2019-12-11 回复奖励 35677
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:回复奖励 转载请注明出处

Why is the cost of living significantly lower in China than in the US?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:回复奖励 转载请注明出处

Godfree Roberts, Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)
China’s government is directly responsible for maintaining an affordable cost of living. America’s government is not. Let’s see how Beijing does it:
Own all land in common and so control real estate prices. Result? More Chinese than Americans can afford to own their homes.
The Chinese own all banks and utilities in common so they keep interest rates, electricity and Internet access costs low. American banks and utilities are owned by private corporations whose only interest is enriching their executives and shareholders. They also keep education costs down. University education is almost free (about 5500–8000 RMB per year: 5500RMB for tuition and 1000RMB annual dormitory fee) and, for $20, at this college provides a banquet:
China’s government aims to raise wages three times faster than inflation. America’s government suppresses wages by, for example, making unx membership difficult and keeping the minimum wage below survival levels.
Medical care in China is non-profit, American medical care is privatized and operates solely to make money for drug companies, doctors, hospitals and insurance companies. That’s why Chia’s health life expectancy at birth is higher than America’s.
China’s government provides the best mass transit in the world at very low cost. This cuts everyone’s costs and allow people to travel across the country to do business at low cost. 90% of transportation in America is privately owned automobiles, which cost 6x more per mile. Most high-value assets in China are owned by everyone.
China spends very little on internal security, yet has the safest streets and the emptiest jails in the world. America spends a fortune and has the most dangerous streets and fullest prisons.
Overall, China’s government pays officials very little. The salary of President Xi, for example, is one-tenth the salary of Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore.
As you can see, China’s low cost of living is not an accident. It is the result of honest government, good planning, and strong enforcement of regulations.




Zhun-Yong Ong
Even the Chinese say it themselves. According to this article (Housing costs key constraint to Chinese consumption) in Global Times, a CCP mouthpiece:
The reasons for insufficient consumption are many: income disparities, high education and medical expenses, and expensive housing. Of these, it''s property prices that have severely restricted consumption in China.
High real estate expenses have two aspects - housing prices and rents are both too high. A reasonable home price should be three to six times the median household income. That means a family with an average income can buy a house with three to six years'' annual income. The house price to income ratio in China is above 50 in the first-tier cities and 30 to 40 in the third- and fourth-tier cities.


Godfree Roberts
And 90% of Chinese own their homes (80% mortgage-free) while 62% of Americans own their homes (60% mortgage-free).


Chris Tian
All levels of Chinese government have their mandated project called ‘vegetable baskets’. The whole aim is to continuously monitor and improve daily food supply affordability and variety of ordinary citizens.

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