2019-12-25 水滴的思绪 30175
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Why is most everything made/assembled in China?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:水滴的思绪 转载请注明出处

Aishwariya Ramachandran, Production, Test Design Engineer at Sigma Connectivity (2017-present)
I have been traveling a lot to China for the production of IoT products. This falls on the Engineering triangle. China can produce Quality, Fast, Cheap.


I feel all the answers about cheaper labor is missing the point of the question. Since the majority of the third world countries have cheaper labor. From most of Africa, South America, India, and so on... Cheap labor has already been pointed out. Here are a few more:


Mostly because it has a billion people, about the same as the rest of the developed world combined, but isn''t yet developed enough to be heavy in service industries.


Chinese have been very lucky to get on the industrialization train before cheap automation made that path to development obsolete.


China has invested a lot in infrastructure. Factories have reliable power, good highway and rail system to port, and large modern ports.


If you pick Quality and Time:


China has the capacity for quality items too, the bulk of electronics like Lenovo, Apple products come from China. They are generally high quality and available immediately. But those products are not always "Cheap." Let me ask you this? Do Apple products have this reputation?


China only makes whatever quality someone is willing to pay for. iPhones are made in China but you don''t see people complaining about the build quality on them.


Lastly, when you see a product with "made in China" sticker, it''s not all made in China. China usually is the assembly point for most products, the parts come from a wider range of places.


Daniel Saad, China Manufacturing experience as a factory GM. www.mentorsclub.net
Originally Answered: why everything is made in China?


You ask why everything is made in China, but you should change that question to, “Why are a lot of items made in China” ? Not everything is made in China. I am going to guess that you are younger than 40 so don’t really have a lot of experience in the progression of the manufacturing industry over time.


I only go back to the 1950’s so I will start there but the movement of manufacturing goes way back in history. Back in the 1950’s and early 1960’s Japan was the country most well known for being the place to get all your cheap “crap” manufactured. Cheap toys, cheap plastic merchandise. They progressed to manufacturing better quality and value added merchandise until the labor costs priced them out of the cheap goods manufacturing segment. They moved their cheap goods manufacturing to other low labor cost areas like South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to name just a few. Those countries followed the same trend as Japan and progressed from making cheap goods to manufacturing higher quality value added merchandise. This took place in the 70’s and 80’s. By around 1990 the labor cost in these countries got too expensive and factories began to move to China. And the trend continues. China started out manufacturing cheap goods and has progressed to more technical value added products. Now, as labor costs are increasing in China you will begin to see more factories making cheap goods moving out of China to other low labor cost countries.


Andrew Simms, studied at The University of British Columbia
There are many reasons why firms choose to produce in China
- Massive 1.3 Billion people market to sell "Chinese made" goods to
- Extensive network of infrastructure, ports, roads, airports,rail, huge factories
- Cheap labour cost with better productivity than some other developing countries
- An undervalued currency makes it cheaper for foreign firms to invest/hire
- Economies of scale and the network effect of operating in a global manufacturing hub


Jeremy Andrews, researched geopolitics as a hobby for years.
Everyone has tackled the obvious economic explanations, but I would argue that the real reason is actually political. There are plenty of semi-stable countries in the world with low wages, so the real question is out of all of them, why did China get the blessing to become the world’s factory?


Richard Nixon normalized relations with China in 1972, and this resulted in China opening up to the world (and vice-versa). He primarily intended to drive a wedge between the Soviet unx and China by making overtures to China, and while this policy worked well at first, it established some precedents that later proved harmful. Unlike later presidents and most of the Washington establishment, however, he correctly saw China as a potential threat and likely wouldn’t have given so much ground.

1972年,理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)与中国实现关系正常化,这使得中国向世界开放(反之亦然)。他最初的意图是通过向中国示好来离间苏联和中国,虽然这一政策一开始很奏效,但它开始了一些后来被证明是有害的先例。然而,与后来的几任总统和大多数华盛顿当权派不同,他正确地将中国视为一个潜在XX,而且可能不会做出如此大的让步。

Under Jimmy Carter in 1979, the US agreed to withdraw diplomatic relations with Taiwan and establish full diplomatic relations with the PRC. This was largely a continuation of Nixon’s earlier strategy and was, again, primarily targeted at undermining Soviet interests. However, in the process of all this, Deng Xiaoping made a very favorable impression on the American people, most importantly top business executives and politicians. Several agreements were made involving cooperation on military and scientific matters, some of which were obxted to by the Secretaries of Defense and State. Carter trusted the Chinese a bit more than he should have, arguably, but Deng was just too charismatic.

1979年,在吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)的领导下,美国同意撤销与台湾的外交关系,与中华人民共和国建立全面外交关系。这在很大程度上是尼克松早期战略的延续,也是为了破坏苏联的利益。然而,在这一过程中,当时的中国给美国人民留下了非常好的印象,最重要的是给商界高层和政界人士留下了非常好的印象。几项协议涉及军事和科学方面的合作,其中一些遭到了国防部长和国务卿的反对。可以说,卡特对中国的信任超过了他应该有的程度。

Without that event, China’s rise as the world’s factory seems a lot less inevitable. Without the US manufacturers moving to China, and without such easy access to the American market, supply chains simply never would have been arranged the way they were. Outsourcing might still happen of course, but it’s likely that a different nation or nations would have become the world’s factory. Globalization may have been inevitable, but China becoming the world’s factory was far from inevitable.

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