2019-12-25 翻译熊 13083
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Jiwan Chettri
Answered Jan 30Nobody is your friend, not even the guys you eat lunch with every dayNobody is indispensable. Anybody can be laid off any day.Never waste time listening to management podcasts, attending town-halls or post work self-funded drink parties as they dont have any impact on your salary, promotion or job security.Try to attend as many technical trainings as you can which are paid for by your employer.Never send emails late night or over the weekends thinking that people will get impressed. There are already people in your team who have seen it and done it all and only fools work overtime.Become awesome at the work you do. Focus on learning the latest skills applicable to your field. That will save your life when you are laid off or want to change employer.Dont waste time on feedbacks or year end assessments and dont take them seriously. No matter how hard you work or the value you add, you will always be made to feel below average.Fight hard to get a raise by constantly raising your compensation issue with senior managers in private meetings. No company wants to pay more and one needs to snatch his share of goodies.Never share your family or any other problem/weakness with anybody at work.Make a genuine effort to help others who need some help from you specific to your knowledge or skill. The cycle of Karma will enable you to get the same help when you need the same.Never use capital case or offensive words in any written communication that can be used as an evidence of your unprofessional behavior and be used against you.

3. 不要浪费时间看管理层的朋友圈、去市政厅或参加工作后的自费酒会,因为它们对你的薪水、晋升或工作保障没有任何影响。
4. 尽量多参加技术培训,培训费用由雇主支付;

5. 不要在深夜或周末发送电子邮件,认为别人会对你印象深刻。你的团队中已经有人知道并完成了这一切,只有傻瓜才会加班;
6. 在工作中变得出色,专注于学习适用于你的领域的最新技能。这将在你被解雇或想换工作时挽救你的生命。
7. 不要把时间浪费在反馈或年终评估上,不要把它们当回事。无论你多么努力工作或你所增加的价值,你总是会感到低于平均水平;

8. 通过在私人会议上不断向高级经理提出你的薪酬问题,努力争取加薪。没有哪家公司愿意支付更高的价格,也没有哪家公司愿意分享自己的好处;
9. 永远不要和同事分享你的家庭或其他问题/弱点;
10. 真诚地帮助那些需要你帮助的人,具体到你的知识或技能。当你需要同样的帮助时,因果的循环将使你得到同样的帮助;
11. 千万不要在任何书面交流中使用大写字母或冒犯性的词语,因为它们可能会被用作你不专业行为的证据,并被用来反对你。

Jan Meww, former Consultant in social and natural sciences at Various, Consultant (2005-2017)Don’t trust the person who says: “honestly speaking”.Beware the person who asks you too many questions.If you’re too nice, people will vent their pent-up frustrations on you.If you’re too harsh, you will not last anywhere for long.Keep the human relations balance like perfume usage, just enough is enough (that is, neither too much nor too little).Meetings are useless and are mere ego-boosters. Don’t speak in meetings.“If you don’t react, you won’t overreact” —Harvey MackayMost of the people whom you financially helped or contributed to their success will eventually resent you because most modern-day people can’t handle gratitude.More people sffer from dormant abnormal personalities than you can imagine:Avoid the alcoholics as much as possible because when there’s no alcohol, they’ll take it out on you.Best to earn less and work for yourself, than to earn more but be surrounded by morons.Nobody will admit to being wrong even if they are. Debates are pointless.The style of the leader will be the corporate culture. If the leader is an ass, get out ASAP.Trust but verify.HR is useless. The fact that it is called Human RESOURCES means you are an expendable resource and the HR is there to cover them in case you sue them, not to make work enjoyable, fair, and sustainable for you—as is defined as HR’s primary goal in textbooks.

Shubhankar Sharma, former Software Professional
upxed Nov 8Only Learning will pay you off and please don’t adjust yourself at lower wages if you have the skill set.Never get involved in office politics until unless people are letting you live peacefully.After the appraisal, a minimum of 20% of your colleagues will resign.Never make any argument with your team lead (doesn''t matter how open-minded they are).Keep your spirit and self respect up, never let anyone to harm your image. (No matter if that person is super senior or junior) They sexted you because you were better than others.Keep your confidence high otherwise, people will eat your job. Always Open your hands to take new responsibilities.Never waste your weekend or holidays for office work. Company is not gonna take care of your family. You will regret later when the time will start taking your loved ones back, every product of nature has expiry date. This is harsh truth.Never make a relationship in the office, a single mistake will destroy your personal and professional life.Never say no to challenging opportunities and put you 100% if you get any.Stay away from bitchy and annoying people, you are not there for a talk show. (Just mind your own business)Emotional and professional are opposite words in corporate culture. Don’t share your motional stories with your colleagues, surely one day, they are gonna make fun of your emotions.If you are not learning anything since a while, please change your job right now otherwise the company will fire you and build some new skill sets too.13. Try to connect with straightforward and introvert type experienced colleague, they give you the best advice.
14. Talk to your loved ones(Parents, best friends) daily so that you could release your mental stress.
15- Never use your office PC for personal purpose, people have their own ways to stop you and you might end up with mental stress and frustration.
16. परम्परा( follow Tradition), प्रतिष्ठा(Respect your seniors), अनुशासन(Be disciplined), these three mantra will help you a lot.( Please read again and again).
17. One request from my side, Please play TT, carom or badminton whatever you love to play regularly but please never play with your juniors. They are human too and once upon a time you were at same position.
Best of luck and thank me later. Upvotes are overrated, I need written responses.
Thanks for such warm response.

1. 只有学习才能给你带来回报,如果你有技能,请不要在低工资的时候换工作。
2. 除非人们自愿放过你,否则不要参与办公室政治;
3. 评估结束后,至少20%的同事会辞职;
4. 永远不要和你的团队领导争论(不管他们多么开明);

5. 保持你的精神和自尊,不要让任何人伤害你的形象。(不管那个人是上司还是同事)他们选择你是因为你比别人优秀;
6. 保持自信,否则别人会夺走你的工作,永远张开你的双手去承担新的责任;
7. 不要把周末或假期浪费在办公室工作上,公司不会照顾你的家人。当时间开始把你所爱的人带走的时候,你会后悔的。这是残酷的事实;
8. 千万不要在办公室谈恋爱,一个小小的错误就会毁掉你的个人生活和职业生涯;

Shubhankar Sharma
Original Author · May 17 · 6 upvotes


Venkatrangan Gokul
May 27 · 30 upvotes including Shubhankar Sharma
A lesson I learnt the hard way:
Don''t take shit, ever. Give it right back. Your self respect is important to save you from stressing out, losing confidence and getting into depression.


Himanshu Nailwal
May 17 · 60 upvotes including Shubhankar Sharma
Shake with your right hand, but hold a rock in the left.


Aakash Dhoundiyal, Business & Integration Architect at Accenture India (2017-present)
upxed Sep 17
1. Lesson 1: The more efficient you are at your work, the more you will be burdened with it. Try not to show over efficiency. It seriously brings no good. Especially if you are in IT! :)
2. Lesson 2: Absolutely nobody really cares about your individual progress in the corporate world. All that matters is what you contribute to the company as a whole in the end.
"Profits do, promotions/appreciations lo."
(Give them profits and take promotions/appreciations)
3. Lesson 3: One fine day in your career, there will definitely come a time when you will take up that job just for the money/ financial luring and nothing else.
"Kyunki private company mai package at least experience ke multiply by 2–2.5 hona chahiye boss!!"
(Because, in private organizations, your package should be at least experience multiplied by 2.5 lakhs.)
4. Lesson 4: Desk Job kills creativity. Ask the people who are doing it. They themselves hate it, seriously!
5. Lesson 5: Very often in your career at the corporate, you will be held accountable for tasks that weren’t even your responsibility in the first place. Else you would be held accountable for why you did''t deep dived into the process on your own.
"Aise progress kroge kya yarr tum? Khud Initiatives lo, accountability aur responsibilities sambhalna seekho yarr!"
(What would you do with such progress ? Take initiatives and learn the art of accountability and responsibilities.)
6. Lesson 6: You will be dealing with a dozen tasks other than what you were initially hired for. Your scope of work will only keep increasing day by day eventually. And your manager/supervisor would be having a perfect answer for this.
(When will you grow ? )
7. Lesson 7: And like always, you would be constantly made to believe that you need the company more than it needs you, and bullshits like that, it is not always true. I admit you need the company during your initial years of employment, but it''s a vice-versa afterwards.
"Experienced resources ko koi nai chodta boss! "
(No one let go of experienced resources.)
There is a saying, when one crab tries coming out of a mud-pit, all the other crabs pull it down. In the companies, there would be lurings- such as promotions, hikes etc. They won''t leave you till they see that you still have it in you. :)
8. Lesson 8: Generally, the client or team meetings are a complete waste of time. This is always true. Nothing and i mean nothing good has ever come out of them, really. Most people aren’t listening most of the times, and the ones who are talking are just far away from reality.
9. Lesson 9: If you’re sluggish, you’ll be ridiculed by your boss. If you’re proactive, you’ll be hated by your colleagues. Been there, done that!
10. Lesson 10: Your general and basic needs as an employee would go completely ignored, most of the times. You won’t be getting what you exactly deserve until you raise your voice and put your foot down at last.
11. Lesson 11: You will be made (sometimes forced) to work with an uninspiring set of people and it will be the most difficult task ever. Your team-mates would neither be of any help, nor would they make it possible for you to take everything in your own hands, and it will kill your passion eventually.
12. Lesson 12: People around you will constantly pull you down with their cynicism solely because they hate your guts. They will always hate you. Someone else''s progress never made the other person happy.
13. Lesson 13: Nobody is ever going to appreciate you when you would be contributing in extra hours every single day, but the one time you leave a little early, hell''s gonna break out lose for sure.
14. Lesson 14: Whichever/Whatever new initiatives you are volunteering for, becomes your sole responsibility at the end. Volunteer at your own risk, it sometimes lands you into big troubles.
15. Lesson 15: The HR Department is useless as shit, wherever you go. They don''t do a shit work and proclaim as they are the ones who are running the entire organization.
16. Lesson 16: Office politics is definitely not a myth. It just happens everywhere. No one from the corporate culture has missed that and cannot deny the same.
17. Lesson 17: But meritocracy is. There will be times when undeserving people will get credit for the work you do, simply because they are higher up on the corporate ladder. Your supervisor/manager will, most of the times would be taking the credit for the good work that has been done. Meritocracy was and will always be a sheer myth in corporate culture.
18. Lesson 18: Half of your time will be spent in sending out unnecessary useless mails that will never even be read to countless people who want to feel important before you can actually start working. And more often than not, you will end up doing everything yourself.

9. 如果你行动迟缓,你的老板会嘲笑你的,如果你积极主动,你的同事会讨厌你。事到临头再去做好它!
10. 作为一名员工,你的一般/基本需求在大多数情况下会被完全忽视。你不会得到你真正应得的,除非你提高你的嗓门,并最终坚定你的立场;
11. 你将被迫与一群乏味的人一起工作,这将是有史以来最困难的任务;
12. 你周围的人会不断地用他们的冷嘲热讽来打击你,仅仅因为他们恨你的胆量。他们会一直恨你,别人的进步从来不会让其他人快乐;
13. 如果你每天都加班,没人会欣赏你,但如果你提早离开,他肯定会输。

14. 无论你志愿参与的是什么新项目,最终都将成为你唯一的责任。冒着自己的风险做志愿者,有时会给你带来大麻烦。
15. 不管你去哪儿,人力资源部都是狗屁。他们不干任何苦力活,也不宣称自己是管理整个组织的人。
16. 办公室政治绝对不是神话,到处都是这样。企业文化中没有人错过这一点,也不能否认这一点。
17. 任人唯贤,有时候,不值得得到表扬的人会因为你的工作而得到赞扬,仅仅因为他们在公司的阶梯上处于更高的位置。你的主管/经理,大多数时候会把已经完成的工作归功于自己。在企业文化中,任人唯贤过去是、将来也永远是一个纯粹的神话。

18. 你一半的时间将花在发送不必要的无用邮件上,这些邮件甚至永远不会被读给无数想在你真正开始工作之前感到自己很重要的人。通常情况下,你会自己做所有的事情。
19. 员工保留政策只是为了愚弄你,你只是得到了一次暂时的远足,然后你又一次被迫停留在那个环境中。
20. 我的公司是最值得为之工作的——对于那些从来没有进过这家公司的人而言。(新生们,我不是在说你们)
很赞 3