2019-12-03 bluebit 17026
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:bluebit 转载请注明出处

There’s something terribly wrong’: Americans are dying young at alarming rates

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:bluebit 转载请注明出处

Death rates among rural whites continues to increase dramatically. Wow. Best news I've heard in decades. Let's just hope it continues that increase.


Ignorance equals poor lifestyle choices like unhealthy diets, no exercise, no childhood immunization, alcohol, drugs, on and on.
Locally the schools tried health counseling children who were approaching obesity. The parents of these children were so insulted the counseling was discontinued. The parents preferred to continue in their ignorant state and pass the ignorance to the next generation.??
Stop by WalMart some day for a good look at where our society is heading. It’s sad.


Nora Inu
Ignorant anti-vaxxers are likely one more cause of reduced life expectancy.


There are too many toxic chemicals in our food and environment. The residue from your overly scented laundry soap and shampoo and bath products are absorbed too easily because your skin is like a sponge and absorbs everything on it. Try this test if you don't believe it....have someone else rub the cut side of a clove of garlic on the bottom of your foot. You will taste it almost immediately....because your skin absorbed it and it got into your bloodstream. All these toxic additives and food chemicals will damage the liver and most other organs. This has become a toxic world....and it''s going to kill our children and grandchildren if it isn't changed NOW!
Having the most expensive health care isn't going to help! Doctors have to be taught about this in medical school and the government needs to have stricter regulations for toxic chemicals in our everyday products.


Nora Inu
So why does it only affect Americans? Are the citizens of all the other wealthy countries of the world, where life expectancies are on the rise, immune from these toxins?


Kaitlin Rush
Despite spending more on health care than any other country, the United States has seen increasing mortality and falling life expectancy for people age 25 to 64, who should be in the prime of their lives.
The high cost of healthcare enriches corporate execs. Does nothing for patient consumers.


Albany boy
Traffic tickets and camera ticket fines can kill you too.


What do they have to look forward to by living longer? More suffering. For many Americans, this is as good as it gets, there is nothing to look forward to except more suffering. More in both quality and quantity. Yesterday was better than today and today is better than tomorrow.


Modern American wheat has been genetically altered to increase the amount of gluten it contains. Gluten is a highly addictive and destructive protein for millions of people who are sensitive to it. Gluten can cause inflammation throughout the entire body resulting in over 200 different known diseases, not just celiac.
Modern American medicine just tries to suppress symptoms with drugs that cause further side effects and more suffering without curing anything. Our healthcare system just creates lifelong patients that provide massive profits for drug companies and insurance companies. It's no wonder that people suffering from chronic diseases that American medicine can't cure lose hope and want to kill themselves to end the suffering.


Wow you Boomers'screwing over of the younger generations is really getting the job done. I hope you're happy with the world you are leaving us!

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