2019-12-01 zzz9066 16995
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Huawei smartphones are rated higher than the latest iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models in camera and audio quality tests


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:zzz9066 转载请注明出处

Spanish_doll, The Land Of Sun, United Kingdom
Yes I''''ve got Huawei and it''''s google play store


wgh999, London, United Kingdom
Now you see why some governments need to ban it under the pretext of "risk to national security".


TheMentalist, In your head, United States
or who is not watching state tv.


Tomcrews, Atlantis, Antarctica
Yes look into it I just bought one for my son for Christmas. Xiaomi redmi note 8 . Huge 6.3" screen 64gb unlocked 140 quid. They get great reviews

是的,看看吧,我刚给我儿子买了一个圣诞礼物。小米红米note 8。巨大的6.3英寸屏幕,64G,140英镑。他们得到了很好的评价。

Uploading, somewhere over the rainbow, United Kingdom
I''''m very tempted to by a Huawei hopefully within the next week. As long as they are android and have Google play store that''''s all I need.


PM Wong, Canberra, Australia
Google banned Huawei


Jennifer Baltzley, Hanover, United States
They don''''t


Tomcrews, Atlantis, Antarctica
Get a Xiaomi they are like a Huawei cheaper and you get Google products.


Uploading, somewhere over the rainbow, United Kingdom
Tomcews .. oh really?


Co-ordinator, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
All the better to monitor you with!


Bigtymer, New Orleans, United States
And Apple doesn''''t?


JimStar74, Liverpool, United Kingdom
"This article was brought to you by Huawei."


eddie333, Mountville
no thanks. don''''t need a spy phone.


TheMentalist, In your head, United States
The lens used in the camera have a technical viewing radius of 360 degrees. When you use the camera, the apps allow shows you what is in front of the lens and prevents you from seeing all 360 degrees, you might think big deal, well the big deal is, when the phone is laying down, the entire room can be viewed by the lens.


Malcolm Powder, Limbo, United Kingdom
Who cares! Spying on me must be super boring. I use a Huawei and have the best camera ever right in my pocket whenever I need it.


FlyingEagle, LONDON, United Kingdom
Huawei Mate 20 X is the best phone I ever had. It has 7.2 inches screen. 499 at argos , comes with stylus pen.

华为Mate 20x是我拥有过的最好的手机。它有7.2英寸的屏幕。在argos商店只要499英镑,附带一支手写笔。

alsocurious, copenhagen, Denmark
That''''s why we can''''t have them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

dledwards, missouri city, United States
and spying


WynsADB, london, United Kingdom
And hence the reason why trump has instigated the ban...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sammisin, Bp auckland, United Kingdom
I have a Huawei tablet and I am very impressed with it


Eoj, Zürich , Switzerland
Someone at the DiM thinks that the Mate 30 Pro and the P30 Pro are the same thing?

有人认为Mate 30 Pro和P30 Pro是一样的吗?

PM Wong, Canberra, Australia
Huawei, first choice for the C (Chinese Communist Party)


Atitsbest, Dallas, United States
I don''''t think they have a choice.


OMG, My couch - Over here, United Kingdom
Won''''t buy that brand to support Chinese government.


Sceptic1, sometown, United Kingdom
Buy iPhone - Its made in China


Frank_Britain, Eastgate, United Kingdom
Xiaomi are best


pacmans, Seattle, United States
The best cameras and microphones are needed to discretely record everything at any time without your permission. Even when your phone is off. Everything is uploaded for government review including photos video you take, plus the ones they snap.


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Don''''t be so stupid, idiot. Your just jelouse Huawei beat Apple to take second place for best selling mobiles!


Umbrellaz, Wareham, United Kingdom
Subjective. All landfill soon.


Jane212, Watford, United Kingdom
Apple OS is far superior to Android.


Eiaqulatzio, Europistan, Bhutan
It is indeed. I am not fan of smartphones hence I dont own any but I had both phones for work and os is far more superior than android.


Drumhum, Nirvana, United Kingdom
If you want to take great photos, buy a SLR or mirrorless camera.


enoon, Erewhon, United Kingdom
I have a Huawei and the Camera is magnificent - better then my Sony camera/webcam by a lot. The downside is I have to keep my phone turned off at night due to the onslaught of Chinese telemarketers speaking in Chinese.


Viler, Shanghai, China
Yup, the camera and audio; two major components not built by Huawei. The rest of the PHONE is crapworks


Truthstingslad, Yokesville, United Kingdom
As long as you dont mind ... selling all your private info to all his oligarch CEOs


Foolsgold2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
What do you think Google or Apple do?


Uncle Bill, Granada, Spain
Your private info is already out there.


Tristan, Princeton, United States
The ban is nothing more than market protectionism disguised as ''''national security'''' threats.


Dills89, London, United Kingdom
What''''s the point in having a spying device that''''s not got good at video or audio???


Alan Porridge, Christchurch, United Kingdom
What''''s the point if they can''''t run Android properly due to the massive public paranoid


nearlysixty, Wrexham, United Kingdom
Huawei and China are listening to everything you say!


justwaitinforaride, Violet Fields, Australia
You are absolutely right. The DM keeps removing my comments about this. It''''s why the USA banned them.


MDKnite, West coast, New Zealand
So is everybody else.


wgh999, London, United Kingdom
So is Google and the NSA.


Michael, Wirral
They''''ll get very bored then.


Uncle Bill, Granada, Spain
We never see HiSense mentioned.... I''''m happy with mine.


Atitsbest, Dallas, United States
Yeah sure , wonder how much they paid for those sparkling comments ??


cheeky Monkey, London, United Kingdom
Sour grapes, can''''t compete, cheap aka US


pingguo, NYC, United States
May be a great phone but had serious OS issues

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

justwaitinforaride, Violet Fields, Australia
Banned in the USA for good reason.


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Yes, greed because they are outselling and outperforming Apple.


Kingpin01, Telford, United Kingdom
True story!!


RevolutionRevolved, Somewhere, United Kingdom
All the better for listening in to you!!!


Collyman, Leigh, United Kingdom
I had to change my bank because they wouldn''''t allow me to use my Huawei for online banking


Collyman, Leigh, United Kingdom
I can name and shame the bank if anyone would like to know


Ben10, Bristol, United Kingdom
Great devices for spying on the West with hi-res cameras.


Lynch182, Sheffield
But you have no need to panic about your google Facebook and Apple account......


Hal-9000, Orbiting Jupiter, United Kingdom
Huawei phones you get 24 months warranty on the phone and same with the built in battery in the UK. Unlike other makers of phone


obscUUr, Frisco TX, United States
But they don''''t have patches and upxes anymore. Only reason I didn''''t get one


Linda B, Highlands, United Kingdom
Lots of upxes for mine in the UK, adding features too unlike Apple who remove functionality!!


obscUUr, Frisco TX, United States
Divisiveness within the American market and Chinese proprietary because of trading policies and disagreements. I got an international model Sony and get more up to date upxes than standard American versions

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chiknatony, Bengaluru, India
Most devices have hidden agenda of spying on each and every one. Data is important than customer satisfaction.


Davey mc Davey, Newtownards, United Kingdom
Yes we know this, I am so annoyed that the mate 30 pro wasn''''t given a release here because their was no play store... I am sure most Huawei users know how to the play store on their device...

是的,我们知道这一点,我很生气mate 30 pro没有在这里发布,因为他们没有应用商店……我相信大多数华为用户都知道如何在他们的设备上使用应用商店……

Bodragon, London, United Kingdom
Hey, Milly. I''''ve got shares in Huawei too! >


Tigressor, Sevenoaks, United Kingdom
Great... you''''re supporting a culture that boils and s''''kins d''''ogs al''''ive.


Sigismund Arbuthnot, London, United Kingdom
Your iPhone is also made in China.


Viewforth Fox, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
@Tigressor, How many phones are mane in the USA? None they are all made in China.


Branta Canadensis, pond, United States
iPhones are "assembled" in Ch1na. The software is made in Cupertino, screens mostly made in K0rea, camera sensors Japan, many sensors Germany and the US, some electronics Taiwan......


matt, canada
I was going to get a huawei but was scared my government would just block access to the network.


alsocurious, copenhagen, Denmark
With a little trickery it should be possible to use blocked services on a US banned device with a non-banned device as vpn so to speak the drawback being having to carry 2 phones. Until Huawei has established a parallel set of services.


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