2019-12-20 超级凉快 18732
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:超级凉快 转载请注明出处



Chinese people love word games and giving meaning to numbers according to their pronunciation. Everybody knows number 4 is bad luck in China because it sounds the same as “death” (四 sì vs 死 sǐ), and 8 is good luck because it sounds similar to “getting rich” (八 bā vs 发 fā, 发 is the first character in 发财 fācái, which means getting rich). But there are many more numbers with a meaning. On January 4th, 2013, many Chinese couples tied the knot because 2013.1.4 (dates are written year, month and day in China) sounds similar to “love you for a lifetime” (爱你一生一世).


November 11 used to be an informal festivity for single people in China because it has many ones in it (11.11). I was first aware of its existence when I saw an advert on a Beijing bus tv. It seems the stick-shaped cookie Pocky was the sponsor of the festivity because their cookie sticks also look like “ones”, so the advert was more or less: “Eat Pocky on Singles Day!”.


But does anyone care? No, sir! Everybody loves online shopping! And what about me? Well, I think this year I won’t participate in Double 11. I don’t really need anything.





Video arcades stopped being popular in Western countries around the end of the 90s, I think. I remember them as dark places where the bad kids went to play games and maybe smoke cigarettes at the tender age of 14. In China, arcade salons are still present in many malls and are an entertainment option for the whole family. There are games suitable for children, for example using water guns or throwing balls at the monsters on the screen; music games like playing drums or being a DJ; driving games with cars or motorcycles; dancing games… You just need to change a small amount of money into special coins and you can start playing your favourite games.


Some games don''t look too suitable for children but they play anyway...


On Thursday we went to have dinner to the most popular mall in Suzhou. It is always crowded and in fact we had to wait one hour for our table. What to do during that hour? Luckily there was an arcade salon in the mall!


I love taking pictures inside arcade salons. There are many weird machines, full of bright colours and neon lights. After taking a look around, I found my favourite game: the drums machine. I am glad I was never interested in becoming a drummer because I am awful at it, but I enjoy banging at the drums once in a while. It is a good exercise for my arms!


In this arcade salon there were also a lot of crane machines where you could get plush toys. C. wanted a dog with a big head but he could only get this bear


Next time I would like to try the dancing games, but only if there is no one looking.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:超级凉快 转载请注明出处

We needed to buy a couple of things and hopefully they come before the 11th! I don’t want to get caught up in the madness, but have several friends who have been happily considering their purchases for weeks!


Haha, well after they buy their things, ask them how long it took to arrive. I wonder how many billions of yuan will be sold this year…


R Zhao
I can’t believe alibaba registered a trademark for what is essentially just a number! That’s ridiculous.I haven’t bought stuff on 11/11 before but I might check it out this year. I think you are on to something about consumers not really getting a good deal. Obviously these sellers need to make money so prices can’t go too low. I find it’s the same situation on Black Friday in the US. If you are super patient (like camp out in line for days) you can score an amazing deal, but for the average shopper, the prices really aren’t good enough to warrant going out in the middle of the night in winter!


Oh yes. I remember online comments saying things like “Why should we help them?”.Last year, when there was a big fuss between China and Philippines for some small islands (well, still ongoing but there were some months when it was on Chinese news all the time) we travelled to the Philippines. Our Chinese friends were like: “Don’t go there! It’s dangerous! They hate Chinese people!”. When we arrived to Phils and asked some people about the confrontations between the two countries, they were like: “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about”. There were almost no news about the “issue” in Phils and almost nobody gave a crap, when in China taxi drivers were talking of going to war…


Mabel Kwong
We don’t have any special sales days on 11.11 in Australia, unless you count the Christmas sales in the stores that are happening at this time of the year. Oh yes, it’s very common for sellers in Malaysia too to “mark-up” the prices a couple of weeks before the sales starts – so when the sales come around you still pay full price. Sneaky.I suppose for some Chinese having new things is auspicious in some sense. I never get sales. If I need something, then I’ll buy it. If not, there are better things to do than shopping :)


I think sales are useful if you have been thinking to buy something a little more expensive than you’re used to, and can wait to get a discount. But buying just for the sake of buying, because it is discounted… nope! I don’t get it either. I’m sure people end up with a lot of things that won’t be ever used.


Wow! Pocky have their 11.11 claws in China, too! They call it Pocky Day here in Japan, for the same reason you mentionedーthe sticks look like ones. It’s kind of weird though, since I have strong associations with it being WWI Remembrance Day to honor the dead soldiers. YJ even suggested we get married on that day (easy to remember…) but it doesn’t feel like a positive day at all for me!Double 11 sounds crazy, but not so surprising. I guess it’s similar to Black Friday in the US, and maybe New Year’s sales in Sweden… I wouldn’t go either. I don’t like crowds at the best of timesーeven less when there’s big sales! :o


The thing with 11/11 is that it started only as online promotions, but now physical shops are doing it too!Pocky are huge in China, and they have a lot of weird flavours!


Ohh, that’s interesting! Spreading into real life…Wait, weird and Pocky flavors? I’m so curiousーfor example? :D


Well in fact I think any flavour that is not chocolate is disgusting :D But the weirdest for me are red wine and green tea!


The arcades in Japan must be amazing!! I haven’t really seen anyone here looking at other people’s playing but, you know, as a foreigner, they might be more interested in my crappy dancing hahaha


There are many game centers like that in Japan! Of course in Tokyo they have some pretty sweet games, whereas in the countryside the game sextion can be limited. There is usually some form of pachinko/slot but it’s also non-gambling because casinos are technically illegal in Japan (the big pachinko parlors get away with it by having players exchange coins for cards, then cards for cash at an outdoor stall).The big thing recently is this game where you use your hands to touch flying firework-type-things on the screen and the more you play the faster it gets. I know people who have special gloves to make their touch more accurate in this game.


I didn’t know casinos are also illegal in Japan!Game centers in Japan must be amazing, but also full of “professional” people playing (in the sense that they are very good), so I would be shy to play in front of them, I am very bad in basically all the games…


Yes! But you can still make money on pachinko and slots somehow ^^When I went in the middle of the afternoons to the game centers it was mostly full of school-age kids who were better than me at every game, but I still played because it only matters if you’re having fun!


I love Chinese arcades! The drum machines are always good for a date :)It’s true paying coins for video games in public has gone out of fashion in the west, but rest assured Chinese arcades are but pale cousins compared to the ones in Japan.


Nobody would look if you dance poorly. People will only stop and watch when the dancer is doing well :D


Uhm, Chinese people love pointing out other people’s defects… so maybe they would stop to look and tell me I suck :D


As a child I lovved arcades but now I really don’t get into it anymore :) (perhaps I am getting old and boring)


Haha you can try going and remembering your youth ;)


Arcades are really popular in Taiwan as well but I don’t really play any of the games. Every time I pass one, I think about the time I spent 3-4 hours trying to get from the first song to the second song in ‘Guitar Hero’ at a friend’s house. It was the easiest song and everyone finished it in only 3 to 4 tries, expect me.You should totally try the dance one – I bet you will be rocking the place and gathering a large audience. :)


I love going to these arcades ^^ it’s so fun, I really like the fish game, where you can win more coins to play with, have you tried it? :D


No, I haven’t tried those! Do they have real fish? :O


I guarantee you will play better without 10 layers of clothes ..lol


Haha the clothes are not the problem, my inabilit to coordinate my movements is :D


Chinese arcades look fun. I need to make tony take me to one the next time I visit. XD We do go to a arcade in Texas called Dave and Busters. It’s aimed more for adults. :p I won him a giant hello kitty prize.

中国的街机厅看起来很有趣。我下次来的时候得让托尼带我去看看。我们去了德克萨斯州一家叫Dave and Busters的街机厅。它主要针对的是成年人。我赢了一个巨大的hello kitty玩具。

Yes, you should go the next time you come to China! But don’t expect anything fancy, the games here are quite old fashioned!


That’s fine! :P I’m up for any type of arcade games. As long as it keeps me entertained. I hope you get to try the dancing games soon. :) I always find myself embarrassed playing those because I have no idea what I’m doing.

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