2019-12-14 翻译加工厂 13642

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-------------译者:龙腾翻译总管--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处

-------------译者:blessinglouis--- 审核者:神刀------------


Els Verwilgen
It was painful to see you guys struggling with the steak tartare. You really have to mix it all up and ad seasoning. Otherwise it really won't be any good.
Why are Americans so hung up on the idea of eating raw beef anyway?


cynthia g
I don't care if the crepe was fit for a king. No way would I wait an hour for a crepe. Much more interesting things to do and see than stand in a tourist trap line.


-------------译者:裤衩妹战斗中--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

We could tell that the tartare you got was not the best because it was made with a meat grinder. With this kind of machine it could be any part of a beef that you have eaten. The best tartare are made with filet of beef which is cut with a knife. That what we call in France a "tartare au couteau"

看的出来,你吃的那块鞑靼牛肉不怎么样,因为是用绞肉机绞的。绞肉机能绞你吃的牛肉的任何部位。最美味的鞑靼牛肉是用刀切的牛肉片。我们法国人叫 "tartare au couteau (刀削鞑靼牛肉)"

Thomas Trégaro
I'm french, happy to see what you think of France, then see comments, where everyone give lesson and make bad image of French people by getting angry about everything and take a professor tone.
I just realise why we have a so bad foreign reputation ...



-------------译者:翀翀麻麻--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

If you are looking for crepes, you are not in the right city, go to Bretagne, that's the place for crepes.


Mathilde Ltn-
Tourists don't like France. They like Paris, Chamonix, Cannes, Nice.. Not France...
The best french dishes you can get are in the countryside... where nothing's about money.


Mike Gehre
Love steak tartare - with all the ingredients mixed in and not on the side. That's why you thought it tasted like only raw ground beef. Next time, try it as it was intended and I think you'll notice the taste difference! If you're traveling, be food adventurous. You'll discover some delights.



-------------译者:龙腾网wwwwwwwww--- 审核者:神刀------------

Graham, King of the Britons!
American and EU farming practices are very different. Its safe to eat raw beef here lol.



-------------译者:龙腾网wwwwwwwww--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Actually you didn't eat crêpes, but galettes de sarrasin (or blé noir), which are made out of buckwheat, salt and water, and are usually stuffed with savory things? Crêpes, made out of milk, sugar, eggs, regular flour and rhum, are more for sweet fillings (confiture, sugar, crème de marrons, anything you like). Don't tell Breton people galettes and crêpes are the same thing, they'll lose their minds.


Lucius Vorenus
The thing is French food as I know is not meant to adapted to street food. French food is unique, special, its magic



-------------译者:龙腾网wwwwwwwww--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Pierre K
The way how you eat the steak tartare is a bit like a murder, you have to mix all the ingredients guys ! Anyway I hope your enjoyed your stay in France


Kevin Schaaps
I like the video, thanks for making it.
Just one thing: could you perhaps eat with your mouth closed?


silong sim
food ok but one thing why they serving never put the glove on so dirty


Michael Nichols
When in Paris, I LOVE steak tartar and pommes frites......wonderful meal


-------------译者:龙腾网wwwwwwwww--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

William Flatley
I really enjoy your work. Well done! However....
You should have done a little more research on Steak Tartare! It is one of the greatest pleasures in life to sit down and enjoy this dish and an ice cold martini. And by the way, Americans eat it all the time.


-------------译者:遐怪--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Jeff brown
i will be going to france in a few years. my father lives there and I use to live there in the 80s. brought back the memories


Dan Munro
I am in Paris right now, I found the crepe stall in the market. Amazing. I plan on going back to the market for dinner later on.

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