2019-12-16 翻译熊 9693
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What is the most impressive accomplishment by a disabled person?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

​Jules Nguyen, High school Student (2019-present)
These are brothers Jody and Cory Mitic of Canada.
Jody was in the military, and a bomb blew off one leg, and shattered the other. Both had to be amputated. He fought for our country in Afghanistan.
Jody has been walking with prosthetics for years, but his lifestyle never really changed. He still adventures with his brother, and now does motivational speeches for veterans and anyone with prosthetics.
But that''s not what I''m talking about.
In 2013, Jody and his brother Cory entered to be contestants on an adventure competition. The Amazing Race Canada.
Now this is no easy game show, this show h as s teams doing crazy physical things, like skydiving, spelunking, walking a tightrope hundreds of feet up, and mental challenges like remembering details from past legs, solving complex math problems, etc. Point is, you have to be strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and have a strong bond with your partner as arguments always occur. After every leg of the race, the last team to check in with the host is eliminated.

Jules Nguyen, 高中学生(2019至今)


Robin Harville, Christian
Gabe Adams, now 19, was born in Brazil with Hanhart syndrome.
One in a million children are born without arms and legs as well as a partially developed tongue and a small underdeveloped jaw.
Many parents desert their children because they do not know how to take care of them.
Gabe’s biological mother was one of these parents.
Gabe was adopted as a baby from a Brazilian orphanage by an American couple, Janelle Adams and her husband, Ron.
Janelle was fifty-seven years old when she heard the heartbreaking story of an abandoned baby boy who had no limbs.
Janelle simply could not get Gabe out of her mind. It was love at first sight.

Robin Harville, 基督徒
Gabe Adams,现年19岁,出生于巴西,患有汉哈特氏综合症。每一百万个孩子中就有一个天生没有胳膊和腿,舌头不发达,下巴发育不全。许多父母遗弃他们的孩子,因为他们不知道如何照顾他们,Gabe的生母就是这样的父母。
Gabe还是婴儿的时候就被一对美国夫妇——Janelle Adams和她的丈夫Ron从巴西的孤儿院收养了。

And so Gabe joined a family with 13 supportive siblings in Utah.
The Adams family was loving, but they cut Gabe little to no slack.
It was their intense desire to enable Gabe to be independent in every way possible.
They saw a brilliant future for Gabe, as did Gabe for himself.
This amazing teen learned to master the art of holding and using a pencil, using a fork or spoon, and turning pages in a book using his shoulder, neck, or chin, as the congenital defect had left him with but a partially developed tongue.
By seventeen years of age, Gabe had taught himself to eat, write, walk up and down stairs independently as well as the incredible feats of dancing, swimming and mastering the diving board.


Gabe won a place in the 29-person dance team as a sophomore at Dixie High School in Kaysville, Utah, in 2016.
The dance routine that Gabe created for himself won him a spot on the high school talent show.
He had been secretly dancing since he was twelve years old. His family and friends were awestruck as they rendered Gabe a standing ovation.
Dance gave Gabe a joy that further increased his independence and gave him an entirely new mode of self expression.


‘I’ve always wanted to be something more than just the kid in the wheelchair,’ he stated.
Gabe attributes his success to his devoted parents who encouraged him, telling him that he could do almost anything that he set his mind to do.
He also mentioned the first time that he jumped off a diving board.
It was a sound that would follow him for the rest of his life.
“It was the sound of gaining my independence.”

Robin Harville
Original Author · Dec 8 · 8 upvotes including Carly Jolan
Yes indeed, Carly.


Carly Jolan
Dec 8 · 4 upvotes including Robin Harville
I have wondered for many years just how different my life would be if I had not had the voice of despair and giving up and telling me success is sinful etc., running through my brain 24/7. It’s very sad, and God chooses not to heal if for whatever reason. It has reflected on every single aspect of my life. It’s not something one just gets over. It has taken years to believe in myself. I still don’t expect much from life. Very sad because very few understand.


Robin Harville
Original Author · Dec 8 · 7 upvotes including Carly Jolan
I don’t know Carly. All I know is that I’ve always had to work my arse totally off to get anything I’ve ever wanted. I would have possibly killed my mother had I not run from home. Even my sorta step brother in Sweden asked me how I even managed school etc without help. I just looked at him and said, It was f***ing hard! But isn’t anything that is worthy extremely difficult? xoxo

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