2022-04-07 tangerl 10660
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Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960.

1968年6月6日午夜刚过,参议员罗伯特 · 肯尼迪在洛杉矶大使宾馆的密室被暗杀,他刚刚庆祝自己在加利福尼亚州初选中的胜利,这使他成为最有可能的民主党总统候选人,他的声望如此之高,以至于共和党方面的理查德 · 尼克松几乎没有机会。
在他43岁的时候,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪成为了他哥哥政府中最年轻的司法部长,他也将成为美国历史上最年轻的总统,他的去世为尼克松开辟了道路,尼克松在1960年被约翰 · F · 肯尼迪击败,8年后终于成为美国总统。

John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations.

约翰 · 肯尼迪在罗伯特 · 肯尼迪之前四年半就被暗杀了,如果他幸存下来,他肯定会一直担任总统直到1968年,他的副总统林登约翰逊于1963年接掌白宫,由于非常不受欢迎,他于1968年退休。
值得注意的是,约翰逊在约翰 · 肯尼迪被暗杀的当天就成为了总统,并在罗伯特 · 肯尼迪被暗杀几个月后结束了他的任期,两次调查期间,他都在掌权。

And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the lix between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt.


As Lance deHaven-Smith has remarked in Conspiracy Theory in America:
“It is seldom considered that the Kennedy assassinations might have been serial murders. In fact, in speaking about the murders, Americans rarely use the plural, ‘Kennedy assassinations’. […] Clearly, this quirk in the Kennedy assassination(s) lexicon reflects an unconscious effort by journalists, politicians, and millions of ordinary Americans to avoid thinking about the two assassinations together, despite the fact that the victims are connected in countless ways.”[1]

正如兰斯德哈文史密斯在《美国的阴谋论》( Conspiracy Theory in America) 一书中所言:
“很少有人认为肯尼迪刺杀案可能是连环谋杀案,事实上,在谈到谋杀案时,美国人很少用“ 肯尼迪s暗杀案”这个复数,很明显,肯尼迪遇刺事件在词典中的这一奇怪现象反映了记者、政治家和数百万普通美国人的一种无意识,他们试图避免将这两起暗杀事件联系在一起,尽管受害者之间有着千丝万缕的联系。” [1]

John and Robert were bound by an unshakable loyalty. Kennedy biographers have stressed the absolute dedication of Robert to his elder brother. Robert had successfully managed John’s campaign for the Senate in 1952, then his presidential campaign in 1960. John made him not only his Attorney General, but also his most trusted adviser, even on matters of Foreign or Military affairs. What John appreciated most in Robert was his sense of justice and the rectitude of his moral judgment. It is Robert, for example, who encouraged John to fully endorse the cause of the Blacks’ civil rights movement[2].


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Given this exceptional bond between the Kennedy brothers, what is the probability that the two Kennedy assassinations were unrelated? Rather, we should start with the assumption that they are related. Basic common sense suggests that the Kennedy brothers have been killed by the same force, and for the same motives. It is, at least, a logical working hypothesis that Robert was eliminated from the presidential race because he had to be prevented from reaching a position where he could reopen the case of his brother’s death. Both his loyalty to his brother’s memory, and his obsession with justice, made it predictable that, if he reached the White House, he would do just that. But was there, in 1968, any clear indication that he would?

鉴于肯尼迪兄弟之间的这种特殊关系,两起肯尼迪暗杀案毫无关联的可能性有多大? 相反,我们应该先假设它们是相关的。

Did Bobby plan to reopen the investigation on his brother’s assassination?
The question has been positively answered by David Talbot in his book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster. Robert had never believed in the Warren Report’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of his brother. Knowing too well what to expect from Johnson, he had refused to testify before the Warren Commission. When its report came out, he had no choice but to publicly endorse it, but “privately he was dismissive of it,” as his son Robert Kennedy, Jr. remembers[3]. To close friends who wondered why he wouldn’t voice his doubt, he said: “there’s nothing I can do about it. Not now.”[4]

这个问题在大卫 · 托尔伯特《兄弟: 肯尼迪时代隐藏的历史》一书中给出了肯定的答案,该书由西蒙与舒斯特出版社于2007年出版。
罗伯特从来不相信《沃伦报告》的结论,即 李 · 哈维 · 奥斯瓦尔德是刺杀他哥哥的唯一凶手。
对于那些想知道他为什么不表达怀疑的密友,他说: “我无能为力,现在时机未到。” [4]

From 22 November 1963, Robert was alienated and monitored by Johnson and Hoover. Although still Attorney General, he knew he was powerless against the forces that had killed his brother. Yet he lost no time beginning his own investigation; he first asked CIA director John McCone, a Kennedy friend, to find out if the Agency had anything to do with the plot, and came out convinced that it hadn’t. In March 1964, he had a face-to-face conversation with mobster Jimmy Hoffa, his sworn enemy, whom he had battled for ten years, and whom he suspected of having taken revenge on his brother. Robert also asked his friend Daniel Moynihan to search for any complicity in the Secret Service, responsible for the President’s security[5]. And of course, Robert suspected Johnson, whom he had always mistrusted, as Jeff Shesol documents in Mutual Contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the Feud that Defined a Decade (1997).

然而,他还是抓紧时间开始了自己的调查,他首先询问了肯尼迪的朋友、中情局局长约翰 · 麦康尼,看看中情局是否与这起阴谋有关,结果证明并非如此。
1964年3月,他与黑帮分子吉米 · 霍法进行了一次面对面的谈话,吉米 · 霍法是他的死敌,已经与他斗争了10年,他怀疑霍法向他的兄弟报复。
罗伯特还要求他的朋友丹尼尔 · 莫伊尼汉去调查负责总统安全的特勤局是否为同谋。
当然,罗伯特怀疑约翰逊,正如杰夫·谢索(在《 相互轻视:林登·约翰逊、罗伯特·肯尼迪的十年宿怨》(1997) 一书中记载的那样,他一直不信任约翰逊。

In fact, a mere week after JFK’s death, November 29, 1963, Bill Walton, a friend of the Kennedys, travelled to Moscow and passed to Nikita Khrushchev, via a trusted agent who had already carried secret communications between Khrushchev and John Kennedy, a message from Robert and Jacqueline Kennedy; according to the memo found in the Soviet archives in the 90s by Alexandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali (One Hell of a Gamble, 1998), Robert and Jackie wanted to inform the Soviet Premier that they believed John Kennedy had been “the victim of a right-wing conspiracy,” and that “the cooling that might occur in U.S.-Soviet relations because of Johnson would not last forever.”[6]

事实上,1963年11月29日,在肯尼迪去世仅仅一周后,肯尼迪的朋友比尔·沃尔顿便前往莫斯科,通过一位可靠的特工将赫鲁晓夫和约翰 · 肯尼迪之间的秘密通信转交给了尼基塔 · 赫鲁晓夫,这名特工还携带有罗伯特·肯尼迪和杰奎琳·肯尼迪的信件。
90年代,亚历山大 · 弗森科和蒂莫西 · 纳夫塔利在苏联档案馆中发现了一份备忘录 ( 《一场豪赌》,1998年出版),根据这份备忘录,罗伯特和杰奎琳想告诉苏联领导人,他们认为约翰 · 肯尼迪是“一场右翼阴谋的受害者” ,“美苏关系可能出现降温,因为约翰逊不会永远持续下去。” [6]

Robert also contacted a former MI6 officer who had been a friend of his family when his father was Ambassador in London. This British retired officer in turn contacted some trusted friends in France, and arrangments were made for two French Intelligence operatives to conduct, over a three-year period, a quiet investigation that involved hundreds of interviews in the United States. Their report, replete with innuendo about Lyndon Johnson and right-wing Texas oil barons, was delivered to Bobby Kennedy only months before his own assassination in June of 1968. After Bobby’s death, the last surviving brother, Senator Ted Kennedy, showed no interest in the material. The investigators then hired a French writer by the name of Hervé Lamarr to fashion the material into a book, under the pseudonym of James Hepburn. The book was first published in French under the title L’Amérique br?le, and was translated under the title Farewell America: The Plot to Kill JFK. Its conclusion is worth quoting:

罗伯特肯尼迪去世后,最后一个幸存的兄弟,参议员特德 · 肯尼迪,对这些材料没有表现出任何兴趣。
调查人员随后聘请了一位名叫赫尔夫 · 拉马尔的法国作家,以詹姆斯 · 赫本的笔名将这些材料编成一本书。
这本书最初以法文书名 l''am rique br? le 出版,后来被翻译成《 告别美国: 刺杀肯尼迪的阴谋》。

“President Kennedy’s assassination was the work of magicians. It was a stage trick, complete with accessories and fake mirrors, and when the curtain fell, the actors, and even the scenery disappeared. […] the plotters were correct when they guessed that their crime would be concealed by shadows and silences, that it would be blamed on a ‘madman’ and negligence.”[7]

“ 暗杀肯尼迪总统是魔术师的杰作,这是一个舞台戏法,搭配各种配饰和假镜,当幕布落下时,演员们,甚至是布景都消失了,阴谋者自觉他们的罪行会被阴影和沉默所掩盖,会被归咎于一个‘ 疯子'' 和疏忽大意,他们成功了。” [7]
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robert had planned to run for the American Presidency in 1972, but the escalation of the Vietnam War precipitated his decision to run in 1968. Another factor may have been the opening of the investigation by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in 1967. Garrison was allowed to view Abraham Zapruder’s amateur film, confiscated by the FBI on the day of the assassination. This film, despite evident tampering, shows that the fatal shot came from the “grassy knoll” well in front of the President, not from the School Book Depository located behind him, where Oswald was supposed to be shooting from.

另一个因素可能是1967年新奥尔良地区检察官吉姆 · 加里森展开的调查,加里森被允许观看亚伯拉罕 · 泽普鲁德拍摄的录像,录像在暗杀当天被联邦调查局没收。
这一录像,尽管有明显的篡改,但显示致命的一枪来自总统前方的“ 绿草坡” ,而不是奥斯瓦尔德身后的学校书库,奥斯瓦尔德应该是从那里射击的。

When talk of the investigation began, Kennedy asked one of his closest advisors, Frank Mankievitch, to follow its developments, “so if it gets to a point where I can do something about this, you can tell me what I need to know.” He confided to his friend William Attwood, then editor of Look magazine, that he, like Garrison, suspected a conspiracy, “but I can’t do anything until we get control of the White House.”[8] He refrained from openly supporting Garrison, believing that since the outcome of the investigation was uncertain, it could jeopardize his plans to reopen the case later, and even weaken his chances of election by construing his motivation as a family feud.

谈到调查开始时,罗伯特肯尼迪请他最亲密的顾问之一弗兰克 · 曼基耶维奇关注事态发展,“ 如果事态发展到了我可以采取行动的地步,你可以告诉我我需要知道的东西。”
他向当时担任《 Look》杂志主编的朋友威廉阿特伍德透露,他和加里森一样,怀疑这是一场阴谋,“但在我们控制住白宫之前,我什么都做不了。” [8]

In conclusion, there can be little doubt that, had he been elected president, Robert Kennedy would have done everything possible to reopen the case of his brother’s assassination, in one way or another. This fact certainly did not escape John’s murderers. They had no other option but to stop him. This first conclusion is a sufficient reason to conduct a comparative analysis of both Kennedy assassinations, in search of some converging clues that might lead us to the trail of a common mastermind.We begin with Robert’s assassination.

总之,毫无疑问,如果罗伯特 · 肯尼迪当选总统,他会尽一切可能以某种方式重新调查他哥哥被暗杀的案件。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian motivated by hatred of Israel?

索罕 · 索罕,一个仇恨以色列的巴勒斯坦人?

Just hours after Robert’s assassination, the press was able to inform the American people, not only of the identity of the assassin, but also of his motive, and even of his detailed biography.[9] Twenty-four-year-old Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was born in Jordania, and had moved to the United States when his family was expelled from West Jerusalem in 1948. After the shooting, a newspaper clipping was found in Sirhan’s pocket, quoting favorable comments made by Robert regarding Israel and, in particular, what sounded like an electoral commitment: “The United States should without delay sell Israel the 50 Phantom jets she has so long been promised.” Handwritten notes by Sirhan found in a notebook at his home confirmed that his act had been premeditated and motivated by his hatred of Israel.

就在罗伯特被刺杀的几个小时后,媒体不仅告知了美国人民刺客的身份,还有他的动机,甚至是他的详细传记。 [9] 24岁的索罕 · 索罕出生在约旦,1948年他的家人被驱逐出西耶路撒冷后,他移居到了美国。
枪击事件发生后,在索罕的口袋里发现了一份剪报,上面引用了罗伯特对以色列的正面评论,特别是听起来像是选举承诺的评论: “ 美国应该毫不拖延地向以色列出售长期以来一直承诺的50架幻影战斗机。”

That became the story line of the mainstream media from day one. Jerry Cohen of the Los Angeles Times wrote a front page article, saying that Sirhan is “described by acquaintances as a ‘virulent’ anti-Israeli,” (Cohen changed that into “virulent anti-semite” in an article for the The Salt Lake Tribune), and that: “Investigation and disclosures from persons who knew him best revealed [him] as a young man with a supreme hatred for the state of Israel.” Cohen infers that “Senator Kennedy […] became a personification of that hatred because of his recent pro-Israeli statements.” Cohen further revealed that:

《洛杉矶时报》的杰瑞·科恩在头版发表文章,称索罕“被熟人形容为‘恶毒的''反以色列分子”( 科恩在纽约盐湖城论坛的一篇文章中将其改为“恶毒的反犹太分子”) ,并且“最了解他的人的调查和披露揭示了他是一个对以色列国有着极大仇恨的年轻人。”

“About three weeks ago the young Jordanian refugee accused of shooting Sen. Robert Kennedy wrote a memo to himself, […] The memo said: ‘Kennedy must be assassinated before June 5, 1968’—the first anniversary of the six-day war in which Israel humiliated three Arab neighbors, Egypt, Syria and Jordan.”[10]

“ 大约三个星期前,被指控枪击参议员罗伯特 · 肯尼迪的年轻约旦难民给自己写了一份备忘录,备忘录写道: ‘肯尼迪必须在1968年6月5日之前被暗杀''——这是以色列羞辱三个阿拉伯邻国埃及、叙利亚和约旦的六天战争的第一个周年纪念日。” [10]
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After September 11, 2001, the tragedy of Robert’s assassination was installed into the Neocon mythology of the Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terror the story. Sirhan became a precursor of Islamic terrorism on the American soil. In a book entitled The Forgotten Terrorist, Mel Ayton, who specializes in debunking conspiracy theories, claims to present “a wealth of evidence about [Sirhan’s] fanatical Palestinian nationalism,” and to demonstrate that “Sirhan was the lone assassin whose politically motivated act was a forerunner of present-day terrorism” (as written on the back cover).

索罕成为美国领土上伊斯兰恐怖主义的始作俑者,在一本名为《被遗忘的恐怖分子》的书中,专门揭露阴谋论的梅尔 · 艾顿声称,他提供了“大量有关索罕[狂热的巴勒斯坦民族主义的证据” ,并证明“索罕是唯一的刺客,他出于政治动机的行为是当今恐怖主义的始作俑者 ”( 见封底 )。

In 2008, on the 40th anniversary of Robert’s death, Sasha Issenberg of the Boston Globe recalled that the death of Robert Kennedy was “a first taste of Mideast terror.” He quotes Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz (best known as Jonathan Pollard’s lawyer), as saying:
“I thought of it as an act of violence motivated by hatred of Israel and of anybody who supported Israel. […] It was in some ways the beginning of Islamic terrorism in America. It was the first shot. A lot of us didn’t recognize it at the time.”[11]

2008年,在罗伯特逝世40周年之际,《波士顿环球报》的萨沙 · 伊森伯格回忆说,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪之死是“中东恐怖活动的第一次尝试 ” 他引用了哈佛大学教授艾伦·德肖维茨 ( 以乔纳森 · 波拉德的律师闻名 ) 的话:
”我认为这是出于对以色列和任何支持以色列的人的仇恨而采取的暴力行为。 从某种意义上说,这是美国伊斯兰恐怖主义的开端,这是第一枪,当时我们很多人都没有意识到这一点。” [11]

The fact that Sirhan was from a Christian family was lost on Dershowitz. The Jewish Forward took care to mention it on the same occasion, only to add that Islamic fanaticism ran in his veins anyway:
“But what he shared with his Muslim cousins — the perpetrators of September 11 — was a visceral, irrational hatred of Israel. It drove him to murder a man whom some still believe might have been the greatest hope of an earlier generation.”

“ 但是,他和他的穆斯林兄弟们 ( 911事件的肇事者) 有着发自内心的、非理性的对以色列的仇恨,这驱使他去谋杀一个人,一个仍然被认为可能是上一代人最大希望的人。”

“Robert Kennedy was the first American victim of modern Arab terrorism,” the Forward journalist hammered; “Sirhan hated Kennedy because he had supported Israel.”[12]
This leitmotiv of the public discourse begs the question: Was Bobby really a supporter of Israel? But before we answer that question, there is on more pressing one: Did Sirhan really kill Bobby?

“ 罗伯特 · 肯尼迪是现代阿拉伯恐怖主义的第一个美国受害者,”这位犹太先锋记者猛烈抨击道,“ 索罕痛恨肯尼迪,因为他支持以色列。 [12]
罗伯特 · 肯尼迪真的是以色列的支持者吗? 但在我们回答这个问题之前,还有一个更紧迫的问题:
索罕真的杀了罗伯特 · 肯尼迪吗?

Did Sirhan Bishara Sirhan really kill Robert Kennedy?
If we trust official statements and mainstream news, the assassination of Robert Kennedy is an open-and-shut case. The identity of the killer suffers no discussion, since he was arrested on the spot, with the smoking gun in his hand. In reality, ballistic and forensic evidence show that none of Sirhan’s bullets hit Kennedy.

索罕 · 索罕真的杀了罗伯特 · 肯尼迪吗?
如果我们相信官方声明和主流新闻,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪遇刺案就是一个显而易见的事件。

According to the autopsy report of Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Thomas Noguchi, Robert Kennedy died of a gunshot wound to the brain, fired from behind the right ear at point blank range, following an upward angle. Nogushi restated his conclusion in his 1983 memoirs, Coroner. Yet the sworn testimony of twelve shooting witnesses established that Robert had never turned his back on Sirhan and that Sirhan was five to six feet away from his target when he fired.

根据首席法医兼验尸官托马斯 · 野口的尸检报告,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪死于脑部枪伤,子弹是近距离从右耳后面近距离向上射出的,在他1983年的回忆录《验尸官》中重申了他的结论。
计算了储藏室里所有子弹,以及肯尼迪周围 5 人受伤的情况,估计至少发射了 12 颗子弹,而索罕的枪只装了8颗子弹。

Tallying all the bullet impacts in the pantry, and those that wounded five people around Kennedy, it has been estimated that at least twelve bullets were fired, while Sirhan’s gun carried only eight. On April 23, 2011, attorneys William Pepper and his associate, Laurie Dusek, gathered all this evidence and more in a 58-page file submitted to the Court of California, asking that Sirhan’s case be reopened. They documented major irregularities in the 1968 trial, including the fact that the bullet tested in laboratory to be compared to the the one extracted from Robert’s brain had not been shot by Sirhan’s revolver, but by another gun, with a different serial number; thus, instead of incriminating Sirhan, the ballistic test in fact proved him innocent. Pepper has also provided a computer analysis of audio recordings during the shooting, made by engineer Philip Van Praag in 2008, which confirms that two guns are heard.[13]

2011年4月23日,律师威廉 · 佩珀和他的助手劳里 · 杜塞克在提交给加州法院的58页文件中收集了所有这些证据,并要求重新审理索罕的案件。
佩珀还提供了由工程师菲利普 · 范 · 普拉格2008年对枪击过程中的录音进行的计算机分析,证实有两支枪的声音[13]

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The presence of a second shooter was signaled by several witnesses and reported on the same day by a few news media. There are strong suspicions that the second shooter was Thane Eugene Cesar, a security guard hired for the evening, who was stuck behind Kennedy at the moment of the shooting, and seen with his pistol drawn by several witnesses. One of them, Don Schulman, positively saw him fire. Cesar was never investigated, even though he did not conceal his hatred for the Kennedys, who according to his recorded statement, had “sold the country down the road to the commies.”[14]

有人强烈怀疑第二个枪手是当晚雇佣的保安塞纳 · 尤金 · 塞萨尔,枪击发生时他被卡在肯尼迪身后,有几个目击者看到他拔出手枪。 其中一个人,唐 · 舒尔曼,肯定地看见他开火了,西泽从未被调查过,尽管他并没有隐瞒自己对肯尼迪家族的仇恨,根据他的录音声明,肯尼迪家族“把整个国家出卖给了别人 [14]

Even if we assume that Sirhan did kill Robert Kennedy, a second aspect of the case raises question: according to several witnesses, Sirhan seemed to be in a state of trance during the shooting. More importantly, Sirhan has always claimed, and continues to claim, that he has never had any recollection of his act:
“I was told by my attorney that I shot and killed Senator Robert F. Kennedy and that to deny this would be completely futile, [but] I had and continue to have no memory of the shooting of Senator Kennedy.”

即使我们假设索罕确实杀害了罗伯特 · 肯尼迪,案件的第二个方面也引发了问题:
“ 我的律师告诉我,我开枪打死了参议员罗伯特 · 弗朗西斯 · 肯尼迪,否认这一点是完全徒劳的,[ 但 ] 我过去和现在都不记得有枪杀参议员肯尼迪的事情。”

He also claims to have no memory of “many things and incidents which took place in the weeks leading up to the shooting.”[15] Some repetitive lines written of a notebook found in Sirhan’s bedroom, which Sirhan recognizes as his own handwriting but does not remember writing, are reminiscent of automatic writing.[16]

他还声称对“ 枪击发生前几周发生的许多事情和事件 ”没有任何记忆 [15]
在索罕卧室里发现的一个笔记本上有一些重复的字迹,苏尔汉认出这是他自己的笔迹,但不记得写过什么,让人联想到所谓的“ 自动书写”(译注:automatic writing,神笔,灵媒用语,身体被控制产生幻觉)。 [16]

Psychiatric expertise, including lie-detector tests, have confirmed that Sirhan’s amnesia is not faked. In 2008, Harvard University professor Daniel Brown, a noted expert in hypnosis and trauma memory loss, interviewed Sirhan for a total of 60 hours, and concluded that Sirhan, whom he classifies in the category of “high hypnotizables,” acted unvoluntarily under the effect of hypnotic suggestion: “His firing of the gun was neither under his voluntary control, nor done with conscious knowledge, but is likely a product of automatic hypnotic behavior and coercive control.”[17]

2008年,著名催眠和创伤性记忆丧失专家、哈佛大学教授丹尼尔 · 布朗对索罕总共采访了60个小时,得出的结论是,在催眠暗示的作用下,他不是自愿开枪的,“他开枪的时候既不是自愿的,也不是有意识的,很可能是自动催眠行为和强制控制的产物。” [17]

We know that in the 1960s, American military agencies were experimenting on mental control. Dr Sidney Gottlieb, son of Hungarian Jews, directed the infamous CIA MKUltra project, which, among other things, were to answer questions such as: “Can a person under hypnosis be forced to commit murder?” according to a declassified document dated May 1951.[18] According to Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman, author of Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations (Random House, 2018), in 1968, an Israeli military psychologist by the name of Benjamin Shalit had concocted a plan to take a Palestinian prisoner and “brainwash and hypnotize him into becoming a programmed killer” aimed at Yasser Arafat.[19]

匈牙利犹太人之子西德尼 · 戈特利布博士指导了臭名昭著的中情局 “人脑控制项目”(MKUltra) 项目,该项目的目的之一是回答以下问题: “一个被催眠的人能被迫犯下谋杀罪吗? ”
根据1951年5月的一份解密文件 [18],《 以色列定点暗杀的秘密历史》( 兰登书屋,2018年)一书的作者、以色列记者罗恩 · 伯格曼说,1968年,一位名叫本杰明 · 沙利特的以色列军事心理学家策划了一个计划,绑架一名巴勒斯坦囚犯,并对他进行“洗脑和催眠,使他成为一名程序化杀手” ,目标是亚西尔 · 阿拉法特。 [19]

If Sirhan was hypnotically programmed, the question is: Who had some interest in having a visceral anti-Zionist Palestinian blamed for the killing of Robert Kennedy? Israel, of course. But then, we are faced with a dilemma, for why would Israel want to kill Robert Kennedy if Robert Kennedy was supportive of Israel, as the mainstream narrative goes?

谁会对一个杀害罗伯特 · 肯尼迪的、发自内心的反犹太复国主义的巴勒斯坦人感兴趣?
但是,我们面临着一个困境,如果罗伯特 · 肯尼迪支持以色列,为什么以色列要杀死罗伯特 · 肯尼迪?

Was Robert Kennedy really a friend of Israel?
The dilemma rests on a misleading assumption, which is part of the deception. In fact, Robert Kennedy was definitely not pro-Israel. He was simply campaigning in 1968. As everyone knows, a few good wishes and empty promises to Israel are an inescapable ritual in such circumstances. And Robert’s statement in an Oregon synagogue, mentioned in the May 27 Pasadena Independent Star-News article found in Sirhan’s pocket, didn’t exceed the minimal requirements. Its author David Lawrence had, in an earlier article entitled “Paradoxical Bob,” underlined how little credit should be given to such electoral promises: “Presidential candidates are out to get votes and some of them do not realize their own inconsistencies.”

罗伯特 · 肯尼迪真的是以色列的朋友吗?
它的作者大卫 · 劳伦斯在早期的一篇题为“荒谬的鲍勃”的文章中强调,这样的选举承诺应该得到多么少的信任:“总统候选人出来争取选票,他们中的一些人甚至没有意识到他们自己的矛盾。”

All things considered, there is no ground for believing that Robert Kennedy would have been, as president of the US, particularly Israel-friendly. The Kennedy family, proudly Irish and Catholic, was known for its hostility to Jewish influence in politics, a classic theme of anti-Kennedy literature, best represented by the 1996 book by Ronald Kessler with the highly suggestive title, The Sins of the Father: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded.[20]

肯尼迪家族,骄傲的爱尔兰人和天主教徒,以敌视犹太人对政治的影响而闻名,这是反肯尼迪文学的经典主题,罗纳德·凯斯勒1996年出版的《父亲的罪恶:约瑟夫 · P · 肯尼迪和他建立的王朝》一书就是最好的例证,书名极具暗示性。 [20]

Robert had not been, in his brother’s government, a particularly pro-Israel Attorney General: He had infuriated Zionist leaders by supporting an investigation led by Senator William Fulbright of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations aimed at registering the American Zionist Council as a “foreign agent” subject to the obligations defined by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which would had considerably hindered its efficiency (after 1963, the AZD escaped this procedure by changing its status and renaming itself AIPAC)[21].

他支持参议院外交关系委员会参议员威廉 · 富布赖特发起的一项调查,目的是将美国犹太复国主义理事会登记为”外国代理人” ,但须遵守1938年《外国代理人登记法》规定的义务,这将大大妨碍其效率 ( 1963年以后,阿兹台德通过改变其地位和更名为“美国以色列公共事务委员会”而逃脱了这一程序) [21]。

In conclusion, it is only with outstanding hypocrisy that The Jewish Daily Forward could write, on the 40th anniversary of Bobby’s death:
“In remembering Bobby Kennedy, let us remember not just what he lived for, but also what he died for—namely, the precious nature of the American-Israeli relationship.”[22]

“在纪念鲍比 · 肯尼迪时,让我们不仅记住他为之而生的东西,也记住他为之而死的东西——这是美以关系的宝贵本质。”

Robert Kennedy’s death had not been a bad thing for the precious “American-Israeli relationship.” Rather, it was a great loss for the Arab world, where Bobby was mourned just as had his brother John before him.

罗伯特 · 肯尼迪的死对珍贵的“美以关系”来说并不是一件坏事,相反,这对阿拉伯世界来说是一个巨大的损失,在那里,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪和他的哥哥约翰 · 肯尼迪一样被哀悼。

Of course, the fact that the Zionist media lied when granting Robert Kennedy some posthumous certificate of good will toward Israel, and thereby provided Israel with a fake alibi, is not a sufficient reason for concluding that Israel murdered Robert. Even the fact that the masterminds of the plot chose as their programmed instrument an anti-Zionist Palestinian, and thereby stirred a strong anti-Palestinian feeling among Americans at the same time as getting rid of Robert, does not prove that Israel was involved. What is still lacking for a serious presumption is a plausible motive.


The motive of Robert’s assassination must be found, not in what Robert publicly declared in an Oregon synagogue during his presidential campaign, but rather in what he confided only to his most close friends: his intention to reopen the investigation on his brother’s death. Our next question, therefore, is: What would an unbiased investigation, conducted under the supervision of Robert in the White House, have revealed?


Did the CIA assassinate Kennedy?
It is obvious to anybody just vaguely informed that a genuine investigation would first establish that Oswald was a mere “patsy”, as he said himself, a scapegoat prepared in advance to be blamed for the crime and then be slaughtered without a trial. We will not here review the evidence that contradicts the official thesis of the lone gunman. It can be found in numerous books and documentary films.


Just as notorious is the theory that the plot to kill Kennedy originated from a secret network within the CIA, in collusion with extremist elements in the Pentagon. That conspiracy theory looms the largest in books, articles and films that have been produced since John Kennedy died.


That CIA-Pentagon theory, as I will call it (add the military-industrial complex if you wish) has a major flaw in the motive ascribed to the killers: besides getting rid of Kennedy, the theory goes, the aim was to create a pretext for invading Cuba, something the CIA had always pushed for and Kennedy had refused to do (the Bay of Pigs fiasco). With Oswald groomed as a pro-Castro communist, the Dallas shooting was staged as a false flag attack to be blamed on Cuba. But then, why did no invasion of Cuba followed Kennedy’s assassination? Why was the pro-Castro Oswald abandoned by the Warren Commission in favor of the lone nut Oswald? Those who address the question, like James Douglass in his JFK and the Unspeakable, credit Johnson with preventing the invasion. Johnson, we are led to understand, had nothing to do with the assassination plot, and thwarted the plotters’ ultimate aim to start World War III. This is to ignore the tremendous amount of evidence accumulated against Johnson for fifty years, and documented in such groundbreaking books as Phillip Nelson’s LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination (2010) or Roger Stone’s The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ (2013).

“CIA-五角大楼”论,我把它 ( 如果你希望添加军工复合体) 的一个动机归因于凶手的主要缺陷:
除了摆脱肯尼迪,理论上说,目的是创建一个借口入侵古巴,中央情报局一直推动肯尼迪拒绝的事情( 猪湾事件 )。
这就忽略了五十年来积累的大量不利于约翰逊的证据,这些证据被记录在菲利普 · 纳尔逊)的《约翰逊:肯尼迪遇刺案的策划者》或罗杰 · 斯通的《杀死肯尼迪的人:反对约翰逊的例证》等开创性著作中。

Another weakness in the CIA-Pentagon theory is the lack of agreement about the mastermind of the plot. In fact, one of the names that comes up most often is James Jesus Angleton, the head of Counter-Intelligence within the CIA, about whom Professor John Newman writes in Oswald and the CIA:
“In my view, whoever Oswald’s direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot.”[23]


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But there is plenty of evidence that Angleton, who was also the head of the CIA “Israel Office,” was a Mossad mole. According to his biographer Tom Mangold, “Angleton’s closest professional friends overseas […] came from the Mossad and […] he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him profound honors after his death.”[24]No less that two monuments were dedicated to him at memorial services in Israel during ceremonies attended by chiefs of Israeli Intelligence and even a future Prime Minister.[25]

他的传记作者汤姆 · 曼戈尔德说 : “ 安格尔顿在海外最亲密的职业朋友来自摩萨德,他深受以色列同事和国家的尊敬,在他死后,国家授予他崇高的荣誉。”[24]

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another aspect must be taken into account: if the trail of the CIA is such a well-trodden path among Kennedy researchers, it is because it has been cut and marked by the mainstream media themselves, as well as by Hollywood. And that began even before the assassination, on October 3, 1963, with an article by the New York Times’ chief Washington correspondent Arthur Krock. The article denounced the CIA’s “unrestrained thirst for power” and quotidian unnamed “very high official” who claimed that the White House could not control the CIA, and that:
“If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government, it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone.”[26]

1963年10月3日,刺杀事件发生之前,《纽约时报》驻华盛顿首席记者亚瑟·克罗克的一篇文章谴责了中央情报局“对权力的无节制的欲望”,以及一些不知名的“ 非常高层的官员”,他们声称白宫无法控制中央情报局,并且说:

In such a way, The New York Times was planting a sign, a month and a half before the Dallas killing, pointing to the CIA as the most likely instigator of the upcoming coup. The sign said: “The President is going to fall victim of a coup, and it will come from the CIA.”

就这样,《纽约时报》在达拉斯被杀事件发生前一个半月就植入了一个信号,指出CIA 最有可能是即将到来的政变的煽动者,并写道:“总统将成为政变的牺牲品,它将来自中央情报局。”

One month after Kennedy’s assassination, it was the turn of the Washington Post to use a very similar trick, by publishing an op-ed signed by Harry Truman, in which the former president said he was “disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment.” “I never had any thought when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations,” at the point of becoming across the globe “a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue […] there are now some searching questions that need to be answered.”[27]

在肯尼迪遇刺一个月后,《华盛顿邮报》采用一个非常类似的做法,《华盛顿邮报》发表了哈里 · 杜鲁门署名的专栏文章,这位前总统在文章中表示,他“对中央情报局偏离其最初任务的方式感到不安 ”, “当我建立中央情报局的时候,我从来没有想过它会被注入到和平时期的暗杀行动中,”在全球变成“一个邪恶和神秘的外国阴谋的象征... ... 现在有一些探索性的问题需要回答。” [27]

Truman was hinting at the CIA’s role in toppling foreign governments and assassinating elected leaders abroad. But given the timing of his article, one month to the day after Dallas, it could only be understood by anyone with ears to hear, and at least subliminally by the rest, as an indictment of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination. This article, widely reprinted in the 1970s after the creation of the Church Committee and the House sext Committee on Assassinations, is regarded as Truman’s whistleblowing. Yet its mea culpa style is quite unlike Truman; that is because it was not written by Truman, but by his longtime assistant and ghostwriter, a Russian born Jew named David Noyes, whom Sidney Krasnoff calls “Truman’s alter ego” in his book, Truman and Noyes: Story of a President’s Alter Ego (1997). Truman probably never saw the article prior to its publication in the Washington Post morning edition, but he may be responsible for its deletion from the afternoon print runs.[28]

但是考虑到他文章发表的时间---- 距离达拉斯暗杀之后一个月---- 它能被任何有头脑的人理解,至少是下意识地被其他人理解为对中情局在肯尼迪暗杀事件中的控诉。
不过,这篇文章认错式的风格与杜鲁门的风格大不相同,因为它不是杜鲁门写的,而是他的长期助手兼代笔人大卫 · 诺伊斯写的。
诺伊斯是一个出生于俄罗斯的犹太人,西德尼 · 克拉斯诺夫在他的书《杜鲁门和诺伊斯: 一个总统改变自我的故事》指出,杜鲁门在这篇文章发表在《华盛顿邮报》上之前可能从来没有看到过这篇文章,但是他可能对这篇文章印刷版中删除负有责任。 [28]

So the two most influential American newspapers, while ostensibly defending the official theory of the lone gunman, have planted directional signs pointing to the CIA. Most Kennedy truthers have followed the signs with enthusiasm.


In the 70s, the mainstream media and publishing industry played again a major role in steering conspiracy theorists toward the CIA, while avoiding any hint of Israeli involvement. One major contributor to that effort was A. J. Weberman, with his 1975 book Coup d’état in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, co-authored by Michael Canfield . According to the New York Jewish Daily Forward (December 28, 2012), Weberman had “immigrated to Israel in 1959 and has dual American-Israeli citizenship,” and is “a close associate of Jewish Defense Organization founder Mordechai Levy, whose fringe group is a spin-off of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane’s militant right-wing Jewish Defense League.” Weberman acknowledged Neocon Richard Perle’s assistance in his investigation.[29] The Weberman-Canfield book contributed to the momentum that led the House sext Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) to reinvestigate in 1976 the murders of JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King.

其中一个主要贡献者是 A. J. 威伯曼,他在1975年与迈克尔坎菲尔德合著了《美国的政变:中央情报局和肯尼迪遇刺案》一书,据《 纽约犹太人前进日报 》(New York Jewish Daily Forward,2012年12月28日 ) 报道,威伯曼“于1959年移民到以色列,拥有美国和以色列双重国籍” ,并且是“犹太人防卫组织创始人莫德凯 · 利维的亲密伙伴,他的边缘团体是已故拉比 · 梅尔 · 卡哈内的激进右翼防卫犹太联盟。
韦伯曼承认新保守主义者理查德·派瑞 在他的调查中提供了帮助。 [29]
韦伯曼-坎菲尔德的书促使众议院暗杀特别委员会 (HSCA) 在1976年重新调查肯尼迪和马丁·路德·金博士的谋杀案。

It is also in this context that Newsweek journalist Edward Jay Epstein published an interview of George De Mohrenschildt, a Russian geologist and consultant for Texan oilmen who had befriended Oswald and his Russian wife in Dallas in 1962. In this interview, De Mohrenschildt admitted that Oswald had been introduced to him at the instigation of Dallas CIA agent J. Walton Moore.[30] That piece of information is dubious for several reasons: First, Moore was officially FBI rather than CIA. Second, De Mohrenschildt was in no position to confirm or deny the words that Epstein ascribed to him: he was found dead a few hours after giving the interview. In fact, De Mohrenschildt’s interview published by Epstein contradicts De Mohrenschildt’s own manuscxt account of his relationship to Oswald, revealed after his death.[31] De Mohrenschildt’s death was ruled a suicide. The Sheriff’s report mentions that in his last months he complained that “the Jews” and “the Jewish mafia” were out to get him.[32]

正是在这种背景下,《新闻周刊》记者爱德华 · 杰 · 爱泼斯坦发表了一篇对乔治 · 德 · 莫伦斯切尔特的采访,这位俄罗斯地质学家和德州石油商顾问于1962年在达拉斯结识了奥斯瓦尔德和他的俄罗斯妻子。
在这次采访中,· 德 · 莫伦斯切尔特承认奥斯瓦尔德是在达拉斯中央情报局特工 J . 沃尔顿摩尔的唆使下被介绍给他的。 [30]
其次,德莫伦斯切尔特无法证实或否认爱普斯坦认为他说的话: 他在接受采访几小时后被发现死亡。
事实上,爱泼斯坦出版的对德 · 莫伦斯切尔特的采访与德 · 莫伦斯切尔特死后透露的他与奥斯瓦尔德关系的手稿记录相矛盾。 [31]
德 · 莫伦斯切尔特 的死被判定为自杀,治安官的报告提到,在他生命的最后几个月里,他抱怨“犹太人”和“犹太黑手党”想抓住他。 [32]

Needless to say, Epstein didn’t mention anything about this. More suspicions arise from the fact that Epstein’s main source for his 1978 book, Legend: the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, was James Jesus Angleton, who was actively spreading disinformation at the time of the HSCA, defending the theory that Oswald was a KGB agent with CIA connections.

不用说,爱泼斯坦对此事只字未提,1978年出版的《传奇:李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德的秘密世界》一书中,爱泼斯坦的主要信息来源是詹姆斯·安格尔顿,他在 HSCA(众议院暗杀特别委员会)时期积极散布假情报,为奥斯瓦尔德是克格勃特工与中央情报局有联系的说法辩护。

That Israeli agents have been instrumental in spreading conspiracy theories targeting the CIA is also evidenced by Oliver Stone’s film JFK released in 1991, starring Kevin Costner in the role of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. This film, which shook public opinion to the point of motivating the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, was produced by Arnon Milchan, described in a 2011 biography as being from his youth “one of the most important covert agents that Israeli intelligence has ever fielded,” involved in arms smuggling from the US to Israel.[33] In 2013 Milchan publicly revealed his extended activity as a secret agent of Israel, working in particular to boost Israel’s nuclear program.[34] It is therefore no wonder that Stone’s film gives no hint of the Mossad connection that Garrison stumbled upon.

奥利弗 · 斯通1991年上映的电影《刺杀肯尼迪》也证明了以色列特工在传播针对中央情报局的阴谋论中起到了重要作用,该片由凯文 · 科斯特纳饰演新奥尔良地区检察官吉姆 · 加里森。
这部由迈尔坎制作电影震撼了公众舆论,甚至激励了暗杀档案复核小组工作,迈尔坎在2011年的一本传记中描述他年轻时是“以色列情报部门有史以来最重要的秘密特工之一” ,参与了从美国向以色列走私军火的活动。 [33]

Who killed JFK?
By a strange paradox, the authors who stand for the consensual conspiracy theory of a CIA plot against Kennedy build their case on the biography of Oswald, while at the same time claiming that Oswald had almost nothing to do with the killing. If Oswald was “just a patsy,” as he publicly claimed, the quest for the real culprits must logically begin by investigating the man who silenced Oswald.

如果奥斯瓦尔德像他公开声称的那样“只是个替罪羊” ,那么从逻辑上讲,寻找真正的罪犯必须从调查让奥斯瓦尔德闭嘴的那个人开始。

Oswald’s assassin is known as Jack Ruby, but few people know that his real name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, and that he was the son of Jewish Polish immigrants. Ruby was a member of the Jewish underworld. He was a friend of Los Angeles gangster Mickey Cohen, whom he had known and admired since 1946. Cohen was the successor of the famed Benjamin Siegelbaum, aka Bugsy Siegel, one of the bosses of Murder Incorporated. Cohen was infatuated with the Zionist cause, as he explained in his memoirs: “Now I got so engrossed with Israel that I actually pushed aside a lot of my activities and done nothing but what was involved with this Irgun war”.[35]

鲁比是犹太黑社会的成员,他是洛杉矶黑帮分子米奇 · 科恩的朋友,自1946年起他就认识并崇拜他。
科恩是著名的本杰明 · 西格尔鲍姆,又名布格西 · 西格尔的继任者,他是谋杀集团的老板之一。
科恩迷恋犹太复国主义事业,正如他在回忆录中解释的那样: “现在我对以色列如此着迷,以至于我实际上把自己的许多活动抛在一边,什么也不做,只做与伊尔贡(注: Irgun,英国统治巴勒斯坦时期进行地下活动的犹太复国主义右翼组织)之战有关的事情。” [35]

Mickey Cohen was in contact with Menachem Begin, the former Irgun chief, with whom he even “spent a lot of time,” according to Gary Wean, former detective sergeant for the Los Angeles Police Department. So there is a direct line connecting Jack Ruby, via Mickey Cohen, to the Israeli terrorist ring, and in particular to Menachem Begin, a specialist in false flag terror. We also know that Ruby phoned Al Gruber, a Mickey Cohen associate, just after Oswald’s arrest; no doubt he received then “an offer he couldn’t refuse,” as they say in the underworld.[36] Ruby’s defense lawyer William Kunstler wrote in his memoirs that Ruby told him he had killed Oswald “for the Jews,” and Ruby’s rabbi Hillel Silverman received the same confession when visiting Ruby in jail.[37]

洛杉矶警察局前侦探长加里 · 韦恩说,米奇 · 科恩与前 Irgun 首席执行官梅纳赫姆 · 贝京有联系,他们甚至“相处了很长时间”。
所以有一条线通过米奇 · 科恩将杰克 · 鲁比与以色列恐怖组织联系起来,特别是与梅纳赫姆 · 贝京,一位假恐怖活动的专家。
我们还知道,就在奥斯瓦尔德被捕后不久,鲁比给米奇 · 科恩的同事阿尔 · 格鲁伯打了电话,毫无疑问,当时他收到了“一个他无法拒绝的提议” ,这是黑社会里常见的用语。 [36]
鲁比的辩护律师威廉 · 昆斯特勒在回忆录中写道,鲁比告诉他,他杀害奥斯瓦尔德是“为了犹太人” ,鲁比的拉比希勒尔 · 西尔弗曼在狱中探望鲁比时也得到了同样的供词。 [37]

That is not all. At every levels of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy, we also find the fingerprints of the Israeli deep state. JFK’s trip to Dallas, being officially “non political,” was sponsored by a powerful business group known as the Dallas Citizens Council, dominated by Julius Schepps, “a wholesale liquor distributor, member of every synagogue in town, and de facto leader of the Jewish community,” as described by Bryan Edward Stone in The Chosen Folks: Jews on the Frontiers of Texas.[38] Kennedy was on his way to the reception organized in his honor when he was shot.
The “host committee” inviting Kennedy was chaired by another influential figure of the wealthy Jewish community in Dallas: advertising executive and PR man Sam Bloom. According to former British Intelligence Officer Colonel John Hughes-Wilson, it was Bloom who suggested to the Police “that they move the alleged assassin [Oswald] from the Dallas police station to the Dallas County Jail in order to give the newsmen a good story and pictures.”Oswald was shot by Ruby during this transfert. Hughes-Wilson adds that,“when the police later searched Ruby’s home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom’s name, address and telephone number on it.”[39]

在刺杀肯尼迪的阴谋的各个层面,我们还发现了以色列“暗深势力集团”(Deep State)的踪迹。
肯尼迪的达拉斯之行,官方说法是“非政治性的” ,是由一个名为达拉斯公民委员会的强大商业组织赞助的。
该组织由朱利叶斯谢普斯导,布莱恩爱德华斯通在《被选中的人: 德克萨斯州边境的犹太人》称, 肯尼迪被枪杀时,他正在前往为他举行的招待会的路上。
邀请肯尼迪的“主办委员会”由达拉斯富裕的犹太社区中另一位有影响力的人物担任主席:广告主管兼公关人员萨姆 · 布鲁姆。
根据前英国情报官员约翰 · 休斯威尔逊上校的说法,是布鲁姆向警方建议“他们把所谓的暗杀者( 奥斯瓦尔德) 从达拉斯警察局转移到达拉斯县监狱,以便给新闻记者提供一个好的故事和照片。”
休斯威尔逊补充说,“警察后来搜查鲁比的家时,发现了一张纸条,上面有布鲁姆的姓名、地址和电话号码。” [39]

After the Dallas tragedy, Israel’s sayanim were also busy fabricating the official lie. Apart from its chairman Earl Warren, chosen for his figurative role as Chief Justice, all key people in the investigative Commission were either personal enemies of Kennedy—like Allen Dulles, the CIA director fired by Kennedy in 1961—or ardent Zionists. The man who played the key role in fabricating the government lie purveyed by the Warren Commission was Arlen Specter, the inventor of what came to be called the “magic bullet” theory: a single bullet supposed to have caused seven wounds to Kennedy and John Connally sitting before him in the limousine, and later found in pristine condition on a gurney in Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. Specter, who with an ironic touch of chutzpah titled his autobiography Passion for Truth, was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, and, at his death in 2012, was mourned by the Israeli government as “an unswerving defender of the Jewish State,” and by AIPAC, as “a leading architect of the congressional bond between our country and Israel.”[40]
So, at all stages of the plot, we find a Zionist cabal including business men, politicians and Irgun-connected gangsters, not forgetting media executives, all devoted to Israel.

斯佩克特在他的以一种讽刺口吻命名的自传《真相的激情》中,称他是俄罗斯犹太移民的儿子,2012年去世时,以色列政府为他哀悼,称他是“犹太国家坚定的捍卫者”,美国以色列公共事务委员会( AIPAC) 称他是“我们国家和以色列之间国会纽带的主要设计师” [40]

The most plausible motive for Israel to kill Kennedy has been revealed by two books: Seymour Hersh’s The Samson Option in 1991, then Avner Cohen’s Israel and the Bomb in 1998, and the lead has been followed up in 2007 by Michael Karpin in The Bomb in the Basement. What these investigators reveal is that Kennedy, informed by the CIA in 1960 of the military aim pursued at the Dimona complex in the Negev desert, was firmly determined to force Israel to renounce it. With that purpose in mind, he replaced CIA Director Allen Dulles by John McCone, who had, as Eisenhower’s chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), leaked to The New York Times the truth about Israel’s Dimona project; the story was printed on December 19, 1960, weeks before Kennedy was to take office. As Alan Hart writes, “there can be no doubt that Kennedy’s determination to stop Israel developing its own nuclear bomb was the prime factor in his decision to appoint McCone.”[41] Then Kennedy urged Ben-Gurion to allow regular inspections of Dimona, first verbally in New York in 1961, and later through more and more insistent letters. In the last one, cabled June 15, 1963 to the Israeli ambassador with instruction to hand it personally to Ben-Gurion, Kennedy demanded Ben-Gurion’s agreement for an immediate visit followed by regular visits every six months, otherwise “this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized.”[42] The result was unexpected: Ben-Gurion avoided official reception of the letter by announcing his resignation on June 16. As soon as the new Prime Minister Levi Eshkol took office, Kennedy sent him a similar letter, dated July 5, 1963, to no avail. Did Ben-Gurion resign in order to deal with Kennedy from another level?

1991年西摩 · 赫什的《萨姆森选项》 ,1998年阿夫纳 · 科恩的《以色列和炸弹》 ,2007年迈克尔 · 卡宾在《地下室的炸弹》中追踪了这一线索。
考虑到这个目的,他用约翰 · 麦科恩取代了中央情报局局长艾伦 · 杜勒斯,麦科恩是艾森豪威尔的原子能委员会(AEC)主席,他向《纽约时报》透露了关于以色列的迪莫纳计划的真相,这篇报道于1960年12月19日出版,比肯尼迪上任早几个星期。
正如艾伦哈特所写,“毫无疑问,肯尼迪阻止以色列发展自己的核弹的决心,是他任命麦科恩的主要因素。” [41]后来,肯尼迪敦促本古里安允许对迪莫纳进行定期检查,1961年,第一次是在纽约口头上进行检查,后来又通过越来越多坚持不懈的信件进行检查。
在1963年6月15日给以色列大使的最后一封电报中,肯尼迪要求本古里安同意立即访问,然后每六个月定期访问一次,否则”本国政府对以色列的承诺和支持可能受到严重损害” [42]
1963年7月5日,新任总理列维 · 埃什科尔上任后,肯尼迪给他写了一封类似的信,但毫无用处。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Five months later, Kennedy’s death relieved Israel of all pressure (diplomatic or otherwise) to stop its nuclear program. Faced with Johnson’s complete lack of interest in that issue, John McCone resigned from the CIA in 1965, declaring: “When I cannot get the President to read my reports, then it’s time to go.”

五个月后,肯尼迪的死缓解了以色列停止其核计划的所有压力( 外交或其他方面 )。
约翰逊对这个问题完全不感兴趣,约翰 · 麦康尼于1965年从中央情报局辞职,他宣称: “当我无法让总统阅读我的报告时,那么是时候离开了。”

Kennedy’s determination to stop Israel’s Dimona project was only part of the “Kennedy problem”. During his first months in the White House, Kennedy committed himself by letters to Nasser and other Arab heads of State to support UN Resolution 194 for the right of return of Palestinian refugees. Ben-Gurion reacted with a letter to the Israeli ambassador in Washington, intended to be circulated among Jewish American leaders, in which he stated:


“Israel will regard this plan as a more serious danger to her existence than all the threats of the Arab dictators and Kings, than all the Arab armies, than all of Nasser’s missiles and his Soviet MIGs. […] Israel will fight against this implementation down to the last man.’”[43]

”以色列认为这个计划对她的生存构成的威胁比阿拉伯人和国王的威胁、比所有阿拉伯军队、比纳赛尔的导弹和他的苏联米格战斗机更严重 [ ...... ] 以色列人将为这一行动而战,直到最后一人。 ”''[43]

Kennedy behaved warmly toward Nasser, Israel’s worst enemy. Historian Philip Muehlenbeck writes:
“While the Eisenhower administration had sought to isolate Nasser and reduce his influence through building up Saudi Arabia’s King Saud as a conservative rival to the Egyptian president, the Kennedy administration pursued the exact opposite strategy.”[44]

肯尼迪对以色列最大的敌人纳赛尔表现得很热情,历史学家菲利普 · 穆伦贝克写道:
“尽管艾森豪威尔政府试图孤立纳赛尔,并通过将沙特阿拉伯国王沙特塑造成埃及总统的保守对手来削弱他的影响力,但肯尼迪政府却采取了完全相反的策略。” [44]

After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy was reversed again, without the American public being aware of it. Johnson cut the economic aid to Egypt, and increased the military aid to Israel, which reached 92 million dollars in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For 50 years, the Israeli trail in the Kennedy assassination has been smothered, and anyone who mentioned it was immediately ostracized. American congressman Paul Findley nevertheless dared write in March 1992 in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: “It is interesting to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” One single author has seriously investigated that trail: Michael Collins Piper, in his 1995 book Final Judgment: The Missing lix in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. Piper was largely ignored by the mainstream of the Kennedy truth movement. But his work has made its way nevertheless. In 2013, Martin Sandler wrote about Piper’s work in his edition of letters by Kennedy, which included those addressed to Ben-Gurion about Dimona: “Of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.”It is, in fact, a theory widespread in Arab countries.[45]

尽管如此,美国国会议员保罗 · 芬德利还是在1992年3月的《华盛顿中东事务报告》中大胆的写道: “值得注意的是,在所有关于肯尼迪遇刺的文字和言论中,以色列情报机构摩萨德从未被提及。”
迈克尔 · 柯林斯 · 派珀在他1995年出版的《最终审判: 肯尼迪刺杀阴谋中缺失的一环》一书中认真研究了这条线索。
2013年,马丁 · 桑德勒在他《 肯尼迪家书》中介绍了派珀的作品,其中包括那些写给本-古里安的关于迪莫纳的信件: “在所有的阴谋论中,它仍然是最引人入胜的一个。”事实上,这是一个在阿拉伯国家广为流传的理论。 [45]

The case against Lyndon Johnson
Several investigators have identified Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy’s vice-president, as the mastermind of the Kennedy assassination. It is, at least, beyond doubt that the plotters acted with the foreknowledge that Johnson, who automatically stepped in as head of State after Kennedy’s death, would cover them. The context of national crisis enabled him to bully both Justice and the press while achieving his life’s ambition. Johnson not just benefitted from the plot; he participated in its elaboration. As a former senator from Texas, he could mobilize high-ranked accomplices in Dallas to prepare the ambush. Johnson also had his men in the Navy. In 1961, Texan senator John Connally had been appointed as Navy Secretary at the request of Johnson. When Connally resigned eleven months later to run for governor of Texas, Johnson convinced Kennedy to name another of his Texan friends, Fred Korth.

反林登 · 约翰逊案
1961年,德克萨斯州参议员约翰 · 康纳利应约翰逊的要求被任命为海军部长,11个月后,康纳利辞职竞选德克萨斯州州长,约翰逊说服肯尼迪提名他的另一位德克萨斯朋友弗雷德 · 科斯。

Johnson’s privileged control over the Navy is an important aspect of the case because the Navy was critical in the setting up and in the cover-up of the plot. First, contrary to a widespread but erroneous belief, Lee Harvey Oswald had been recruited by the Navy and not by the CIA. He was a Marine, and as a Marine he had worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Secondly, it is at the Naval Hospital in Washington, under the control of Navy officers, that Kennedy’s autopsy was performed, after his body had been literally stolen at gunpoint from Parkland Hospital in Dallas. The report of this autopsy stated that the fatal bullet had entered the back of Kennedy’s skull, which contradicted the testimonies of twenty-one members of the Dallas hospital staff who saw two entry bullet-wounds on the front of Kennedy’s body. This was critical because Oswald was presumably shooting from behind Kennedy, and could not possibly have caused these bullet wounds.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is noteworthy that Johnson had actually taken advantage of his connections in the Navy to participate in the greatest corruption case ever recorded at that time. His accomplice Fred Korth was forced to resign as Navy Secretary in November 1963, only weeks before the Dallas coup, after the Justice Department headed by Robert Kennedy had implicated him in a fraud involving a $7 billion contract for the construction of 1,700 TFX military aircraft by General Dynamics, a Texan company. Johnson’s personal secretary, Bobby Baker, was charged in the same case.

他的同伙弗雷德科思在1963年11月被迫辞去海军部长的职务,就在达拉斯政变发生前几周,由罗伯特·肯尼迪领导的司法部将他牵扯进了一起欺诈案,这起案件涉及德克萨斯州的一家公司----通用动力公司,其建造1700架 TFX 军用飞机,合同价值70亿美元,约翰逊的私人秘书博比 · 贝克也在同一起案件中受到指控。

Because of this mounting scandal and other suspicions of corruption, Kennedy was determined to change Vice-President for his upcoming reelection campaign.[46] While in Dallas the day before the President’s visit, Nixon publicized the rumor of Johnson’s removal, and the Dallas Morning News was reporting on November 22nd: “Nixon Predicts JFK May Drop Johnson.” Instead, Johnson became president that very day.

鉴于这桩丑闻和其他腐败嫌疑,肯尼迪决定更换副总统,参加即将到来的连任竞选。 [46]
在总统访问的前一天,总统来访的前一天,尼克松在达拉斯发布了约翰逊被解职的消息,11月22日的《达拉斯晨报》报道:“ 尼克松预测肯尼迪可能会抛弃约翰逊。”——然而,就在那一天,约翰逊成为了总统。

Many Americans immediately suspected Johnson’s involvement in the Dallas coup, especially after the publication in 1964 of a book by James Evetts Haley, A Texan Looks at Lyndon, which portrayed Johnson as deeply corrupt. According to his biographer Robert Caro, Johnson was a man thirsting “for power in its most naked form, for power not to improve the lives of others, but to manipulate and dominate them, to bend them to his will.”[47]

许多美国人立即怀疑约翰逊参与了达拉斯政变,尤其是在詹姆斯 · 埃弗雷特1964年出版的《一个德克萨斯人如何看待林登约翰逊》一书中将约翰逊描绘成一个极度腐败的人之后。
根据他的传记作家罗伯特 · 卡罗的说法,约翰逊是一个渴望“以最赤裸裸的形式获得权力的人,渴望权力不是为了改善别人的生活,而是为了操纵和支配他们,使他们屈从于他的意志。” [47]

The evidence incriminating Johnson does not conflict with the evidence against Israel, quite the contrary. First, both trails converge in the person of Jack Ruby, whom Nixon identified a one of “Johnson’s boys,” according to former Nixon operative Roger Stone.[48] The hypothesis that Ruby acted on Johnson’s orders is a likely explanation for some of his odd statements to the Warren Commission:

指控约翰逊有罪的证据与指控以色列的证据并不冲突,恰恰相反。 首先,两条线索都聚集在杰克 · 鲁比身上,据尼克松的前特工罗杰斯通说,尼克松认出了他是“约翰逊的手下” 。 [48]

“If you don’t take me back to Washington tonight to give me a chance to prove to the President that I am not guilty, then you will see the most tragic thing that will ever happen.” “There will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don’t take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don’t suffer because of what I have done.”

“如果你们今晚不把我带回华盛顿,给我一个机会向总统证明我是无罪的,那么你们将看到有史以来最悲惨的事情发生。” “如果你不采纳我的证词,并以某种方式为我辩护,让我的人民不因我的所作所为而遭受痛苦,那么某种悲剧就会发生。”

He said that feared that his act would be used “to create some falsehood about some of the Jewish faith,” but added that “maybe something can be saved […], if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me.”[49] With such words, Ruby seems to be trying to send a message to Johnson through the Commission, or rather a warning that he might spill the beans about Israel’s involvement if Johnson did not intervene in his favor. We get the impression that Ruby expected Johnson to pardon him.

他说,他担心自己的行为会被用来“编造一些关于犹太教信仰的谎言” ,但又补充说,“如果我们的总统林登 · 约翰逊从我这里知道了真相,也许某些事情可以得救[ ...... ]。” [49]

Yet Johnson did nothing to get Ruby out of jail. Ruby’s sense of betrayal would explain why in 1965, after having been sentenced to life imprisonment, Ruby implicitly accused Johnson of Kennedy’s murder in a press conference: “If [Adlai Stevenson] was Vice-President there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy.”[50]
Ruby died from a mysterious disease in his prison in 1967.

鲁比的背叛感可以解释为什么在1965年,在被判处无期徒刑刑期后,鲁比在新闻发布会上含蓄地指责约翰逊谋杀了肯尼迪: “ 如果副总统是阿德莱 · 史蒂文森,我们敬爱的肯尼迪总统就不会被暗杀。” [50]

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A Crypto-Zionist president?
Ruby is not the only lix between Johnson and Israel, far from it. In truth, Johnson had always been Israel’s man. His electoral campaigns had been funded since 1948 by Zionist financier Abraham Feinberg, who happened to be president of the Americans for Haganah Incorporated, which raised money for the Jewish militia. It is the same Feinberg who, after the Democratic primaries in 1960, made the following proposal to Kennedy, as Kennedy himself later reported to his friend Charles Bartlett: “We know your campaign is in trouble. We’re willing to pay your bills if you’ll let us have control of your Middle East policy.” Bartlett recalls that Kennedy was deeply upset and swore that, “if he ever did get to be President, he was going to do something about it.”[51]

事实上,约翰逊一直是以色列的人,自1948年以来,他的竞选活动一直得到犹太复国主义金融家亚伯拉罕 · 范伯格的资助,范伯格碰巧是哈加纳美国公司的总裁,该公司为犹太民兵筹集资金。
正是这个范伯格,在1960年民主党初选后,向肯尼迪提出了如下建议,正如肯尼迪本人后来向他的朋友查尔斯 · 巴特利特报告的那样: “我们知道你的竞选遇到了麻烦,如果你们让我们控制你们的中东政策,我们愿意为你们买单。” 巴特利特回忆说,肯尼迪当时非常沮丧,并发誓说,“如果他能当上总统,他一定会采取行动。” [51]

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is on record, thanks to Kennedy insider Arthur Schlesinger (A Thousand Days: John Kennedy in the White House, 1965), that the two men who convinced Kennedy to take Johnson as his running mate, were Philip Graham and Joseph Alsop, respectively publisher and columnist of the Washington Post, and strong supporters of Israel.[52] Schlesinger doesn’t reveal Graham and Alsop’s arguments, and states that Kennedy’s final decision “defies historical reconstruction”—a curious statement for a historian so well informed on the topic. But Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy’s personal secretary for twelve years, had her own idea about it. She believed that Kennedy was blackmailed with proofs of his many infidelities to his wife: “Jack knew that Hoover and LBJ would just fill the air with womanizing.” Whatever the details of the blackmail, Kennedy once confided to his assistant Hyman Raskin, as an apology for taking Johnson, “I was left with no choice […] those bastards were trying to frx me. They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems.”[53]

多亏肯尼迪内部人士阿瑟 · 施莱辛格(《一千天: 约翰 · 肯尼迪在白宫,1965年》,说服肯尼迪选择约翰逊为竞选伙伴的两个人分别是《华盛顿邮报》的出版人和专栏作家菲利普 · 格雷厄姆和约瑟夫奥尔索普 。 [52]
但作为肯尼迪12年的私人秘书,伊夫林 · 林肯对此有自己的看法,她相信肯尼迪是被人用他对妻子多次不忠的证据敲诈勒索了: “杰克知道胡佛和林登 · 贝恩斯 · 约翰逊只会让空气中充满女色。”
无论敲诈的细节如何,肯尼迪曾向他的助手海曼 · 拉斯金透露,作为对带走约翰逊的道歉,“我别无选择... ... 那些混蛋想陷害我,他们用这些问题威胁我,我不需要更多的问题。” [53]

In 2013, Associated Press reported about newly released tapes from Johnson’s White House office showing LBJ’s “personal and often emotional connection to Israel,” and pointed out that under Johnson, “the United States became Israel’s chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.” An article from the 5 Towns Jewish Times “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson?” recalls Johnson’s continuous support of Jews and Israel in the 1940s and 50s, and concludes: “President Johnson firmly pointed American policy in a pro-Israel direction.” The article also mentions that, “research into Johnson’s personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.” And, in an additional note: “The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.”[54]

2013年,美联社报道了约翰逊白宫办公室新近公布的一些录音带,其中显示约翰逊“与以色列有着个人的、往往是情感上的联系” ,并指出,在约翰逊的领导下,“美国成为了以色列的主要外交盟友和主要武器供应国。”
犹太时报的一篇文章《 我们的第一位犹太总统林登 · 约翰逊?》 回顾了约翰逊在20世纪40年代和50年代对犹太人和以色列的持续支持,并总结道: “约翰逊总统坚定地将美国的政策指向亲以色列的方向。”
文章还提到,“ 对约翰逊个人历史的研究表明,他从家庭中继承了对犹太人的关心, 他的姑姑杰西 · 约翰逊 · 海切尔是美国犹太复国主义组织的成员,对林登 · 约翰逊有重大影响。”
另外,还有一条注释:“犹太母亲的血统可以追溯到林登 · 约翰逊的家谱中的三代人,毫无疑问,他是犹太人。” [54]

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Whatever was the reason of Johnson’s loyalty to Israel, it is a fact that, thanks to Johnson, Israel could continue its military nuclear program undisturbed, and acquire its first atomic bomb around 1965. Historian Stephen Green writes: “Lyndon Johnson’s White House saw no Dimona, heard no Dimona, and spoke no Dimona when the reactor went critical in early 1964.”[55]

历史学家斯蒂芬 · 格林写道: “1964年初,当反应堆达到临界状态时,林登 · 约翰逊的白宫看不到迪莫纳核基地,也没有听过迪莫纳核基地,没有人说起迪莫纳核基地。” [55]

Thanks to JFK’s death, Israel was also able to carry out its plan to annex Palestinian territories beyond the boundaries imposed by the United Nations Partition plan. By leaning on Pentagon and CIA hawks, Johnson intensified the Cold War and created the climate of tension which Israel needed in order to demonize Egyptian president Nasser and reinforce its own stature as indispensable ally in the Middle East.


During the Six Day War of 1967, Israel managed to triple its territory, while creating the illusion of acting in legitimate defense. The lie could not deceive American Intelligence agencies, but Johnson had given a green light to Israel’s attack, and even authorized James Angleton of the CIA to give Israel the precise positions of the Egyptian air bases, which enabled Israel to destroy them in just a few hours.

这个谎言骗不了美国情报机构,但约翰逊为以色列的袭击开了绿灯,甚至授权中央情报局的詹姆斯 · 安格尔顿向以色列提供埃及空军基地的确切位置,这使以色列能够在几个小时内摧毁它们。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Four days after the start of the Israeli attack, Nasser accepted the ceasefire request from the UN Security Council. It was too soon for Israel, which had not yet achieved all its territorial obxtives. On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, a NSA spy ship stationed in international waters off Sinai, was bombed, strafed and torpedoed during 75 minutes by Israeli Mirage jets and three torpedo boats, with the obvious intention of sinking it without leaving any survivors. (Even the rescue channels were machine-gunned.) Meanwhile, Johnson, from the White House, intervened personally to prohibit the nearby Sixth Fleet from rescuing the USS Liberty after the crew, despite the initial destruction of its transmitters, had managed to send off an SOS.

以色列还没有实现其所有的领土目标,这对以色列来说为时尚早,1967年6月8日,驻扎在西奈半岛附近国际水域的美国国家安全局间谍船“自由号”在75分钟内遭到以色列幻影战斗机和三艘鱼雷艇的轰炸、扫射和鱼雷袭击,显然是为了让它沉没而不留下任何幸存者。 ( 甚至连救援通道都被机枪扫射)

The attack would have been blamed on Egypt if it had succeeded, that is, if the ship had sunk and its crew had all died. The operation would then have given Johnson a pretext for interveening on the side of Israel against Egypt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But it failed. The USS Liberty affair was suppressed by a commission of inquiry headed by Admiral John Sidney McCain II, Commander-in-Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe (and Father of Arizona Senator John McCain III). Johnson accepted Israel’s spurious “targeting error” explanation. In January 1968 he invited the Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, to Washington, and warmly welcomed him to his Texas ranch. What’s more, Johnson rewarded Israel by lifting the embargo on offensive military equipment: US-made tanks and aircraft immediately flowed to Tel Aviv.
This failed false flag attack is evidence of the secret complicity of Johnson and Israel, implying high treason on the part of Johnson.

约翰逊接受了以色列虚假的“ 判断错误”的解释。
1968年1月,他邀请以色列总理列维 · 埃什科尔访问华盛顿,并热烈欢迎他来到他在德克萨斯的牧场。

Let’s now conclude our overview of the evidence: beside the fact that John and Robert were brothers, their assassinations have at least two things in common: Lyndon Johnson and Israel.

除了约翰(肯尼迪)和罗伯特(肯尼迪)是兄弟这一事实,他们的暗杀至少有两个共同点: 林登 · 约翰逊和以色列。

First, their deaths are precisely frxd by Johnson’s presidency, which was also the context for other political assassinations, such as Martin-Luther King’s. Johnson was in control of the State during the two investigations on John and Robert’s murders.


Secondly, in both cases, we find the fingerprints of Israel’s deep state. In the case of Robert, it is the choice of the manipulated patsy, which was obviously meant to disguise Robert’s assassination as an act of hatred against Israel. In the case of John, it it is the identity of the man asked to kill the patsy, a Jewish gangster lixed to the Irgun.

其次,在这两个案件中,我们都发现了以色列“暗深势力集团”(Deep State)的痕迹。
就罗伯特肯尼迪被杀而言,这是被操纵的替罪羊的选择,这显然是为了掩饰罗伯特被暗杀是对以色列的仇恨行为。 在约翰肯尼迪的案例中,是被要求杀死替罪羊的那个人的身份,替罪羊是一个与伊尔贡有关的犹太黑帮分子。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Johnson and Israel, the two common elements in the Kennedy assassinations, are themselves closely lixed, since Johnson can be considered as a high-level sayan, a man secretly devoted to Israel, or owned by Israel, to the point of committing high treason against the nation he had been elected to lead and protect.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The causal lix between the two assassinations then becomes clear: even if Robert had been pro-Israel, which he was not, Israel and Johnson would still have had a compelling reason to eliminate him before he got to the White House, where he could—and would—reopen the investigation on his brother’s death.

即使罗伯特肯尼迪是亲以色列的( 事实上他不是 ) ,以色列和约翰逊仍然有令人信服的理由在他进入白宫之前除掉他,在那里他可以也肯定会重新开始对他兄弟的死亡进行调查。

What should have been obvious from the start now appears brightly clear: in order to solve the mystery of the assassination of John Kennedy, one has simply to look into the two other assassinations which are connected to it: the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man whose trial could have exposed the hoax and possibly put the plotters into the light, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the man who would have reopened the case if he had lived. And both these assassinations bear the signature of Israel.

李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德被暗杀事件,这个人的审判本可以揭露这个恶作剧并可能揭露阴谋者,以及罗伯特 · 肯尼迪被暗杀事件,如果他还活着,这个事件就会被重新调查,这两起暗杀事件都有以色列的痕迹。

At his death in 1968, Robert Kennedy left eleven orphans, not counting John’s two children, whom he had somewhat adopted. John’s son, John F. Kennedy Jr., aka John John, who had turned three the day of his father’s funeral, embodied the Kennedy myth in the heart of all Americans. The route seemed traced for him to become president one day. He died on July 16, 1999, with his pregnant wife and his sister-in-law, when his private plane suddenly and mysteriously nose-dived into the ocean a few seconds after he had announced his landing on the Kennedy property in Massachusetts.

约翰 · 肯尼迪的儿子,小约翰 · 肯尼迪,在他父亲葬礼的那天刚满3岁,他在所有美国人的心中代表了肯尼迪传奇的延续,这条线似乎可能帮助他有朝一日成为总统。

John John had long been portrayed as a superficial, spoiled and harmless young man. But that image was as misleading as young Halmet’s in Shakespeare’s play. John had serious interest in mind, and, at age 39, he was just entering politics. In 1995 he founded George magazine, which seemed harmless until it began to take an interest in political assassinations. In March 1997, George published a 13-page article by the mother of Yigal Amir, the convicted assassin of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The article was supporting the thesis of a conspiracy by the Israeli far-right. So JFK Jr. was eliminated while following in the footsteps of his father, entering politics through the door of journalism and taking an interest in the crimes of the Israeli deep state. Canadian-Israeli journalist Barry Chamish believes John Kennedy Jr. was assassinated precisely for that.[56]

小约翰 · 肯尼迪长期以来一直被描绘成一个肤浅的、被宠坏的、无害的年轻人。
1997年3月,《乔治》发表了一篇13页的文章,作者是杀害以色列总理伊扎克 · 拉宾的杀手伊加勒 · 埃米尔的母亲,这篇文章支持以色列极右势力的阴谋论。
小约翰 · 肯尼迪在追随父亲的脚步,通过新闻业进入政界,对以色列“暗深势力集团”的罪行感兴趣时被清除掉了,加拿大裔以色列记者巴里·查米什认为,小约翰·肯尼迪被暗杀正是为了这个原因。[56]

The nonsensical notion of a mysterious curse on the Kennedy family is an obvious smoke screen. The unsolved murders of JFK and his two legitimate heirs—his younger brother and his only son—require a more rational explanation. The sense that the official stories about their deaths amount to a huge cover-up is obsessing the American psyche, a bit like a repressed family secret affecting the whole personality from a subconscious level.


President John Kennedy and his brother are heroic, almost Christ-like figures, in the heart of a growing community of citizens who have become aware of the disastrous longtime effect of their assassinations. Only when the American public at large come to grips with the truth of their deaths and honor their legacy and sacrifice will America have a chance to be redeemed and be great again.


Laurent Guyénot is the author of From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land … Clash of Civilizations, 2018.

本文作者 Laurent Guyénot 是《从耶和华到锡安:嫉妒的上帝,上帝选民,应许之地,文明的冲突》(2018年)一书的作者。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:tangerl 转载请注明出处

Biff says:
Truman was hinting at the CIA’s role in toppling foreign governments and assassinating elected leaders abroad.
Motive and the means to get it done. I always thought the CIA was suspect, but obviously there are more angles to the story. Good article.

“ 杜鲁门暗示中央情报局在推翻外国政府和暗杀国外民选领导人中扮演的角色。 ”
有动机就有可能是它做的,我一直认为 CIA 是可疑的,但显然有更多的角度来讲述这个故事,好文章。

j2 says:
A very good article. With my limited studies on the JFK murder I came to the same conclusion: Piper was essentially correct, but you fill up the case of Robert Kennedy in a convincing way. Maybe Meyer Lansky could be mentioned, he probably had some role. But the issue was the bomb.


Anonymous [AKA "Al Moenee"] says:
The truth is that Robert Kennedy was much despised by Israel and its Jewish-American lobby of the time, the American Zionist Council (AZC) and was considered a major foe. After many months of back and forth, on Oct 11, 1963 the New York law firm representing the AZC received a formal written demand from Attorney General RFK’s office to immediately (72 hours) proceed to register as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. Forms for said registration accompanied the letter. This would have upended the AZC’s operations and rendered it or any subsequent Israeli lobby (AIPAC) – near powerless.

事实上,罗伯特 · 肯尼迪深受以色列及其当时的犹太裔美国游说团体——美国犹太复国主义理事会 (AZC) 的鄙视,并被视为主要敌人。
经过几个月的反复,1963年10月11日,代表 AZC 的纽约律师事务所收到了来自肯尼迪总检察长办公室的正式书面要求,要求立即 ( 72小时) 根据1938年的《外国代理人登记法》注册为外国代理人,并将登记表格随信附上。
这将颠覆 AZC 的运作,使它或随后的任何以色列游说团体( AIPAC ) 几乎失去权力。

quasi_verbatim says:
We all know that Jack and Bobby were killed by lone nutcases three years apart and there can’t possibly be any connection between them. Stop messing about with the Official Narrative.

我们都知道约翰 · 肯尼迪和罗伯特 · 肯尼迪是三年内分别被孤独的疯子杀死的,他们之间不可能有任何联系,别再搅乱官方的叙述了。

The Alarmist
Maybe the Magic Bullet got Bobby too.
In any case, the involvement of Israel would explain why the complete JFK assassination files will never see the light of day. Even the CIA doesn’t have that kind of clout.

@quasi_verbatim ,也许罗伯特 · 肯尼迪也是死于某种“魔法子弹”。

Plonee says:
To leaders of the tribe deep with dread
Two brothers once seriously said:
“Shut your lobby this fall,
and in Dimona show all”
How serious were they? Dead.


Hiram of Tyre says:
Israel was created by the British oligarchs as a bridgehead in the Middle East. Furthering Israel was/is furthering the interests of those oligarchs (who ran the British Empire which morphed to the Anglo-American Empire). JFK was critical of Israel. If someone killed him, it the Anglo-American deep state. Israel likely pulled the trigger. Let’s remember what the fake father of Modern Zionism who admired Cecil Rhodes, Theodor Herl said:
“England will get ten million agents for her greatness and influence.”

进一步推进以色列正在推进那些寡头的利益 ( 他们掌管着从大英帝国演变成的盎格鲁美利坚帝国 )。
肯尼迪对以色列持批评态度,如果有人杀了他,那就是英美的“暗深势力集团”,以色列很可能只是扣动了扳机。 让我们记住这位崇拜塞西尔罗兹(Cecil Rhodes) 的现代犹太复国主义之父西奥多 赫尔( Theodor Herl )曾说过的话:

Jake says:
Did Israel kill the Kennedys? It is entirely possible. In fact, any conspiracy theory that lixs the murders that does not see the Israelis and American Jews involved is almost certainly a waste of time.
But here is what is essential: if Israel and/or American Jews ‘did it,’ you can bet your every penny and the lives of your children, spouse, and siblings that America’s WASP Deep State was behind it all.

是以色列谋杀了肯尼迪家族吗? 完全有可能。
但最重要的是:如果真是以色列人和 / 或美国犹太人干的,你可以拿你的每一分钱和你的孩子、配偶和兄弟姐妹的生命打赌,美国的“白人新教徒暗深势力集团”( WASP Deep State )是这一切的幕后黑手。

Aardvark says:
I had long thought the shareholders of the Federal Reserve (FR) were behind the assasination. Kennedy had signed the executive order to forbid the FR from charging interest on its fraud money. He had also proposed the issuance of United States Notes backed by silver. This would have denied the FR a lot of future income.
Later events by Johnson surely indicated he was at least a water boy for the FR. Johnson went on to sign the coin act that removed silver from dimes and quarters and reduced the amount of silver in fifty cent coins. He also removed the gold cover requirement for Federal Reserve notes.
At the very least there were two reasons to get rid of Kennedy; stop the Dimona project and remove jeopardy to FR income.

长期以来,我一直认为美联储 ( Federal Reserve) 的股东是暗杀的幕后黑手。
停止迪莫纳项目(以色列核项目)和 消除对美联储收入的危险。

Desert Fox says:
Not only did Israel kill JFK and RFK but they also killed JFKjr. with a bomb on his plane and the Israelis did 911 and by the way the Israeli attack on the USS LIBERTY where 34 dead and 174 were wounded in brutal attack on an American ship and every one of these diabolical act proved over and over again that Israel and the Zionists control America lock stock and gun barrel.
America is an Israeli slavery colony and the America military is a proxy arm of the IDF to fight Israels wars .


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