2019-12-01 大司空 30207
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大司空 转载请注明出处

What surprised you most when you first came to China, as a foreigner?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大司空 转载请注明出处

1.Emma Sorensen
Born and raised in the United States, my first time to China was in 2016, shortly after I graduated from high school. Since I had studied Chinese for four years, as a gift for graduating my dad decided to take me on a two-week tour of China. To say that this trip was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my lifetime would not be an exaggeration. There were five things that were surprising to me when I visited China and that were entirely different than what the Western media had taught me:


China is a beautiful place. Growing up in the U.S., pretty much all you hear about China is how “ugly” it is. Before I went, I expected the skies everywhere to be dark and clouded, and the air to be difficult to breathe due to all the media coverage that the pollution in China receives. However, when I actually got to China, I was shocked at how beautiful it was. The skies were blue, the cities were clean, and the pollution seemed just as bad as in any other big city that I had visited in the U.S. Not only that, but there were some landscapes in China that were just absolutely stunning. I particularly remember being blown away by the beauty of the countryside views in Guilin.


Chinese people are very friendly. In the U.S., it is a common assumption that Chinese people are quite rude. My trip to China proved this assumption to be completely wrong. Every Chinese person that I met was extremely friendly, and they were always excited to approach us either to talk or to get their picture taken with us. It was like being a celebrity! Not only that, but everyone was always willing to try and speak English with us, and were very kind when I attempted to converse with them in Chinese. In my honest opinion, many of the people I met in China were friendlier than many people back home. One person that stands out to me in particular was our rickshaw driver in Beijing. Even though he didn’t speak much English, he still tried to point out all of the sights of Beijing to us the best he could, and even though he had a hard job he always had a big smile on his face.


Authentic Chinese food is good. Back in the United States, it is commonly believed that the food eaten in China is weird, abnormal, and unappetizing. However, all of the food that I ate in China was delicious (my favorite food being from Chengdu), and I actually preferred it to the Chinese food that you can find in America. Yes, there are several cultural differences in the type of food that we eat, but that doesn’t mean that it is bad! While I did see some foods that surprised me, including ants and rats, this was mostly out in the countryside. To any foreigner traveling to China, I would recommend trying as many foods as possible, even if they are a bit out of your comfort zone like they were for me. It’s worth it!


There are people in China who are very rich. Most of what Americans hear about the Chinese is the extreme poverty that they experience. While it is true that we did see many poorer families while on our trip, we also saw a very luxurious side of China that I didn’t even know existed. The area that appeared to be the wealthiest was definitely Shanghai. There were luxury stores (i.e., Gucci. Tiffany’s, Prada, etc.) all over the city, and there were always Chinese people shopping at these stores. Not only that, but there were also always very expensive cars driving around the streets of Shanghai. It was a side of China that I never even heard about back home, and it was great to be able to see how prosperous China has become.


Chinese people love their country. In the United States, it is a common thought that many Chinese people must feel oppressed by their government due to their country not being a democracy. However, while I was in China I saw nothing but pride and love for their country. Through many conversations with Chinese people, it was clear to me that they loved being from China. They had a lot of respect for their history, their culture, and for their government. In fact, it seemed to me that Chinese people had much less negative things to say about their country than many Americans do. This just goes to show that just because you don’t agree with a certain method of government doesn’t mean that the people living in that country have to share the same views as you.



2.Steven Martin,会计师

0h, many things surprised me in China, but just to list a few of many:


The scale. I went to Beijing. I''m from Houston. Houston is a big city, by American standards. Houston looked like a small town in comparison.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No lawns, no cut grass. Instead, they have trees. I''m a tree lover, so I liked it.


Signs in English are very common.


Teenagers are the same. They are texting on their cell phones. They wear the same kind of clothing. The young people are tall, just like America.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No pollution. Maybe I was just lucky. I was only there a week. The air was clean.


It''s hot in August! I had to buy a hat. We went to the Forbidden City. It was so hot! Sweat was running down my face.


Ice for drinks is not so common. They like hot drinks, hot food. If you want something cold, order a beer!


The people are friendly, and many know English.


The long, long history of China. Thousands of years.


No coins! They pay with their phone. I never saw a coin in a week.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China, like the rest of the world uses the metric system. In Texas, we measure distance in miles, and we measure weight in pounds, so there must be a conversion. I think the USA should join the world standard and use the metric system. Shoe size, height .. all that.


In the house, you take off your shoes and wear slippers. No, you can''t just wear sox. It''s a rule. It''s expected. Just do it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I didn''t notice many police. I''m sure there were police around, but it''s not like Houston where you see the black and white police cars speeding by sirens roaring and flashing lights.


The people I was with didn''t watch much TV.


A lot of beautiful women!


The price of a meal is difficult to predict in America, because after the meal, in Houston, they add 8.25% as sales tax and normally a 15% tip. So, a $10 meal in Houston is $10 + $.825 + $1.50 = $12.33 if you round up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The market didn''t offer a lot of frozen foods or canned food. More emphasis on fresh unprocessed vegetables. Much more variety of fruit and vegetables.


Don’t expect a soft mattress with a big puffy pillow. They like firm beds with buckwheat pillows. To me, very comfortable!!


Apichart Ponpuak
I used to like very soft mattresses until one night I woke up in agony - my back ached like no tomorrow. I had to crawl down and slept on the floor instead.I didn’t realise it was the mattress at first, but the backache continued so I decided to change the mattress to a hard, firm one. After my back healed I haven''t had a backache again since.


Joseph Fabian
I had to add another comment. English is considered the language of business in China and Taiwan. If you look at the statistics, there are more fluent English speaking (second language ) in China than native english speaking Americans.To be a University professor, you must be a Communist party member. But when outside the country at a dinner with Chinese professors at a host University, I was amazed at their rejection of the Communist party ideals. I guess it was the scotch and wine talking. Not rebellion, but pragmatic discussions and how their system works on the inside.



3.Heli Patel,在中国生活了5年
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have been living in China for 5 years.


The most surprising thing about china is WeChat and Alipay. Have you ever seen watsapp can be used for payment? You can go shopping with no money in your pocket. People use Wechat wallet to pay for food,taxi,shopping,movie,fees,airticket,everything. You can unlock locked bicycle with WeChat and use it at your ease. You can pay for your vegetables to small vendors by wechat wallet.


Availibility of hot water almost everywhere.


4.Saisha Srivastava
I first came four years ago. I returned on and off. My opinions on China have become less one-dimensional over time. A lot of factors shape the belief, mannerisms, culture and behavior of people in China. The population, political system, cultural revolution all have a deep impact on everyday life here. Trying to sum it up in a few lines would be oversimplifying and reductive. However, some first-time culture shocks are universal when you first arrive in China.


The straightforwardness


Chinese people don''t care that they''ve just met you. They will say what they are thinking. If they''re wondering how much money you make, they will ask you. If they''re wondering why you aren''t married, they will ask you. If they''re wondering how rich you are, they will ask you what the area of your home is, in square-ft. If they secretly think you''ve put on a few pounds since they last saw you, they will certainly tell you so. Like being overly politically-correct, too much in either direction can never be good. So this straightforwardness can go overboard and come across as shocking and intrusive, especially to westerners. And to be entirely honest, sometimes it can be. But I don''t mind it and, most of the time, I don''t get annoyed.


(Here''s some context: The concept of privacy is very different in China than in the west. Most information is public property: people are aware that the government has access to QQ, wechat and most forms of Chinese social media. The government can also subject private businesses and even government officials to random investigations and often does. With a population as large as China''s, even spatially speaking, your neighbor knows everything there here is to know about you. Most college dormitories have 8-12 girls or boys sharing a single bunk-bed style dorm room for 4 years and, by and large, a lot of information is just public for sake of convenience in institutions and communities.Good or bad, growing up in such a context with this mindset, most people in China can''t wrap their head around why you would be secretive about your dating life or salary, or what you mean by "personal space".)


The kindness

People in China are truly some of the friendliest and most extraordinarily kind-hearted people you will meet. And I do not mean this the way everyone says so about every country.no matter how little Chinese you speak, your attempts at even a "你好 (Hello) is met with an exclamatory "哎呀你的中文这么好啊" (Oh my! Your Chinese is so good). This is in stark contrast to the west where the most valiant attempts at French or English are often scoffed at. Chinese people will go out of their way to help you, translate for you, even gesture wildly at you and give you advice. A lot of the time, its because they genuinely appreciate your coming to their country.
中国人确实是你会遇到的最友好、最善良的人。并不是每个国家的人都是这样。不管你会说多少中文,你甚至只说一句“你好”都会得到一句感叹的“哎呀,你的中文这么好啊”(哦,我的天!你的中文太好了。) 这与西方形成了鲜明的对比,在西方,勇敢地尝试说法语或英语往往会被嘲笑。中国人会不厌其烦地帮助你,为你翻译,甚至疯狂地朝你做手势,给你提出建议。很多时候,这是因为他们真心欢迎你来到他们的国家。

(Here''s some context: Maybe there''s a little bit of postcolonial hangover here, but foreigners are looked up to in China, or at least, are an obxt of fascination. In the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, culture has now jumped to the other extreme: foreign guests are welcomed with great fanfare, and treated like royalty. Its part of Chinese culture to show and give as much as you can to guests: This means more food, more formal dinners, more entertainment. They want you to feel taken care of.)


The evening dances in the moonlight


This was truly one of the most mesmerizing things to me, as a visitor. Women and men line up in parks, on street corners, in public spaces, at universities in the evenings, wherever they can find space, and dance in unison. Old women, young men, couples, you name it. Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, every Chinese city I''ve been to, its the same.


(Here''s some context: Chinese people are big on community activities, and very big on exercising and staying healthy. This is the cheapest, and most social way to do both. Its particularly common with elderly Chinese ladies, because I suppose the young people are all in the gyms. Most of the time, its a slow, choreographed dance that everyone can follow and they''ve been doing the same routines a while so everyone is familiar with the steps.)


Allen Chou
The straightforwardness has a lot to do with the privacy view. Personally ,I do care about others felling so I never ask rude questions.Yes foreigners are looked up in China or Asia! The Asian world has been wondering what makes western world rich and powerful? Then we began 200 years learning from western world. Meiji Ishin is barely a foreword. China even has 2million overseas students now! Learning from western makes people think our culture is inferior .I believe the kindness will come from our hearts as a highlight of humanity not Lack of self confidence.


Shuai Hao
As for the kindness, I think there is a huge influence of the Confucius Phylosophy long long ago, namely we are extremely glad to welcome friends from far away.



5.Manu Bansall,企业家,教育家(2013年至今)

Disclaimer: All the comparisons are done with Indian life as benchmark


There are no cops on major roads of the cities in China , yet traffic stops at red light. This may sound absurd, but this is not the norm in India.


Fitness level of people. I don’t remember finding any obese person in China. I visited three cities: Beijing, Shanghai & Harbin. None were obese .


Absence of google, facebook, twitter. Sites like weibo, wechat rule the roost.


Participation of women in the economy: in all the three cities we had women tour guides who stayed with us from morning 7:00 am till night 10:30. Pretty difficult to expect that in India.


Infrastructure: everything out there…be it roads, monuments, factories, its just huge. More importantly it is working. While we are debating the need for bullet trains, china is using them like crazy. We struggle to get mobile network at stationary places, i was talking trouble-free with my sister in India during a train ride with this train speed…


No doubt Sydney opera is outstandingly beautiful , but take a look at this:That’s Harbin grand opera, no less picturesque than Sydney in any way. Chinese are extremely determined to match the best in the world & even beat the best.


Friendliness of people: Indians are treated the same way indians generally treat white skinned people. they were quite willing to have pics with us, help us & what not.


Religion doesnt feature in the lives of Chinese people in general. No bullshit in the name of religion


Discipline. I found Chinese quite disciplined in their schedule & daily lives. What to eat, when to eat , its all quite structured. They are an extremely hardworking & disciplined people. No wonder China has grown so much


Eye for detail: These guys plan way ahead. and execution is too good. They also focus quite a lot on maintenance of things. I was surprised to find a man scrubbing a dustbin early morning on my morning run at Harbin. That’s something i would not imagine here.


Lack of pvt ownership. You don’t own land/apartment. it is leased to your for 99 years & that too can be taken by the government any time & you will be given a replacement , not necessarily of your choice.


China is a very interesting country & is definitely worth a visit. You could learn quite a few things.



6.Jonathan Reynolds,就读于耶鲁大学

I have lived in Beijing for six years. When I first arrived, in 2012, I knew virtually nothing about China. one thing I did know was that Chinese people, as well certainly as its government, were quite proudly patriotic if not nationalistic, and their and its signal distinguishing between China and the West very emphatic, what first surprised me was the prence of English on the street signs, in the subways, and really everywhere - always positioned just below the Hanji characters. When I asked my students (I teach at a technical university), their facial expressions told me I was asking about something that should have been obvious. When they got over their surprise, they responded that English is spoken more or less everywhere in the world and in order to get a good job they needed to be English-fluent.


Particularly in China, the still enormous preoccupation of the burgeoning middle class (and the wealthy) to become English-fluent continues to seem to me to be symptomatic of the great practicality the Chinese operate with: at all times or instinctually, to "get ahead," "become successful and prosperous" (the same thing to most Chinese), one absolutely needed to speak and write English well. Beyond the practical, most Chinese I have met express a liking for America and what they believe they understand about American culture.


A second surprise - not so good - has been the great tendency to cheat, whether among students taking exams, creating resumes, making applications to US universities, or selling knock-off fake-brand goods. The Silk Market, when I first came to Beijing quite a shabby warren of temporary stalls in a big emporium in Chaoyong District, then and now brazenly sells the same counterfeit stuff - clothing, shoes, watches, everything, and the selling is done absolutely without embarrassment or shame.


One unfortunate result of this for me personally is that I have come to be suspicious of every Chinese student I see when I return briefly to the US - suspecting him or her to have cheated, lied about or fabricated or fixed in some way parts of their academic record. While I am ashamed of myself for this suspicion, it has been hard to rid myself of it, knowing also from what students have confided about the seemingly countless resume mills and college application services available to Chinese students wanting to go to universities in the US. For a hefty fee, some of these outfits absolutely guarantee admission to good or excellent American schools.


most Chinese - is their own belief that they, as Chinese, are devoid of creativity, that is, of any ability to think on their own. While my students understand what "critical thinking" is, they struggle mostly unsuccessfully to achieve it. The very long history of China, with its great overcast of Confucianism, in my opinion has robbed the individual Chinese of any reflex other than obedience to authority and fitting oneself into a rigid social hierarchy.The implication is that Chinese people do seem to believe that, fundamentally, all they are capable of is copying what someone else in a Western culture or country has thought up or invented, whether this be an idea or a clever commodity or product. Accordingly, without actual knowledge of the matter, I do believe the accusations by US corporations of large-scale Chinese industrial theft. So my by now automatic suspicions, warranted or not, about Chinese copying of someone else'' work, or of other cheating in manifold ways, is, to me, a source both of anger and sadness. Many times I have wondered why the Chinese think so poorly of themselves - believe that there is some intrinsic lack of originality in themselves such that the best they can achieve only comes through hard study and then masterful copying of the inventions, intellectual and material, of other people.


I have to say that I have found almost all of the Chinese I have met and interact with to be courteous, friendly and welcoming, and, by now, I have friends in Beijing whom I am very fond of, respect, and admire.


Finally - for the moment - I must include another surprise: acupuncture - that, with the right practitioner, it absolutely works and has successfully treated some chronic pain issues I have. My acupuncturist - sadly now retired - was a tiny, fiercely jovial, 70-something woman named "Dr, Jia" who, twice-weekly, in a little clinic inside the Baiyunguan ("White Cloud") Daoist temple, in central Beijing, would stick thirty or more needles in me, from the top of my head, in my lip, down my back and leg, to my toes, at the same time attaching three or four glass suction cups to my back and upper arm. After about a half-hour she would come back and remove the needles and cups, and I would walk out of the temple grounds into the crowded noisy streets calm and serene, intoxicated with a feeling of extreme well-being, high as if on some wonderful drug - as well as pain-free for a couple of days.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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