2019-12-21 八分青年 59710
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:八分青年 转载请注明出处

IS China the most technologically advanced nation among developing countries?


原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:八分青年 转载请注明出处

Spencer Wynn,photographer Educator Visual Jounranlist
I come from Toronto, Canada. Arguably a pretty technologically advanced location…
I have visited China many times, especially rural China.
I have always been amazed that even in the middle of the Taklamakan Desert, I can get a cell phone signal, while just 40km outside of Toronto I can run into areas of cellphone disruption.
China is so much more advanced that we give it credit!


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Fira Tong,former Digital ,Marketing at Richemont
My Answer is defenitly YES!!!
Nowsdays, China is experiencing the technological explosion, with the larger scales. Besides, the technological outcomes are much faster than the speed of economical growth. China’s technological outcomes rank at second in worldwide range, reaching to America, who are at the peak of technological development.
According to the statistics, the first top countries in PTC International Patent Ranking are: America, EU, Japan, China and Korea.
Chinese companies are raising their awareness of importance of international patent. In 2016, our PTC patent increase by 40%, compared with 2015. This is the result our enhanced awareness of international patent application.
Chinese typically advanced technologies are not just the famous high-speed train and aerospace outcomes, but also include the segmented industries, such as the video surveillance.
Security industry is the industry that deploys the AI into the products. In the new industrial era, new technologies are leading the world to experience the revolution. Big data, facial recognition, and other advanced technologies are integrating into all the industries, especially the security field. Hikvision, Dahua and Uniview are the representation of Chinese security companies. With the market growth over 20% to 30% per year, they announce Chinese voice to the world, competing with the European and American companies. Uniview stepped into the international market just 3 years ago, while, just in three years, Uniview developed their business covering over 130 countries and regions. These are the strengths and technical power from Chinese advanced technical companies.


Desmond Last,i have developed a reform of the United Nations
For its citizens who breathe in a toxic cocktail of 4000 Chemicals everyday China is in the Stone Age when it comes to Environmental Technology.
What is the point of technology if it cannot be used to improve our lives?
What is the point of China improving the living standards of its rich elite if its work force are going to clog the hospitals with respiratory illnesses, and children will be born with handicaps caused by toxic poisoning.
What is the point of wealth producing technology if Climate Change destroys it with floods?
If we use Environmental Technology against Economic Growth as measure of a Countries rank in the Technology table then China would be at the bottom.
Yes, China has improved the living standards of many of its citizens. But 30 per cent still live below the poverty line on less than $1.90 a day.
China has also used its trade agreements to copy Intellectual Property so it is not all China’s technology that has enabled it do so well.
China has achieved much of that there is no doubt. But it now needs to become a Global Participant in Peace and Climate Change Technology.
It must also ensure its developing economic model does not create a super-moneyed elite who speak not for the people but themselves.


Soh Tiong Hum,works at TerraSeeds Market Technician
Surprise! China IS the most technologically advanced nation IN THE WORLD in at least one technology - press forging.
A press forge is a monster machine used to shape metal. It is critical in industries like aviation and power. For example: critical parts of an airplane are pressed from single pieces of metal. Several small pieces welded together simply cannot handle the physical stress of flying.
Not many countries have these monster machines.
USA has 4 units of 50,000-ton press forges.
France has a single 65,000-ton press forge.
Russia has 2 units of 75,000-ton press forges.
China has 3 units of 80,000-ton press forges and blueprints of a 160,000-ton press forge that is ready for construction.
This is a strategic competency that countries can only dream of. How important is it?
Tools such as these are very important! Even the landing gear of the Airbus A380 that is supposedly built by France is pressed in Russia. This creates a very big dependency between nations to get along in order to run their businesses.


Vikas Rai,Self Employed
100% Yes.
China leads developing nations in areas like:
Microprocessors (along with S.Korea)
High Speed rail
Futuristic public transportation
Frequency of Mobile Payment systems
Missile Technology (Dongfeng 2)
Manufacturing high end devices
There are also some other areas where China excels. I have visited China several times — I was especially impressed with cities like Shenzhen.
Don''''t believe the bullshit American media — they will publish anything against anyone for a price.


Graham Salzer, studied at University of South Carolina
I think innovation per-capita within China might be a little more than most other comparably developed places and it probably is the most innovative among developing countries.
This is partly due to the size of the country, which increases the number of businesses doing innovative things. There are certain areas of technology China seems to be ahead in: mobile payments for example has caught on more in China than other places.
Many of the technology companies within China thrive because the foreign competitors have been blocked out due to the Great Firewall. I am not sure if Baidu, WeChat, Huawei, etc would have been as successful had they been competing on a level playing field with Google and Facebook.
Or, one could argue that the country would have been more even more innovative if foreign tech firms were not blocked. There certainly would be more competition.


Allen Allington,former Career Counselor and 50 years of world traveling.
China''''s emergence as a competitor in smartphones, telecom equipment, solar power and other technologies has increased the range of products available to consumers and helped to drive down prices. But it rattles Washington and other governments that worry Chinese competition is a threat to their industries and employment.
Such concerns underscore a standoff between the U.S. and China over Huawei Technologies, the world''''s biggest maker of telecom infrastructure for new high-speed 5G networks. Washington has been pushing hard to exclude the Chinese company from building the backbone of the future internet.


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