中国的超级工程令人震撼! (最新评论)
2019-12-01 翻译熊 59273
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处


原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

Joe zhifu5
China has 70% Engineers in the Government and America has 70% Lawyers.


Filip Andersson5
China may have more engineers, but they are not any better than those in other countries, the thing is that china puts a huge amount of money into their road networks, other counties spends their money on something they think is more important. There is a reason why the people of china is poor.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Filip Andersson Omg, are u saying that roads are not important? You do know that buissnises can''''t exist without road, rail and other infrastructure, the bigger capacity and speed of this traffic nets the better for buissnises, all buissnises. That is why China have world''''s most powerful economy, and Chinese people are not really poor as u may think, China has zero homeless people living on the streets, while US has over 2 milion people with out home, 6 milion people are jobless, and 40 milion people live out of food stamps and generally out of welfare because they are not self-sufficien, when people say America is a rich country they do not get that only about 1% of Americans are like super rich, and everybody else is like working is ass out just to pay bills or is living on welfare.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nan Li5
Filip Andersson i think you come from somewhere with no road exist. Like Space.


Filip Andersson5
@SovaNova95 Where did i say that roads are not important lol? China has one of the biggest economies, but that doesnt mean that the people are rich. China should focus more on its own poor people then spending countless of bilions on roads which the majority wont ever drive on. We build roads where i live too, but we know when not to build and when to, so we could focus more on the peoples wellbeing, my country has flaws too but at least we have democratic electaions and freedom of speach, china doesnt.


@Filip Andersson Roads are for people''''s wellbeing, and China is not building only roads, and btw chinese are not poor, average salary in China 2019 is 1300 US dollars


Filip Andersson5
@SovaNova95 1300 is low


@Filip Andersson Not for most of the world, and avarage of 1300 in 1.3 bilion people is more than grate, compare it with India which has 1.2 bilion population with average salary of about 200 US dollars. In my country average is below 600$, but of course cost of living here is lower than in Sweden, so it is not as bad as u may think, but it is pretty bad anyway


Mauro Morganti5
@Filip Andersson How told you that, you still believe the media? thack a trip to China only then make a comment on freedom and democracy


Filip Andersson5
Mauro Morganti Been to China, its a wonderful place for tourists but not for the people who lives there.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Mauro Morganti5
@Filip Andersson again go and see personally not throw media


Filip Andersson5
Mauro Morganti I told you I’ve been there, i have already seen China with my own eyes.


Mauro Morganti5
@Filip Andersson, then you must be blind or brainwashed, I have never fill fear or bee arise from people in China, all ways do what I wanted to do and definitely not one ask for a donation unless the handicap

Kok Foong Soo5 (修改过)

Some people think others are brainwashed when they refuse to learn and accept the reality. In every country, you will find losers, some poorer than others etc But i believe China is moving in a correct direction and future. It is lifting out many of the citizen from poverty with many other programme. Be obxtive, dont be overly bias. Good for our mind and health


Mark Shao5
SovaNova95 it''''s not 1300 dollars. It''''s 9000 dollars.


Ken Chan5
@Filip Andersson china government build infrastructures for her citizens, US make more bombs to bomb other countries.


Ken Chan5
@Filip Andersson I indee once a poor chinese guy, but i am now more money than you thought. Poor guy.


Ken Chan5
@Filip Andersson you are blindly imagine what China now. Do your study china before put out a judgement.


Filip Andersson5
@Ken Chan Im not sure what you are trying to say, you clearly cant read so the discussion ends here.


Xiao Han5
@Filip Andersson ?? funny moron


Z Wang5
Filip Andersson hahah, tbh, your comment made me laugh . Cannot believe there are dumbs like you out there

Filip Andersson 哈哈,哈哈,你的评论让我笑了。真不敢相信有像你这样的笨蛋

@Jinbin Lv Excellent. This is how West and East works. I expected an answer from Filip Andersonto this.

太好了。这就是西方和东方的运作方式。我期待Filip Anderson会回答这个问题。

America has 70% of liars.


@Filip Andersson as long citizens are comfortable on the it''''s governance & making progress then its not an issue. By the way in regards with HK you just confirmed it then its rightful to be with China, Britain is just using it as well expanding & safeguard their maritime trade route controls. It would be too stupid conquering nations w/o your self greed as driving force.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Filip Andersson im filipino here & happy for chinas innovation & success, dictatorship? then for me & you who grows on a country w/ democracy makes me wonder on your confidence with governance; are you sure its your choosen politician who runs the government or the corporate? Access most/everything on net? Maybe their is the true brainwashing happened by deception.

abraham rubio jr5 (修改过)

@Filip Andersson That is the most idiotic statement I''''ve ever heard in my fucking life.. yeah China put their money into infrastructure Healthcare System schooling transportation such as bullet trains subway system best highways in the world while the West spend 50% of their GDP on making bombs and war machines.. 30% of u.s. population is on Welfare so get your stupid facts straight before making an absurd statement, this is blasphemy!!


xu Bruce5
Filip Andersson you are really a stupid man. all things in your mind is “democracy”It''''s are toxic for many countries. In your word Chinese is poor and Chinese will lose their freedom. Your perspective all based on your own thinking with no statistics. the reason we blocked YouTube and Facebook is a solution to protect us from West media. You like to send color revolution to the country who couldn''''t make you happy. We don''''t care if West app could be used in China. because we also have the best social communication apps in the world. And we could control the private data in Chinese people instead West guy. By the way do you think West culture could domestic the world? come on. Do use your galss to see the world especially China. We don''''t care who you are.


@Filip Andersson Yea something more important and bitchy - like killing millions of third world peasants, occupying the nations illegally, looting natural resources openly and calling it democracy and being rich LOL that''''s why NATO USA defense budget is 4 times that of China and many wars all over the world - you suckers are poor as shit but do not know it - yet - just wait a while LOL

Elijah Hua5 (修改过)

Filip Andersson Chinese people are still poor comparing to the US and Europe. But Chinese government had pulled 800 million people out of poverty in the last 30 years(including my family). And this amazing achievement has done without invading other country robing for oil or other resources nor selling weapons in world wars.


@Filip Andersson very true , when building a road or any infrastructure costs maybe ten times more than in china and takes maybe ten times longer than in china , we can all understand why americans decide these projects are not important. far better spend the same amount waging wars everywhere and keep the military-industrial conglomerates happy than making the ordinary nobody happy.


Teh Chuan4
70 percent of scammer and liars


Harishankar Mishra4
Joe You people don''''t know the value of freedom. Because you never have experienced freedom. I would rather go hungry than to live in prison like China.


Ken Chan4
@Harishankar Mishra you dont have freedom to eat? Shame on you.


Joe zhifu4
Harishankar Mishra America a land of freedom has 10 times more citizens incarcerated per million citizen. Chinese citizens has had a income increase of 10% a year for last 40 years. 800million chinese people taken out of poverty. Great job Engineers.


@Filip Andersson In the 70''''s, according to World Bank, China had 800 million people living in proverty earning less than US$1.90 a day. In the last 30 years, 700 million of them have been lifted out of such a state. China plans to completely eliminate proverty in the next few years.


Rich Indian Guy4
Filip Andersson What a stupid comment! Building roads and bridges connect big cities and towns with smaller ones thus helping the local economies, in turn lifting the standard of living in long run. You keep talking about how poor people in China are. Have you any idea of the level of development and uplifting millions of people China has brought about in last decade. You really need to think before you talk mate.


很赞 5