2019-12-01 zzz9066 25082
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:zzz9066 转载请注明出处

Huawei has beaten Apple and Samsung to secure another top rating for one of its flagship smartphones.


DXOMark, an independent reviewer known for rating the photographic capabilities of smartphones, described the Huawei Mate 20 X as a ''''multimedia powerhouse'''' after it topped rankings for audio performance in its latest tests.

DXOMark是一名以对智能手机的照相能力进行评级而闻名的独立评论网站。该公司称华为Mate 20x是一部“多媒体巨头”,因为它在最新的测试中在音频性能方面名列前茅。

Scoring 75 for overall audio quality, the Huawei Mate 20 X beat Apple''''s iPhone XS Max, as well as Samsung’s Galaxy S10+ and Note 10+.

华为Mate 20x的音质总分为75分,击败了苹果的iPhone XS Max、三星的Galaxy S10+和Note 10+。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

''''The Huawei Mate 20 X is the top scorer in our Audio tests of all the devices we’ve tested thus far, with its Overall score of 75 besting Samsung’s S10+ by ten points and the Note 10+ by 9,'''' DXOMark said.

DXOMark说,在我们迄今测试的所有设备中,华为Mate 20x在音频测试中得分最高,总分为75分,比三星S10+高出10分,比Note 10+高出9分。

''''It is also the only Android phone we’ve tested that scored above Apple’s large-screen iPhone XS Max - although only by one point.

“这也是我们测试过的唯一一款得分比苹果的大屏幕iPhone XS Max还高的安卓手机,尽管只高了1分。”

''''The Mate 20 X did particularly well when playing back movies and music, achieving a substantially higher score for those use cases than any of the other phones we have tested.

“Mate 20x在播放电影和音乐时表现得特别好,在这些用例中获得的分数远远高于我们测试过的任何其他手机。”

''''While still the top scorer among the Android devices we tested, its performance while gaming was less stellar, and behind both the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone 11 Pro Max.''''

“尽管在我们测试的安卓设备中,它仍然是得分最高的,但它在游戏方面的表现就没那么出色了,落后于iPhone XS Max和iPhone 11 Pro Max。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

To determine the scores, DXOMark''''s engineers performed a variety of obxtive tests, and undertook more than 20 hours of perceptual uation under controlled lab conditions.


They said the Mate 20 X performed well for both ''''playback'''' and ''''recording'''', achieving top marks for tonal reproduction and excellent sound dynamics.

他们说,Mate 20x在“播放”和“录制”两方面表现都很好,在调性再现和出色的声音动力学方面取得了高分。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The news comes after another Huawei phone, the Mate 30 Pro - which is yet to be released outside of China due to issues with the U.S. government and spying allegations - was awarded best camera phone by DXOMark earlier this year.

这一消息是在华为的另一款手机Mate 30 Pro获得DXOMark今年早些时候颁发的最佳摄像手机奖之后传出的。Mate 30 Pro由于与美国政府的纠纷和间谍指控,尚未在中国境外发布。

The Mate 30 Pro scored a massively high 121 in tests - easily beating the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, which scored 117, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G, which also scored 117.

Mate 30 Pro在测试中获得了121分的高分,轻松击败了获得117分的苹果iPhone 11 Pro Max和同样获得117分的三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G。

The phone''''s camera capabilities were only equalled by the Xiaomi Mi CC9 Pro Premium - but it scored the highest overall rating.

这款手机的拍照功能只有小米Mi CC9 Pro Premium版能与之匹敌,但它的综合评分最高。

In ''''selfie'''' tests the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G camera came out on top followed by the Asus ZenFone 6.

在“自拍”测试中,三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G相机拔得头筹,华硕ZenFone 6紧随其后。

The newly devised audio tests have not yet been used on the Mate 30 Pro.

新设计的音频测试尚未在Mate 30 Pro上使用。

Luckily for U.S. tech lovers looking to get hold of the top audio rated phone, the Mate 20 X is available worldwide.

对于希望得到最高音频评级手机的美国技术爱好者来说幸运的是,Mate 20x是全球可用的。

But for those outside of China looking to get hold of the Huawei Mate 30 Pro for its incredible camera, you may be waiting quite some time.

但对于那些希望获得华为Mate 30 Pro的中国境外买家来说,你可能要等很长时间。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:zzz9066 转载请注明出处

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TheSM1L3R, Kent, United Kingdom
Love my Huawei, will never go back to Crapple


B3nn089, Birmingham, United Kingdom
P30 Pro battery life is amazing

P30 Pro的电池续航能力惊人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

iM, Manchester, United Kingdom
Name calling, having a Chinese bloatware spyware riddled device isn''''t innovation.


Alan Porridge, Christchurch, United Kingdom
I have a Huawei but Android doesn''''t work well on it. I wonder why? (Sarcastic question)


Branta Canadensis, pond, United States
Unfortunately, your Huawei runs Google Android which is worse than "Crapple". Now if Huawei releases their Harmony OS, then it will be the undisputed best phone in the world.


fast typer, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
All phone OS''''s spy on the users, i''''d rather pay as little as possible to Huawei and get a decent phone that feeds my data back to China rather than pay over the odds for Apple to sell it to the US.


Snow-Leopard, Rabwah, Pakistan
love my huawei but the camera is no good, hope to save up for a good camera.


AL, Lincs, United Kingdom
That''''s why they are being undermined. They are massively superior to rubbish iPhones..


Umbrellaz, Wareham, United Kingdom
Where did they get the intellectual rights?


Bigmouth29, Sheerness, United Kingdom
Martin Cooper a researcher for Motorola who invented the mobile phone so the intellectual rights belong to him.

马丁 库珀,一位摩托罗拉的研究员,他发明了手机,所以知识产权属于他。

Viewforth Fox, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
I''''m not surprised they are excellent quality and not too expensive either.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Umbrellaz, Wareham, United Kingdom


Viewforth Fox, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
@Umbrellaz, I paid around a quarter of that for mine.


mikef, Coventry, United Kingdom
The real reason why Trump is gunning for Huawei, they are superior to the American Apple


Hamberder, Your Bed, United States
I agree. And it sucks for Americans like myself.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bigmouth29, Sheerness, United Kingdom
So what happened to freedom of choice in the USA,


Uncle Bill, Granada, Spain
Which is funny, because the Apple phones are not assembled in the US....


Spanish_doll, The Land Of Sun, United Kingdom
I was a bit apprehensive changing my beloved iPhone to a Huawei and my god best decision I''''ve made. I''''ve had my phone now for nearly a year I only charge it once a day, quility of photos is amazing. Definitely recommend


Hamberder, Your Bed, United States
I wish we can get it in the US


Jennifer Baltzley, Hanover, United States
Every Huwei I''''ve owned died in less than a year


musicismyfriend, London, United Kingdom
Were you feeding it.


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Says the bitter yank.


Uncle Bill, Granada, Spain
We have Huawei routers and a Huawei mobile.


Chuckling1, Chester, United Kingdom
they are an excellent make.


William Tim, Boston, United States
Of course they have better audio, the Party in China wants to hear everything that is going on, on all handsets.


gcsom, Nelson, United Kingdom
My Huawei is a great phone at a good price.


Scribbles, Allover, United States
People always complain about China yet industries and people alike chomp at the bit to make the communist country rich.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tigressor, Sevenoaks, United Kingdom


Uncle Bill, Granada, Spain
And Apple make their stuff in China to maximise profits.


Eu prisoner 18357, The once great britain, United Kingdom
Wich is why it''''s having trouble with the home of apple.


hundoblaster, Apoplectia, United States
Huawei is the future.


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
I started with Apple, moved to Samsung, now have the Mate 20 X, best phone I''''ve ever had by a mile!! I see why the USA banned it, they don''''t like being beaten! And if you can''''t win, just ban them!... More fool them!

我从苹果开始,然后转到三星,现在有了Mate 20x,这是我拥有过的最好的手机!!我知道为什么美国禁止它了,他们不喜欢被打败!如果你赢不了,就禁止他们!他们真是蠢货!

Burton1976, Burton on Trent, United Kingdom
The real reason why the US is banning huawei


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
The real reason is because Huawei moved to second best seller behind Samsung pushing Apple into third, they banned Huawei to try and get back into second! THAT''''S the real reason!.


jim, derby
IPhone''''s have well and truly had their day. Android all the way. They all spy on you though, you either accept it or don''''t use one. When my 4 year old Samsung packs in I will replace it with a 15 druggies phone from asda! Smartphone apps such as Facebook and mail online add very little substance to your life anyway.

IPhone确实有过辉煌的过往。安卓系统。他们都在暗中监视你,你要么接受,要么不使用。当我那用了4年的三星手机报废后,我会换成从阿斯达15块钱买来的手机!无论如何,智能手机应用程序,如Facebook和mail online,都不会给你的生活增加多少实质性内容。

Cambridgeclass, Manchester , United Kingdom
Did you read the article? Other than Huwaeii all the other androids are trailing behind TWO iPhone models lol


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Yes and for less than half the price of rip off Apple!


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Bought one 3 months ago, absolutely brilliant phone. 2 year contract all in for less than half the price on an iPhone alone, 2 full days battery life (4 at a push) and all my iPhone palls are well jealous!..and spying? If they want to listen in to my crap they must be desperate!


Sean F, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
If there was truly a security issue with Huawei phones the USA wouldn''''t keep issuing temporary licenses. Its all a ruse to try and ruse them and keep an American company on top.


Sigismund Arbuthnot, London, United Kingdom
Hahaha! Very funny!


B3nn089, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Might want to check more than your phone. They supply broadband routers too.


Hamberder, Your Bed, United States
Yeah yeah yeah. @Meano...where do yoiu think our data is going to?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Branta Canadensis, pond, United States
GCHQ, F B I, C I A, N S A and Five Eyes joint combined efforts know more about you than Ch1na ever will. The Ch1nese have more than enough on their hands monitoring their 1.3 plus billion population. Learn to think before commenting.


Branta Canadensis, pond, United States
All that''''s necessary is for Huawei to ditch Android OS and make it run on Harmony OS which is reportedly lighter, faster than Android. It will take some years but with the sheer number of Huawei users in Ch1na alone, developers will quickly start porting their iOS and Android apps to Harmony OS. I''''m tired of Apple and Google being the only choice. I was sad when the Windows phone was kiIIed and while I didn''''t like Blackberry, sad to see it end as well (not the company, their OS).

华为所需要做的就是抛弃安卓操作系统,让它运行在鸿蒙操作系统上。据报道,鸿蒙操作系统比安卓更轻、更快。这将需要几年时间,但考虑到仅在中国就有这么多华为用户,开发人员将很快开始将他们的iOS和安卓上的应用程序移植到鸿蒙操作系统上。我厌倦了苹果和谷歌是唯一的选择。当Windows phone关停时我很难过,虽然我不喜欢黑莓,但看到它也完蛋了我也很难过(不是公司,是他们的操作系统)。

TheMentalist, In your head, United States
One of it''''s features is dual os mode, phone mode and government use mode. NO THANKS.


Fredney, Everywhere, United Kingdom
Still using a P20 Pro. Great battery life, fast and the camera is excellent. Trump doesn''''t like competition.

我还在用P20 Pro。电池续航时间长,速度快,相机性能好。特朗普不喜欢竞争。

I N Cognito, anywhere, United Kingdom
I could only run to the Huawei Mate 20 pro. It does everything I need it to do. and of course it has 128 gig storage plus I put a 128 gig sd card in it. The camera is three lenses with the macro is mind boggling.

我只会使用华为Mate 20 pro。我需要它做什么它就做什么。当然它有128g的存储空间,我还在里面放了128g的sd卡。相机是三个镜头,微距镜头是令人难以置信的。

Voneroni, London , United Kingdom
Love mine.


florida_man82, Niceville FL, United States
But they also like to spy on you so there''''s that...


The NSA, Maryland, United States
But no other brands do...?


Gunny_Highway, Maryland, United States
No other brands are controlled by the PRC. It''''s not a matter of being spied upon. It''''s a matter of who is spying.


roy_mac, Mumbai
If iPhone ''''improves'''' to this level... it will cost like a Ferrari! ;-)


Merlinsword, Camelot Flightpath, United Kingdom
The Democratic People''''s Republic of China thanks you for your positive comments. And cooperation.


Pater noster, Manchester
I have a Huawei "media pad" bought 3 years ago for 200.00 it''''s as good as anything else out there !


Uploading, somewhere over the rainbow, United Kingdom
Do they have google play store


Laura, Stockport, United Kingdom


PM Wong, Canberra, Australia


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