian government and anyone voicing for it is just brainwashed) if you learned and discovered all these things on your own, then you do have the capacity in studying things. Considering your career experience, your brain IS impressive. Perhaps tortured by cult mentally but growing out of it with refuting them piece by piece can intensively exercise one’s mind(joking). I anticipate you do more impressive things in the future.


Nathan Rich
Thanks for the kind comment. I actually researched quite a lot for this series, and continue to do so. For this episode the hard part was NOT talking about all the cool stuff in the past, because the real story I want to talk about is the foreign relations starting in 15xx. I’m excited to finally start to get my perspective out!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elevated Status
@Nathan Rich your work speaks for itself. Continue on. There''s two sides to every story. Conscious people are glad that you''''''''re able to share the other side of the story that many fraudulent YouTube channels aren''''''''t aware of because of the inherent flaws of their psyches. The information in you have covered in your video series qualify to be used in university curriculum. I can''''''''t say the same for the other YouTube channels that represent themselves as experts and scholars of Chinese civilization and psychology. You know what channels I''''''''m referring to. Lmao


14)Koen Son
I believe this serious will show the essential “principle” of Chinese society, ancient and modern. I live in Japan while almost all of the books and people talking about China can’t reach the core of it. The great success of Chinese History Education is asking students to analysis why the accident happened instead of only telling them there were such an event.


15)John Petterson
I think here in Australia, so many people are still racist to Chinese


I love the concept of giving an overview before we dig into the details. Can''''''''t wait for the next episode.


17)Ben Kearney
let me tell you a story. a few days ago I went to a party, there were Japanese, Dutch and German friends. they are all reasonable and kind individuals. then one lady started talking about her honeymoon spent in Okinawa. The others were curious and asked where Okinawa is. The Japanese friend started to explain: Okinawa is an island....... after the war the Americans occupied it and have their military forces stationed there in order to defend from...
the Dutch girl said: from China...
the German girl said: and from North Korea.
yes, it seemed so natural.


how did the most tortured and invaded country during WW2 become an enemy of the whole "liberal world"?
How did the country that fought back against the Nazis at the eastern line and reversed the war situation become so insignificant that the G7 didn''''''''t even invite them for WW2 memorial?
How did we forget the Taiwanese mercenary hired by the Japanese imperialists also participated in the numerous massacres including the one happened in Nanking in 1937?



4:54 This is what happens when one seeks an illiterate barbarian to define the earliest meaning of a "中國" - they put modern Google English translation into it.

19)EU611 Helot
A video made with great effort
Even though like he said he skipped some parts. I would say it''''''''s one of those videos best for Westerners to take a start.
So much information carefully processed into the form easy for them to understand.
Great job !


Interesting fact: China was the first to universally abolish slavery. They did this 2,000 years before the west.


Liwen Ren

actually not, chinese lawfully banned slavery in early 20th century.. and no late than 1950, there is still exist slaves, for instance, 婢女 which is though not 100% slave but in most cases they are house owned slaves and can be sold and bought, and that is slavery.
没有的事,中国是在20世纪初期立法废除了奴隶制… 但直到1950年.....例如,婢女,虽然并不完全是奴隶,但很多情况下,她们都算是家养制......

@Liwen Ren no, I''''''''m correct. China was the first to completely abolish slavery. Earlier other places abolished debt slavery (Athens) and slave trading (India) but universal slave ownership was first abolished by Wang Mang, Xin dynasty emperor in 200 bc.

(回复网友Liwen Ren :)不,我没说错。中国是第一个完全废除奴隶制的国家。早期有其他地区废除了债务奴隶制(雅典)和奴隶贩卖(印度),但全面废除奴隶主所有制的是公元前200年的新朝皇帝王莽。

puer z
Liwen Ren The servant girl gets pay in money and is given right to stop the service contract if her family can afford. They also can marry the lord as concubine, or marry the male servant of the family. Some senior servant girls or women have higher social status than the peasant or the Dalits. Some servant women who had have felt the lord will get high respect in the family when they get old. The lord would be sued if he or she murdered the servant.

(回复网友Liwen Ren:)婢女有工钱拿的,且在她家庭经济状况能负担的情况下,是能中止劳务契约的。她们还能嫁进主人家做妾室,或与所侍人家的仆从结婚。有些高级婢女或嬷嬷的社会地位比农民和贱民还高。那些带大少主人的婢女在年老后甚至在其侍奉人家还颇受尊重。如果主人杀了仆人,是会被状告的。

Bohan Li
Liwen Ren That’s the oppressed class. Servants aren’t slaves and they don’t get lynched for no reason other than fun.

(回复网友Liwen Ren:)仆人是被压迫的阶级,但并不是奴隶,他们不会因单纯就为了娱乐而被私刑处死。

180 views, 768 likes......why can''''''''t youtube just quit cheating


22)kuldip suri
Great work.
You seems to be a perfectionist.
I am following china since last two years
Watched approximately 200 hours of vedio in the @youtube
. Your ''''''''s is the greatest one.
Thanks again
For your devotion to this Herculaneum Task...♥️:-):-)


Hahaha, they didn''''''''t "trade", that would be to admit equality.


Nathan, the US''''''''s "Hong Kong Bill" got passed... Wonder how reunification will work out?



Yes, China. I love this channel especially since I''''''''m visiting family in America. I regret visiting America because I''''''''m so used to Chinese culture. 我想你的中国

26)Robert Cowde
Love this. If u remember when the Dutch first went to China an Japan they sought trade not colonization.


27)Hero Zer0
Wow..a must watch for every ABC .


28)Santa Clausewitz
That was profound and intriguing. I love learning about China and India. Our own history is so much shorter then theirs. It is too bad so much divides us even to this day. I would love to one day go to China without worrying about my Trotskyist-Leaning Ideology getting me in trouble.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

29)Gregory Jones
MARCO POLO NEVER GOT TO CHINA, he made it up from other travelers tales. The problem rulers had was not just the language but the geography as well.it enabled regions to develop separately. It had the benefit of making china harder to invade. The rivers and mountains created a formidable barrier.


Ancestral worship is a common thing in the neolithic period.


很赞 4