2019-12-16 Rainslw 21545
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Why doesn''t Canada let Quebec secede?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Rainslw 转载请注明出处

Frank Jin
I think once Quebec leaves Canada the whole point of so called "confederation" will end up with a big "F" after 150 years...the rest of Canada will just fall apart and very likely to join USA as territories


Canada does let Quebec secede, IF: there’s a clear desire to separate from the Quebec population. Canada has previously allowed and continues to allow Quebec to conduct referendums. So far, only 2 referendums have been conducted, both with a majority vote (51% or higher) to stay in Canada.

加拿大确实允许魁北克独立,如果魁北克人有明确的愿望,从加拿大脱离的话。 加拿大此前已经允许并将继续允许魁北克省进行公投。 到目前为止,只进行了两次公投,每次都是以多数票(51%或更高)决定留在加拿大。

Elle Wilson
Your question is quite wrong, Quebec can secede if they have a large enough pro-secession vote in a referendum. However, the pro-secession vote has fallen short each time there''s been a referendum which is why the matter has never gone any further. So it is not Canada that is stopping them from seceding at this point, it is the fact that there are not enough people in the province of Quebec who have voted Oui to secession.

你的问题大错特错,如果魁北克在全民公决中,有足够多的支持独立的选票,魁北克就可独立。 然而,每一次公投中,支持分裂国家的投票都失败了,这就是为什么这件事再也没有进一步发展的原因。 因此,现在不是加拿大阻止他们脱离,而是魁北克省没有足够的人投票支持独立。

Ryan Locker
Canada is holding on to Quebec for a few reasons. One is geography. Quebec would separate Ontario from the Atlantic Provinces. Another reason is because Quebec has voted no twice, so it looks like there is a lack of interest. And, also splitting a country only creates two weaker states, and Quebec has enough problems as is.

加拿大留住魁北克有几个原因。 一个是地理。 魁北克将把安大略省与大西洋各省分开。 另一个原因是因为魁北克省两次投了反对票,所以看起来他们缺乏兴趣。 而且,分裂一个国家只会产生两个更弱的国家,魁北克现在的问题已经够多了。
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