2019-12-20 超级凉快 23870
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:超级凉快 转载请注明出处

After a few years living in China, most things that amazed/annoyed me during my first months here are now normal events in my life and I don’t think about them too much: kids yelling “hallo”, people staring at me, crowded subways, crazy traffic, Chinese people insisting on speaking English to me even though I reply in Chinese…


But there is one daily activity that still feels tremendously exciting: going to the supermarket.


My Shanghai-based friend Y. hates going to the supermarket so she orders all of her groceries online and has them delivered home. While this is very convenient and I have sometimes done it (mainly when I was working), I prefer going to the supermarket, walking along every aisle, looking at all the products on display. touching everything and comparing prices before finally making my mind up.


C. is not very happy about this. He doesn’t like crowded places and supermarkets are invariably full of people, specially during weekends. So when I go with him, I try to get everything as fast as I can. If I go alone, I will take my time.


There are several supermarkets in our area. Some of them are pretty Chinese but we also have a couple of imported foods supermarkets (expensive, of course!). The closest biggest supermarket is Auchan, called 欧尚 oushang in Chinese. A few weeks ago I went there in the morning, so it wouldn’t be too crowded, and wandered around for a couple of hours, mainly taking pictures with my phone. Because there are a lot of weird and amazing things in Chinese supermarkets.


– Dozens of different flavours for instant noodles


I think I had eaten instant noodles a couple of times before coming to China. Spanish people don’t eat them frequently (I’d say only poor students would try them), but they can be found in supermarkets, although the variety is not great. In China, instant noodles are a must when you are a student and don’t have money to buy better food (or you prefer spending it on other things, like alcohol and cigarrettes). Instant noodles are also widely eaten when you are traveling, specially during train journeys. In this supermarket there is a whole aisle full of different brands and flavours, ranging from spicy beef to seafood.

– Dried everything


Chinese people love munching dried stuff: fish, squid, meat, fruits… Basically anything can be dried and sold in supermarkets!


– Rice in bulk


Chinese people eat a lot of rice, so the bags for sale in supermarkets are huge. If you don’t eat much rice, your only option is to buy imported ones in smaller packages (expensive!) or buy in bulk whatever amount you need. The downside to this is that probably everyone in the supermarket has touched your rice: people love sinking their hands in the containers!


There are many more things I didn’t take pictures of. The crazy flavours of potato chips (lobster, cucumber,Italian beef…), the thousands of different cookies, the glass jars with strange sauces I’ve never tried, the cooking oils made from many different things (in Spain we just use olive and sunflower oil)… I discover new things with every visit to the supermarket!


What about you? Do you like going to buy groceries in person or do you prefer buying everything online? If you have lived in more than one country, do you find supermarkets very different in each place?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:超级凉快 转载请注明出处

I like my food to be dead, I saw momzilla killing shrimps, and even though they were awfully delicious I felt kinda bad and I can’t imagine I would have to do it myself. don’t need a super fresh product ;)


Haha, yes, I feel the same. I never buy anything alive in the supermarket, I wouldn’t be able to kill it myself.Sometimes we have been to restaurants where you choose shrimps, clams and other seafood from water tanks and boil them in a little hot pot in your table… Poor things.


Wow! I don’t know what I was expecting, but I *wasn’t* expecting live toads, or large containers of rice :o I wonder why there are so many different types of sanitary products? Even in Japan there aren’t that manyーbut similar to China, tampons are not popular.I prefer buying groceries in person for the most part, as, like you, I like taking my time (if it’s not crowded). Supermarkets are definitely quite different wherever you go. In Sweden there’s usually a fresh baked bread areaーand the meat section (depending on where you live) often has deer, moose, rabbit, reindeer etc, depending on the season. What are the opening hours like? Are they open late, or even 24hrs?


Here it is very difficult finding good bread! Chinese bakeries suck…For supermarkets I think the opening hours are 10 am to 10 pm. For 24 hours shopping we have Family Mart and a medium size supermarket chain called Vanguard.


I enjoyed this – I lived in China about ten years ago, and seeing your photos brings back memories of the supermarkets in Dalian.


I’ve never been to Dalian! But I guess supermarkets look the same all over the country :D


Chinese supermarkets are some love and hate thing for me. I absolutely hate the meat section and alive animals as well as the terrible smell which is coming from the fruit area where the durians are being kept but I love most of the rest.After seeing these pictures I really feel like going to China again, kind of weird though that I start to feel like visiting a country again after seeing supermarket pics…


Thanks for your comments Fabian! And let’s not talk about the “things which shouldn’t be there”… Either I have an iron stomach or I have been very lucky until now :D


R Zhao
Fabian makes some good points. I also think it depends where you buy imported stuff. I’ve actually had pretty good experiences using taobao.


Oh yes, Philippine dried mangoes are cheaper in taobao than when you buy them in the Philippines… hahaha.However I had a bad experience buying food on taobao recently so I am a little bit reticent. We bought a large bag of dog food and after a few weeks I was shocked to see that there were a lot of worms in the bottom on the bag!!! I took pictures and we sent to the vendor, guess what his reply was, nothing at all, he completely ignored us. Luckily our dog didn’t have any problem, but I don’t know for how many days she was eating those worms as I don’t know if there were all over the bag or just in the second half :(


R Zhao
That is terrible! Poor puppy. Coincidently, I just had my first bad experience buying food on taobao, too (right after I commented, the irony!!). It’s the first time in a year, so I guess that’s not so bad. But it’s important to be careful.


Hello Kitty sanitary pads? :o haha. I’m a huge Hello Kitty fan! haha. I wouldn’t be too surprised if I asked my boyfriend to do the shopping and he bought me that lol… And the rice in bulk! haha. My mom would love that :P We eat rice almost every day lol.

Hello Kitty牌卫生巾?哈哈。我是HelloKitty的超级粉丝。如果我让我的男朋友去购物,他给我买了那个牌子的卫生巾,还有散装大米,我不会太惊讶!哈哈。而且我妈妈会喜欢的,因为我们几乎每天都吃米饭。

You can get a complete Hello Kitty outfit, accesories, home appliances, etc when you come to Asia :D There’s even an egg boiling machine…


R Zhao
I was thinking about this recently. It’s strange what you can find entire aisles of in Chinese supermarkets vs. American ones. In the US,, we have an aisle for cereal and oatmeal. We also have one for soda (soft drinks) which I’ve noticed is now becoming the norm China too. When I first came to China there was a rather limited variety of soda and juices but now you can find all sorts of crazy flavors.


Oh yes, in Spain we also have a greater sextion of cereals, but Chinese people don’t eat them that much. They don’t drink so much milk either. (And Chinese produced milk sold in China is double the price of Spanish produced milk sold in Spain!).


R Zhao
When I first came to China, there wasn’t much of a sextion of milk or yogurt, but they keep growing in popularity. It’s nothing compared to my home state in the US (known as “The Dairy State”). We have an incredible sextion of milks, cheeses, yogurts, and butter, etc. I miss that stuff a lot, though it’s probably better that I don’t eat it that much anymore.


Hey Marta, do you know whether Chinese people actually like milk but don’t drink much of it because not much of it is available? I heard that the Chinese are starting to drink milk and consume dairy in general in greater quantities, and this has created an economic boom for dairy-producing countries like New Zealand.Incidentally, I recently learned that not only does milk do nothing for bone health but it actually contributes to bone loss, which is why osteoporosis is more prent in Western countries with high dairy consumption compared to Asian countries where people don’t consume much dairy and are mostly lactose intolerant.


Milk is widely available, from both domestic and foreign brands. However due to the frequent food scandals (the most famous one being the tainted baby formula back in 2008) most people prefer buying imported milk. I have seen and bought imported milk from New Zealand, France, Germany…And I think yes, Chinese people are drinking more milk, specially young people.I have also read that drinking milk is not too good. These past years I started drinking soy milk, and recently I tried almond milk (not bad!).


Hmnn, there are some small vanguards, but just next to where I live there is a big one, maybe I like it cos’ it’s close hahaxd Metro is great, unfortunately quite far away :)


I LOVE Chinese supermarkets because of their variety! Like you said there is so many sextions for feminine sanitary products, and there is huge sextion for noodles, chips, dried stuff. Since studying abroad in Shanghai, I feel so limited in the US with only 4-5 brands of any given thing. I’m looking forward to more supermarket adventures when I go back to China in a few weeks!Talking about variety, isn’t it fascinating how the 7-11 stores or even McDonald’s ice cream sextion is far better in China than it is in the US or other western places?


We don’t really have those convenience stores in Spain so I can’t compare, haha. You’re coming back? To stay or for holidays? ;)


I’m coming back to Teach English in Jinan.. As well as make my obligatory visit back to Shanghai to visit some Chinese friends. I’m excited!


i would like to sell food products from russia. where should i do it?


I don’t really know the procedures as I have never done it, but I guess the easiest would be to open an online shop in Taobao.

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